a textbox that only accepts numbers

BlitzPlus Forums/BlitzPlus Programming/a textbox that only accepts numbers

CloseToPerfect(Posted 2008) [#1]
Is there a simple command for a textbox that only accepts numbers? if not how would i prevent anything but number from being entered into the textbox?

CloseToPerfect(Posted 2008) [#2]
never mind. After checking a few other apps I guess this is the way they work. Sure would be nice to have a box that only accepted numbers. I guess I just have to handle it with error checking.

em22(Posted 2008) [#3]
Yeah I'm trying to grab keyboard inputs when a listbox is selected. Pah. Very hard.

David Boudreau(Posted 2008) [#4]
You probably want to check the user's numbers for bounds, anyways. Maybe make the text field uneditable, but have ten buttons, one button for each numeral, layed out in calculator fashion (3x3) and the textfield just displays what the user pushes.

Ross C(Posted 2008) [#5]
Couldn't you just overlay another textbox that completely covers the orginal textbox. Upon selecting the textbox, send the input to the hidden one. Then, filter the data from the hidden text box to the visible one.

David Boudreau(Posted 2008) [#6]
yeah but I think he just wants to avoid doing any of the filtering himself, in the first place. --or maybe I don't understand what you mean Ross- what would having the second textbox accomplish?

Seldon(Posted 2008) [#7]
That's easy if you use WinAPI :
Const GWL_STYLE=-16
Const ES_NUMBER=8192

win=CreateWindow ("",0,0,320,240)

ID_TEXTBOX_test=CreateTextField(0,0,300,23,win) ;create textfield in that window 

	If id=$803 Then End
	If id=$401 And EventSource()=ok Then
		Notify "This is your text in TextField:"+Chr$(13)+TextFieldText$(ID_TEXTBOX_test)
	End If 

Here it is the definitions for the WinAPI functions :
.lib "user32.dll"


Ross C(Posted 2008) [#8]
I'm not entirely familiar with blitzplus, so i don't know if you can intercept data between the user pressing a key and it appearing in the textbox.

blackgecko(Posted 2008) [#9]
Try it with this code!

Win = CreateWindow("Test",100,100,400,400)
TField = CreateTextField(50,50,300,20,Win)
But = CreateButton("OK",50,80,100,30,Win,4)
Select WaitEvent()
Case $803 End
Case $401
If EventSource() = But Then Notify TextFieldText(TField) : End
If EventSource() = TField Then
For i = 0 To 9
If EventData() = Asc(Str(i)) Then Check = Check + 1
If Check = 0 Then SetGadgetText TField,Left(TextFieldText(TField),Len(TextFieldText(TField))-1)
Check = 0
End Select

Okay, it's not a simple command but an easy way to check if the user only enters numbers.
Could anyone tell me how to put the program code into such a black box with green text colour?

Baley(Posted 2009) [#10]
@Bart: Have you seen my sample ? Why would you want to use your function if WinAPI does it all for you ??? It's a bit non-sense to me. If you want to include code in the proper way, add the following tags :


, without asterisks.