BlitzPlus Programming

forums.BlitzPlus.BlitzPlus Programming

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BlitzPlus source now available on Github! (sticky)marksibly57xlsior (2016)
Triplanar Texturing or Mapping Possible? (locked)RustyKristi1RustyKristi (2016)
Blitz+ for Linux?Mimi5RustyKristi (2016)
How to use dlls?Naughtical7Kryzon (2016)
Delete Only One Type?Caton3H&K (2016)
How Can I Create ADoorman3Kryzon (2016)
How to set focus on a control/gadget?laughing_man4laughing_man (2016)
Game of LifeHeliotrope15Blitzplotter (2016)
math problemChrisbris9Chrisbris (2016)
2d platformer probChrisbris2Dan (2016)
Using files for fonts in BlitzPlus/Blitz3DNaughtical7_PJ_ (2016)
Overwrite lines_PJ_3_PJ_ (2016)
Blitz+ without soundrickavzstx4xlsior (2016)
Can't remember how to do Types within typesokee7okee (2016)
Incorrect optimisig compilation strategy_PJ_2Floyd (2015)
Force Desktop Refresh_PJ_11_PJ_ (2015)
Font used in gadgets?WolRon8_PJ_ (2015)
Verlet Integration Please Help!Naughtical2Dan (2015)
Panno WebcamArem6fpereira (2015)
read file problemloonix9Midimaster (2015)
3 dimensional arrayloonix3loonix (2015)
jumping in one directionloonix1loonix (2015)
png mask help!Caton8xlsior (2015)
How do I write a makefile for blitzplus?indietom2Yasha (2015)
BlitzPlus Webcam! Code included.Andy UK16Darkseid2.0 (2015)
Hello everyone! I have a question.ChrisM282ChrisM28 (2015)
Football kickThunder Blitz6RemiD (2015)
Search Stringdna5dna (2015)
"CreateLabel" with colors ?goux5_PJ_ (2015)
Round a number to n decimalgoux7_PJ_ (2015)
DebugLog manual entry_PJ_1_PJ_ (2015)
Getting Canvas to Display 3D Wrapper Routines?videz3videz (2015)
Irrlicht 1.8.1 for BlitzAquaLung121videz (2015)
BlitzPlus update 147 now available!marksibly15Zethrax (2015)
Listboxes and Eventsem225BenjaminBlitz (2015)
Use of list and combo.alvarez pedro2Matty (2014)
Can functions not return strings?indietom3indietom (2014)
How do I use the same key twice in the same game?indietom4Floyd (2014)
Image Repositioning WIthin a sub area of a Canvas_PJ_1_PJ_ (2014)
How to take inputnyybaseball5Midimaster (2014)
GUI Sub Menu with variable items_PJ_1_PJ_ (2014)
How to clear the screennyybaseball2Matty (2014)
Web Browsernyybaseball2Leon Drake (2014)
Writing Text?nyybaseball3Hotshot2005 (2014)
Lerping function not workingindietom4Yasha (2014)
Generate Deck Of Cardnyybaseball2Matty (2014)
Inputnyybaseball3Matty (2014)
RemovedCaton13Hotshot2005 (2014)
Flip command not workingnyybaseball2Floyd (2014)
Menu Freezingnyybaseball2Leon Drake (2014)
Some help with a fan game in blitz.Caton7Caton (2014)
Enemy Shooting Timenyybaseball1nyybaseball (2014)
Variable Value Not Changingnyybaseball4Matty (2014)
Variable not working rightnyybaseball2H&K (2014)
Menunyybaseball4xlsior (2014)
Text game advice needed... line breaks.DRH8Gauge (2014)
open file locationTimjo5Matty (2014)
File Errordna3_PJ_ (2014)
How to maake a function return an intindietom3Zethrax (2014)
BlitzPlus or FreeBasic?angros471angros47 (2014)
Shoot More Than OnceLeftyGuitar5LeftyGuitar (2014)
Clear Keyboard BufferLeftyGuitar4LeftyGuitar (2014)
Cookie Clicker in BlitzGizmo_22345Chapman7 (2014)
Dynamic Variable References?eighsse4eighsse (2014)
TeraBIT's GUI sample code has a bug.Glenn Carver2Glenn Carver (2014)
Updater for BlitzPlus Programsmodmcdl1modmcdl (2014)
Pendulum problemKrissCross3Floyd (2014)
Bank size greater than capacity!Taron1Taron (2014)
RSA encrypted networkHeliotrope1Heliotrope (2014)
Why's ALT pausing my app in windowed mode?sswift36T-C (2014)
Help me understand thisfallegon1fallegon (2014)
buttons are not workingHeliotrope2thehawk2323 (2014)
help with lagfallegon9fallegon (2014)
joyhat issuesbloos_magoos1bloos_magoos (2014)
RPG GAME - Movement not working as expected.Imperium3Imperium (2014)
Help With Dealing and Sorting VariblesRyanenu4_PJ_ (2013)
real time image rotationbloos_magoos2xlsior (2013)
Vignette Effectbloos_magoos3bloos_magoos (2013)
2d game enginesbloos_magoos1bloos_magoos (2013)
Minimizing with created imagesfallegon4Kryzon (2013)
HTML View FreezingBergmann3Bergmann (2013)
How do you get bullets to shoot?ok4ok (2013)
Moving data between typesbloos_magoos8Yasha (2013)
Is BlitzPlus even still being worked on?JoeDude3613GaryV (2013)
cant find commandpotter3Midimaster (2013)
Transperancy for n00bsbloos_magoos2Yasha (2013)
Player sliding over/under objectscodermax3bloos_magoos (2013)
Currency valuesbluemoon8bluemoon (2013)
animation and "Type" code.gerald2GfK (2013)
Can't find BlitzPlus full versionJohn Blackledge5John Blackledge (2013)
Collision check with double For - Eachhavok24havok2 (2013)
Auto Updater?JoeDude363JoeDude36 (2013)
BlitzPlus for free!!!Xaron14GaryV (2013)
WritePixelFast for out-of-screen coordinates?A224Kryzon (2013)
Tabbers and ComboBox_PJ_2_PJ_ (2013)
GOTO - Love it or hate it?Imperium28Wings (2013)
sigh, more tile based collision detection, sorry!IanUK8Kryzon (2013)
Text Not displayingdna2Addi (2013)
Pathfinding_PJ_2Matty (2013)
get images from internetmeemoe_uk3meemoe_uk (2013)
Help with functions.indietom7Friek555 (2013)
GetSpecialFolderLocation - no lib requiredJoshK8_PJ_ (2013)
tile collisionDI7indietom (2013)
Multidimensional array within type?sean9164misth (2013)
Can I use THREADS in BLITZPLUS ?dman2Yasha (2013)
Multiplayer gameDI2misth (2013)
Music VisualizationNuclearWinter2xlsior (2013)
UnzipEliteKen2Addi (2013)
Not displaying text string correctlydna4dna (2013)
Tile collision not workingDI1DI (2013)
Password FieldEliteKen3Addi (2013)
will BlitzPlus updated to directX 11 someday ??x_to5GaryV (2012)
Update My Game.EliteKen2Zethrax (2012)
helpLinus4indietom (2012)
Windows 8 problems?JoshK4VIP3R (2012)
Malware found!!!!!rolstra6Dabhand (2012)
How do i make multiple arrays?Nitsua_Revaew10Andy_A (2012)
Game crashes, need helpNitsua_Revaew2indietom (2012)
printing to screenloonix10Dabhand (2012)
populate array helploonix1loonix (2012)
How do I..Top Line in a TextArea when scrolling?Richard Betson3Yue (2012)
health system not working.DI6Matty (2012)
CrashingDI19indietom (2012)
Menu IconHelios3Yasha (2012)
Finding Default Browser with BlitzTimjo1Timjo (2012)
User LibYue2Yasha (2012)
Pacemaker missing userlibGW1GW (2012)
Blitz from a PenDrive?ThePict4ThePict (2012)
Barcode fontsMatty2Matty (2012)
Using CallDLL functionDrFate2Kryzon (2012)
webhosts for 25 to 500 mb files.gerald3RifRaf (2012)
Hidegadget()TAS2TAS (2012)
Text file: New lineTomas Khan4Midimaster (2012)
SetGfxDriver problems on program closeSauer42GaryV (2012)
slow muddy performancegerald8Timjo (2012)
WM_COPYDATA message with WaitEvent()Seldon2Matty (2011)
Is there B+ to Max Converter?Mainsworthy4skidracer (2011)
Using the MicMoore2Stamm (2011)
Bluetoothschilcote3Stamm (2011)
Day ProjectGladclef - Ben B4Stamm (2011)
Passing arrays to functionsmikek3147Stamm (2011)
Emulation is here Long-Live BlitzPlusMainsworthy4Stamm (2011)
Open a folder on desktopTimjo6Timjo (2011)
Fliping an image (or buffer) on a given axis?JRalha2JRalha (2011)
Where can I download the FreeImage.dll wrapper ?kragoth747JRalha (2011)
Array fields with non-constant entry countsschilcote7Timjo (2011)
Finding the height of the desktop tool barjulianbury14TAS (2011)
Running application from web browser, code?gerald2Yasha (2011)
Alternative CollisionEn9295En929 (2011)
How do I Cancel a button?En9294Yeshu777 (2011)
My frames are not acting rightEn9295En929 (2011)
Juicy Fonts -- text appearing too far to the leftTomas Khan6zx9rflipper (2011)
Using Delete Each within a functionTomas Khan6Adam Novagen (2011)
Set focus on a TextField?mikek3143mikek314 (2011)
screen flicker with graphics cls/flip/clsgerald7H&K (2011)
Timed pop-up targets; Code to do them?gerald4gerald (2011)
I did some small games.Yukio3gerald (2011)
Can anyone help me with my scroll code?bashc2bashc (2011)
GalGen Trader Source Codeschilcote2GaryV (2011)
Transparent ImagesInvincibleWall12mv333 (2011)
AlphaDrawing functionsInvincibleWall10Andres (2011)
Blitz+ code vs. BlitzBasic code?Danni6Danni (2011)
How do I test if connected to the Internernet?Sipko14Zethrax (2011)
How can I get access to the animated sprites?DrFate3DrFate (2011)
HtmlViewREDi17vivaigiochi (2011)
data structure tree and recursive algorithmsvivaigiochi1vivaigiochi (2011)
Future of Blitzplusfreedo8freedo (2011)
Sound bug workaround?DrMartin5TAS (2011)
Making A .bat In A Blitz ProgramLuke1114Wings (2011)
Green to red color sweepschilcote4Warpy (2011)
Converting vector to angleschilcote3schilcote (2011)
Black and white dll?K9K (2011)
False Positive IssuesVIP3R8caitsith2 (2010)
Communication between GScript and main programschilcote2schilcote (2010)
Child Processesschilcote3Stamm (2010)
UpdatesInvincibleWall6Stamm (2010)
Buffer overflows and really big numbersschilcote8Stamm (2010)
network between XP and Windows 7Dan608Stamm (2010)
Help Change GammaYue1Yue (2010)
Getting an application to run from a website.gerald12xlsior (2010)
Relative... mouse... stuff...schilcote5MCP (2010)
PC to MAC conversion?Slomas8xlsior (2010)
Indexing array problemschilcote1schilcote (2010)
Transparency IssueSauer6Sauer (2010)
sound cardsHeliotrope5Sauer (2010)
a curious buffer errorjulianbury5julianbury (2010)
textfield text centeringjulianbury3julianbury (2010)
VOX applicationMoore4Moore (2010)
EntityBlendBLaBZ1BLaBZ (2010)
How to set the Status Bar Fontjulianbury1julianbury (2010)
2D collision, needs criticizing =DInvincibleWall5InvincibleWall (2010)
A picture resizing problemjulianbury14Stamm (2010)
Different var sizes?Stamm4Stamm (2010)
Dealing cards - possible bug?Martin W4Stamm (2010)
OrbeEn9295Stamm (2010)
Using CreateProcessschilcote6schilcote (2010)
Searching for a quicker rect commandVignoli5CS_TBL (2010)
Hide Gadget on loadmattm59124Stamm (2010)
AZERTY keyboard & scancodes issueMatty6Matty (2010)
Of saving, passwords, and Nintendo...Tomas Khan23Stamm (2010)
Using MP3 / Ogg codec (DLL)Timjo6Stamm (2010)
Need a bit of help for my gameStamm2Stamm (2010)
painting photosHeliotrope7Stamm (2010)
Random MovementEn9295Stamm (2010)
Platformer Collisions broken, cant fix *headbash*SilentAssaSIN4SilentAssaSIN (2010)
recordingHeliotrope2Matty (2010)
file execushionHeliotrope12Heliotrope (2010)
Creating a copywrite character in window headerSlomas5ford escort (2010)
Change .exe iconSlomas3Slomas (2010)
Creating a shadow under a piece being movedMartin W3Andy_A (2010)
reading the color under the pointerjulianbury6Martin W (2010)
Moving a pieceMartin W3Martin W (2010)
Stopping the background from scrollingEn9296En929 (2010)
big problem with vertex position (locked)Santiworld1Santiworld (2010)
Get weekday?BachFire12Andres (2010)
Protean users - my Protean menus have gone!Shifty Geezer1Shifty Geezer (2010)
how to get application names? (and processes ?)Andres2Andres (2010)
AcceptTCPStream code examplePineapple4Wings (2010)
Help get debug privilage from windows vista.Wings4Wings (2010)
I need some help with thisEn92914En929 (2010)
Title PageEn9292Sauer (2009)
ReflectionsEn9293En929 (2009)
creating dllsGladclef - Ben B4Gladclef - Ben B (2009)
blitzmovie 1.3 betarickavzstx1rickavzstx (2009)
Different effects from two sides of an objectEn9293En929 (2009)
Serial Port I/O Helpxhacks4xhacks (2009)
What api decls would you use to...D4NM4N3Sauer (2009)
a daughter window problemjulianbury3julianbury (2009)
regisrylib for useKev4Andres (2009)
Going to and away from an ArrayEn9293En929 (2009)
Perfect Spinner GadgetJoshK9schilcote (2009)
Changing System VolumeYeshu7778schilcote (2009)
Genetic algorithm helpschilcote5schilcote (2009)
How to lock a text field?julianbury3julianbury (2009)
how to change a letter in a stringjulianbury7julianbury (2009)
Can you write a 'type' to file?Dan6011Sauer (2009)
Invalid Blitz2D Buffer handlejulianbury2julianbury (2009)
Hotkeys for menu itemsZakk6GaryV (2009)
Why in the world?Pineapple3Pineapple (2009)
conditionals in a scripting language?neos3002neos300 (2009)
File date - Get?JRalha3em22 (2009)
NextFile?neos3005blackgecko (2009)
HTTP helpZakk7Zakk (2009)
OpenMovie - Volume QuestionYeshu7771Yeshu777 (2009)
Here is a Shorter Version of my Question BelowEn9291En929 (2009)
struct of an image created by CreateImage()x_to4x_to (2009)
Writing Data FilesKyler3Floyd (2009)
Unicode Signature Addition To BlitzLuke1112em22 (2009)
Directory LoopLuke1114em22 (2009)
Advanced File CopyingLuke1119em22 (2009)
Making Items scroll with backgroundEn9294Yeshu777 (2009)
"Notify" command question : X on red circle?BlitzProg3BlitzProg (2009)
Need help with MMOAAneos3009GfK (2009)
Cardwar - Issue under Win7Grisu11Mahan (2009)
CollLib 2.0 releasedMahan10Mahan (2009)
Having trouble making a door to another placeEn9295Yeshu777 (2009)
Having Problems with the ImageCollision CommandEn9294Luke111 (2009)
ImageLock Word EncryptionLuke1115Luke111 (2009)
Variables in a scripting language?neos3008Yasha (2009)
Deleting an ORBE that's pushed into the DOOREn92910neos300 (2009)
Un-documented CommandsTimjo13Timjo (2009)
Another questionEn9294Yeshu777 (2009)
question on typesCloseToPerfect4CloseToPerfect (2009)
Game Animatory v0.05Gladclef - Ben B2Gladclef - Ben B (2009)
Need Help, Memory, GAH!Gladclef - Ben B8Gladclef - Ben B (2009)
Slow DownsEn9292Mahan (2009)
Playing wav file from any pointTimjo5Timjo (2009)
Grab keypresses regardless of gadget selectedem221em22 (2009)
Returning a type objectschilcote5schilcote (2009)
Multiple Return ValuesSauer9Sauer (2009)
ccDB released (threaded DB access)Mahan3Mahan (2009)
CreateProcess problemschilcote3em22 (2009)
Drawing Wave File waveforms/peaksTimjo2Mahan (2009)
Trapping windows key and ctrl alt deleteBen M6Beaker (2009)
Creating a folderNike9Sauer (2009)
input troubleyomaeister6blackgecko (2009)
Installeryomaeister3Sauer (2009)
