Finding Out The Current Graphics State

BlitzPlus Forums/BlitzPlus Programming/Finding Out The Current Graphics State

SebHoll(Posted 2006) [#1]

I am writing a Blitz App at the moment that is contructed using gadgets and displays 99% of its information on a Window. However, from time to time I display images using fullscreen by calling the Blitz2D Graphics() command. However, I need the program to know whether or not the computer has already initialised a Graphics() and is in full screen instead of it keep re-initialising in every loop. I know that I could write a variable but I'm sure that there must be a command that could tell us if the app is running fullscreen.

Anyone any ideas, thanks in advance


P.S. I've tried testing GraphicsHeight() assuming it would return 0 when no Graphics() but it returns the desktop resolution of Windows. I've also tried calling GraphicsBuffer() again assuming it will be 0 if there isn't a buffer but it doesn't refresh when you call EndGraphics().

CS_TBL(Posted 2006) [#2]
Do you want graphicsmode perse? You could also create a fullscreen window, without the GUI things on it.. just a big void (flag: 0). Put a canvas on it, either fullscreen, or resize it to fullscreen, and draw the image on it.

This way everything stays like gadgets.. easy to control..

SebHoll(Posted 2006) [#3]
Yeah I think a GraphicsMode() function would solve it. Great suggestion about how I could get around it but it would have been a lot easier to use native Blitz2D fullscreen. I take it that this means there isn't a way (programmatically) to find this out, in which case I will probably make a variable which will tell me if the Graphics Mode has been initialised previously.

Thanks for your help, CS_TBL
