Custom TTF Fonts?

BlitzPlus Forums/BlitzPlus Programming/Custom TTF Fonts?

Imphenzia(Posted 2003) [#1]

Has anyone released a Blitz+ Application with an uncommon truetype windows font bundled? I am wondering this as I would like to include a font with the game which I suppose have to be installed as a windows font. Wondered if anyone has pros and cons for this.

Also, Blitz+ should be able to load a custom TTF font that isn't part of the Windows system =) That would be kinda cool... something like: Loadfont ("media/fonts/imph.ttf",32)

GfK(Posted 2003) [#2]
You don't need to install TTFs to your windows folder to get them to work with Blitz.

All you need to know is the fonts "internal" name - which you can find by double-clicking it.

Rename the font to its internal name, put it in your Blitz app folder, and load it from there. For example, I used a font called 'kinderg.ttf' - its full internal name is 'kindergarten'. So you simply rename it to 'kindergarten.ttf'. You can then load it with:
Font = LoadFont("kindergarten.ttf",16)
I vaguely recall a problem with fonts that have spaces in their internal name though, so beware when choosing which font to use.