Access 4GB of memory from BlitzPlus in Vista 64Kcarlino5schilcote (2009)
Screen capturejulianbury8SpaceTime (2009)
Photo Frame Programxhacks5schilcote (2009)
Two questions in one thread!schilcote3schilcote (2009)
Lots of questionsneos3006schilcote (2009)
Requestfont / formating a Textareaozzi7892ozzi789 (2009)
Passing Image Between ProgramsArem6Arem (2009)
Why isn't this crypto function working?neos3003neos300 (2009)
How to change a Window Iconem224em22 (2009)
Invalid Blitz2D Buffer HandlePineapple3Pineapple (2009)
XNA PortEricC7EricC (2009)
Nested for... each statmentsschilcote6schilcote (2009)
ntg3d! for blitz plus. written in b+Nate the Great18BlitzSupport (2009)
Registry adding tool (code)em222em22 (2009)
How to input data without halting executionschilcote7Matty (2009)
Color Buttons are possiblemanu4CloseToPerfect (2009)
Getting frequencyschilcote2Ginger Tea (2009)
Can someone help with a math problem?CloseToPerfect7CloseToPerfect (2009)
Need help with game engineschilcote15Sauer (2009)
Pesio tunes (api_beep)schilcote2CloseToPerfect (2009)
2D DirectX9 in Blitz (via userlibs)Dabhand29Dabhand (2009)
Blitz+ programmer wants to learn JavaGladclef - Ben B5Nike (2009)
Blitz Virtual MachinePineapple9Compt-Man (2009)
Varible Need Help VERY FASTJohannes2014Johannes201 (2009)
Bitwise and/orSauer2Sauer (2009)
A memory leak with my typesAsmon2Asmon (2009)
A 'standard' FPS?Sauer11Sauer (2009)
How to index a dictionary fileschilcote6Pineapple (2009)
IRC stripperschilcote1schilcote (2009)
TCPStream with SSLmattm5913Wings (2009)
Of kings, knights, and musicals...Tomas Khan12Tomas Khan (2009)
JoyX/Y and JoyHat - ensuring it works for all?David Boudreau12Pongo (2009)
AlwaysOnTop and StatusBarsSauer5Sauer (2009)
Image file formats (full version)Tomas Khan8Gabriel (2009)
Window starts maximized (Vista only)bytecode775Doiron (2009)
Can it hurt if it isn't maximized?Tomas Khan13Tomas Khan (2009)
The mysterious "sliding half-castle"Tomas Khan2Tomas Khan (2009)
LoadAnimImage Failing in .exe (works in IDE)epiblitikos5epiblitikos (2009)
Of names, GetKey, Chr$, Left$, and ASCIITomas Khan5Tomas Khan (2009)
a textbox that only accepts numbersCloseToPerfect10Baley (2009)
AlphaNate the Great5Sauer (2009)
Gui crashschilcote3blackgecko (2008)
BlitzPlus and VistaArmor Nick6Sauer (2008)
Flashing in taskbar?Regular K4Gladclef - Ben B (2008)
I am working into a Intel 8080 and Zilog Z80 simulYukio1Yukio (2008)
WinAPI help- InvalidateRect crash- translucentDavid Boudreau1David Boudreau (2008)
Of targets, interface, and rotations...Tomas Khan26Ross C (2008)
WaitTimer doesn't workStebroad2BlitzSupport (2008)
Transparent canvas (on transparent window)?David Boudreau5David Boudreau (2008)
Invisible Button RequestTAS2David Boudreau (2008)
Easy Gadget SpacingTAS1TAS (2008)
copying a bit of the screenjulianbury2GaryV (2008)
Freeing gadgetsOso7David Boudreau (2008)
Getting MSDos ErrorLeveljp223schilcote (2008)
AbandonedPipes31Dabhand (2008)
Question about slidersCloseToPerfect4blackgecko (2008)
Execute Perl codemattm5911mattm591 (2008)
Decimal pointsschilcote5schilcote (2008)
Fast pixelwriting Userlib?JulianM7Beaker (2008)
Userlibs + ExecutablesPineapple6andy_mc (2008)
How do I render an ellipsoid?Kalisme3andy_mc (2008)
LoadPNG(tu) ENAY5andy_mc (2008)
PRN (printer, not porn)schilcote4LineOf7s (2008)
Blitz to Xbox questionKnight #512plash (2008)
Missing blitzplus functionSlomas3skidracer (2008)
Arcade Looking FontsDan609Ginger Tea (2008)
DLL Filesschilcote4Abrexxes (2008)
Application crashing on sleepAlternativeRealities1AlternativeRealities (2008)
Identifying if a tcp stream has been droppedsnowneko1snowneko (2008)
CreateProcess () Hide console window ?danielos3danielos (2008)
Make Simple IDE for C++Whats My Face3Snarkbait (2008)
Delay? WaitTimer? WaitEvent? Delta timing?Tomas Khan11Tomas Khan (2008)
BlitzUnit - A BlitzPlus/Blitz3D unit testerPhil Newton2Phil Newton (2008)
ArraysPodge3Podge (2008)
Locate command not working in v1.45UUICEO9Sauer (2008)
Collisions between 2 of the same typeKyler13Kyler (2008)
SetGadgetIconStripPineapple1Pineapple (2008)
Object does not exist?Pineapple2Pineapple (2008)
BlitzPlay Pro should become open sourceLogBomb11cyrille (2008)
Better Collision TechniqueKyler7Sauer (2008)
Using Blitz with perl scriptingmattm5911mattm591 (2008)
Pointers in BlitzPlus?Pineapple1Pineapple (2008)
FreeTreeViewNode not working?Pineapple1Pineapple (2008)
Text in a windowBrianBru4Sauer (2008)
WaitEvent without delaying the game loopPineapple3Pineapple (2008)
I still don't get it...Kyler11Sauer (2008)
Failing to WritePixelFast to CanvasBufferPineapple5Pineapple (2008)
Vista Aero Compatibility, Issues and InformationKcarlino3Ked (2008)
3D Golf GamePineapple20Pineapple (2008)
Telnet ClientRifRaf4Wings (2008)
Width/height of a bufferTimjo4Timjo (2008)
Reading Registry Keyspexe3pexe (2008)
Clearing variables from memoryPineapple6Pineapple (2008)
Multi-ListboxWilliam Drescher8manu (2008)
Draw animimage to desktopbufferSonari Eclipsi Onimari2Phil Newton (2008)
Entering a list of names by copy/pasteMarkh9993.rIKmAN. (2008)
Something interesting happening hereOso1Oso (2008)
problem with setgadgetshape()Scythy3SebHoll (2008)
BlitzBasic PlusAndrew Mann24bytecode77 (2008)
Forcing a Mouse ClickUUICEO6Andres (2008)
Detecting Collision between 2 object in 1 typeDuff5Cp (2008)
Collision ProblemShaunVonSuffern2Cp (2008)
Detecting treeview mouse clicksPhil Newton1Phil Newton (2008)
Canvas Error when scrolling off desktopsnowneko3snowneko (2008)
3d projection problemsKalisme2Kalisme (2008)
S'morz... Er, some more... B+ questions. ^_^Adam Novagen4Dabhand (2008)
Electronics constructionPineapple2Adam Novagen (2008)
And so, to wrap things up... ?Adam Novagen4Ked (2008)
Problems with FunctionsShaunVonSuffern8ShaunVonSuffern (2008)
Five variables being unequalSauer4Oso (2008)
Fun with SoundsPineapple3Pineapple (2008)
Of platforms, invisible barriers, and Multi-JumpsTomas Khan14Tomas Khan (2008)
Saving imageOiduts Studios7Senzak (2008)
textbox problemArmor Nick5markcw (2008)
how do you create a exe with images and sounds inoos3markcw (2008)
Dealing with VERY large numbersTimjo13Snarkbait (2008)
Bass.dll Record Buffer Setting?Arem6Abrexxes (2008)
Document example doc sourse code not running -Andrew Mann22Dabhand (2008)
Finding out Drive Read/Write CapabilitieskRUZe1kRUZe (2008)
Check Sound Driver StartedYeshu7773Yeshu777 (2008)
Sending data to another process?Andres3Andres (2008)
Forcing window focussnowneko3snowneko (2008)
addtreeviewnode - icon parameterTimjo2Starwar (2008)
GIF and LZWMoore3Vic 3 Babes (2008)
Copy to clipboardTimjo3Timjo (2008)
skip hidden files\foldersTimjo2Snarkbait (2008)
BlitzPlus produces EXEs that contain a virus (?)4pac2Abrexxes (2008)
F-Userlib.exePipes3Pipes (2008)
Saving a patch of screenjulianbury6Senzak (2008)
Problem with Draw3D and bitmap fontscyberyoyo3Abrexxes (2008)
Hardware InterfacingWilliam Drescher2Abrexxes (2008)
Extract sound out of an AVIStarwar4Starwar (2007)
CopyBank problems (image2mem)Aeronux6Aeronux (2007)
Key CaptureMoore3Senzak (2007)
Mail problemsStarwar6xlsior (2007)
Isometric enginePineapple3Pineapple (2007)
REAL ImageButton control!JoshK15EPS (2007)
Something odd is going onPineapple2Floyd (2007)
Best way to store a .zip within codePineapple8Pineapple (2007)
Need help with aviCap32William Drescher4William Drescher (2007)
SetSelection for TextFiled?Andres5Andres (2007)
Eventid 260 - Where?JRalha3William Drescher (2007)
HTMLView without ScrollbarStarwar2Starwar (2007)
Recording audio direct from sundcardStarwar1Starwar (2007)
Doing 3D in 2DGerry10Ked (2007)
Doubleblitz lib not working here!JRalha6William Drescher (2007)
Scaling WindowsMoore4William Drescher (2007)
Dialog WindowKed1Ked (2007)
savingKyler7Kyler (2007)
OpenGL - Loading models?Aeronux1Aeronux (2007)
Looking for functions to FX some texts...OverDozing15Pongo (2007)
Is there a way to find the fonts names?OverDozing7OverDozing (2007)
Watching the ConnectionsSenzak4Senzak (2007)
New item in the Code Archives.UUICEO6UUICEO (2007)
Pushing data in to a fileUUICEO4Abrexxes (2007)
compare two datesSonari Eclipsi Onimari13Senzak (2007)
TCPStream & Banks.UUICEO2Ked (2007)
Minimize Prg to tray and get the icon of an .exeStarwar4Andres (2007)
httpget losing formatckob3Andres (2007)
Yet another BlitzPlay thread..Aeronux1Aeronux (2007)
SOCKS proxyArem2Arem (2007)
Scroll To End Of TextArea GadgetMatty3Matty (2007)
BlitzMax Community IDEKed3Mark Tiffany (2007)
MaskImage Broken In Vista?VIP3R15VIP3R (2007)
Fast Image Processing Dll?CopperCircle1CopperCircle (2007)
Uploading GameKyler5Terra1 (2007)
PNG Alpha Channel WorkaroundAeronux2Matty (2007)
DirectGL Wrapper?Aeronux3Aeronux (2007)
keyhit???arget brisingr7Ked (2007)
Random Access- SoundMoore14Abrexxes (2007)
Raycaster?D25Ked (2007)
Background Animation SystemYeshu7771Yeshu777 (2007)
Text Based RPGKyler3Andres (2007)
Serial port pin controlAndres1Andres (2007)
Open URLChugs405Dabz (2007)
No server?Ked14Ked (2007)
Several problemsD24Senzak (2007)
Animation won't workD24Matty (2007)
software protectionMimi4Senzak (2007)
Protean To-Do list pluginPhil Newton1Phil Newton (2007)
Annoying variable type errorD25D2 (2007)
Disabling Alt+Tab and Ctrl+Alt+DeleteWilliam Drescher2Beaker (2007)
HotKeyEvent - Double Modifier KeysWilliam Drescher3William Drescher (2007)
Help with arraysD24b32 (2007)
blitzget issues..ckob5b32 (2007)
Reposition a graphics windowjulianbury2Dabz (2007)
Blitz Zip Userlib (Create an manipulate zip files)Phil Newton16Phil Newton (2007)
Music trouble with non-MOD tracker files.D26D2 (2007)
Alternatives to Pre-Rotating SpritesPoliteProgrammer6Réno (2007)
Blitz2D, BlitzPlus revival !Réno3Réno (2007)
Writing and reading data to/from a fileEviltoes3ford escort (2007)
Image Loading ErrorWilliam Drescher13xlsior (2007)
Make a hidden directory???arget brisingr13Dabz (2007)
Anti-aliased FontsSnarty2ford escort (2007)
blitzccNeochrome3Neochrome (2007)
Grid WarsPetron2Petron (2007)
Coming soon! (locked)marksibly119Seldon (2007)
PayPal buttonjulianbury3julianbury (2007)
LAN ChatKyler5Kyler (2007)
dataJerome Squalor25Jerome Squalor (2007)
make an quad point to camera blitz3d (locked)Wings1Wings (2007)
Shell cmds?arget brisingr2b32 (2007)
Messengerarget brisingr2Ked (2007)
Sapi & B+Vignoli2Vignoli (2007)
Close ProgramsPetron7Petron (2007)
Keyboard Button PressPetron5Petron (2007)
Blitz+ Image memory offset?CopperCircle5CopperCircle (2007)
division code help!blade0075blade007 (2007)
Changing the cursorWilliam Drescher4b32 (2007)
network noobEl Neil5El Neil (2007)
Disable keyoardStarwar5Starwar (2007)
Right Click in ListboxSonari Eclipsi Onimari1Sonari Eclipsi Onimari (2007)
Resize images...arget brisingr4Terra1 (2007)
Please Help, LockedPixels driving me mad!CopperCircle3CopperCircle (2007)
RPG Q involving types, damage, etc.Lelldorianx7deps (2007)
in game scriptingLeon Drake2Ked (2007)
Saving a gameEviltoes9CS_TBL (2007)
AutoComplete in a TextFieldJonathan Nguyen1Jonathan Nguyen (2007)
Losing Windows on DualScreenMental Image5Mental Image (2007)
mouse pointer to 'busy'Timjo2William Drescher (2007)
File requester stopping programSonari Eclipsi Onimari4William Drescher (2007)
internet connection statusTimjo16William Drescher (2007)
Running PowerpointMental Image10Petron (2007)
My game is too slow!Kyler9H&K (2007)
BlitzPlus RNG Consistent Across Platforms?Jonathan Nguyen3Jonathan Nguyen (2007)
Shuffle listbox itemsSonari Eclipsi Onimari3Sonari Eclipsi Onimari (2007)
Request Mutiple Files at onceSonari Eclipsi Onimari1Sonari Eclipsi Onimari (2007)
Requestfile$ - Default folderTimjo6William Drescher (2007)
Window Titlebar ButtonsWilliam Drescher3William Drescher (2007)
Recording keyboard typingsStarwar2b32 (2007)
PNGPetron3Timjo (2007)
Login from?arget brisingr6CS_TBL (2007)
create a language?arget brisingr4arget brisingr (2007)
canvas exists ?Timjo2Dabz (2007)
notepad?arget brisingr8Timjo (2007)
tcp griefEl Neil4Xzider (2007)
Return in TextfieldTimjo10CS_TBL (2007)
public smtp?EvilMeowChi22xlsior (2007)
Is this Delta Timing?QuickSilva2Réno (2007)
Screen Saver active?FirstTheIdea14@rtur (2007)
get parent handleTimjo2Timjo (2007)
GadgetTypeplash1plash (2007)
Windows Clipboardrandom3b32 (2007)
Flat style buttonsWilliam Drescher4William Drescher (2007)
Use "giant" numbersVignoli7Oso (2007)
Help with array of typesTimjo5Timjo (2007)
Icons on buttonsWilliam Drescher1William Drescher (2007)
Progress bar algorithmWilliam Drescher2CS_TBL (2007)
capture only 1 picture from webcamVignoli1Vignoli (2007)
Print text fileStarwar1Starwar (2007)
I ROBOT!Moore7Moore (2007)
Re_Dimension Array of TypesMental Image3Mental Image (2007)
New windows style controlsWilliam Drescher2Blueapples (2007)
FreeImage JPGs DPITyler4Tyler (2007)
ReadPixel() QuestionHardrive4Hardrive (2007)
Limiting KeyDownjad4jad (2007)
Canvas StretchingWilliam Drescher1William Drescher (2007)
Finding IPWilliam Drescher3William Drescher (2007)
Sharing and Locking FilesMental Image6GfK (2007)
Future Developments?mattm59112Matty (2007)
correct place for closefileTimjo6CS_TBL (2007)
Mouse PositionMental Image6Mental Image (2007)
Pointers....Moore2b32 (2007)
Reading a file help pleaseWilliam Drescher6William Drescher (2007)
find user namesTimjo4Alaric (2007)
DLL Returning StringMoore1Moore (2007)
system time/dateTimjo3Timjo (2007)
Please testStarwar1Starwar (2007)
Object(Obj.Object) not workingWilliam Drescher5William Drescher (2007)
Mousewheel problemsGrey Alien3Timjo (2007)
Panels in C++?Alaric2Moore (2007)
Submitting News for BB websiteDavid Boudreau1David Boudreau (2007)
OrbitPetron9Réno (2007)
isGadget(gadget)Moore11Moore (2007)
I am having trouble with this againKed3Ked (2007)
