| | | |
Draggable window - Ghosting issue! | Scaremonger | 5 | skidracer (May) |
LOGIC GUI | Naughty Alien | 8 | Naughty Alien (March) |
[GUI BUILDER] Logic Gui Professional Version 5.6 (locked) | jsp | 1 | jsp (2017) |
[Solved] MaxGUI and Escape Key | RustyKristi | 6 | BlitzSupport (2016) |
Remove Window Icon [Solved] | RustyKristi | 15 | Kryzon (2016) |
CheckedListBox? [Solved] | RustyKristi | 6 | RustyKristi (2016) |
GadgetText:String() beginner question | Galdy | 5 | Bobysait (2016) |
Tabber background color behind tabs. | Thareh | 10 | Juiceter (2016) |
Center label text vertically | TomToad | 3 | TomToad (2016) |
FlushEvents()? | Adam Novagen | 3 | jsp (2016) |
Refresh canvas while scrolling | Adam Novagen | 7 | TAS (2016) |
Button pixmaps | Adam Novagen | 3 | Adam Novagen (2016) |
Paging with a slider | TomToad | 3 | TomToad (2016) |
Canvases and Alpha | Adam Novagen | 4 | Adam Novagen (2016) |
Proper Loop Management | Ked | 6 | Ked (2016) |
WYSIWYG Screen Captures | RustyKristi | 1 | RustyKristi (2016) |
[Solved] MaxGUI FLTK link error | RustyKristi | 3 | RustyKristi (2016) |
Tri and Tactics | cps | 4 | cps (2016) |
Microcode Maze Maker (Source Included) (locked) | dw817 | 1 | dw817 (2016) |
Prompeting 3 choices notification | Hardcoal | 3 | Hardcoal (2016) |
Playing movies on Mac? | Casaber | 21 | Casaber (2016) |
..ListBox question.. | Naughty Alien | 4 | Naughty Alien (2016) |
..keydown/mousedown.. | Naughty Alien | 6 | Hardcoal (2016) |
Stupidity of Tabbers | Hardcoal | 10 | Hardcoal (2016) |
Custom Web browser | Darkseid2.0 | 9 | Darkseid2.0 (2016) |
Bound Together Forever | dw817 | 12 | Kryzon (2016) |
..TreeViewNodes question.. | Naughty Alien | 1 | Naughty Alien (2016) |
MaxGUI custom gadget font (external font for GUI) | dw817 | 37 | dw817 (2016) |
Demand for a macos/linux test | Bobysait | 18 | Bobysait (2016) |
ctrl command + canvas + menu | Cancel_filipp | 14 | skidracer (2016) |
ToolTip crash | Bobysait | 1 | Bobysait (2016) |
MaxGUI on Mac & Linux ? | Flanker | 3 | Flanker (2016) |
maxicons.o conversion | Brucey | 4 | Henri (2015) |
Work for hire | atv | 2 | xlsior (2015) |
Drag & drop multiple files? | Casaber | 3 | Casaber (2015) |
Event forwarding on Windows? | Yasha | 4 | Yasha (2015) |
Open File Dialog Win32 | Nennig | 8 | THANOS (2015) |
using Desktop TGadget from inside Graphics | skidracer | 3 | kfprimm (2015) |
GNet with a GUI | cps | 4 | cps (2015) |
Popupmenu: How to check if it's open n. close it? | Grisu | 19 | grable (2015) |
Disable a Window, Help me. | Yue | 4 | degac (2015) |
Close Windows KEY_ESCAPE no Work here. | Yue | 3 | Yue (2015) |
GUI in GraphicsWindow | _PJ_ | 2 | TomToad (2015) |
[Solved] Linux BlitzMax text lines have ^M | Vanessa | 11 | skidracer (2015) |
Divider gadget? | JoshK | 16 | RustyKristi (2015) |
PaintPanel - native gadget painting windows + osx | skn3 | 26 | JoshK (2015) |
RequestDir looks out of date on Windows... | col | 6 | col (2015) |
Textfield change value on arrow keys | BladeRunner | 2 | BladeRunner (2015) |
please help- compiling third party blitzmax code. | aravindrobotix | 16 | Henri (2015) |
MaxGUI now free | skidracer | 80 | bvcxz (2015) |
Stupid question: Where can I get MaxGUI? | ErikT | 6 | ErikT (2015) |
HTMLView - Save Web Page | Chalky | 4 | grable (2015) |
Mac Problems with Canvas ? | cps | 6 | AdamStrange (2015) |
Help Closing window MaxGUI | Markkg | 4 | Grisu (2015) |
MaxGUI Scaling gadgets/windows | degac | 18 | degac (2015) |
treeview paths returning forward slashes | Trinosis | 5 | Trinosis (2015) |
Sorting | cps | 1 | cps (2015) |
Problem with Radio Buttons | TAS | 3 | TAS (2015) |
GUICOLOR_WINDOWBG Mac bug? | Hezkore | 1 | Hezkore (2015) |
[Solved] TextArea problem | Nest | 6 | Nest (2015) |
Stream through Proxy Server / get proper TagIDs? | Grisu | 1 | Grisu (2015) |
