Userlib - byte parameters

BlitzPlus Forums/BlitzPlus Programming/Userlib - byte parameters

TAS(Posted 2005) [#1]
I want to use a Comm DLL that has the following functions that use byte size parameters. How do I translate the VB declares below into a Blitzplus Userlib.decls file. To I need to use a void (*) for the byte parameters and pass a bank to the dll?

//Paste these declarations into your VB code...
//Declare Sub esInitUART Lib "EZSerial.dll" (ByVal iPort As Integer, ByVal iBaud As Integer, ByVal iParity As Byte, ByVal iBits As Byte, ByVal iStop As Byte)
//Declare Function esTxByte Lib "EZSerial.dll" (ByVal iPort As Integer, ByVal iByte As Byte) As Byte
//Declare Function esRxByte Lib "EZSerial.dll" (ByVal iPort As Integer, ByVal ParityChar As Byte) As Byte
//Declare Function esWaitforTxReady Lib "EZSerial.dll" (ByVal iPort As Integer) As Boolean
//Declare Function esRxReady Lib "EZSerial.dll" (ByVal iPort As Integer) As Boolean

Seldon(Posted 2005) [#2]
No, if you pass a bank you still pass a LONG (32 memory pointer). Unfortunately, since Blitz handles just LONG variables, there is no way to pass a BYTE. The only way is to write a wrapper DLL (in C or BlitzMAX), that receives LONGs from Blitz and then calls the COMM DLL.

You can even try to pass LONGs and see what happens. :-)

TAS(Posted 2005) [#3]
Thanks, I found found a workaround (use 9600,N,8,0 ipo 9600,N,*,1)for the bug with the api SetCommState function instead.