BlitzPlus and Command Line outputsoja10Phil Newton (2007)
sin and cossuperjossy13Réno (2007)
JoysticksCancerboy8tjompen (2007)
bulletssuperjossy5b32 (2007)
Rotate Image Blursuperjossy3Réno (2007)
3D-PicturesStarwar9Starwar (2007)
Any news on codersworkshop?Alaric3Alaric (2007)
Remote ConnectionKed9Ked (2007)
.XMLKed6Ked (2007)
ScreensaverStarwar2Blueapples (2007)
What's wrong with this function?Alaric1Alaric (2007)
Skinnable GUI`s...?.rIKmAN.5Alaric (2007)
ReadlinePetron27Alaric (2007)
Trouble Redrawing ControlsAlaric8Alaric (2007)
QueryObject?William Drescher6Alaric (2007)
ID3-TagsStarwar4SebHoll (2007)
WallpaperStarwar12Starwar (2007)
Drawing to windows accuratelyAlaric1Alaric (2007)
running in backgroundEl Neil3Arem (2007)
CopyDirStarwar3Andres (2007)
DLL/ BB Image SharingMoore4b32 (2007)
DataPetron15Petron (2007)
Volume controlAdam Novagen5b32 (2007)
Playtester wantedVic 3 Babes6JazzieB (2007)
Send filesStarwar8Sonari Eclipsi Onimari (2007)
Html_View and Tab key and auto login!Sphinx2Sonari Eclipsi Onimari (2007)
Formatting Text AreasAlaric1Alaric (2007)
A popup menu by clicking on a tray-iconSteve08gman (2007)
Camera DLLStarwar5Andy UK (2007)
Mouse ErrorPetron6Adam Novagen (2007)
Blitzplus PDF...-=Darkheart=-3-=Darkheart=- (2007)
apostrophe problemjulianbury7Andy_A (2007)
Ball bouncing off walljad3sswift (2007)
Clipboard problemAndres1Andres (2007)
Mix array with streammattm5911mattm591 (2007)
Drag and DropStarwar5SebHoll (2007)
Counter for variablesmattm5916mattm591 (2007)
GUI questionSiopses15Andres (2007)
Random SeedsVic 3 Babes13Vic 3 Babes (2007)
blitzplus1.44 hDC for dll??TomG6TomG (2007)
CurrentDay?plash2plash (2007)
DOS in BlitzStarwar3Starwar (2007)
FoldersPetron22Petron (2007)
Canvas filtering ON/OFFmrcoke5b32 (2007)
LPCSTR?Alaric6Alaric (2007)
minimizing widow to tray: api_ShowWindow() bug?Andres1Andres (2007)
Failed To Set Display Mode ErrorCancer4Adam Novagen (2007)
Turn off ComputerPetron10Petron (2007)
MFC possible in VC++ Express?Alaric2Alaric (2007)
String as a commandParcival7DjBigWorm (2007)
iconstrip issuesSenzak5Senzak (2007)
Getting button clicks from other windowsRifRaf2Kev (2007)
api_SendMessage fails, why?Andres3Andres (2007)
obtain htmlview requests?Alaric3Alaric (2007)
File content bugsAdam Novagen8Adam Novagen (2007)
Platform Collisionweebo3weebo (2007)
Top view collisionKyler2Kyler (2007)
Titlebar IconAndres3Andres (2007)
Help PleasePetron9Petron (2006)
VsyncAdam Novagen11Adam Novagen (2006)
Old school (Spectrum Style UDGs)BrianT2H&K (2006)
Changing gadget styles?Alaric3bytecode77 (2006)
ExecFile QAdam Novagen2Zethrax (2006)
Function that returns type's objectAndres1Andres (2006)
Network GamingEl Neil4Wings (2006)
BlitzUI in B+Rook Zimbabwe1Rook Zimbabwe (2006)
Window Buffers...plash7Pineapple (2006)
Poker bug test pleasePineapple1Pineapple (2006)
create eliptical shape with WritePixel?Pineapple4Pineapple (2006)
Gui Sounds?Sauer3Sauer (2006)
Bezier Intersectionsiroker7iroker (2006)
BlitzPlusUpdate144 now available!marksibly8doyou (2006)
Help files for new commandsSenzak6Adam Novagen (2006)
TextFIELD Color Changingplash1plash (2006)
Speech to TextSonari Eclipsi Onimari2Nmuta (2006)
TYPE 2 object collections of same TYPEDan605Adam Novagen (2006)
Check if array data increment by one?Pineapple4Pineapple (2006)
text to speech problemsallos6semar (2006)
Capturing KeyPresses outside of programxmlspy2Alaric (2006)
HELP ME!!!Adam Novagen8Adam Novagen (2006)
ScreenshotsPetron11Petron (2006)
new file compression ideaAlaric10Adam Novagen (2006)
BlitzMediaLinkerPetron4Petron (2006)
Reverse queryobject()?Alaric3Alaric (2006)
Is it possible?superjossy3superjossy (2006)
Memory access violation errorgoodeep12El Neil (2006)
Arrays Inside TypesAlaric4Alaric (2006)
Sound problemDan607Adam Novagen (2006)
Arcade looking fontsDan603LineOf7s (2006)
WorklogsAdam Novagen11Pineapple (2006)
OS Detection?thalamus6b32 (2006)
TrembleRafery6Rafery (2006)
FreeTGA?Tyler5Tyler (2006)
Restore windowAndres4Pineapple (2006)
How to tell if enter is pressed in textfield?sswift11Gabriel (2006)
Blitz MIDI help?liqih2Matty (2006)
The internet needs GPS!Adam Novagen4Adam Novagen (2006)
EyeDee3 Tagsthelizardking10Andres (2006)
API Scroll PosTyler2Tyler (2006)
Help me!!!William Drescher4William Drescher (2006)
transparent windowsPetron6thelizardking (2006)
It is possible to change listbox back color ?Filax2Pineapple (2006)
IP in DirectPlayMoore7Junkprogger (2006)
Tooltipsplash12plash (2006)
GUI FocusMoore5Alaric (2006)
Save files in excel-formatParcival5Phil Newton (2006)
What's the formula for B3D Sphere mapping? (locked)Gabriel1Gabriel (2006)
Win32 ShortcutsMoore2Moore (2006)
Mouse emulating JoystickCancerboy10Cancerboy (2006)
OS IDAdam Novagen5Adam Novagen (2006)
detecting return from alt-tabkeyboard1keyboard (2006)
Case/Event JoystickCancerboy1Cancerboy (2006)
scanning stringsPaul A. B.2Adam Novagen (2006)
Network SimulationMoore2neilo (2006)
AudioAdam Novagen1Adam Novagen (2006)
APP IconsAdam Novagen3Adam Novagen (2006)
getcolor readpixel readpixelfastCancerboy28Yeshu777 (2006)
Function Syntax/Passing VariablesAdam Novagen3Adam Novagen (2006)
Webcam code Avicap32.dll need helpAndy UK2Panno (2006)
Regsvr32.exeArem1Arem (2006)
Textfields and RETURN keyEOF4Sonari Eclipsi Onimari (2006)
User 32Petron11Petron (2006)
CPU Usagethalamus3Rck (2006)
Moving 2d Galaga style aliensgingerprince2CS_TBL (2006)
Clipfolder dosen´t workSpace Fractal1Space Fractal (2006)
GUIde 1.4a now for freeWiebo4Matty (2006)
Antialiasing - what is the best way to achieve?Matty13Matty (2006)
Blitz games on MSN Zonesiread2Sphinx (2006)
@Skid: printed manual?neilo3QuickSilva (2006)
Drawing programChaduke3Chaduke (2006)
Advanced Toolbar?neilo1neilo (2006)
3D OpenGL EngineJoshK139Andres (2006)
ProcessName()?JoshK3Alaric (2006)
directly reading/writing from/to Hard disksAlaric1Alaric (2006)
File transferSonari Eclipsi Onimari2Phil Newton (2006)
TCP File transfer and program execution ?Filax6Sonari Eclipsi Onimari (2006)
BlitzPlus vs Winamp in TCPAndres1Andres (2006)
TCP Connection Over InternetSebHoll7DjBigWorm (2006)
did everyone move towards maxgui or what?CS_TBL3Grey Alien (2006)
Make Mouse ClickArem5Regular K (2006)
Executable ResourcesAlaric2QuickSilva (2006)
Does Blitz support 64bit machines?sswift9sswift (2006)
"Notify" GUI Commandthalamus2thalamus (2006)
Eventloop and code running simultaneously?Sub_Zero3Sub_Zero (2006)
Is there a movie leak like there was in b3d?Matty6Sub_Zero (2006)
PDF libraryMimi3Sub_Zero (2006)
.it files - work in blitzplus not in b3d -correct?Matty2LineOf7s (2006)
Client Co-ordinatesthalamus6Petron (2006)
Error in Particle effectsPetron5H&K (2006)
NetPlaysiread4siread (2006)
Function Execution speedplash6Nicstt (2006)
The XPetron14Kuron (2006)
Angle Question...Pineapple5Pineapple (2006)
Blitz3D in BlitzPlussilentpolygon2Kuron (2006)
Writepixelfast....way to slowMr Brine34Matty (2006)
Array Question?Pineapple4Pineapple (2006)
Hiding filesPetron7Nicstt (2006)
Command line compilingPhil Newton2Phil Newton (2006)
renaming filesjulianbury9Andres (2006)
Uniform trails regardless of speed.Geehawk4Grey Alien (2006)
GUI creator wantedCASO7Andres (2006)
EXE iconsrobot8robot (2006)
Shortcuts on the DesktopCASO10Pineapple (2006)
To Mac? (locked)Liberator1Liberator (2006)
HTMLViewGoxmlspy3xmlspy (2006)
Need to read Type files badly?Zooker3Zooker (2006)
export Canvas as bmpsilentpolygon3silentpolygon (2006)
File associationsCold Harbour3Cold Harbour (2006)
Obtaining information on a user's hardwareAlaric2semar (2006)
sprite circling around fixed pointsuperjossy6superjossy (2006)
For Type Prosrobot8aab (2006)
Uisng BlitzBasic FloatsZooker6CS_TBL (2006)
PNG transparent colourDrDerekDoctors23DrDerekDoctors (2006)
Types for Safetyaab3aab (2006)
Point type to memmory data.Wings5aab (2006)
BlitzBasic versus BlitzPlusZooker3xlsior (2006)
Button mouse over detection, how?Apollonius11WolRon (2006)
Posting on phpxmlspy4Andres (2006)
Control Alt DeleteArem4Arem (2006)
searching dictionaryChevron5CASO (2006)
FreeSound troublewavematt3wavematt (2006)
Sending Email Attachments (userlib?)Pineapple6Pineapple (2006)
MultithreadingArem1Arem (2006)
Interaction between programsCASO14TomToad (2006)
inserting help text into an html windowjulianbury5Arem (2006)
Speading encryptionAlaric6Alaric (2006)
playfield??????????B_Paulie23Grey Alien (2006)
360 shooterB_Paulie6Buggy (2006)
GrabImagerobot3Grey Alien (2006)
Rotating StringBuggy6Buggy (2006)
2 Questions:Buggy7Buggy (2006)
deleting a bulletB_Paulie4WolRon (2006)
Test two local typesrobot13Grey Alien (2006)
Deselect gadget item?Tiger2WolRon (2006)
User lib function not foundMimi2Grey Alien (2006)
Textfield not registering ReturnDrDerekDoctors12Tiger (2006)
Cls VS DrawBlock VS DrawImageWolRon11Buggy (2006)
click menu???????B_Paulie10WolRon (2006)
Making a sidescrollerB_Paulie12Buggy (2006)
Bizarre Keyboard ProblemDrDerekDoctors3DrDerekDoctors (2006)
Sound Arrayssiread5Grey Alien (2006)
Extended TreeViewPhoenix7Phoenix (2006)
ICDBurn functions (Jobtastic)Pineapple3BlitzSupport (2006)
CreateImage Problemthalamus6thalamus (2006)
Mixing BMAX and B+Cold Harbour3aab (2006)
Fade Screen speed challenge!Grey Alien43Grey Alien (2006)
TRIM command trims more than spacesWolRon8Grey Alien (2006)
FreeImage.dll ProblemCASO8ralphy (2006)
Image StitchingTyler3Tyler (2006)
CreateWindow() "hidden" flagJoshK14NetGamer (2006)
SaveImage as JPGralphy3ralphy (2006)
Remore server on remote PC?Sonari Eclipsi Onimari4Xzider (2006)
help with output....Paul A. B.3Paul A. B. (2006)
What is hWndCASO8CASO (2006)
Finding Out The Current Graphics StateSebHoll3SebHoll (2006)
IP Multicaststrickymicky2Sonari Eclipsi Onimari (2005)
simple encryptiongellyware2Sonari Eclipsi Onimari (2005)
Synchronize ClocksArem4Regular K (2005)
Considerations for cross-platform gamesMarkh9994Markh999 (2005)
Maximum number of lines in Blitz Basic?WoeIsMe10WoeIsMe (2005)
HTML view page titleArem2Sonari Eclipsi Onimari (2005)
help with DrawMoviedwarf1dwarf (2005)
Help with display settingsCASO3CASO (2005)
blending colorsChevron4xlsior (2005)
Clearing Arraysthalamus4Beaker (2005)
File Pathsthalamus4Blaine (2005)
Program launcherDrDerekDoctors3DrDerekDoctors (2005)
Webcam in Blitz+ ??Andy UK1Andy UK (2005)
Animated GIF exporting?scoop1scoop (2005)
gadgets on top of a imageckob4CS_TBL (2005)
how many days since...Cold Harbour3Cold Harbour (2005)
Tickable menu optionsDrDerekDoctors3DrDerekDoctors (2005)
OptimizingDrackbolt2QuickSilva (2005)
Stopping the window getting too smallDrDerekDoctors3DrDerekDoctors (2005)
LocateAsh_UK6Ash_UK (2005)
Open GL vs Direct XGrey Alien6Grey Alien (2005)
ho to do scintilla in b+Airilsm2Airilsm (2005)
Error TrappingGrey Alien1Grey Alien (2005)
Curve-value functionWillKoh2sswift (2005)
No multi-dimentional Blitz Arrays!Grey Alien6rdodson41 (2005)
CPU runs to 100%JPD12CS_TBL (2005)
Blitz BassArem1Arem (2005)
Clipboard DLLPineapple3Panno (2005)
How to change dual screen desktop resoulution?Space Fractal1Space Fractal (2005)
Garbage CollectionSpace Fractal5Space Fractal (2005)
Any way to ignore Alt key when using menu gadgetsNetGamer5Grey Alien (2005)
Oggs and MP3s not loopingGrey Alien2Grey Alien (2005)
Chain effectAsh_UK1Ash_UK (2005)
Bitmap Manipulation in BlitzBasic.Jono6Grey Alien (2005)
Problems Sending E-mails in BlitzPlusjd2692WolRon (2005)
Skidmark Scatter Aches (locked)Topknot1Topknot (2005)
Passive/Active FTPSonari Eclipsi Onimari2WolRon (2005)
Getting Blitz+ and C++ to play together...DrDerekDoctors2Sub_Zero (2005)
Circle Algorithmthalamus4aab (2005)
Checking line segment intersectionsupermeerkat3supermeerkat (2005)
Quicker GrabImage?Grey Alien9Ross C (2005)
RotationsJay5Jay (2005)
PNG image size?Regular K3Regular K (2005)
Object and Handle in B+?big10p3big10p (2005)
Functions modifying variables they shouldntMordax_Praetorian8Mordax_Praetorian (2005)
access databaseMaddog1Maddog (2005)
Advanced tilesRegular K3Mordax_Praetorian (2005)
Reduce file sizeMagicalTux3Grisu (2005)
Getting the active gadgetSenzak2Kev (2005)
Best 2D Ghost Physics?Grisu1Grisu (2005)
TCP code works in Blitz3d but fails in BlitzPlus?Darth Testine10Wings (2005)
TCP dyingRegular K6Wings (2005)
mouseX(DesktopBuffer()) fails!Grey Alien5Grey Alien (2005)
Dectect Mouse exiting windowGrey Alien8Grey Alien (2005)
Find the Mask of an imageMordax_Praetorian10Grey Alien (2005)
ResizeImage Bug?VIP3R5Grey Alien (2005)
LPT CommunicationArem8Wayne (2005)
Dsiable the MessageBeep when Alt is pressedJoshK2kfprimm (2005)
Undo / Redothalamus4JoshK (2005)
Need an array of TypesZooker4Zooker (2005)
Won't Print on ScreenZooker9WolRon (2005)
Extract An Icon From Associated EXESebHoll1SebHoll (2005)
Press any KeyGrey Alien11Grey Alien (2005)
LoudnessArem2CS_TBL (2005)
Antialias edges?Grey Alien3Grey Alien (2005)
Hide mouse?Grey Alien3Grey Alien (2005)
Blitz Basic 1.80Zooker4Arem (2005)
SaveImage Problemthalamus2CS_TBL (2005)
Reading sector by sector anyone?Andy UK1Andy UK (2005)
Blitz BasicZooker5Phil Newton (2005)
How to Download via HTTP?Grey Alien3Grey Alien (2005)
WritebitArem4Blaine (2005)
BZip2 compression with blitzMagicalTux1MagicalTux (2005)
How exactly would I make a game file updater?Xzider4MagicalTux (2005)
Capture to AVIsiread2siread (2005)
Please Help!! -- UserlibsSenzak4CS_TBL (2005)
File CRC builder + HTTP patcher added to archivesozak4ozak (2005)
BlitzPrinter UserlibMimi2IPete2 (2005)
my background is FLASHING, how to fix this?matthews_305AJirenius (2005)
Changing notify headerozak4ozak (2005)
Intercepting the IE control's right-clickJoshK5JoshK (2005)
Get the correct filepathJoshK8JoshK (2005)
Plotting Circlesthalamus2Grey Alien (2005)
Exit FunctionZooker4thalamus (2005)
Lost Keyboard Focusthalamus7thalamus (2005)
