Im missing something here, help me!

BlitzPlus Forums/BlitzPlus Programming/Im missing something here, help me!

Davo(Posted 2004) [#1]
Ive been racking my brain over this... I'm sure its really obvious but anyway..

Im re-making a classic game and I decided I wanted a scan-line effect in the game too but that would mean I would have to use transparency wouldnt it? Ive searched in this forum but none of the posts I found directly answered my question.

The question is, how could I make a simple line, with a width of 640 pixels, transparent?

ford escort(Posted 2004) [#2]
you can't on the fly...or it'll be too slow...
the fastest way to make a scanline effect is to draw all sprites with the scanline effect or precalculate it before the game'll need to make the effect 2 time on all the sprites if they move by a non pair pixel number
or you're effect will be messy...

the code below add a scanline effect to a bmp picture and save 2 files with the effect.
Graphics 800,600,0,2
ScanLine_effect(RequestFile$("select a picture to apply the effect","bmp"),90,255,0,255)
;usage scanline_effect(filename$,percentage,transparent color r,transparent color g,transparent color b)
;the three parameters 	transparent color r
;						transparent color g
;						transparent color b
;specify a color that the scanline effect don't modify , usefull for maskimage
Function ScanLine_effect(file$,percentage,tr,tg,tb)
trs=tb Or (tg Shl 8) Or (tr Shl 16)
If FileType(file$)=1
	LockBuffer ImageBuffer(temp)
	For y=0 To h-1
		If y Mod 2=True
			For x=0 To w-1
				c=(ReadPixelFast(x,y,ImageBuffer(temp)) Shl 8)Shr 8
				If tr<>((c Shl 8) Shr 24) Or tg<>((c Shl 16) Shr 24) Or tb<>((c Shl 24) Shr 24)
				r=minmax(percent(percentage,(c Shl 8) Shr 24),0,255)
				g=minmax(percent(percentage,(c Shl 16) Shr 24),0,255)
				b=minmax(percent(percentage,(c Shl 24) Shr 24),0,255)
				WritePixelFast(x,y,b Or (g Shl 8) Or (r Shl 16),ImageBuffer(temp))			
	UnlockBuffer ImageBuffer(temp)
	LockBuffer ImageBuffer(temp2)
	For y=0 To h-1
		If y Mod 2=True
			For x=0 To w-1
				c=(ReadPixelFast(x,y,ImageBuffer(temp2)) Shl 8)Shr 8
				If tr<>((c Shl 8) Shr 24) Or tg<>((c Shl 16) Shr 24) Or tb<>((c Shl 24) Shr 24)
				r=minmax(percent(percentage,(c Shl 8) Shr 24),0,255)
				g=minmax(percent(percentage,(c Shl 16) Shr 24),0,255)
				b=minmax(percent(percentage,(c Shl 24) Shr 24),0,255)
				WritePixelFast(x,y,b+(g Shl 8)+(r Shl 16),ImageBuffer(temp2))			
	UnlockBuffer ImageBuffer(temp2)
DrawBlock temp,0,0
DrawBlock temp2,0,h
SaveBuffer (ImageBuffer(temp),Left$(file$,Len(file$)-4)+"_sl1.bmp")
SaveBuffer (ImageBuffer(temp2),Left$(file$,Len(file$)-4)+"_sl2.bmp")
FreeImage temp
FreeImage temp2
End Function
Function minmax(v,mn,mx)
If v<mn:v=mn:EndIf
If v>mx:v=mx:EndIf
Return v
End Function
Function percent#(per,cent)
	Return Ceil( onepercent#*per)
End Function

the best way to use them later is to have the image handles stored in an aray and test for parity to draw one or the other according to the background scanline effect

example code (not tested)
dim sprite(1)

;loading the sprite animstrips

;drawing the sprite
drawimage sprite(spritey mod 2),spritex,spritey,frame
;this draw the curent sprite frame using the good scanline effect set according to his vertical position

it's a fake scanline effect but it's the fastest way to implement it in b+ ...

Davo(Posted 2004) [#3]
Thanks for your help. It works a charm. Although I couldnt see how the other method would chew up system resources.

Couldnt it be possible just to apply the "scanline layer" ontop of the game?

ford escort(Posted 2004) [#4]
blitz+ don't have any builtin transparency.
so you'll have to run the previous code all frames ... you can test this if you wan't to test anyway :)

testpicture=LoadImage(RequestFile("choose a picture (small)"))
Graphics 640,480,0,2

SetBuffer BackBuffer()
	DrawBlock testpicture,MouseX(),MouseY()
Until KeyDown(1)
Function ScanLine_effect(percentage)
	LockBuffer BackBuffer()
	For y=0 To GraphicsHeight() Step 2
			For x=0 To GraphicsWidth()
				c=(ReadPixelFast(x,y,BackBuffer()) Shl 8)Shr 8
				r=minmax(percent(percentage,(c Shl 8) Shr 24),0,255)
				g=minmax(percent(percentage,(c Shl 16) Shr 24),0,255)
				b=minmax(percent(percentage,(c Shl 24) Shr 24),0,255)
				WritePixelFast(x,y,b Or (g Shl 8) Or (r Shl 16))
End Function
Function minmax(v,mn,mx)
If v<mn:v=mn:EndIf
If v>mx:v=mx:EndIf
Return v
End Function
Function percent#(per,cent)
	Return Ceil( onepercent#*per)
End Function

too slow :(

Davo(Posted 2004) [#5]
Ah yeah, now I understand. Thanks for your help.