move a skinned window

BlitzPlus Forums/BlitzPlus Programming/move a skinned window

hub(Posted 2003) [#1]
Hi !

in my project, i use a skinned window, so i've written the following code to move the window. In fact the window contains another 400x300 canvas inside. In this canvas, i display my tiny game. I use a timer for the game refresh rate.

But i've a pb with waittimer line. If you keep pressed the mouse button and move the window, sometime my b+ code doesn't detect when you release the mouse button, and you continue to move the window ! If i uncomment the line, i've no pb !

Is there a better solution ? I must keep the waitimer line for the inside game canvas !

Thanks !

Win = CreateWindow(kText01$,300,300,200,200,Desktop(),0) 
cvs = CreateCanvas (0,0,200,200, Win) 
btn = CreateButton ("Bouton", 50,50,60,100, cvs) 
Global tmr 

tmr = CreateTimer(60) 

Quit = False 

While Not Quit 
 Select EventID() 
   Case $201 
     If EventSource() = cvs Then 
       bMoveWindow = True 
     End If 
   Case $202 
     bMoveWindow = False 
   Case $203 
     If bMoveWindow = True Then 
       If aMouseX <> 0 And aMouseY <> 0 Then 
         deltaX = aMouseX - MouseX(cvs) 
         deltaY = aMouseY - MouseY(cvs) 
         SetGadgetShape Win, GadgetX(Win) - DeltaX,GadgetY(Win) - DeltaY, GadgetWidth (Win), GadgetHeight(Win) 
       End If 
     End If 
 End Select 
 aMouseX = MouseX(cvs) 
 aMouseY = MouseY(cvs)   
 WaitTimer(tmr)  < ------- Comment/Uncomment this line
 If EventSource() = btn Then Quit = True 