Is this reporting right?Qube2Grey Alien (2005)
LAN Playkfprimm4Arem (2005)
Function doesn't workZooker9Grey Alien (2005)
Better way to get input?Oldbone3WolRon (2005)
InternetCheckConnection()JoshK6JoshK (2005)
how to work with larger maps?matthews_306Wings (2005)
Disable Tabbing?Blaine2Blaine (2005)
Type & End TypesZooker5Grey Alien (2005)
gzipZster2Zster (2005)
Routine for making a sprite dissolve?hockings6Zster (2005)
TCP unable to connectArem4ozak (2005)
TotalSysMem() and AvailSysMem()turtle17761turtle1776 (2005)
why this fails for an identifier?matthews_302matthews_30 (2005)
create array for bitmappyro8215Ross C (2005)
Returning Objects from Userlibsturtle17764Difference (2005)
internal error and refreshing problemallos7allos (2005)
Detect gadget enter key hit.Arem2Arem (2005)
Get Date Modified?turtle17768turtle1776 (2005)
Anyone got blitzmovie or mdi userlib?ozak1ozak (2005)
How do I remove the menu bar?ozak4ozak (2005)
Is there a way........Paul A. B.4ozak (2005)
ParallaxArem4OzBlitzManic (2005)
can someone tell me why this code feezes!Paul A. B.5Paul A. B. (2005)
Drag and drop from the shell?ozak3ozak (2005)
making a multiplayer gamPaul A. B.2ozak (2005)
Seeking in a movieozak1ozak (2005)
HTMLview and Tabber gadgetNetGamer5rod54 (2005)
Animimage limits?Arem11thalamus (2005)
Getting at an embedded iconOrca7Kevin_ (2005)
Windows programs draw "things" on my screenanawiki7ozak (2005)
hwnd of a B+ menuCold Harbour9Kev (2005)
A new Editor?Zooker5Hotcakes (2005)
issue with canvases on stacked panelsCS_TBL3CS_TBL (2005)
Colour Pickerthalamus3thalamus (2005)
HtmlView and LoginOrca8Craig Watson (2005)
Bouncing physics!!!!Regular K2Regular K (2005)
Masking Iconskfprimm2JoshK (2005)
No-nonsense registry functionsJoshK1JoshK (2005)
releasing gadgetsCS_TBL4CS_TBL (2005)
GetSpecialFolderLocation libJoshK1JoshK (2005)
Email client questionJoshK5JoshK (2005)
Val Func doesn't work?Zooker1Zooker (2005)
MSDN Library - Control Information (sticky)JoshK1JoshK (2005)
Autoscroll Text AreaTyler4JoshK (2005)
Toggle buttonJoshK1JoshK (2005)
BlitzMovie Gone?Space Fractal1Space Fractal (2005)
Help! Mouse control outside of canvas..norki12norki (2005)
BlitzbasicZooker9Nicstt (2005)
Can't Read StringsZooker4Zooker (2005)
Scroller Game SourceKuron1Kuron (2005)
FreeImage (Lib) LoadImageFromHandleALAN-MHz1ALAN-MHz (2005)
Type Selectionthalamus4Grey Alien (2005)
platformer collision detection troubleskyfire16Baystep Productions (2005)
Finding CPU usage?Regular K1Regular K (2005)
Platform GamesBaystep Productions7Baystep Productions (2005)
Mid$ slowALAN-MHz7Grey Alien (2005)
Network port questionRegular K6Regular K (2005)
DirectPlayWhaleyboy4Whaleyboy (2005)
Sending Fileskfprimm2Rck (2005)
TextField - Pressed Enter?Tyler5Tyler (2005)
Operating Systemkfprimm5ShadowTurtle (2005)
Advice on Multiple SoundsGrey Alien6Grey Alien (2005)
BlitzPlus Iconxmlspy4VIP3R (2005)
Global arraysLeon Brown9Leon Brown (2005)
Windows AutomationTyler10Beaker (2005)
Maximum Image Sizesthalamus3thalamus (2005)
Disabling Filter KeysGrey Alien1Grey Alien (2005)
Game slowdownsupermeerkat6skyfire1 (2005)
make shoot-em-up game contestskyfire18skyfire1 (2005)
ImageButton control, without DirectXJoshK4xmlspy (2005)
Changing Window's Title TextSebHoll1SebHoll (2005)
Detecting a Window CloseGrey Alien8Grey Alien (2005)
How to get valid Window Gadget handle?Grey Alien6Grey Alien (2005)
Creating and Passing a C StructGrey Alien2Grey Alien (2005)
Reading a net file and removing all the garbageJoshK2Phil Newton (2005)
Remove a HotKeyEvent?JoshK2Beaker (2005)
Tile Animationthalamus5Kevin_ (2005)
Ball Bouncing Helpdaaan3daaan (2005)
Current UserArem2Phil Newton (2005)
Create Data from a picture to paste into a programNicstt7CS_TBL (2005)
Changing ColoursNicstt7Nicstt (2005)
ImageHeight/ImageWidth Example - does not workjulianbury3Nicstt (2005)
TabletArem3Arem (2005)
Images and BanksNicstt16Bremer (2005)
Maximise EventGrey Alien6Grey Alien (2005)
Major problemJoshK1JoshK (2005)
Button Iconsthalamus2Cold Harbour (2005)
Playing CD Tracks*1* (2005)
Network tipRegular K1Regular K (2005)
BlitzdataMaddog1Maddog (2005)
2D imagesNicstt1Nicstt (2005)
Balloon TipsSebHoll3Nicstt (2005)
Problems with directoryRegular K4Regular K (2005)
Disappearing Checkboxesthalamus6thalamus (2005)
Minimise HelpGrey Alien9Grey Alien (2005)
Wow Winlock.dllGrey Alien1Grey Alien (2005)
Intercepting events?sswift8Grey Alien (2005)
Graphics window fixEikon10Grey Alien (2005)
How to create objects using APIs?Blaine7Blaine (2005)
New code posted - opening screenNicstt4WolRon (2005)
Creating an iconGrey Alien9Nicstt (2005)
Swinging Rope helpNicstt12Nicstt (2005)
Does 'keydown' work in B+ alongside Waitevent()?Matty9WolRon (2005)
ISO samplerdodson413rdodson41 (2005)
Detect end of musicGrey Alien7VIP3R (2005)
Warning about canvasesJoshK6CS_TBL (2005)
Special Toolbar helpGrisu3Grisu (2005)
Does copyimage work with animated images?sswift4Grisu (2005)
Anyone see anything wrong with this code?sswift9LineOf7s (2005)
GadgetEnabled()sswift4Snarkbait (2005)
Resize Image AntialiasingArem6Arem (2005)
freeimage help:)Nicstt6Grey Alien (2005)
Problem with ReadLineNicstt3Nicstt (2005)
WORKING Group Box?Helios19Kevin_ (2005)
Using a CHM help file with your programJoshK1JoshK (2005)
How do I make a combobox accept user input?sswift13Snarty (2005)
Access to the paralle port3DBuzzFan3Mustang (2005)
Suggestions for BlitzPlusJoshK21JoshK (2005)
ComboBox height?JoshK8JoshK (2005)
Need an ImageButtonJoshK17JoshK (2005)
Rectangular TextArem6Arem (2005)
Problems with Loading Terminal fontkRUZe3kRUZe (2005)
"Frontline" questionRegular K3gpete (2005)
Slow first DrawImageGrey Alien7Grey Alien (2005)
Music and Sound at the same time?Kyle5Kyle (2005)
"Viewport" opposite?Grisu10Grey Alien (2005)
How to test for an image fully inside another?NetGamer6sswift (2005)
OMG, what am I doing wrong here?DH2Grisu (2005)
Code Format Legal QuestionTwiNoc5Grey Alien (2005)
Intigrations between programsBerserker [swe]5Berserker [swe] (2005)
TreeListView...problem with label background colorJoshK1JoshK (2005)
List boxes and LB_SETITEMHEIGHTJoshK1JoshK (2005)
WriteLinekfprimm5NetGamer (2005)
CreateWindowEx problemCold Harbour3Cold Harbour (2005)
fetching a TreeView Node's textNetGamer3NetGamer (2005)
Can I flush a file3DBuzzFan4rdodson41 (2005)
BlitzPluz<-->mySQL3DBuzzFan33DBuzzFan (2005)
Str$(Type Variable) - QuestionMimi4NetGamer (2005)
Converting a colour to do a WritePixelFastokee10Grey Alien (2005)
How to have panels with backgrounds and withoutJoshK1JoshK (2005)
UCP &TCPkfprimm6Regular K (2005)
Fast Colour BlendGrey Alien1Grey Alien (2005)
automatically lauch iehub8Andres (2005)
Better Int()?Grey Alien12WolRon (2005)
What is wrong with code?Jonman993WolRon (2005)
Link listJesse7Jesse (2005)
Extremely Large ImagesTyler16Arem (2005)
Fast contour fill algorithm?Ryan Moody7Snarty (2005)
RAM Diagram for beginers.Jono12Zenith (2005)
FreeImage (lib) ImageHeight?Tyler11Tyler (2005)
File encoderRRK10202CS_TBL (2005)
Flushkeys anomalyGrey Alien4Snarty (2005)
DockingArem2Arem (2005)
Freeing Images Within TypesGrey Alien5Grey Alien (2005)
Scrolling performanceMo3Mo (2005)
TIF LoadTyler2Snarkbait (2005)
Window TransparencyArem3Arem (2005)
Fast Alpha Blending - Attn: MrCredorogue3MrCredo (2005)
Repeat writelinemattm5917skidracer (2005)
Drag The BoxApollonius9Apollonius (2005)
Graphics ModeMimi3Mimi (2005)
Basic 2D physicsRegular K8Grey Alien (2005)
need math helpSchragnasher4Schragnasher (2005)
Windows Meta files (.wmf)Mimi1Mimi (2005)
Returning StringsMordax_Praetorian5Grey Alien (2005)
Limiting Text Field inputTyler4sswift (2005)
WM_PAINTsswift12Sarge (2005)
Help sending files between users.mattm5913mattm591 (2005)
Alternative for text command?Regular K2Grey Alien (2005)
help with types neededSchragnasher3Grey Alien (2005)
Fast collision mapping?Regular K7starfox (2005)
GFX Scroll Bar full screen, need exampleApollonius7Kevin_ (2005)
Zip Extractor Libxmlspy2xmlspy (2005)
Memory Part 2. (Memory Storage)Jono7Grey Alien (2005)
See through windows?Arem8Grey Alien (2005)
execfile with maximize?sswift5Bot Builder (2005)
Disabling the windows keysMurilo2Grey Alien (2005)
Memory.Jono14rdodson41 (2005)
openmovie bug? help!Arem6Arem (2005)
Help me optimize this codesiread8Grey Alien (2005)
LoadAnimImage problemInvisibleKid4InvisibleKid (2005)
Array of TypesMordax_Praetorian5Grey Alien (2005)
ImagesCollide problemrogue3Grey Alien (2005)
Get the border size of a windowJoshK3sswift (2005)
So is anyone?...locoHost6Kevin_ (2005)
Gadget ActionsTyler3Tyler (2005)
Refering to variable namesMordax_Praetorian5aab (2005)
Day and night?Regular K6aab (2005)
Create a "notification" wndow with gadgets?sswift3sswift (2005)
Start Menu and Desktop LocationArem7Grey Alien (2005)
Create Mouse Hit EventArem2Eikon (2005)
Little help please.DH5DH (2005)
2d lightmappinggingerprince3Regular K (2005)
Remembering previously used folder.Simon S21Beaker (2005)
Bringing a window to the front?Gabriel1Gabriel (2005)
COM-Port by VertexTAS8WolRon (2005)
MaskImage on an individual framerogue5aab (2005)
Userlib - byte parametersTAS3TAS (2005)
How do I get the system colors?sswift9sswift (2005)
Multi Line Textxmlspy2CS_TBL (2005)
Flash Movies in B+xmlspy4xmlspy (2005)
blitzcc.exe parametersArem3Arem (2005)
textfield and textareaPaulo10Damien Sturdy (2005)
Smaller Time Units the MilliSecs()Grey Alien3Grey Alien (2005)
Pinball Physics... Need HelpKuron5Kuron (2005)
Need some help with Windows bitmaps...sswift13sswift (2005)
Need suggestions for drawing selection quad.sswift13sswift (2005)
Mersenne Twist Random Number GeneratorKanati2Kuron (2005)
Need function to set mouse pointer that WORKS.sswift3sswift (2005)
Binary ShiftingGrey Alien5Grey Alien (2005)
Is there a bug with drawing text to images in B+?sswift13Grey Alien (2005)
Sine Wave ImageGrey Alien1Grey Alien (2005)
How come when I move a slider, my app stops?sswift25sswift (2005)
Has anyone made a trackbar gadget in Blitzplus?sswift2Beaker (2005)
GadgetParent()JoshK11JoshK (2005)
Does this code have a memory leek?Grey Alien5WolRon (2005)
Reliability of the events?Mr. Write Errors Man3Mr. Write Errors Man (2005)
Disable the blue highlighting for tabs?sswift16sswift (2005)
ImagesCollide speedGrey Alien6Grey Alien (2005)
Passing Parameters by Reference?rogue7Grey Alien (2005)
manifest file questionKuron4HappyCat (2005)
MAJOR BUG FOUND!!! (locked)JoshK1JoshK (2005)
We need more mouse commands/events!sswift10sswift (2005)
Small SimulatorLattyware1Lattyware (2005)
WM_PAINT messageJoshK5JoshK (2005)
BP updates to comemorduun31JoshK (2005)
What image formats does Blitzplus support?sswift10sswift (2005)
Phobosxmlspy17{cYan|de} (2005)
Question about locking panel borderssswift2sswift (2005)
How can I open a better file requester?sswift10Lattyware (2005)
VB2B+Kuron1Kuron (2005)
OpenGL tipsJoshK1JoshK (2005)
Undesired OpenGL front buffer clearingJoshK3JoshK (2005)
Better IDE.Jono6Kuron (2005)
Creating Scanlineskoekebakker23koekebakker (2005)
Squidgy WARNINGMr Brine5Regular K (2005)
Outlook style list box - with columnsMattVonFat2Cold Harbour (2005)
SetFont for GUI Commands?-=Darkheart=-5-=Darkheart=- (2005)
Animation strip to GIFkfprimm3aab (2005)
The Date TypeThom2Beaker (2005)
Opening file and getting file handle of programMattVonFat4Beaker (2005)
Problem when starting Blitz Prog from Start Menu-=Darkheart=-6-=Darkheart=- (2005)
Message sent when file opened?MattVonFat1MattVonFat (2005)
Mouse functionsJoshK2{cYan|de} (2005)
Read registry ?Wings2Wings (2005)
Error message helpkfprimm4kfprimm (2005)
My B+ Source Code LibraryRambo_Bill1Rambo_Bill (2005)
Centering a windowTracer6aab (2005)
External DLL callsrogue6rogue (2005)
Sound and suchBerserker [swe]13Berserker [swe] (2005)
DevStudio 1.01JoshK12Big& (2005)
Help with Textkfprimm7kfprimm (2005)
Help with portsmattm5913mattm591 (2005)
Peer-to-peer?JoshK5Kevin_ (2005)
really big image problemsMr Brine3Mr Brine (2005)
Fast Array AdditionKevin_5WolRon (2005)
Renew BBPlus?Jono12Jono (2005)
Taskbar clock iconFirstTheIdea2WolRon (2005)
SetTextAreaSel()JoshK2WolRon (2005)
Community IDE (CIDE)Lattyware9JoshK (2005)
how to make flagsrdodson413aab (2005)
IP numbersFirstTheIdea5Berserker [swe] (2005)
.cust to .mod or .xmKevin_3Kevin_ (2005)
Finding a fonts true name.Simon S5Simon S (2005)
LocateJay9Andy_A (2005)
FontWIdthJay2Kevin_ (2005)
Opening file with double clickMattVonFat2EOF (2005)
Dimension ProblemBerserker [swe]23Berserker [swe] (2005)
Official BlitzPlus user's BlitzMax Q&A Threadskidracer35rdodson41 (2005)
Rollover Buttonsrogue4rogue (2005)
ShowScrollBar()?JoshK4JoshK (2005)
TreeNode iconsJoshK1JoshK (2005)
LoadImage and transparencyrogue3Kevin_ (2004)
Using Graphics vs. CreateWindowrogue3CS_TBL (2004)
Timing code amendmentGrey Alien1Grey Alien (2004)
Is color collission possible?koekebakker12Berserker [swe] (2004)
Array Search Function ProblemMordax_Praetorian7Mordax_Praetorian (2004)
Properties Editor GadgetJoshK1JoshK (2004)
API to change Treeview Font/Background color?Richard Betson2JoshK (2004)
Changed Pasted Textarea Font?Richard Betson1Richard Betson (2004)
More Mirror ImageGrey Alien4Grey Alien (2004)
GetSliderRange()JoshK1JoshK (2004)
Why no ActiveGadget()?JoshK4JoshK (2004)
1000 Sprites DemoKevin_5Regular K (2004)
Win32 BMax beta (locked)Russell3Regular K (2004)
Skipping Through ChannelArem3Russell (2004)
Mirror Image?Grey Alien3Grey Alien (2004)
falling through the groundpyro8213Grey Alien (2004)
Question about BMaxRussell11Russell (2004)
Me AgainArem16VIP3R (2004)
Request: Hide/show menus, or multiple menusJoshK6JoshK (2004)
FormatTextAreaTextWolRon8WolRon (2004)
Possible to create a new window class for gadgets?JoshK4JoshK (2004)
