syntax hignlighting

BlitzPlus Forums/BlitzPlus Programming/syntax hignlighting

code(Posted 2004) [#1]
How would I do this with formattextareatext? is there sumthing in the code archives(I'll look 2morrow got to get off for the night)? If you have done this can you post a sample of the code?

Eikon(Posted 2004) [#2]
Halo's open source editor (on the front page):

MattVonFat(Posted 2004) [#3]
This may help:
Window = CreateWindow("HTML Editor", 100, 100, 400, 300, 0)
Panel = CreatePanel(0, 0, ClientWidth(Window), ClientHeight(Window), Window)

TextArea = CreateTextArea(0, 0, ClientWidth(Panel), ClientHeight(Panel), Panel)

Timer = CreateTimer(100) ;100 ms
AreaText$ = "" ;TextArea Text

count = False
countNum% = 1
Tag$ = ""


Select WaitEvent()
	Case $803
	Case $4001 ; Tick
	Select EventSource()
		Case Timer
		tmp$ = TextAreaText$(TextArea) ; Grab Text
		If tmp$ <> AreaText$ Then ; User has entered a character
			tmp2$ = Right(tmp$, Len(tmp$) - Len(AreaText$)) ; Isolate new from old entry
			If count = False ;If your not currently getting the HTML tag
				If Instr(Lower(tmp2$), "<", 1) Then count = True ;If the character entered is <, start getting tag 
			Else If count = True ;Your are getting the HTML tag
				If Instr(Lower(tmp2$), ">", 1) ;Is it the end tag?
					countNum = countNum + 1 ;Increase the characters
					count = False ;Stop counting
					z = CheckTag(Tag$) ;Is it an HTML tag?
					If z = True ;It is a HTML tag
						FormatTextAreaText(TextArea, 255, 0, 0, 0, TextAreaLen(TextArea) - countNum, countNum) ;Higlight the Tag
					End If
					Tag$ = "" ;Reset Tag
					countNum = 1 ;num  of characters back to one
				Else ;It's not the end tag
					Tag$ = Tag$ + tmp2$  ;Add the chracter to the Tag
					countNum = countNum + 1 ;Add 1 to the num of chars
				End If
			End If			
			AreaText$ = tmp$
	End Select

End Select


Function CheckTag(tagToCheck$)

	tagToCheck$ = Upper(tagToCheck$)
	a = ReadFile("files/tags.mltg")
		b$ = ReadLine(a)
		c$ = "/" + b$ ;To see if it is an end tag
		If b$ = tagToCheck$
			Return True
		Else If c$ = tagToCheck$
			Return True
		End If
	Until Eof(a)
	Return False
End Function

in the html file i put all the html tags i could find. There are problems with this though with backspaces. If you put <htmlk and backspace, it wont work when you put the > as the tag would be "htmlk". I hope that makes sense!

code(Posted 2004) [#4]
Thanks that helps. I'll make sure I save that when I get home.