[Solved] Text field - EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION | Nest | 4 | degac (2015) |
Help with Font Height in Textbox | Scaremonger | 6 | Henri (2015) |
ScrollPanel problem | Vignoli | 8 | Henri (2015) |
[Win32] Bring Trayicon tooltip to front? | Grisu | 24 | Grisu (2015) |
How to import text from a website? | Nennig | 2 | degac (2015) |
Simplest way to Write Index Card Program? | zoqfotpik | 9 | xlsior (2015) |
Buttons Over Canvases? | Twinprogrammer | 3 | Twinprogrammer (2015) |
CUT & COPY & PASTE | MacSven | 10 | Henri (2014) |
Segmentation fault using ActivateGadget() | Scaremonger | 3 | Henri (2014) |
Copy string / listbox item to clipboard? | Grisu | 31 | c h i e f y (2014) |
Drag item inside or out of listbox? | Grisu | 2 | Derron (2014) |
dynamic web pages | allos | 4 | allos (2014) |
"BackgroundWorker" in BlitzMax | Marcell | 8 | Marcell (2014) |
[Solved] wx.mod working with tdm-gcc-4.8.1-3.exe | MOBii | 27 | Derron (2014) |
Scintilla TextArea replacement (WIP) | klepto2 | 68 | JoshK (2014) |
check whether Gadget is Valid / Exists? | time-killer-games | 3 | time-killer-games (2014) |
[Solved] wxMax to Work? | MOBii | 7 | markcw (2014) |
[Solved] Menu Shortcut | MOBii | 8 | Henri (2014) |
Character representations in Scintilla [Solved] | MOBii | 3 | MOBii (2014) |
Request Windows Font / Draw Text | Clyde | 1 | Clyde (2014) |
strange event issue | Ghost Dancer | 22 | Ghost Dancer (2014) |
blitzmax and browser module | Kev | 3 | time-killer-games (2014) |
[SOLVED!] compiling a DLL that uses MaxGUI | time-killer-games | 1 | time-killer-games (2014) |
Textarea and SetTextArea | degac | 10 | degac (2014) |
Standard GUI API | Scaremonger | 2 | AdamStrange (2014) |
Change font size of all gadgets | degac | 2 | degac (2014) |
ScrollPanelClient and GadgetGroup | dan_upright | 2 | dan_upright (2014) |
[Linux] Import maxgui.drivers locks up programme | explosive | 4 | Derron (2014) |
Proposed AddGadgetItems API (batch add items) | skn3 | 40 | Grisu (2014) |
ScrollPanel and EventHooks | Chapman7 | 3 | Chapman7 (2014) |
GadgetY() and Disable WINDOW_CLIENTCOORDS? | Grisu | 3 | Grisu (2014) |
C++ property grid example | JoshK | 2 | Chapman7 (2014) |
Breathe new life into MaxGUI | JoshK | 20 | AdamStrange (2014) |
MaxGUI and Windows 8.1 | Chalky | 2 | Brucey (2014) |
Alt+ TAB problem | TAS | 3 | TAS (2014) |
MaxGUI.stylesheet | Scaremonger | 9 | Hezkore (2014) |
Html View retrieve Javascript value | Shagwana | 7 | Derron (2014) |
TextArea on OSX | Chalky | 6 | skidracer (2014) |
Visual form designer? | Ben M | 3 | Ben M (2014) |
Where's the latest version of MaxGUI? | SebHoll | 9 | skidracer (2014) |
Textfield RETURN_KEY tweak | Henri | 4 | Henri (2014) |
Image Buttons? | Twinprogrammer | 5 | Twinprogrammer (2014) |
Custom Dialog (Win) | Henri | 1 | Henri (2014) |
MaxGUI own version | degac | 8 | degac (2014) |
FormatTextAreaText - GetTextAreaTextFormat? | Chalky | 3 | jsp (2014) |
Transparent buttons? | Marcell | 7 | Marcell (2014) |
Getting the number of items in a listbox | Twinprogrammer | 3 | Twinprogrammer (2013) |
Improved Snowflakes Disco? | Grisu | 5 | Grisu (2013) |
OSX toolbar style | JoshK | 1 | JoshK (2013) |
Checked menu item with icon | JoshK | 1 | JoshK (2013) |
Windows 8 drag and drop | JoshK | 3 | Grisu (2013) |
Runs on PC but not on Mac | TAS | 7 | skidracer (2013) |
full screen MaxGUI Windows in MacOS | skidracer | 4 | Derron (2013) |
Dialogues: Create each time or hide? | TomToad | 8 | Henri (2013) |
Windowed graphics | Richard Betson | 2 | Richard Betson (2013) |
Textarea jump to | TAS | 3 | TAS (2013) |
Game Content Editor + MaxGui vs wxWidgets | juankprada | 4 | Henri (2013) |
Porting from PC to MAC | TAS | 2 | TAS (2013) |
Installing wxMax | juankprada | 5 | juankprada (2013) |
Windows8 and combo box | col | 2 | col (2013) |
Strange checkbox layout mismatch? | Grisu | 12 | Grisu (2013) |