Request: Tree and list views return Mouse eventJoshK1JoshK (2004)
An OS?Lattyware9Arem (2004)
You Guessed ItArem3Arem (2004)
Print Questionrdodson419rdodson41 (2004)
another types questionrdodson417rdodson41 (2004)
Updates?Arem5WolRon (2004)
ImagesCollide problemMattVonFat3MattVonFat (2004)
AMAL type sprite animation languageKevin_4Kevin_ (2004)
Attempt to release <unknown> object warningJoshK5JoshK (2004)
Graphics() confusionDNielsen12Walter (2004)
Insert Icon into B+ exe?Grisu8Grisu (2004)
Your favourite blitz linkskeyboard5keyboard (2004)
ChannelPlaying bug!Walter13Walter (2004)
Color() & Text()DNielsen8Zenith (2004)
EarthEdit 9.0 - Recoded From ScratchLattyware2Lattyware (2004)
for-next step by variablejulianbury2WolRon (2004)
CreateDirectoryView()Lattyware1Lattyware (2004)
TreeViews are kind of uselessJoshK3Lattyware (2004)
Using TerraBits Packer to load and draw image to aWilliam Miller5William Miller (2004)
Server QuestionRyanD3RyanD (2004)
Movie limitationWalter4skn3 (2004)
CPU type & Windows version?DNielsen8DNielsen (2004)
Simulate Amiga Copper effects?DNielsen7DNielsen (2004)
Saving and Opening Text Area TextArem8Sonari Eclipsi Onimari (2004)
Creating Realtime delays ...DNielsen8Bremer (2004)
How to animate a .PNG file?DNielsen5DNielsen (2004)
LoadImage() vs LoadanimImage()DNielsen7DNielsen (2004)
Copy and Paste out of HTML ViewArem3Arem (2004)
Start maximized?Regular K5DNielsen (2004)
BlitzPlusEXT DLL adds new commandsJoshK32DNielsen (2004)
Slider/MouseDown: Is it a bug??Walter2Orca (2004)
Terabit Packer & Blitz+VIP3R2VIP3R (2004)
New line with Area Text ObjectWalter10Walter (2004)
GadgetX & GadgetY Bug?VIP3R4VIP3R (2004)
Hic Huntin'clownhunter6clownhunter (2004)
LoadImage() confusion ...DNielsen3DNielsen (2004)
Reading text format with FormatTextArea()Leon Brown5WolRon (2004)
Active gadget?WolRon3WolRon (2004)
types questionrdodson416Regular K (2004)
Api SetWindowPos and styleRichard Betson8Mr Brine (2004)
6 digit significant limit?WolRon4Floyd (2004)
mouse scroll button in BlitzPlus IDEDNielsen3DNielsen (2004)
is anyone here making/using their own gadgets?CS_TBL9CS_TBL (2004)
Comments block ?Walter7DNielsen (2004)
desktop background dimensions changekeyboard4keyboard (2004)
Analyzing Open ApplicationsArem2Arem (2004)
Function ParametersMordax_Praetorian3Mordax_Praetorian (2004)
HTMLView should return an event for loading statusJoshK1JoshK (2004)
ListBox is brokenJoshK3JoshK (2004)
Memory ProblemsDNielsen4wizzlefish (2004)
html view stopArem1Arem (2004)
Do you know Czech?DrMartin3DrMartin (2004)
Reinstalling BPRegular K3Regular K (2004)
Gadgets in DesktopArem9Kevin_ (2004)
Change ResolutionWalter8Rob Farley (2004)
Group BoxJoerg B.4Regular K (2004)
Read input when window is not active?Idiot4Eikon (2004)
Gotos and GosubsJoerg B.5MSW (2004)
Scorched Earth RemakeMoore14Regular K (2004)
Why is attached code so slow?Markh9996keyboard (2004)
3D engine for BlitzPlus...Proger3Regular K (2004)
Screen corruption when returning to programophion9keyboard (2004)
Canvas and LoadImageMattVonFat4MattVonFat (2004)
ZoomMattVonFat2MattVonFat (2004)
Buffer or Flip issue?Markh9998Russell (2004)
Global variablesJoerg B.2soja (2004)
Anyone got this source codeMr Brine3Regular K (2004)
About the printer ?Walter7Walter (2004)
Uneditable Text AreaMattVonFat11aab (2004)
ReadPixelFast pbWalter4ShadowTurtle (2004)
Tetris gameAsh_UK3WolRon (2004)
keyboard input lostCS_TBL5soja (2004)
SaveImage as Jpeg?-=Darkheart=-4Grisu (2004)
function with multiple inputs...aab13DrMartin (2004)
blitzplus with-out directXGC-Martijn17DrMartin (2004)
giant-canvas problemCS_TBL5skidracer (2004)
Freeimage successaab1aab (2004)
Maximising the WindowMordax_Praetorian4Binary_Moon (2004)
Mouse doesn't control imagesPCBGuy10PCBGuy (2004)
How do I male a calculator...Paul A. B.9rdodson41 (2004)
Window+Canvas vs GraphicsRegular K7Hotcakes (2004)
Findwindowghislain3ghislain (2004)
the main loop - does everyone do the same ?Dax Trajero7MSW (2004)
Last Line and FormatTextAreaTextRichard Betson2Richard Betson (2004)
Image GadgetSeldon4Mr Brine (2004)
Blitz ArraysMordax_Praetorian4aab (2004)
Help! not working...aab3aab (2004)
custom gadgetsBlackD3BlackD (2004)
Bouncing Objectaab4MSW (2004)
event loop and canvas bufferMaddog5aab (2004)
Playing .oggMordax_Praetorian8Mordax_Praetorian (2004)
What kind of error is this?Jeroen16Hotcakes (2004)
Text areasRegular K3Regular K (2004)
highligting textfield textMr Brine3Mr Brine (2004)
Window in Window?Arem2CS_TBL (2004)
adding a menuGameCoder3GameCoder (2004)
Repeating HotKeys?Richard Betson2CS_TBL (2004)
using the printerdrip3drip (2004)
extendend comboxoxKurator1Kurator (2004)
Alphabetical sortPaulo6Regular K (2004)
optional variablesrdodson413rdodson41 (2004)
Screen FadingMurilo10MSW (2004)
PB / (2004)
What slows things down so much?Fry Crayola2Fry Crayola (2004)
Is my scrolling smooth? Help needed with timingKing10King (2004)
Window fadingOnkelDetlef3soja (2004)
Get the class and handle of any window?Idiot2Eikon (2004)
Timer trouble?Jules2Regular K (2004)
Weird mask problem?Murilo4ford escort (2004)
Splitter (?) constantCold Harbour4Cold Harbour (2004)
Anyone interested in this?Regular K10Regular K (2004)
Bitmap Based EncryptionArem4Arem (2004)
math evaluatorrdodson416rdodson41 (2004)
How to create a color form in BP?William Miller11William Miller (2004)
New HTML View?Arem1Arem (2004)
Gadget HandlesMr Brine4Seldon (2004)
3 hours looking at some #%$! bug... < help :) >CS_TBL4Floyd (2004)
Printing to another lineWolRon6skn3 (2004)
backbuffer bug (?)koekebakker13Damien Sturdy (2004)
Virtual Memory low. Memory Leak?weebo5weebo (2004)
ugly egdes with scaleimagekoekebakker5Seldon (2004)
Printing WoesMental Image3Mental Image (2004)
Funny Stuff (locked)Arem1Arem (2004)
ICONS???Samuel2Eikon (2004)
is this healthy?CS_TBL8soja (2004)
HTML Copy And PasteSamuel5Samuel (2004)
Selecting/Highlight a row text in TextArea ?uwdesign3uwdesign (2004)
detecting the taskbarMr Brine10Mr Brine (2004)
Rookie problem with variableskoekebakker7koekebakker (2004)
Can you can the Text in a TreeView ?uwdesign3uwdesign (2004)
ANy methods to create "tooltips" in BP?William Miller2EOF (2004)
2 ThingsArem1Arem (2004)
Open files in programaab5aab (2004)
Setting text seems to scroll a text area, which is bad.JoshK9Paulo (2004)
animimage trouble...GrrBrr10GrrBrr (2004)
Suggestions?Arem4koekebakker (2004)
fontstyle??PantsOn1PantsOn (2004)
How to Copy CanvasBuffer to an ImageBuffer???kRUZe3kRUZe (2004)
textarea default font and sizeMr Brine1Mr Brine (2004)
Character in to Type Filedweebo2soja (2004)
Using Blitz3D with Blitz+Leon Brown6Kev (2004)
Rect on canvasMattVonFat3MattVonFat (2004)
Portion of a pie and alphaRegular K4PantsOn (2004)
Question about "groups"Regular K4Regular K (2004)
Making the windows mouse pointer opaque?Mr Brine10aab (2004)
Math and array help pleaseRegular K2Ryan Moody (2004)
unused decls overheadgman6Baley (2004)
Transitions?Arem5Beaker (2004)
HTML Gadget - MSDN References?turtle17762BlitzSupport (2004)
changing mouse pointerPantsOn3PantsOn (2004)
Get gadget style?Mr Brine1Mr Brine (2004)
Getting HTML tags from HTML gadget?*7turtle1776 (2004)
Images in buttonsPantsOn3CS_TBL (2004)
Car CollisionsRyan Moody26Ryan Moody (2004)
Determining exact point of collisionMurilo6Murilo (2004)
Navigating Textarea. How do you move to a line?Richard Betson4soja (2004)
Open another programPaulo4Rimmsy (2004)
convert timePaulo5Eikon (2004)
event $2003Mr Brine4Mr Brine (2004)
userlib pathgman11gman (2004)
How test if an UDP client is alway online ?Filax4Wayne (2004)
HTML Gadget Titleturtle17765turtle1776 (2004)
Closing a window when opening another!3Ddoofus4Paulo (2004)
Printable Manualweebo2Rob Farley (2004)
Server / Client problemFilax3Filax (2004)
Celerongellyware8gellyware (2004)
ImagerectcollidePaulo6Paulo (2004)
Delete/Remove Menu?turtle17762VIP3R (2004)
Saving Typesaab16aab (2004)
Gouraud?Fjodor2soja (2004)
SetTextAreaFont - ProblemRichard Betson5Richard Betson (2004)
Function Keys and Textarea/FieldRichard Betson4Richard Betson (2004)
Whats a panel!?Regular K8Regular K (2004)
Race PositionsRyan Moody4Ryan Moody (2004)
detect windows messages to bp windowgman5soja (2004)
Textarea problem. Missing last lineRichard Betson7Tiger (2004)
Readpixel problem with 16-32 bits display modehub5Rob Farley (2004)
Button alignment WinXP themePaulo8Eikon (2004)
Custom file typeGrovesy4Rimmsy (2004)
Getting Toolbar buttons to work..Tails2soja (2004)
Drawing Order in 2D Tile EditorAdam Bossy5MSW (2004)
Application Not Responding?VIP3R4VIP3R (2004)
determine highest valuePaulo3Paulo (2004)
clear file to write toPaulo5Paulo (2004)
blitz+ openGL engineKev2Synchronist (2004)
Scalable canvas / Graphics mode 3Hotcakes6Hotcakes (2004)
RequestFile gives up!MattVonFat4MattVonFat (2004)
peekevent + waittimer = ???Idiot7Idiot (2004)
ARGB-valuesWillKoh217WillKoh (2004)
Minimize without ResizePaulo6Paulo (2004)
scripting activexskidracer15Paulo (2004)
Skinnable gadgets?Zenith10Cold Harbour (2004)
File Requester and multiple file typesSkitchy4Skitchy (2004)
exegellyware15skn3 (2004)
Problem with List BoxesSkitchy2Mr Brine (2004)
boostpyro8214Rook Zimbabwe (2004)
Read how?Paulo3Paulo (2004)
Saving a text areaMattVonFat3MattVonFat (2004)
Treeview scroll?gellyware8gellyware (2004)
can i select a panelgellyware5gellyware (2004)
Panel Imagegellyware5gellyware (2004)
parenting windowsgellyware2soja (2004)
varname lengthsPaulo5aab (2004)
Am I doing something wrong o_O ?skn31skn3 (2004)
Avoid canves from rescalemag.4Lazze (2004)
Night - Day FilterFBEpyon9Mr Brine (2004)
Mouse Down/Up/Enter/Leave - window or canvasMattVonFat5EOF (2004)
drag and dropingolfur4VIP3R (2004)
256 color paletteGun Ecstasy18Russell (2004)
Icon in menumag.5Kev (2004)
Low trafficDrMartin8Warren (2004)
Button IconMattVonFat4CS_TBL (2004)
Fast Drawing?kochOn5RocketGnome (2004)
Buy BlitzPlus or stick with Blitz3Ddgroncki7aab (2004)
Can't point file requester to a specific folder...Chroma9* (2004)
How toolbarmag.1mag. (2004)
Getting the text value of a combo box?Chroma3Chroma (2004)
Arrays in Typesbstripp2soja (2004)
external applications from withinMr Brine4Hotcakes (2004)
Writing HEX values back to filematt!3matt! (2004)
icon ?Kuron9matt! (2004)
Multiple files?PantsOn3PantsOn (2004)
HtmlViewRun Can't Create ObjectAKJ1AKJ (2004)
vertical toolbarsMr Brine6Beaker (2004)
MCI WrapperCopperCircle7sswift (2004)
arrayssktbrd3416sktbrd341 (2004)
2d vector collision?DrakeX2MrCredo (2004)
SetGadgetLayoutKanati2Eikon (2004)
JPG'sPantsOn7PantsOn (2004)
Peculiar bug or just me ?Oso6Oso (2004)
timer problemKanati4Kanati (2004)
Attempt to release <unknown> objectdan_upright2Lazze (2004)
***** INTERNAL ERROR *****Lazze4Lazze (2004)
B+ and Windows XPCodeGit5CodeGit (2004)
Unable to create scalable window?matt!6matt! (2004)
B+ window has a Minimize gadgetSphinx8matt! (2004)
wut does this meansktbrd3413Russell (2004)
Blitz is screwing with jpegsEikon12Russell (2004)
Font Enumerator for B+cyberseth1cyberseth (2004)
Event for window losing focus?matt!4matt! (2004)
Why so slow?!Mero6Mero (2004)
Is mouse over canvas???Lazze10rdodson41 (2004)
System requirements?DrMartin6cbmeeks (2004)
Time once again to ask the question...Russell15Hotcakes (2004)
XOR is slowblitzer0077DrMartin (2004)
TextAreaLen( textarea[,units] )Lazze7Lazze (2004)
Admin or notmattm5917mattm591 (2004)
MaxLen/Float?WillKoh2Floyd (2004)
Isomteric /w HeightFBEpyon1FBEpyon (2004)
Invalid gadget group handleGun Ecstasy3Gun Ecstasy (2004)
HTML QuestionOverDozing5OverDozing (2004)
"homing" missiles?elseano5Mr Brine (2004)
black screen bug?gellyware3gellyware (2004)
guide 1.3Mr Brine2Wiebo (2004)
API - SendMessageAMattVonFat6MattVonFat (2004)
which is fastest?...WoeIsMe5Rottbott (2004)
Have Blitz3d..but want Blitz plusluke10119Hotcakes (2004)
questionngi5aab (2004)
Removing taskbar buttonTracer3Tracer (2004)
stupid question....ngi3soja (2004)
About your postsaab5aab (2004)
Tree View Nodes - Expanded?MattVonFat3MattVonFat (2004)
Flash/HTML UI in Blitz+Beaker4Falelorn (2004)
another questionngi2aab (2004)
selecting text field textrdodson413rdodson41 (2004)
Gadget properties userlibskn31skn3 (2004)
Transparency (not masks)aab8aab (2004)
Mouse Acceleration IssuesDarkuni6Darkuni (2004)
questionngi3Ross C (2004)
New update available!marksibly26Eikon (2004)
label colorsLazze7Lazze (2004)
Woot, toolbar bug fixed in updateskn31skn3 (2004)
Lightening?elseano4Andy_A (2004)
gdi library testskn36BlitzSupport (2004)
desktop fontsLazze5Lazze (2004)
"ruler"-gadgetsLazze3Lazze (2004)
Did update change MouseXSpeed and MouseYSpeed?Abazek8sswift (2004)
Ffix for MouseXSpeed/MouseYSpeed BUG in B+ 1.3xAbazek1Abazek (2004)
Request Canvas and directdraw device contexts.skn33Beaker (2004)
What does compiling in debug mode do?Zauron6sswift (2004)
Too many enemiesZster8cbmeeks (2004)
Check DirectX VersionJake2Kanati (2004)
Please help with this codeAsh_UK5Ash_UK (2004)
request WM_PAINT eventskn31skn3 (2004)
noobie questionngi2REDi (2004)
my programs very slowngi12cbmeeks (2004)
Include Functiongenjibox3Hotcakes (2004)
Load Cursor...MrCredo5Binary_Moon (2004)
Web Services with B+Ragman3Rottbott (2004)
Strange things about moving objectValgar4Valgar (2004)
Mouse Outside WindowMental Image1Mental Image (2004)
2D against GUIDavo3skn3 (2004)
DX + Blitzjbomhold9Kuron (2004)
JPG / BMP performance issueralphy5Neochrome (2004)
Moving object from point to point...Valgar14Valgar (2004)
Problems when Exitingelseano6Floyd (2004)
How can I change the scale mode for a canvas ?skn312skn3 (2004)
InstrMental Image2Mental Image (2004)
Sonic Maths?WillKoh23sswift (2004)
Reading text from the internet.Davo6Eikon (2004)
