ActivateGadget works differently in debug?

BlitzPlus Forums/BlitzPlus Programming/ActivateGadget works differently in debug?

taxlerendiosk(Posted 2003) [#1]
Hi, I have a tree view which needs to ActivateGadget another gadget when a node is clicked on, and it does so, in the IDE with debug mode on. Compiled or without debug it doesn't. I'd really appreciate any help on this...

Tazzy(Posted 2003) [#2]
Hi there,

This is a common problem not limited to Blitz+ . You see, the gadget gets activated, but right after that the debugger gets focus again making it seem like nothing happened. A debugger situation is not entirely equal to a nor mal situation because the debugger needs to stay alive aswell. It's not magic. In order to keep track of the application the debugger needs to hook itself into the program and cause a call to the debugger after every line that is executed. Because of this things like timing and focus will be slightly different.

Hope that helps...