RSA encrypted network

BlitzPlus Forums/BlitzPlus Programming/RSA encrypted network

Heliotrope(Posted 2014) [#1]
Hi guys,
I have being trying to implement RSA in a network. the encryption is fine except for the decryption (I will fix that soon as I want to see what the encrypted message looks like unencrypted). The problem is that the Public key exchange returns a 0 and the encryption has a 'integer divide by 0' error when dubuged by visual studio. Can someone suggest an improvement on the key exchange at lines 123 and 235 or notify me if you see any flaws in the algorithm itself.

;create a type to save message data
Type message 
Field cont$
Field from
Field Too
Field tpe
End Type 
msg$ = ""
host = False 

;infomation about players 
Type players
Field name$
Field id
Field keyn
Field keyk
Field r
Field g
Field b
End Type 

;make the main window
window = CreateWindow ("IM Program",250,100,800,600,0,15)
SetMinWindowSize window,800,600
timer = CreateTimer (60)
Gosub createname 
;error checking for creating the net game and player
gamemain = StartNetGame ()
playerid = CreateNetPlayer (plname$)
If gamemain < 1 Then Goto creategame  
If gamemain = 1 Then
	Gosub joinencrypt
	te.message = New message
		te\cont = "Succesfully joined session"
If gamemain = 2 
	te.message = New message
		te\cont = "Succesfully hosted session on " + DottedIP (HostIP (CountHostIPs ("")))
	Gosub hostencrypt 

If playerid = 0
	Gosub createname  
te.message = New message
	te\cont = "User '" + plname$ + "' was created" 
End If 

;main chat interface 
canvas = CreateCanvas (20,20,560,440,window)
panel = CreatePanel (600,20,180,490,window,1)
sendbt = CreateButton ("Send",480,480,50,30,window)
imput = CreateTextArea (160,470,300,50,window) 
SetBuffer CanvasBuffer (canvas)
SetPanelColor panel,255,255,255
SetGadgetLayout canvas,1,2,1,2
SetGadgetLayout panel,2,1,1,2
;main loop 
	WaitEvent (1) 
	If EventID () = $803 Then Gosub leave 
	;send messages if send button is pressed 
	If EventSource () = sendbt Then Gosub sendfunc
	;check for messages 
	If RecvNetMsg() = True Gosub checkboard
	;Print the messages on the screen 
	r = 1
	For te.message = Each message
		Text 10,10 * r,te\cont
		r = r + 1
	;draw everything and wait 40 millisecs
	FlipCanvas canvas
	Delay 40

;set player name 
Goto skipcreatename
	;gui elements 
	lab1 = CreateLabel ("Enter Name",170,200,70,20,window)
	pname = CreateTextField (250,200,150,20,window)
	but1 = CreateButton ("Go",410,200,40,20,window,4)
	;wait for a button press
		WaitEvent (1)
		If EventID () = $803 Then End 
		If EventSource () = but1 And TextFieldText (pname) <> "" Then Exit
		Delay 40
	;get the name 
	plname$ = TextFieldText$ (pname)
	;clear the screen 
	FreeGadget lab1
	FreeGadget pname
	FreeGadget but1

;recive message functions 
Goto skiprec
	;capture the message as it could change 
	msg$ =  NetMsgData$ ()
	from = NetMsgFrom ()
	too = NetMsgTo ()
	tpe = NetMsgType ()
	;type 1 = unencrypted 
	If tpe = 1
		te.message = New message
			te\cont$ = msg$
			te\from = from 
			te\too = too
			te\tpe = tpe
	;type 2 = key exchange  
	If tpe = 2 And Left$ (msg$,10) = "CRYPTOKEY "
		For counter = 1 To (10 - Len (msg$))
			If Mid (msg$,counter + 10,1) = " " Then space = counter + 10
		qt.players = New players
			qt\id = from
			qt\keyn = Mid (msg$,10,space)
			qt\keyk = Mid (msg$,space,space - Len (msg$))
			qt\name$ = NetPlayerName$ (from)
			If qt\keyk <> 0 And qt\keyn <> 0
				te.message = New message 
					te\cont = "Key acquired from " + NetPlayerName$ (from)
		SeedRnd MilliSecs ()
		Delay Rnd (600)
		SendNetMsg (3,"CRYPTOKEY " + n + " " + k,playerid,from)
		te.message = New message 
			te\cont = "Key acquired from " + NetPlayerName$ (from)

