event id list

BlitzPlus Forums/BlitzPlus Programming/event id list

c0rnelius(Posted 2003) [#1]
this maybe a stupid question but id ask anyway.

where can i find the complete list of event id's? are there available references about this? please help.

EOF(Posted 2003) [#2]
BlitPlus on-line docs for starters:
docs > gui category > events > waitevent
Same place in the supplied BlitzPlus docs.
Finally, check the supplied BlizPlus help docs under

BlitzPlus User Guide
> Chapter 2 - GUI

Although that is missing some of the newer events.

BlitzSupport(Posted 2003) [#3]
Here's what I use for this (just paste into your code):

; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
; Event definitions...
; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

Const EVENT_None			= $0		; No event (eg. a WaitEvent timeout)
Const EVENT_KeyDown			= $101		; Key pressed
Const EVENT_KeyUp			= $102		; Key released
Const EVENT_ASCII			= $103		; ASCII key pressed
Const EVENT_MouseDown		= $201		; Mouse button pressed
Const EVENT_MouseUp			= $202		; Mouse button released
Const EVENT_MouseMove		= $203		; Mouse moved
Const EVENT_MouseWheel		= $204		; Mouse wheel moved
Const EVENT_MouseEnter		= $205		; Mouse entered canvas
Const EVENT_MouseLeave		= $206		; Mouse left canvas
Const EVENT_Gadget			= $401		; Gadget event
Const EVENT_Move			= $801		; Window moved
Const EVENT_Size			= $802		; Window resized
Const EVENT_Close			= $803		; Window closed
Const EVENT_Front			= $804		; Window brought to front
Const EVENT_Menu			= $1001		; Menu item selected
Const EVENT_LostFocus		= $2001		; App lost focus
Const EVENT_GotFocus		= $2002		; App got focus
Const EVENT_DisplayChange	= $2003		; Display mode changed
Const EVENT_BeginModal		= $2004		; Modal event (window resize/slider drag)
Const EVENT_EndModal		= $2005		; Modal event (window resize/slider drag)
Const EVENT_Timer			= $4001		; Timer event occurred

CS_TBL(Posted 2003) [#4]
after a week of serious coding (not just wacko experiments) you know most of them by heart!