Icon in menu

BlitzPlus Forums/BlitzPlus Programming/Icon in menu

mag.(Posted 2004) [#1]
Anyone know how to add icon in menu?

Paulo(Posted 2004) [#2]
Hi, if you mean icons in a window, like IE buttons or the buttons in blitz itself, (taken from example code in blitzplus folder samples\mak\simple_toolbar.bb ).

window=CreateWindow( "ToolBar sample",0,0,640,480 )

;toolbar items must be square!
;also, width and height parameters are currently ignored,
;as the toolbar auto-sizes to fit the image.
toolbar=CreateToolBar( "toolbar.bmp",0,0,0,0,window )

;set toolbar tips
SetToolBarTips toolbar,"New,Open,Save,Close,Cut,Copy,Paste,Find,Run,Home,Back,Forward"

panel=CreatePanel( 0,GadgetHeight(toolbar),ClientWidth(window),ClientHeight(window)-GadgetHeight(toolbar),window )
SetGadgetLayout panel,1,1,1,1
SetPanelColor panel,128,128,128

While WaitEvent()<>$803

If EventID()=$401
If EventSource()=toolbar
Notify "ToolBar item "+EventData()+" hit!"



matt!(Posted 2004) [#3]
I think he means a disk icon next to File|Save and so on.

MattVonFat(Posted 2004) [#4]
There is a way to put icons in those sorts of menus with API but i havent been using that long so i couldn't get it to work. Maybe some one more experienced with that sort of stuff would know how to set up a .decls for it.

Kev(Posted 2004) [#5]
i havent attempted to do this using blitz+, the winapi SetMenuItemBitmaps() might be of use. the calls found in user32.dll
