ccDB released (threaded DB access)

BlitzPlus Forums/BlitzPlus Programming/ccDB released (threaded DB access)

Mahan(Posted 2009) [#1]

My intent is not to double-post but I wanted to notify you all about my new userlib that was posted in the Blitz3D-Userlibs forum, because it's written for BlitzPlus as much as it is for Blitz3D. (with demos included for both languages)

If threaded DB access sounds useful to you, check out the release thread.

Sauer(Posted 2009) [#2]
Wow this is fantastic, I've always wanted to use SQLite in my games... and multi threaded... awesome.

Thanks for posting it here or else I would have never found it.

Mahan(Posted 2009) [#3]
You can use both SQLite (build in support in the .DLL) or ODBC, which enables us B+ programmers to do serious DB work against a big DB in realtime.