checking ENTER

BlitzPlus Forums/BlitzPlus Programming/checking ENTER

gellyware(Posted 2004) [#1]
Hi, Is there a way to check if the user presses enter IF they are inside of a textfield area? I used a check for eventdata but it only works IF the user presses enter before clicking inside a text field. I am making a quiz type game where the user can click inside of a box and type the answer. I have a submit button, but I think its natural to hit enter after the answer is inputed.

Anyway here is my code for checking for enter, but as I say it only works if they havent clicked inside the text field.
	id = WaitEvent (1)
	Select id
	    Case $101 ;keyDown
	       If EventData() = 28 Then  checkAnswer()
			DebugLog EventData()		

there is more code of course, but only this is relevant.

BlitzSupport(Posted 2004) [#2]
Check the supplied in your \samples\Mak\ folder -- the relevant section is under 'Case $401' (you check for the ASCII code, 13)...

EOF(Posted 2004) [#3]
Quick example here:

; Textfield - ENTER/RETURN
win=CreateWindow("TextField + ENTER/RETURN",270,240,234,104,Desktop(),1)

;	DebugLog "Event = $"+Right$(Hex$(ev),4) + "   "+EventSource() + "   "+EventData()
	If EventSource()=win ActivateGadget win
	Select ev
		Case $803 ; close [X]
		Case $401 ; gadgethit
		If EventSource()=tf ; TEXTFIELD
			If EventData()=13 Notify "ENTER/RETURN pressed in textfield"
	End Select


The RETURN/ENTER detection only works whilst editing in the textfield. Clicking the window area deactivates the textfield and likewise the RETURN/ENTER key detection.

gellyware(Posted 2004) [#4]
thanks guys, I will give this a shot!