slider - mouseball (a.k.a. 'wheel')

BlitzPlus Forums/BlitzPlus Programming/slider - mouseball (a.k.a. 'wheel')

CS_TBL(Posted 2003) [#1]
This is a question for those who can test it. You need a mouse with a trackball on top instead of a simple wheel.

With the trackball you can scroll 2-way (handy for photoshop, level editors etc.). In B+, sliders are automaticly updated when you use the trackball. (you don't need to do anything special for that..)

However, the code below has a quirk as it seems, trying it explains what I mean..

(Still using b+ 1.34, hope that isn't the problem here :))



sl1v=CreateSlider(184,4,12,80,app,0):SetSliderRange sl1v,4,32
sl1h=CreateSlider(104,84,80,12,app,1):SetSliderRange sl1h,4,32

sl2v=CreateSlider(184,204,12,80,app,0):SetSliderRange sl2v,4,32
sl2h=CreateSlider(104,284,80,12,app,1):SetSliderRange sl2h,4,32


	If EventID()=$803 quit=True
Until quit
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additionally: if you place the 2nd set (canvas, sliders) at the right side from set 1, and not _beneath_ the first one, then there seems to be no prob. ..

_Skully(Posted 2003) [#2]
Is it useful somehow to have a trackball top of a mouse? I hope your not developing with that in mind ;)


CS_TBL(Posted 2003) [#3]
Once you had the experience to work with that, you never want to go back. This is my second mouse already (the first one is now in use on my B-system), and I recommended the same type to 2 others already. Anyway, as I say, it's way cool for design-stuff. Imagine a 2d map-editor where you use the normal mouse-movements for tiling and the ball for scrolling through your map.