Memory Problems

BlitzPlus Forums/BlitzPlus Programming/Memory Problems

DNielsen(Posted 2004) [#1]

Look at the code below. I am trying to retrieve how much memory is available on my graphics card. I tested with a 2Mb graphics card but the code below I have done returns 16Mb ??? WHY?? Please advise!

Function Display_GfxMemory()

Local		Gfx_TotalMem%	=	0
Local		Gfx_FreeMem%	=	0

		Gfx_TotalMem = TotalVidMem()
		Gfx_FreeMem = AvailVidMem()

		Text (Cursor_XPos,Cursor_YPos,"Total Graphics Memory   : ", False,False)
		Text (Cursor_XPos,Cursor_YPos,"                          " + Gfx_TotalMem + " " + "(Bytes)" + " " + (Gfx_TotalMem / 1048576) + "Mb",False,False)
		Cursor_YPos = Cursor_Ypos + Cursor_Size
		Text (Cursor_XPos,Cursor_YPos,"Free Graphics Memory    : ",False,False)
		Text (Cursor_XPos,Cursor_YPos,"                          " + Gfx_FreeMem + " " + "(Bytes)" + " " + (Gfx_FreeMem / 1048576) + "Mb",False,False)
		Cursor_YPos = Cursor_Ypos + Cursor_Size
End Function 

BlitzSupport(Posted 2004) [#2]
See the 'Beginners' forum version of this thread -- I'd recommend posting a problem in only one or the other, or you're likely to get whined at! :)

DNielsen(Posted 2004) [#3]
Thanks, I was not sure exactly "where" to post my question, and I could not "delete" when/where I had first posted.

wizzlefish(Posted 2004) [#4]
I see you're fitting in nicely. :)