
BlitzPlus Forums/BlitzPlus Programming/Bank

Heinz(Posted 2003) [#1]
i want put a couple of nullterminated Strings into
a BANK. I need this for passing a bank variable to
a DLL.

Any Ideas ?
I have found PokeString and PeekString$ in the code
archive, but i have no success.

Here is my testcode :

; Bank - Routinen

bank1 = CreateBank(5000)

a$ = "Hello"
b$ = "World !"
c$ = "How are you ?"

mystr$ = a$ + Chr$(0) + b$ + Chr$(0) + c$ + Chr$(0)

PokeString(bank1, 0, mystr$)

ges$ = PeekString$(bank1, 0, ges$)

Print ges$

;location = Instr(ges$, Chr$(0), 3)

d$ = Input$("Press RETURN to end...")

FreeBank bank1

Function PokeString(bank,offset,s$)
PokeInt bank,offset,Len(s$)
For i = 1 To Len(s$)
PokeByte(bank,offset+i+3, Asc(Mid$(s$,i,1)))
End Function

Function PeekString$(bank,offset,s$)
l = PeekInt(bank,offset)
s$ = ""
For i = 1 To l
s$ = s$ + Chr$(PeekByte(bank,offset+i+3))
Return s$
End Function

Zster(Posted 2003) [#2]
I thought Mark had changed to handeling of strings so that they were the same as C? In which case try passing the string to the DLL as it should be a pointer to a null terminated string.

soja(Posted 2003) [#3]
If you want to pass them in a bank, I believe you might get better results using PokeByte, cycling through each ASC("character") in your string, and manually adding 0 at the end.

Heinz(Posted 2003) [#4]

Thank you for your tips. i have solve
my problem. It works with PeekByte()

Code :

; Bank - Routinen

bank1 = CreateBank(5000)

; a$ + Chr$(0) b$ + Chr$(0) c$ + Chr$(0) -> not works

a$ = "Hello"
b$ = "World !"
c$ = "How are you ?"

PokeString(bank1, 0, a$)
slen = Len(a$) + 1
PokeString(bank1, slen, b$)
slen = slen + Len(b$) + 1
PokeString(bank1, slen, c$)

Print PeekString$(bank1, 0, Len(a$))
Print PeekString$(bank1, Len(a$) + 1, Len(b$))
Print PeekString$(bank1, Len(a$) + Len(b$) + 2, Len(c$))

d$ = Input$("Press RETURN to end...")

FreeBank bank1

Function PokeString(bank,offset,s$)
z = 0
For i = 1 To Len(s$)
PokeByte(bank,offset + z, Asc(Mid$(s$,i,1)))
z = z + 1
z = z + 1
PokeByte(bank, offset + z, Chr$(0))
End Function

Function PeekString$(bank,offset, slen)
s$ = ""
z = 0
For i = 1 To slen
s$ = s$ + Chr$(PeekByte(bank,offset + z))
z = z + 1
Return s$
End Function

Heinz(Posted 2003) [#5]
is there a way to pass a bank with
adresses of strings to a DLL ?

the above functions works fine. i have
changed the declares in my .decls - file.
like : myfunc(a%) to myfunc(a*)

but it works with one string only.

or can i pass an array (dim myarray$(3) )
as a pointer (@) ?