"Notify" command question : X on red circle?

BlitzPlus Forums/BlitzPlus Programming/"Notify" command question : X on red circle?

BlitzProg(Posted 2009) [#1]
The notify command allows you to display a message. the optionnal parameter allow you to make your message "serious". but i have a question...

Normal message has the icon i bubble.
Serious message has a /!\ icon.

Is there any way for getting a message with a white X on a red circle as icon?

(nb, thoses are window XP icon, i don't think they are the same for every version)

thanks you!

BlitzSupport(Posted 2009) [#2]
If there isn't one already, you need to create a folder called "userlibs" inside the BlitzPlus folder.

You'll then have to create a plain text file, inside the "userlibs" folder, called "user32.decls" if one doesn't already exist, and add the following lines to it, then save it:

.lib "user32.dll"

MessageBoxA% (hWnd, lpText*, lpCaption*, uType)

If the "user32.decls" already exists, just add the MessageBoxA line. (NB. It may already exist, in which case, don't bother!)

Assuming that all goes OK, run this from the IDE:

; Flags that can be passed for different icons...

Const MB_ICONSTOP = 16

Function NotifyPlus (title$, message$, flags, query = 0)

	blitzwindow = SystemProperty ("AppHWND")
	messagebank = CreateBank (Len (message$) + 1)
	For b = 1 To Len (message$)
		PokeByte messagebank, b - 1, Asc (Mid (message$, b, 1))
	PokeByte messagebank, b, 0 ; Windows needs terminating Chr (0)
	titlebank = CreateBank (Len (title$))
	For b = 1 To Len (title$)
		PokeByte titlebank, b - 1, Asc (Mid (title$, b, 1))
	PokeByte titlebank, b, 0
	result = MessageBoxA (blitzwindow, messagebank, titlebank, flags Or query)
	FreeBank titlebank
	FreeBank messagebank

	Return result
End Function

; Demo...

NotifyPlus "Oh no!", "What are you trying to do?!!!", MB_ICONSTOP
NotifyPlus "Oh no!", "What are you trying to do?!!!", MB_ICONQUESTION
NotifyPlus "Oh no!", "What are you trying to do?!!!", MB_ICONWARNING
NotifyPlus "Oh no!", "What are you trying to do?!!!", MB_ICONINFORMATION

; ... and with OK/Cancel flag...

result = NotifyPlus ("Oh no!", "What are you trying to do?!!!", MB_ICONQUESTION, 1)

Select result
	Case 1
		NotifyPlus ("Oh no!", "You selected OK!", MB_ICONINFORMATION)
	Case 2
		NotifyPlus ("Oh no!", "You selected Cancel!", MB_ICONWARNING)
End Select

BlitzProg(Posted 2009) [#3]
Awesome! I'll familiarize with this when i have time. Many thanks!