	;type 4 = encrypted message 
	;If tpe = 4 And Left (msg$,6) = "stream"
	;	counter = Right (msg$,1)
	;	Dim incoming (counter,1)
	;	c = 0
	;	loex = 0
	;	Repeat 
	;		If RecvNetMsg () = True
	;			incoming (c,0) = NetMsgData$ ()
	;			c = c + 1
	;		EndIf 
	;		If c => counter Then loex = 1
	;	Until loex <> 0
	;	For c = 0 To counter 
	;		pl = incoming(c,0) ^ j
	;		incoming (c,1) = pl Mod n
	;	Next 
	;	For c = 0 To counter
	;		msg$ = msg$ + Chr (incoming(c,1))
	;	Next
	;	te.message = New message
	;		te\cont = msg$
	;type 102 = change of host
	If tpe = 102 
		te.message = New message
			te\cont = "You are now the host of this session"
	;type 200 = something bad happened 
	If tpe = 200 Then Gosub quit  

;send message functions 
Goto skipsend 
	msg$ = TextAreaText$ (imput)
	leg = Len (msg$)
	If msg$ = "" Then Goto skipsend 
	;display the message
	te.message = New message
		te\cont$ = plname$ + ": " + msg$
	;break the message up 
	Dim msgarr (leg,1)
	For counter = 1 To leg
		msgarr (counter,0) = Mid (msg$,counter,1)
	;send the message to each user encrypted with their keys
	For qt.players = Each players
		For counter = 1 To leg
			emsg = msgarr (counter,0) ^ qt\keyk
			msgarr (counter,1) = emsg Mod qt\keyn
		For counter = 1 To leg
			msg$ = msg$ + msgarr (counter,1)
		SendNetMsg (1,msg$,playerid,qt\id)
	SetTextAreaText imput,""

Goto skiphostenc
	SeedRnd MilliSecs ()
	checktime = 50
	;key generation 
	p = Rnd (10,20)
	q = Rnd (10,20)
	n = p * q ;public key
	z = (p - 1) * (q - 1)
	k = Rnd (1,10);public key
	;If test <> Floor (test) Then Goto createkh
	j = (z + 1) / k;private key 
	te.message = New message 
		te\cont = "Generated public keys n:" + n + " and k:" + k
	te.message = New message 
		te\cont = "And private key j:" + j
	hostcont = True

Goto skipjoinencrypt
	SeedRnd MilliSecs ()
	checktime = 50
	;key generation 
	p = Rnd (10,20)
	q = Rnd (10,20)
	n = p * q ;public key
	z = (p - 1) * (q - 1)
	k = Rnd (1,10);public key
	;If test <> Floor (test) Then Goto createkj
	j = (z + 1) / k;private key 
	SendNetMsg (1,plname$ + " has joined",playerid,0)
	Delay 40 
	;send the public keys away
	SendNetMsg (2,"CRYPTOKEY " + n + " " + k,playerid,0)
	te.message = New message 
		te\cont = "Generated public keys n:" + n + " and k:" + k
	te.message = New message 
		te\cont = "And private key j:" + j
	timer = 1000
	tim = 0
	;public key capture 
		If RecvNetMsg () = True And NetMsgType () = 3
			For counter = 1 To (10 - Len (msg$))
				If Mid (msg$,counter + 10,1) = " " Then space = counter + 10
				qt.players = New players
					qt\id = NetMsgFrom ()
					qt\keyn = Mid (msg$,10,space)
					qt\keyk = Mid (msg$,space,space - Len (msg$))
					qt\name$ = NetPlayerName$ (NetMsgFrom ()) 
		If timer < 0 Then tim = 1 
		timer = timer - 1
		Delay 1
	Until tim <> 0
	hostcont = False 

;leave the session 
Goto skipleave 
	SendNetMsg (1,plname$ + " has left",playerid,0)
	DeleteNetPlayer playerid

;force quit
Goto skipquit 
	Notify "Unknown Network Error",1