Image Strip

BlitzPlus Forums/BlitzPlus Programming/Image Strip

Rogue Vector(Posted 2003) [#1]
I need to make an image strip of 100 anim frames for use with the LoadAnimImage() function.

Is there a freeware tool on the net that can do this?



QuietBloke(Posted 2003) [#2]
do you already have the images ?
if you do then its just a few lines of blitzcode to do it.

Rogue Vector(Posted 2003) [#3]

I have 100 x (256x256 pixel JPEG) images.

It's basically the earth spinning on its axis.

I want to incorporate this animation in a menu system that I'm working on.

cyberseth(Posted 2003) [#4]
Why don't you just load them into an array of 100 images? That way you could also have a progress loading bar.

Dim imgEarth(99) ; 0-99 = 100 images
For i=1 to 100
    imgEarth(i-1) = LoadImage("gfx\earth"+i+".jpg")
    if i mod 5 = 0 Then DrawPercentageBar(i) ; every 5 frames (so it's faster)

QuietBloke(Posted 2003) [#5]
OK.. I presume the filenames are something like earth000.jpg ... earth099.jpg.

This bit of code will create a bitmap 2560 x 2560 in size containing 100 256x256 images.

imgStrip = CreateImage ( 2560, 2560 )

frame = 0
For y = 0 To 9
	For x = 0 To 9
		SetBuffer ImageBuffer ( imgStrip )
		fnum$ = Right$("000"+frame,3)
		fname$ = "earth" + fnum$ + ".jpg"
		imgFrame = LoadImage ( fname$ )
		SetBuffer ImageBuffer ( imgStrip )

		DrawImage imgFrame, 256*x, 256*y
		FreeImage ( imgFrame )
		frame = frame + 1

SaveImage ( imgstrip, "earthanim.bmp" )

Réno(Posted 2003) [#6]
The freeware : "GlueIt".

Rogue Vector(Posted 2003) [#7]