HTMLview and Tabber gadget

BlitzPlus Forums/BlitzPlus Programming/HTMLview and Tabber gadget

NetGamer(Posted 2005) [#1]
Working on a simple desktop app that displays canvas based graphics in some of the tabs and html pages in others. Things work great until I add an htmlview gadget to one of the tabber gadget's tabs. Extra Mousewheel events start cropping up and the htmlview gadget tends not to give up the focus. Here's some sample code that reproduces the effect:

At initial startup, I get three mousewheel events when moving the mouse wheel, one from panel2 and two from window. If I click on the Rectangle tab I get just one mousewheel event from window. When I select the HTMLview tab, I still only get one mousewheel event (from window) until I click within the web page (giving it focus I suppose). Lastly, if I return to either one of the other tabs, my mousewheel events are still going to the htmlview gadget.

So, how do I stop this effect and only get one mousewheel event?

I've tried hidegadget on the parent panel, the htmlview gadget and both as well as freegadget on both without success. I'm stumped - is this how the htmlview gadget is supposed to work?

Difference(Posted 2005) [#2]
Not that it's any real help to you, but I had a simmilar problem with the htmlview control. I have had to make a dll that subclasses the htmlview, and sends keyboard messages to another Blitz window. As it is now the htmlview simply steals the input.

Arem(Posted 2005) [#3]
I had trouble with this when working on butane. I ended up just making it create several html views and hide all the ones that weren't supposed to be selected and show the ones that were supposed to be selected. This fixed it.

NetGamer(Posted 2005) [#4]
I finally came up with a workaround. I simply look for the Mouse Enter event ($205) for each any of my canvases and activate that canvas (activategadget). This pulls the focus off the HTML gadget which in turn reduces the bogus mousewheel events (one from the underlying window gadget and one from the true canvas).

I would have preferred a focus adjustment on exiting the HTMLgadget but at least I can move forward now.

rod54(Posted 2005) [#5]
If you were to add a couple of buttons to the HTMLVIEW tab how would you catch there button events ?