minimize into trayckob3ckob (2004)
Getting at the remainderPaulJG8PaulJG (2004)
File saving helpFalelorn4Falelorn (2004)
App minimized when return from ExecfileCatdaddy3LineOf7s (2004)
eventx() using a timerCS_TBL2soja (2004)
Right Click Menu?Falelorn2Falelorn (2004)
Save as JPGFalelorn6VIP3R (2004)
PNG Animation Util??klasix18PGF (2004)
Fast 2D in gl? How did mark do it?AntonyWells6Beaker (2004)
Visual Blitz issues?Kuron9Red (2004)
Rand problems?CGV3CGV (2004)
german probIsegrimmm4Isegrimmm (2004)
'Custom' fontselseano7elseano (2004)
Anyone got james' outlook express example for B+?Rob7Rob (2004)
Rotations...?elseano8Bremer (2004)
How can I make a window stay on top?CopperCircle6Binary_Moon (2004)
default font for blitz3dluke1012Robert (2004)
Image ContextTeraBit4Robert (2004)
Blitz IDEMakepool9code (2004)
commandline file openingcode4code (2004)
memory leak issuesluke1012skn3 (2004)
Code archivesjbomhold4luke101 (2004)
panels flickering...Lazze2luke101 (2004)
Multiple Instances .. sharing imageklasix14klasix (2004)
TCP in Blitzjbomhold10jbomhold (2004)
Color Code Text in Txt BoxFalelorn4Falelorn (2004)
B+ slows dramatically with 2 monitors.Cold Harbour12Cold Harbour (2004)
Best way of doing levels for a shoot 'em up?elseano4elseano (2004)
CTRL key as hotkeyCold Harbour4Wiebo (2004)
Loading a Txt File into a Text Area?Falelorn6Rimmsy (2004)
TCP problemmoravcik3eBusiness (2004)
Borders around textarea/textfieldLazze4Lazze (2004)
How do I sort typesjbomhold3Jeppe Nielsen (2004)
GDI functions cause flickerEikon7Eikon (2004)
Blitz dll'srdodson4113Michael Reitzenstein (2004)
Wheres our update?Eikon45Hotcakes (2004)
Tool Tip, how to?Falelorn2Falelorn (2004)
Keyboard Repate Ratejbomhold3jbomhold (2004)
Edit Menu popup on a Text Area?CopperCircle8Nebula (2004)
Transparent ListBoxesrdodson415skn3 (2004)
BlitzGL??Kuron32Kuron (2004)
MouseHit over TextArea?CopperCircle3CopperCircle (2004)
Am I seeing this right ?Oso19Oso (2004)
Creating variables via a "for/next" loop..?BachFire3BachFire (2004)
This is gonna be a "nub" question....Davo4BlitzSupport (2004)
DirectGL?Kuron3Kuron (2004)
2D Plasma type thingiPaul "Taiphoz"20Mark Tiffany (2004)
Hashing out passwordsSideBurn3SideBurn (2004)
Text Alignmentbushsolo5soja (2004)
How do I find the size of the active window-areaLazze3skn3 (2004)
360 degree movement?elseano5CS_TBL (2004)
help needed to automate mouseRob9* (2004)
B2D and Scroll RoutinesPaulJG5skidracer (2004)
GUIde 1.2 releasedWiebo12EOF (2004)
WindowsXP Look and Feelskidracer14Wiebo (2004)
How well will BlitzPlus code drop into BlitzMax?WolRon22Jeroen (2004)
Console workEikon3Eikon (2004)
Random Backgroundelseano8elseano (2004)
External WindowsMattVonFat21MattVonFat (2004)
user32: redrawwindowMr Brine7soja (2004)
Resizing a canvasRimmsy6Rimmsy (2004)
Keeping focus of a windowPineapple7Pineapple (2004)
TCP Server/CLient Helpjbomhold2jbomhold (2004)
help windowgellyware3gellyware (2004)
How does windows do it?WillKoh7Hotcakes (2004)
Finding the size from a font requestor.Simon S11darklordz (2004)
Does BlitzPlus allow you to print to a printer?Chroma5Cold Harbour (2004)
B2D Docs Pak?WillKoh6WillKoh (2004)
tree viewMr Brine9soja (2004)
Couple of questions on CanvasesDavo5Davo (2004)
Panels and labels.Tiger11CS_TBL (2004)
make a fusion between B3D and B+Red17JoshK (2004)
2D ALPHABaley6Snarty (2004)
[esc] in a textfieldCS_TBL4Eikon (2004)
TCP Server/Client dilemmagburgess2semar (2004)
Command linejust4just (2004)
Creating DocumentationMental Image5MrCredo (2004)
Fastest way to add a lot of data... adding wavsRexRhino12skn3 (2004)
Icon Format?WillKoh7ford escort (2004)
program clean upluke1019luke101 (2004)
Viewport in WindowMental Image2Snarty (2004)
quick poll - precalc sin & cos or perform every frame ? (locked)Dax Trajero114skidracer (2004)
Weird IDE BugMr Brine5Hotcakes (2004)
command line / windowsPantsOn4PantsOn (2004)
Latest Version of BlitzPlusJake0074Russell (2004)
How to load tiles(as layers) for mapsApollonius11CS_TBL (2004)
Treeview with icons.Cold Harbour2Orca (2004)
Ugh.sswift9GregC (2004)
help file updateRussell4Wiebo (2004)
mappy mapswgkspeak2Russell (2004)
Getting cursor highlighted text from a txtareacode2MattVonFat (2004)
Access to WMI using B+?VIP3R8Wiebo (2004)
syntax hignlightingcode4code (2004)
SpeedNicstt6Gabriel (2004)
Rubber-bandingWooster5Oso (2004)
Map Scrollingjbomhold3jbomhold (2004)
right click textarea menu ;9code1code (2004)
Dlls and .declluke1014Kanati (2004)
How to handle a keypressWolRon7WolRon (2004)
Transparencyralphy3ralphy (2004)
Copy and pastecode9code (2004)
GetColor bug ?CS_TBL6skn3 (2004)
Cursor Position in (2004)
Character In Text AreaMattVonFat5MattVonFat (2004)
combo box selectedGadgetItem bug? (2004)
Text editorNebula6Nebula (2004)
Events & FlushEventsCold Harbour3Cold Harbour (2004)
Making 1 word in a textarea a different color thancode3xlsior (2004)
bug in replace$()Lazze4Kanati (2004)
Drawing on a WindowMental Image8Mental Image (2004)
Any advice for me? I Just bought B+code2CS_TBL (2004)
Why doesn't HasFocus() work properly in BP?sswift9Eikon (2004)
$202 oddnessCold Harbour4Cold Harbour (2004)
CreateForm flags?sswift9sswift (2004)
Cloes/Maximize/Minimize (2004)
Set the TextAreaCursor?JoshK3JoshK (2004)
File import,readcash2soja (2004)
Z-ordering canvasesCold Harbour9Cold Harbour (2004)
B+.OCXWillKoh2semar (2004)
Screensaver preview access grantedEikon6Eikon (2004)
Fonts Cropped?WillKoh3_PJ_ (2004)
What's the best form editor for BP?sswift8WolRon (2004)
ATI Radeon 9100 slowdownsbobbo6Hansie (2004)
Can't get .mid files to pley using PlayMusicWolRon7Hansie (2004)
TYPE within TYPELazze6_Skully (2004)
Statusbarxlsior5Rottbott (2004)
BlendLine-FuncWillKoh8sswift (2004)
End of process?REDi3REDi (2004)
Those little icons next to your clock.sswift6soja (2004)
OGG helpgellyware4Rob (2004)
Has anyone used the winsocket library with Blitz+?JoJo3Kevin_ (2004)
Help Filesgellyware2CS_TBL (2004)
Do I have to delete gadgets???Lazze3Kevin_ (2004)
NaNCold Harbour6Cold Harbour (2004)
How to get an images device context?REDi11REDi (2004)
blackenedgellyware3gellyware (2004)
On-screen text in text areaRottbott5Rottbott (2004)
simple program hogs the processorjulianbury9burdall (2004)
Force B+ window to foregroundVIP3R5Eikon (2004)
Button Gadget ColourMental Image5CS_TBL (2004)
textFieldtextgellyware6EOF (2004)
checking ENTERgellyware4gellyware (2004)
Tileslide Gamepantsonhead.com8soja (2004)
Theme Woes in (2004)
MinimizeWindow (2004)
Hex 2 NumWillKoh4Mr Brine (2004)
Please test this program for me...elseano5Russell (2004)
Rounded CornerWillKoh211WillKoh (2004)
Text area font problemRottbott6EOF (2004)
Sending a gadget to the backRottbott4Rottbott (2004)
Send and Receiving emails in blitzplusBattle Tanks4Hansie (2004)
Blitz+ userlibsVIP3R10soja (2004)
string lengthMr Brine7Andy_A (2004)
Set/GetEnvEikon4soja (2004)
height of the tabs?...Lazze2Lazze (2004)
Height of windowtitle?Lazze3Lazze (2004)
Reading keyboard eventsVIP3R6VIP3R (2004)
Menu in graphics modeMaverick3575Maverick357 (2004)
Slowdown with read/writepixelfast..ErikT9ErikT (2004)
Colorfade (to/from) black algorithmHansie26Bremer (2004)
Listbox colourCold Harbour5Cold Harbour (2004)
Tab between textfields... How?Sin of Nature14Mr Brine (2004)
Any new word on BlitzMax?Russell4Space_guy (2004)
Image masking in another color?sananaman4sananaman (2004)
Choppy Animationluke1015Russell (2004)
Centre gadgets on Window???Pineapple3Rottbott (2004)
What's the way to go?WolRon2Rottbott (2004)
WriteFile()/tile editor saving problems...elseano6elseano (2004)
float helpkochOn2Kev (2004)
Float bug?DrMartin9Koriolis (2004)
Updated FreeImage LibSnarty3Snarty (2004)
Maximized WindowsMattVonFat2MattVonFat (2004)
Filled TrianglesCold Harbour9skidracer (2004)
Colors of other gadgetslocoHost6Lazze (2004)
app runs correctly only with debugNathan7Nathan (2004)
input in graphics modemudcat2Snarty (2004)
Window backgroundlocoHost3locoHost (2004)
Transparent window?Smurfpuss1Smurfpuss (2004)
transparency in b+ford escort1ford escort (2004)
Clearing a TreeViewmikkyx6moravcik (2004)
Recording SoundMindWalker1MindWalker (2004)
Distance between two rectanglesMr Brine4Mr Brine (2004)
Need help getting tooltip userlib workingskn310skn3 (2004)
BlitzCCMental Image5WolRon (2004)
Transparencyelseano5MrCredo (2004)
double click?? (2004)
ListBox Eventspantsonhead.com3Beaker (2004)
FullScreen Won't workWillKoh24WillKoh2 (2004)
Image Masking in Windowjd2697BlitzSupport (2004)
Use desktop under a window?Idiot10xlsior (2004)
Only for those who are creating casino games in BlitzPlus for BELRO... (locked)3DBuzzFan18simonh (2004)
Who's working for BELRO? (locked)WolRon97Hansie (2004)
No more Blitz for BELRO (locked)3DBuzzFan5Hansie (2004)
Array Help?Dennis1Dennis (2004)
CreateTimer(1000) vs CreateTimer(1001)Idiot19Idiot (2004)
Skining Buttons?Richard Betson5Kevin_ (2004)
Has anyone implemmented a B3D render farm yet?3DBuzzFan9WolRon (2004)
Window skinning.. why so slow?Tracer7Tracer (2004)
Minimize without window style 2? (2004)
Windows XP Tablet Edition?Kcarlino18FlameDuck (2004)
Fix my GUI Code?Mental Image1Mental Image (2004)
Any multi canvas issues?Kuron5Tracer (2004)
Moving skinned Window .. PB vs B+Tracer11Yan (2004)
UDP network stuffStoop Solo22Wayne (2004)
OpenGL + imagesghislain5ghislain (2004)
Im missing something here, help me!Davo5Davo (2004)
Color-Shadow BlendWillKoh22ford escort (2004)
Reading today's date and timejulianbury4Tracer (2004)
Array of types vs collection of (2004)
pausing a movieelias_t4Yan (2004)
any working GUI designers?Kuron8Kuron (2004)
BlitzPlus and Molebox?Kuron14Kuron (2004)
Looping OGG MusicMurilo6Murilo (2004)
windows key disable DLL, how to pass parameters?Jeroen5Seldon (2004)
Coding competition!Hansie18WoeIsMe (2004)
Just wondering...Davo3Davo (2004)
Final network question. Honest.Stoop Solo9MagicalTux (2004)
right clicking in text area ???elias_t1elias_t (2004)
Font Problemxlsior15Tracer (2004)
Twain access_Skully4_Skully (2004)
FileRequest with pre-defined file name ?uwdesign2Beaker (2004)
ImgSame (Image1,Image2)WillKoh21WillKoh2 (2004)
Printer?WillKoh217Kanati (2004)
Some Newb B+ QuestionsAndyBoy_UK5AndyBoy_UK (2004)
menu separators ?elias_t5elias_t (2004)
Object movement questionValgar7Valgar (2004)
PlayCDTrack Not WorkingMattVonFat5MattVonFat (2004)
locals globalsWho was John Galt?3Who was John Galt? (2004)
Can more than one treeviewnode in a tree be selected at once?JoshK39CodeGit (2004)
Wav filesCoops10sswift (2004)
wierd window flashesgellyware3ford escort (2004)
slow turtlegellyware4gellyware (2004)
b+ imagxhandle() ???gellyware1gellyware (2004)
Where?necky4Kevin_ (2004)
URL check ...necky3necky (2004)
Beta testers wantedDrMartin3DrMartin (2004)
Images in VRAMStoop Solo4Who was John Galt? (2004)
BlitzPlus versions.txtAndyBoy_UK5AndyBoy_UK (2004)
Fast forward and rewindWoeIsMe7WoeIsMe (2004)
32-bit images *using* the alpha byteWillKoh29MSW (2004)
Scanline + make life a little easier for yourself!Mr Brine2soja (2004)
DrawImage Graphics3DWillKoh22semar (2004)
DatabaseMr Brine2semar (2004)
is it possable to dump banks to text area gadget?Kev6Kev (2004)
FAST alpha posible?cbmeeks34turtle1776 (2004)
Bank monitor .. lil presentCS_TBL2CS_TBL (2004)
Canvas empty after full-screenSeldon3Seldon (2004)
change a window's title textKev4Kanati (2004)
fast color replaceford escort7Kevin_ (2004)
Userlib: Gdi fonts. Allows any font in any gadget!skn36skn3 (2004)
Made a .decls file ...julianbury4julianbury (2004)
joystick portsMSW1MSW (2004)
help - methods to speed up gadgetsKev1Kev (2004)
Userlib, set text area font. Without blitzes font system.. need help..skn38skn3 (2004)
best 2D game in blitzBasic or BlitzPlus?Dan6015Pongo (2004)
email attchments?Kuron6Kuron (2004)
CPU load, VWaitDrMartin16DrMartin (2004)
Changing Icon ...JPD2Seldon (2004)
Blitz+Mappy(transparency problem...)Valgar4Valgar (2004)
Form Designer interests?Jim Teeuwen17Kanati (2004)
Canvas and MouseJPD7JPD (2004)
Will there ever be a LoadMusic command?Russell10Russell (2004)
Image alphaEl Wray2MrCredo (2004)
Corrupted GraphicsPepsi2Pepsi (2004)
Gadget action on mouse downCold Harbour3Cold Harbour (2004)
Smoothe animation - in BPlusHansie5Hansie (2004)
Getting different results on different computersDan6011MSW (2003)
SpriteTelemental6ford escort (2003)
Upgrading from Blitz2D to BlitzPluslotonah3Hansie (2003)
Vertical bitmap scroller - realtimeHansie10Hansie (2003)
Mice! where is it :-D?Hansie9GfK (2003)
Random-FunctionJPD4WolRon (2003)
Emulators in BBWho was John Galt?12Agamer (2003)
Detect multiple runMagicalTux8TeraBit (2003)
invalid type conversion?MSW4MSW (2003)
Weird problem restoring dataDrMartin14Hansie (2003)
Where do you get the windows constant values from ?skn36Todd (2003)
Full Name (network)FirstTheIdea1FirstTheIdea (2003)
Deleting Folders & FilesSin of Nature8Mr.Waterlily (2003)
Help with arrays inside typesRico5Rico (2003)
Ordering B+ with paypal?poopla3poopla (2003)
Real group gadget in b+, but weird bug...skn33skn3 (2003)
non editable text box?gellyware14CS_TBL (2003)
Demo for Cache Map / Edge Update Scrollercbmeeks13Who was John Galt? (2003)
Image Fonts < 10?Jono2darklordz (2003)
converting secondsgellyware4gellyware (2003)
horizontal lines?gellyware2semar (2003)
Neatening Types.Jono11Tracer (2003)
Event $203 & EventSource()Eikon3Eikon (2003)
newbie--event helpgellyware2soja (2003)
Create Games in B+ and make REAL $$$3DBuzzFan151Doiron (2003)
Blitz+ on Systems without a GraphicCard (etc. Terminalservers)Acid9cbmeeks (2003)
Smooth scroll (at same spped on every pc's..)Valgar5Mr Brine (2003)
Colour CyclingQuickSilva7ford escort (2003)
BlitzPlus Questionwmaass4wmaass (2003)
