tree view

BlitzPlus Forums/BlitzPlus Programming/tree view

Mr Brine(Posted 2004) [#1]
Any one know if their is a way to detect if a treeview node is expanded or collapsed?


Mr Brine

Wiebo(Posted 2004) [#2]
Maybe through userlibs, but not natively

rdodson41(Posted 2004) [#3]
I'm not sure, but I think that expanding/collapsing a treeview node generates an event, $401 (gadget) probably. Im not sure if you can tell if it just got expanded or collapsed from eventdata(), but you will probably just have to track it from each event to the next, or write a TreeViewNodeStatus(handle) userlib.

Hope it helps

Mr Brine(Posted 2004) [#4]
treeview events are only generated when a node is selected that is not currently selected, but not when a treeview node that is selected is expanded or closed.

Does anybody know where you can get complete documentation for the user32.dll??


Eikon(Posted 2004) [#5]

Does anybody know where you can get complete documentation for the user32.dll??

I use Api Guide

soja(Posted 2004) [#6]
MSDN is good. Of course it's not organized that way (i.e. sections by DLL or something) but you can use dumpbin or PEview to get a list of the exported functions of the DLL, then look those up, OR just follow the "User Interface" section in the contents view.

soja(Posted 2004) [#7]
Maybe this will help you out. Click on (change the selected) node and it will tell you whether it's expanded or not.

; Example code: Is the selected TreeView node currently expanded?
; Only works Win95/NT4 with IE5 or later
; .lib "user32.dll"
; SendMessage%(hwnd%, wMsg%, wParam%, lParam%):"SendMessageA"

Const TV_FIRST = $1100
Const TVGN_CARET = $9

w = CreateWindow("TreeView isExpanded Example", 10, 10, 300, 300, 0, 9)
tv = CreateTreeView(0, 0, ClientWidth(w), ClientHeight(w), w)
tvRoot = AddTreeViewNode("Root", TreeViewRoot(tv))
tv1 = AddTreeViewNode("1", tvRoot)
tv2 = AddTreeViewNode("2", tv1)
tv3 = AddTreeViewNode("3", tv2)
tv4 = AddTreeViewNode("4", tvRoot)

	Select WaitEvent()
		Case $803
		Case $401
			Select EventSource()
				Case tv
					If isExpanded(tv) Then
						SetStatusText(w, "Expanded")
						SetStatusText(w, "Not Expanded")
			End Select
	End Select

Function isExpanded(tv)
	selectedNodeHwnd% = SendMessage(QueryObject(tv,1), TVM_GETNEXTITEM, TVGN_CARET, 0)
	Return TVIS_EXPANDED And SendMessage(QueryObject(tv,1), TVM_GETITEMSTATE, selectedNodeHwnd, TVIS_EXPANDED)
End Function

Mr Brine(Posted 2004) [#8]
Cheers all!


- It also works with XP pro SP1, nice one!!!
- where can I find peview and dumpbin

Mr Brine

soja(Posted 2004) [#9]
Glad it works for you. Yeah, it just needs an updated version of comctl32.dll which isn't included in the base install of NT4 or Win95, but is in every other OS, and IE5.

Dumpbin: comes with VC++\Visual Studio, but I think it might be included if you download the free Win32 Platform SDK from Microsoft. I prefer this one simple because it just spits all the functions out into a text file.