Change mouse cursor.Cold Harbour5Cold Harbour (2003)
How To SendKey From Within Blitz ?semar4Beaker (2003)
Net Use - API/.Decls problemsSin of Nature8semar (2003)
Blitz+ Terminal FailureEikon13julianbury (2003)
unlooping sound samples?Mr Brine5rdodson41 (2003)
Mouse Outside WindowJay Mattis7Mr Brine (2003)
Image to bank problemsxlsior10xlsior (2003)
Banksrdodson416Seldon (2003)
CDX faster than B+??cbmeeks26Bug Face (2003)
Colored Textrdodson417rdodson41 (2003)
Windows Font?jondecker763jondecker76 (2003)
Fast Pixels?JoshK5JoshK (2003)
String sizeJeroen3Jeroen (2003)
Z-Odering problemQuickSilva5QuickSilva (2003)
blitz3d with NT4shawnus3shawnus (2003)
All images not accounted for...WoeIsMe15WoeIsMe (2003)
File Types Help!Mr Brine2cbmeeks (2003)
What database are people using?CodeGit6Kanati (2003)
System name (network)FirstTheIdea8Todd (2003)
SpriteControl problemsJeroen1Jeroen (2003)
Trouble with GrayScale FilterBHoltzman13xlsior (2003)
2d in 3d but still 2d(tu) sinu6Clyde (2003)
Change icon for BlitzPlus programWolRon6Clyde (2003)
WriteString bug???cbmeeks21Rottbott (2003)
big speed hit escort6ford escort (2003)
Question: Path finding algorithmxlsior4Mustang (2003)
Modal Child Window HELP !Apollonius11Apollonius (2003)
b+ needs a cold kickstart functionCS_TBL9CS_TBL (2003)
FillratesImphenzia7Andy_A (2003)
any way to prevent this?Kuron9xlsior (2003)
Pinball physics?WillKoh7Paradox7 (2003)
fullscreen vs. windowedxlsior7xlsior (2003)
Is my application still active?Jeroen9Jeroen (2003)
Check if a file is Read-OnlyWoeIsMe4GfK (2003)
Get FrameCount?WillKoh3semar (2003)
Get next X,Y of direction (angle)?WillKoh5Réno (2003)
Oh My God what is this??leeluna10leeluna (2003)
BlitzPlus editor fontJeroen6Jeroen (2003)
Alledged FOR without NEXT???leeluna7_Skully (2003)
Slidermag.2Beaker (2003)
Load PNG from memoryImphenzia16Seldon (2003)
Custom TTF Fonts?Imphenzia2GfK (2003)
has math precision improved yet?julianbury23Perturbatio (2003)
Toolbarmag.3CS_TBL (2003)
Combobox samplemag.3mag. (2003)
Fire over Background with BlitRichard Betson1Richard Betson (2003)
Image in Textarea/Textfieldmag.2Beaker (2003)
Why Flip for Frontbuffer()?Imphenzia10Imphenzia (2003)
BlitzBasic demo examples break with updatesralawrence6ralawrence (2003)
B+, Emulators, and ALPHA Sprites!cbmeeks25Who was John Galt? (2003)
Is it worth upgrading to BlitzPlus?ralawrence24soja (2003)
Raster to Vecor Algorythm?3DBuzzFan20Seldon (2003)
Capture 8bpp errorDrMartin4TheMan (2003)
Amiga Style.Paul "Taiphoz"5Clyde (2003)
Error messagePaul A. B.11GfK (2003)
How Longleeluna7Paul A. B. (2003)
BlitzMapper Help TopicApollonius4ford escort (2003)
Opt Explicit/Equal?WillKoh4AKJ (2003)
Blitz2D/BlitzPlus Speed?WillKoh4Imphenzia (2003)
2D Pixel exp thingi.Paul "Taiphoz"6BlitzSupport (2003)
Gif Animation QuestionDjBigWorm3DjBigWorm (2003)
Avi App Can You help Me?DjBigWorm2ford escort (2003)
Graphical Cursor BugJimbob5soja (2003)
Hide pointer on canvasDrMartin3DrMartin (2003)
Force refresh rateImphenzia21Simon S (2003)
Panel resizingcbmeeks5cbmeeks (2003)
slider - mouseball (a.k.a. 'wheel')CS_TBL3CS_TBL (2003)
Packing graphics...etcJimbob3Jimbob (2003)
map wont loadGameCoder7Perturbatio (2003)
System TrayNigel Brown4Rottbott (2003)
scroll my mapGameCoder8GameCoder (2003)
Game runs VERY slowly on laptopWoeIsMe15cbmeeks (2003)
Resource EditorNigel Brown7Wiebo (2003)
stringwidth() pb / center label texthub3FlameDuck (2003)
ctrl+key eventsGabriel3Gabriel (2003)
Text Chr$() problemrdodson412WolRon (2003)
Unwanted transparency in 16-bit colorDrMartin3Andy_A (2003)
2D Vector RotationsRage_Matrix7Who was John Galt? (2003)
B2D wave image.Paul "Taiphoz"16ford escort (2003)
DrawImageRect / MidHandle / PositionWillKoh3_Skully (2003)
RequestFile$DjBigWorm6DjBigWorm (2003)
HTMLViewGo_Skully4_Skully (2003)
Upgrading to BlitzPlusWoeIsMe3Ross C (2003)
trueSpace pluginsGregH3GregH (2003)
BMP load/save codeAndy17Andy (2003)
Code to draw a filled polygonCraig H. Nisbet6Andy_A (2003)
How many textures in a game?Andy5Andy (2003)
keypress issuekeyboard3keyboard (2003)
Advanced Blitzplus - human interfacesRob3EOF (2003)
Hwnd HelpRob8Rob (2003)
Infinity Trappinguwdesign8uwdesign (2003)
New Code Arc Entry: Count ColoursSnarty3Beaker (2003)
Might as well ask first... :)BlitzSupport17BlitzSupport (2003)
Alpha Imageeos9EOF (2003)
writepixelfastMakepool5Makepool (2003)
I need a simple example~Apollonius2CS_TBL (2003)
DVD PLAYBACKmaverick13Matt2222 (2003)
Average RGB/Image?WillKoh2TeraBit (2003)
Grabbing keypressesSkitchy6Skitchy (2003)
I have asked this, already, but not at this forum...3DBuzzFan2skidracer (2003)
App Focus and inputRob3Rob (2003)
OpenGl in BP?Kuron3Kuron (2003)
move a skinned windowhub1hub (2003)
2D Vector Text HelpRage_Matrix6Rage_Matrix (2003)
Whats wrong with this code?Apollonius5Apollonius (2003)
Anyone have a TGA loader?JoshK3JoshK (2003)
Check this, I got an idea!Apollonius2Todd (2003)
Satellite in 2D Shootermaverick694maverick69 (2003)
In the Learning ProcessApollonius4soja (2003)
Optimizing CPU usageJoshK4Panno (2003)
get pixel color?(tu) sinu1(tu) sinu (2003)
Tracking down memory access violation errorsImphenzia13maverick (2003)
B2D to B+Tokra7Tokra (2003)
Reading Image BuffersPaulJG8PaulJG (2003)
Images in Buttons3Ddoofus5CS_TBL (2003)
Angle between two 2d linesCyberHeater3CyberHeater (2003)
Why is BlitzPlus so much slower than Blitz2D?JoJo3JoJo (2003)
LCD Scrollingcbmeeks9Anthony Flack (2003)
Using the 'Onscreen Image' in collisionsRico4Rico (2003)
keydown eventNathan11Nathan (2003)
Really Weird HTMLView ProblemGabriel4Gabriel (2003)
Blitz angle rotations.Rage_Matrix3Rage_Matrix (2003)
How do I find out how many frames an image is?RexRhino8uwdesign (2003)
PATH EDITORAsh_UK15Ross C (2003)
Replacement Mouse CommandsJoshK3Wiebo (2003)
Bitmap or Array?RexRhino4RexRhino (2003)
How to AutoScroll an HTMLView() ?Gabriel4Gabriel (2003)
Interlaced GraphicsJay Mattis7Jay Mattis (2003)
Keyboard Buffer IssuesMurilo5Murilo (2003)
No DirectX - How To ?semar4semar (2003)
Borders on Text Areas3Ddoofus53Ddoofus (2003)
GRIB - a grid libWiebo7Kuron (2003)
BlitzBasic / BlitzPlusBoiled Sweets3Kuron (2003)
2D scrolling LevelsTokra2Ross C (2003)
"Flip" not the same as "Vwait : Flip False"?Teddyfles9Mark Tiffany (2003)
Rotation - Center Axis!WillKoh24dynaman (2003)
FloodFill - best way?Jürgen3Jürgen (2003)
Windows within a window?Doiron6JoshK (2003)
Spinner gadget?JoshK13Russell (2003)
Does anyone have a simple source-code for an INPUT-like command in graphics mode?3DBuzzFan2AndyBoy_UK (2003)
Slider Helprdodson414rdodson41 (2003)
htmlview : check urlhub3Ice9 (2003)
Rotating a gradientMr Brine3MutteringGoblin (2003)
Help For making Web Browserrdodson4114Binary_Moon (2003)
TriangleMutteringGoblin5MutteringGoblin (2003)
When you close a WindowGadget. does everything else follow?Gabriel7Snarty (2003)
Pushing windows downRimmsy1Rimmsy (2003)
Black and whiteTorakiken2podperson (2003)
B+ 1.37Zster4Zster (2003)
WaitTimer(Huh?)Jono3Floyd (2003)
How to retrieve windows colours?Rottbott4Rottbott (2003)
No Black Showing!Jono8Wiebo (2003)
Translucency in 2Dbinarydecay6injeevious (2003)
Blitz3D BlitzPlusgooglemesilly6googlemesilly (2003)
Manage TreeViews Betterscooter434Wiebo (2003)
Getting startedWarren11rdodson41 (2003)
PNG problems on different machines?dgroncki3dgroncki (2003)
transparent background for label, checkbox, optionhub11hub (2003)
Can B+ minimise to system tray yet?Rottbott3Rottbott (2003)
Weird Menu Problemmutopian2skn3 (2003)
native graphics driverBremer5Bremer (2003)
Woah!Murilo6Murilo (2003)
Is there way to put images in a TextAreaBox()Gabriel9Binary_Moon (2003)
Windowed mode not supportedNeo Genesis105Rottbott (2003)
Help with optimising thisMurilo1Murilo (2003)
Shadows in Isometricbazziman9bazziman (2003)
Window skinhub1hub (2003)
textbox maxlenghthub3hub (2003)
playing looping moviejhocking5Rob (2003)
Can B+ Programs run after you tab out?Gabriel12Gabriel (2003)
Pixel compare problemdgroncki3dgroncki (2003)
Battlefield 1942 joystickjulianbury6julianbury (2003)
last time.Nigel Brown6JoshK (2003)
CreateHTMLView() - How good is it?Karbon16JoshK (2003)
Changing label textJoshK3JoshK (2003)
Forcing a value into an object holderMr Brine5Mr Brine (2003)
How to make a non-editable text area?JoshK3EOF (2003)
Sharp transparent text routineJoshK5scooter43 (2003)
Is there a way to suppress mouse cursor?dgroncki4_PJ_ (2003)
Can I call assembly code from B+?3DBuzzFan7Hotcakes (2003)
point within hexagon?dgroncki21skidracer (2003)
List icons not appearing in combo boxes?JoshK2JoshK (2003)
How much CPU time do B+ proggies use?Gabriel4EOF (2003)
inverting graphicsMr Brine5Leon Brown (2003)
TileMap Collision Problemmaverick694Mark1nc (2003)
readpixel return negative value !hub4hub (2003)
canvas - textfield problemhub6hub (2003)
no transparency?dgroncki6bazziman (2003)
explode pixelhub6Ross C (2003)
Loading a bitmap from a dllokee6Litobyte (2003)
Joystick NameMr Brine2EOF (2003)
Accessing environment variables?Murilo2Murilo (2003)
Rand / SeedRnd between B+ / B3Dmorduun4Mark Tiffany (2003)
FYI : Preventing flickerKcarlino4Wiebo (2003)
8 bit fontsbazziman9bazziman (2003)
Graphics mode 3Nebula4Nebula (2003)
Shopping Cart SoftwareKevin_8Kevin_ (2003)
Possible bug in CopyPixelFast (Blitz 2D)Foppy15Foppy (2003)
colour effectsgingerprince6Ross C (2003)
Blitz+ Timing issuesEikon5Eikon (2003)
Using GDI32.DLL within a canvasterry1terry (2003)
City Defender Problem, The Drop Bom b Code is runnign two qick!Tokra8Tokra (2003)
Add shortcut to menu item tipWiebo6Mark Tiffany (2003)
closeing a window?Mr_Plant9Kevin_ (2003)
flickering in full screenkoekjesbaby12keyboard (2003)
Textfield CursorSky0095Beaker (2003)
Scaling Gui featuresMatty1Matty (2003)
hidden dots in 3d dot landscapeBremer2Ice9 (2003)
Autosuspend.Eikon6Mark Tiffany (2003)
B+ require DX?Gillissie9Michael Reitzenstein (2003)
Blur FunctionRexRhino3RexRhino (2003)
Transparent Panels?bushsolo2dan_upright (2003)
New BlitzPlus bugfix updateBlitzSupport13BlitzSupport (2003)
A usable 3D engine!JoshK2Wiebo (2003)
How to adjust music volume on an playing AVI - file?PowerPC6031PowerPC603 (2003)
Memory access violationPowerPC6034GfK (2003)
CreateToolBar?PantsOn6PantsOn (2003)
IFF File FormatDjBigWorm5DjBigWorm (2003)
Creating windowNT serviceMagicalTux2TheMan (2003)
Cahnging Textarea Text Colorbushsolo4Beaker (2003)
Moving cursor in TextAreaBeaker4soja (2003)
Image drawing order issue - please help!Not Available2Beaker (2003)
Right-click menu?JoshK11Beaker (2003)
Some better toolbar commandsJoshK1JoshK (2003)
Child WindowsJoshK2Mark Tiffany (2003)
timer while mouse is movingallos3Ross C (2003)
Load from BankALAN-MHz4JaviCervera (2003)
Copying textareabushsolo2soja (2003)
WHat´s the easiest way to do a "DELETE BLK_*.tmp" in B+ ?3DBuzzFan33DBuzzFan (2003)
Fullscreen canvasZster8Zster (2003)
timer while dragging a windowCS_TBL4Mark Tiffany (2003)
Will EndGraphics free all images?WoeIsMe20Ghoula (2003)
What ??? A math bug in my BB2D ???Réno6Réno (2003)
pixelizerBouncer1Bouncer (2003)
No MaskImageFredSteph3okee (2003)
Whats Faster??SSS6Foppy (2003)
Hiding Gadgets Quicklybushsolo7bushsolo (2003)
MouseHit() and FlushMouse Question!SopiSoft3SopiSoft (2003)
2d balls collidingRoss C4Ross C (2003)
Detecting Windows Version?Darkuni11EOF (2003)
Screen saver previewDrMartin6MagicalTux (2003)
Parse html filehub8MagicalTux (2003)
Readonly TextareaTodd7MagicalTux (2003)
Does anybody have (or know of) an obfuscator for BlitzPlus?3DBuzzFan9Darkuni (2003)
Type FunctionalityTelemental9Darkuni (2003)
How to compile a screensaver *.scrjulianbury25julianbury (2003)
Opaque textGraythe9Ross C (2003)
Alpha Blending using comparative rgb values. [Big picture warning]Myke-P10Michael Reitzenstein (2003)
Frame rate counterWoeIsMe12QuickSilva (2003)
Creating Icons For B+ EXEcutablesClyde3Clyde (2003)
2D map tool neededIan Lett6Ian Lett (2003)
Any speed loss when you use SetBuffer imageBuffer(createimage(1024, 768)) ?3DBuzzFan5Rob (2003)
Tabbing around a formDarkuni2soja (2003)
SaveBuffer problemDrMartin3DrMartin (2003)
SUPER TIP : image perfect collide with the 4 sides of a square (test)Réno10skidracer (2003)
Black is always transparent?DrMartin8DrMartin (2003)
Pointers / Direct Memory Accessuwdesign6uwdesign (2003)
Center Pointbushsolo4Floyd (2003)
Color mixing tricksPRJ3Steve C ™ (2003)
GravityQuickSilva17QuickSilva (2003)
Extended B2d Lib question.poopla4jhocking (2003)
BlitzPlus Changes..Mr_Plant6DrMartin (2003)
Listbox with multiple selectionsjondecker764Pudsy (2003)
crazy cursor - why?hpb8Pepsi (2003)
DocsCloseToPerfect4CloseToPerfect (2003)
Window Flags - Minimizer?Midnight1Midnight (2003)
Ideas on decent graphcs progs?Shard10JoeGr (2003)
Listbox associated valuesPudsy2Pudsy (2003)
Making a toggle gadget.Shagwana3Shagwana (2003)
Maskimage with b+?Grisu12Zster (2003)
Keyboard trouble... :(3DBuzzFan3CS_TBL (2003)
Bug in BlitzPlus -waitkey???Mr_Plant3skidracer (2003)
using desktopbuffer() with different driversdan_upright8Michael Reitzenstein (2003)
Extensions (rotate, scale, alpha, fade..)goodeep5cyberseth (2003)
tformimage help?Binary_Moon11Mark Tiffany (2003)
Moving WindowsMadMax3MadMax (2003)
BlitzBasic to BlitzPlus graphics problemjulianbury3julianbury (2003)
2D Alpha with 3D FunctionsGrrBrr5GrrBrr (2003)
Dragging an object with the mouseQuickSilva4QuickSilva (2003)
Problem with SendMessage API callAKJ4EOF (2003)
Retrieving Windows Appearance Colors?Angel4Angel (2003)
Maths for printing isometric projection lines to the screenleeluna4leeluna (2003)
Creating tweens in an animationQuickSilva7QuickSilva (2003)
Hiding or archiving all my bmp's and wav'sSuperDan2Myke-P (2003)
check, if button existsDirk Knoop2soja (2003)
requesting a filejhocking2soja (2003)
Why is this code not drawing lines?julianbury3julianbury (2003)
Full Screen or Windoweduwdesign6uwdesign (2003)
Smooth scrolling in 2DFoppy10Foppy (2003)
What happens during Alt-tab?APE17Mark Tiffany (2003)
screensaver settingsSpot-Nothing1Spot-Nothing (2003)
Multiple File selections...BarcodeGeek7Tazzy (2003)
Titlebar Icon XPKcarlino2Kcarlino (2003)
ActivateGadget works differently in debug?taxlerendiosk2Tazzy (2003)
How to write massive amounts of hard data to a file?JoshK13TeraBit (2003)
Movie Controlyinch2Cloak (2003)
Quick help pleaseMagitta2WendellM (2003)
Playmusic questionNull3Null (2003)
How to free music handle with B+?Grisu6Hotcakes (2003)
Windowed3D() equivalent?QuickSilva2jhocking (2003)
Draw a resized Image with B+?Grisu2Grisu (2003)
b+ ide settingsjulianbury1julianbury (2003)
Need help with sound volumeSuperDan6SuperDan (2003)
Fading in Windowmode?Grisu5Grisu (2003)
b++ performance and compatibility questions...Grisu3Mark Tiffany (2003)
CreateComboBox height?Kcarlino6EOF (2003)
print commandczoran3skn3 (2003)
Simple but fast fading methodKoriolis7Koriolis (2003)
Single File Animated Imagejtnye4jtnye (2003)
Help!!Mr Brine1Mr Brine (2003)
Undoumented styles?Binary_Moon8Mark Tiffany (2003)
Executable SizeGabriel12Hotcakes (2003)
Hardness MapsMadMax6coffeedotbean (2003)
Slow Loading in Windowed modeAPE3APE (2003)
currently focused gadgetMr Brine10EOF (2003)
Install fonts using 'CopyFile'_PJ_9GfK (2003)
CreateProcesscyberseth10JoshK (2003)
Using FontsRuntime Error4Grisu (2003)
collision problemsBremer11Who was John Galt? (2003)
Databasing ?IPete24IPete2 (2003)
Forcing window on top of everythingsteve.jr13steve.jr (2003)
Transparent window bits.GazChap4Binary_Moon (2003)
Customize requester buttons?BachFire1BachFire (2003)
No VAL Command?Cold Harbour10Shagwana (2003)
detecting a keystroke in console?Rodvik7CdrJameson (2003)
Phobos 3D Engine for BlitzPlusJoshK7JoshK (2003)
I want to Autorun my project...SuperDan4SuperDan (2003)
Missles like in "Missle Command"duncki7duncki (2003)
Areatext =PanelLD4LD (2003)
Concept drawing books?poopla2mearrin69 (2003)
Moving object from point A to B...Valgar7Valgar (2003)
blitz -> delphi.smitty4SJB (2003)
Listbox problemmorszeck1morszeck (2003)
form designerc0rnelius7Wiebo (2003)
EXE directorydirkduck4dirkduck (2003)
Two questionsSky0091Sky009 (2003)
Error starting module "BBAudioDriver"Sky0093Sky009 (2003)
icon on buttonsLAB[au]5CS_TBL (2003)
Hide Image but allow collisions?QuickSilva5QuickSilva (2003)
Capturing CAPS lockNeo Genesis103EOF (2003)
Save as JPEG formatFredSteph8Russell (2003)
Writing text area to filedirkduck4dirkduck (2003)
RecursionOldefoxx3soja (2003)
ExecFile()PantsOn12soja (2003)
no iconjhocking4Hotcakes (2003)
ReadDir()Nigel Brown4Myke-P (2003)
seek&destroy enemiesBremer7Jeppe Nielsen (2003)
Double byte charsJazzyhat13Oldefoxx (2003)
Memory leakage in OpenMovie!!Mikle6Oldefoxx (2003)
Real Time motion Blur ?Paul "Taiphoz"6Oldefoxx (2003)
Somthing I discoveredMr Brine10Anthony Flack (2003)
Need some Blitz+ opinionsSlider13Hotcakes (2003)
Raw pixel performance version 1.11 to 1.35 slowdown?Kcarlino7Kcarlino (2003)
event id listc0rnelius4CS_TBL (2003)
AWESOME TRICK!!cbmeeks6EOF (2003)
Why some object don't show itself?Valgar2Valgar (2003)
Point on Line Segmentstarfox10Oldefoxx (2003)
Typescermit5Oldefoxx (2003)
mouse cursorBinary_Moon2soja (2003)
Loading from File ResourcesSeldon3Seldon (2003)
Read up or down pressed in an input field ?skn31skn3 (2003)
Is the mouse on a line?nazca19Oldefoxx (2003)
Launch a Video with Command LineAvatara6GfK (2003)
TGA FormatAvatara3Avatara (2003)
MaximizeWindow problems..Odds On4soja (2003)
X-Y GraphicsOldefoxx2Oldefoxx (2003)
How to keep track of each unique record in a type?BachFire9skn3 (2003)
energy barsRoss C7Ross C (2003)
tilemap collision helpRoss C3Ross C (2003)
Anim too fast...Valgar10Valgar (2003)
Copy canvas to clipboardSplatman7Splatman (2003)
2d shootem opinionsRoss C6Ross C (2003)
Need to install Fonts?Tibit4_PJ_ (2003)
Collision(something strange goin'on...)Valgar5Ross C (2003)
Read GammaPaul "Taiphoz"3Paul "Taiphoz" (2003)
wordwrap?Binary_Moon3Binary_Moon (2003)
pixel fillBremer8Bremer (2003)
VariousMr Brine3EOF (2003)
how to read a keypress AND a mouseclick?CS_TBL3EOF (2003)
Graphics extension handling in BlitzPlus =(Imphenzia2Kevin_ (2003)
I need to change the order of some objectsWoeIsMe3WoeIsMe (2003)
Gadget Screen XY Coords?Mr Brine3BlitzSupport (2003)
How to print text to a Text Field..?BachFire4Mark Tiffany (2003)
DrawImageRect queryWho was John Galt?4Mark Tiffany (2003)
Alpha PixelJay Mattis5mearrin69 (2003)
Help with scrollingBelgarion13Belgarion (2003)
Handle to Existing WindowJay Mattis7SSS (2003)
Thouts on the Native GraphicsBlue Steel4Blue Steel (2003)
How do I add an icon to the EXE ?tkruk14Russell (2003)
RequestFilecbmeeks6Blue Steel (2003)
Nice 2D paint package with animation...Ian Thompson1Ian Thompson (2003)
GUI editor... (locked)JoshK2simonh (2003)
What happens if a computer doesn't have enough physical memory to load in all my graphics?SuperDan7Hotcakes (2003)
1 bit graphics?!Who was John Galt?4Who was John Galt? (2003)
ART - - Why must it be SOO hard!?!?cbmeeks8Oldefoxx (2003)
Blitz2d games are SlowwwwwGBPsoft4GBPsoft (2003)
GUI Editor for BlitzPlus (locked)tkruk23TeraBit (2003)
Starcraft Graphics Secretsturtle177613cbmeeks (2003)
Saving PNG problemBillamu5Billamu (2003)
Is this bad to do ?skn314Tricky (2003)
Path movement (circuit) helpMarkInTheDark8Oldefoxx (2003)
adding curved movementBremer7Oldefoxx (2003)
Input functionhub5Oldefoxx (2003)
Thank you for 1.35Blue Steel7Hotcakes (2003)
max length of blitz string?ashmantle21Oldefoxx (2003)
does CopyRect clip?big10p7Oldefoxx (2003)
Anyone know how to do an "iris"?WoeIsMe7Oldefoxx (2003)
Dynamic Scrollingmaverick695Oldefoxx (2003)
How could I keep my mouse pointer inside a canvas or window?SuperDan4cyberseth (2003)
Locking TextAreasEikon6Eikon (2003)
Blitzplus 1.34JWW8Mark Tiffany (2003)
Close X Button disappeared under v1.34, why?Sin of Nature14Wiebo (2003)
play modsZster11darklordz (2003)
xp look ?ChrisBloch12darklordz (2003)
TextArea : search engine ?Red3cyberseth (2003)
Syntax highlighting editormarksibly11cyberseth (2003)
Event commands in fullscreen mode?Hotcakes4Hotcakes (2003)
Jump-routine questionHenrik6Henrik (2003)
Which memory does LoadImage/LoadAnimImage use?AlexZ12BlitzSupport (2003)
Vector Graphics FunctionsSSS4Wiebo (2003)
readpixel reads the Alpha Channel ?Red5Snarty (2003)
Cursors and getkeyNebula2Snarty (2003)
Blitz Plus is SLOWER than Blitz3D ?tkruk5Rob (2003)
making point go from to x,y to x1,xyRoss C4Ross C (2003)
PNG problemBillamu4Billamu (2003)
Saving ImagesNigel Brown4Gabriel (2003)
String Evaluation?Splatman3RexRhino (2003)
global TYPE arraysRussell4Russell (2003)
Pic-2-DATA in ArchivesKevin_2Russell (2003)
"Area Of Sight Code" Should I use this for my Game?coffeedotbean5jhocking (2003)
B+ OpenGL Driver Mode Mangles GL StatesParlance4Difference (2003)
How to update online docsRussell3Russell (2003)
My JPEG's are funny looking...SuperDan7SuperDan (2003)
Problems on NTdrankin10BlitzSupport (2003)
Hi im new 'ere! Question about FPSRuntime Error3Runtime Error (2003)
How can I check to see if my program is already runningSuperDan14soja (2003)
tetris problemRoss C5Bremer (2003)
DrawBlock boundaries?ashmantle7cbmeeks (2003)
BankHeinz5Heinz (2003)
BlitzPlus and 3DJoshK17Steve Fash (2003)
B+ and vid ramcoffeedotbean2Eikon (2003)
Check boxes and Radio buttonsEikon1Eikon (2003)
illegal type conversion on code that used to work fine...GR2GR (2003)
Why the server qui ???Filax2Filax (2003)
Tabber gadgets - creating and managingsoja7Orca (2003)
RemoveGadgetItem ?Red3Orca (2003)
Bring to front a canvas ?Red5Red (2003)
Force a window repaint?Pigmeat2Red (2003)
Still bugged by HtmlViewGoSuperDan3okee (2003)
Memory Checking?Eck4Eck (2003)
Need some mathMiracle5Miracle (2003)
BlitzDirect with 2D?Parlance1Parlance (2003)
2 WIndows & 2 CanvasesKevin_2Kevin_ (2003)
Having problems with draw image.Splatman1Splatman (2003)
Problem with ImagesCollideMikle10Mikle (2003)
GFX Driver testEOF27cyberseth (2003)
Problems ProblemsRandolphCarter5Zster (2003)
Adding text to a textareadirkduck4Russell (2003)
Bitmap Fontsmaverick694DarkNature (2003)
attaching a window to a window..Synchronist10Synchronist (2003)
how to call cut/copy/paste operation ?Red3Snarty (2003)
Why doesn't my web page load up?SuperDan3SuperDan (2003)
Hiding the Scrollbar in HtmlView gadgetokee3okee (2003)
lol... I've some popupmenu functions but I can't use it on textarea ???Red4Red (2003)
Tile based platform game collision :(Binary_Moon4Binary_Moon (2003)
Loading png vs bmpAPE25Tricky (2003)
Can't seem to read commandline$ from a .scrSuperDan4cyberseth (2003)
HotKeyEvent - Releasing the hotkey?EOF2EWP (2003)
B+ syntaxHighlighting commands slows down the file loading....Red7ShadowTurtle (2003)
OpenGL supportRaz10Zster (2003)
image collide with floorRoss C7cyberseth (2003)
How to set default path of a requester file ?Red1Red (2003)
Toolbar position doesn't appear to do anything?JoshK2Red (2003)
A sexy divider gadgetJoshK7MutteringGoblin (2003)
MixImages function helpDabbede17Dabbede (2003)
RichEditRussell1Russell (2003)
I created a Game Interface need testing...darklordz21darklordz (2003)
update a progbar while a loading file ...Red14cyberseth (2003)
Syntax compatibilityRussell4Hotcakes (2003)
How efficient is DrawImageRectNeochrome2cyberseth (2003)
Image StripRogue Vector7Rogue Vector (2003)
Love the new HotKeyEvent but ...julianbury4julianbury (2003)
Shorcut command problemRed3marksibly (2003)
gfx driver sprite testZster15Russell (2003)
How exctract TXT from .DOC WordFilax4Russell (2003)
Random Seed behaviour across OS inconsistent?morduun26morduun (2003)
How to Get System Colors ?cyberseth4cyberseth (2003)
Nifty trick with canvasskn31skn3 (2003)
Cool! My new IDE will be out soon after the update.JoshK27Red (2003)
How to change Win title ?Red2Red (2003)
GetEnv("blitzpath") ... B3D/B2D/B+Red3RexRhino (2003)
Brand spanking new full screen fadeMurilo4Murilo (2003)
How to open a file in TextArea (quickly)?Red5JoshK (2003)
line text justifyhub4hub (2003)
Help? =] I am freaking out!Hotcakes6Hotcakes (2003)
Keyboard repeat rateNigel Brown3marksibly (2003)
Need underground/cave tiles for side scroller, please?AmazingJas5_PJ_ (2003)
SetfontJWW3Nigel Brown (2003)
Fast, Nice Fire FX Using Blit's for B+Richard Betson2TheMan (2003)
Fast FullScreen Blur/Fade 640x480x16Richard Betson1Richard Betson (2003)
Thank you for the updateBlue Steel27marksibly (2003)
Playing .avi kills future soundsdrankin3drankin (2003)
Flickering War =||:::::::::::::>Red4Red (2003)
Panel is just a colored square ?Red4Shagwana (2003)
Notify BugJWW5Mark Tiffany (2003)
Where do I get the update?Craig H. Nisbet3Eikon (2003)
Regarding v1.34 changesHotcakes4Hotcakes (2003)
IconStrips / Treeview ...?Red1Red (2003)
'TextAreaChar' and 'TextAreaLine'mag.2Red (2003)
OGLMadMax4MadMax (2003)
SliderRange ?Red3Red (2003)
Blitz plus and the nvidia/direct x problemXuul5Hotcakes (2003)
iconstrips wont dispaly in comboboxes.Kev3Kev (2003)
nvidia problems - any ideas?mulawa112mulawa1 (2003)
Where are the new docs?Skitchy4MadMax (2003)
Okee Dokee?turtle17763Hotcakes (2003)
Blitz+ users a new way of opening windows...Drago8Difference (2003)
I'm new in B+Red1Red (2003)
Is it possible to "import" gadgets into blitz.skn31skn3 (2003)
Cache Map / Edge Update ScrollerDr Derek Doctors3Dr Derek Doctors (2003)
Fast, full screen fade in/outMurilo1Murilo (2003)
How to print an image without a DLL/APIBlue Steel12Blue Steel (2003)
Lastest Worklog DiscussionEikon41Blue Steel (2003)
Will blitz ever be able to load its own font ???skn310skn3 (2003)
For....Each Problemmaverick694Snarty (2003)
custom dragbarCS_TBL3CS_TBL (2003)
So whens the new update coming ?skn322popcade (2003)
Locked Graphics Demo?turtle177613Snarty (2003)
.tga not supported?JoshK2Nigel Brown (2003)
Contour mappingNigel Brown1Nigel Brown (2003)
menusSDF_of_BC4Snarty (2003)
access to sound bufferZster7Zster (2003)
saving text problemMadMax3MadMax (2003)
Multiselections in list boxes?Craig H. Nisbet4cyberseth (2003)
help neededmarkyb3markyb (2003)
canvas in resizeable windowCS_TBL2Snarty (2003)
Problem with Blitz 2D code running in Blitz PlusCraig H. Nisbet20Hotcakes (2003)
blitzplus release, when ?hub16semar (2003)
2D Paint packagesQuickSilva75Snarty (2003)
TIP: Underlining you window's menuMurilo13SDF_of_BC (2003)
Screen Shatter effect added to code archivesAnthony Flack2Richard Betson (2003)
WindowsCEWarren9Griz (2003)
ClipboardCold Harbour7Cold Harbour (2003)
linking GUISSS5cyberseth (2003)
2D Golf ball code added to archiveDarkNature8Genexi2 (2003)
using custom activeX controlsBeeps14RocketGnome (2003)
Whats faster (DrawBlock/DrawBlockRect)maverick693cyberseth (2003)
Refresh problemhub11SDF_of_BC (2003)
toolbarsSDF_of_BC3SDF_of_BC (2003)
Save the tile painted on screen.Valgar5cyberseth (2003)
Linked listsSynchronist6Orca (2003)
How many tipe of scrolling are possible with Blitz?Valgar7Anthony Flack (2003)
Menu using Mouse Badstarsoft21Valgar (2003)
fireSSS10Valgar (2003)
tabing from one textbox to another.Kev3Kev (2003)
Moving an object with tha mouse...Valgar10Valgar (2003)
Files, always files...Crystal Noir3Crystal Noir (2003)
Resizeinjeevious6BlitzSupport (2003)
Writting files....plz Help !Crystal Noir7Crystal Noir (2003)
Horses racinggnipper8gnipper (2003)
Zoom In/Out in graphics programsskn310MutteringGoblin (2003)
CanvasesCrystal Noir3Crystal Noir (2003)
DBF supportKarbon4Physt (2003)
Window and child windowCrystal Noir4Murilo (2003)