Working with 3D | Twinprogrammer | 4 | Chapman7 (2013) |
changing gadget properties | Hardcoal | 6 | Hardcoal (2013) |
Trying to run the simplest html code wont work | Hardcoal | 7 | Hardcoal (2013) |
Does FreeGadget remove that gadget AND children? | Chapman7 | 3 | Chapman7 (2013) |
Adding Button on the window outer frame | Hardcoal | 8 | col (2013) |
TextField Focus Loss | Thareh | 24 | Wings (2013) |
Chinese/japanese localization | Henri | 2 | Henri (2013) |
Make OpenWith... To load content | Hardcoal | 4 | Hardcoal (2013) |
Set a custom default MAXGUI font? | Grisu | 11 | Grisu (2013) |
Resizing Window | Hardcoal | 5 | Hardcoal (2013) |
Freeze game when app loses focus | Jaydubeww | 4 | Yan (2013) |
Memory leak...? | SLotman | 3 | jsp (2013) |
ENTER/RETURN as TAB? | SLotman | 4 | jsp (2013) |
Tab stops in ListBox gadget | TomToad | 9 | jsp (2013) |
SetGadgetColor and Tabber = bad idea? | Grisu | 6 | jsp (2013) |
Stick Notes / Stick to desktop window | Thareh | 6 | Thareh (2013) |
Scrollpanel + Mousewheel up/down? | Grisu | 15 | Sub_Zero (2013) |
GUI Designer? | zoqfotpik | 15 | Arabia (2013) |
Can not draw images to second Canvas | TAS | 3 | TAS (2013) |
Canvas resizing | Twinprogrammer | 3 | Twinprogrammer (2013) |
Localize and UTF-8? | Midimaster | 3 | Midimaster (2013) |
Transparency and images? | Twinprogrammer | 2 | Twinprogrammer (2013) |
IconStrips and ListBoxes | Twinprogrammer | 3 | Twinprogrammer (2013) |
How can I cut down *.exe size ? | vmars316 | 15 | Grisu (2013) |
Coloring Section Of A TextArea | Hardcoal | 8 | Hardcoal (2013) |
Exception Access Violation On CreateToolbar | Hardcoal | 7 | Hardcoal (2013) |
Setting software details | Twinprogrammer | 10 | Twinprogrammer (2013) |
Canvas Text Drawing | Twinprogrammer | 11 | Twinprogrammer (2013) |
Maxgui Timer Limitation | Scaremonger | 4 | Scaremonger (2013) |
How Can I Drag a Button with mouse? | Hardcoal | 4 | Captain Wicker (crazy hillbilly) (2013) |
How to get maxgui_mod_142_beta.zip running ? | vmars316 | 8 | vmars316 (2013) |
html view | Twinprogrammer | 3 | Twinprogrammer (2013) |
RequestFiles | BLaBZ | 3 | BLaBZ (2013) |
Resize window problem | Sub_Zero | 2 | shinkiro1 (2013) |
Can't rebuild modules on Mac, nor use MaxGUI | ninomojo | 6 | ninomojo (2013) |
Active look for all windows | Jur | 1 | Jur (2013) |
WIP DevilGUI port (Open Source) | Captain Wicker (crazy hillbilly) | 22 | Captain Wicker (crazy hillbilly) (2013) |
Alt key pausing an application | Jur | 3 | Jur (2013) |
Activategadget() | Henri | 5 | Henri (2013) |
MaxguiEx module - extended maxgui functionality! | skn3 | 17 | skn3 (2013) |
Scrollbars | Brucey | 5 | Brucey (2013) |
Test Suite | Brucey | 23 | Brucey (2013) |
highgui text | Cruis.In | 1 | Cruis.In (2012) |
Textarea with line numbers and breakpoint setting | JoshK | 19 | col (2012) |
Save File Dialog Box | Captain Wicker (crazy hillbilly) | 4 | Brucey (2012) |
FLTK smooth fonts in beta MaxIDE 1.43 | skidracer | 1 | skidracer (2012) |
HighGui 3 | Cruis.In | 4 | vmars316 (2012) |
TextArea underline style and colour | col | 1 | col (2012) |
Button from Image | Richard Betson | 8 | jsp (2012) |
test of virtual canvas for max2d | Bobysait | 3 | Bobysait (2012) |
Bug in CanvasGraphics | col | 6 | col (2012) |
CheckListBox | degac | 7 | MacSven (2012) |
app in release mode is behaving weirdly? | skn3 | 15 | skn3 (2012) |
Mac function keys for hotkeys (F5, F12, etc.) | JoshK | 3 | Oddball (2012) |
Packaging Webkit for webview | Leon Brown | 8 | Leon Brown (2012) |
Has anybody this... | MacSven | 2 | JoshK (2012) |
browsing | allos | 2 | skidracer (2012) |
Is Maxgui Suited for In-Game Guis? | zoqfotpik | 3 | zoqfotpik (2012) |
Panel not Drawn | TAS | 2 | TAS (2012) |
Event woes in custom dialogue | Ghost Dancer | 7 | skn3 (2012) |
Show Window? | BLaBZ | 4 | BLaBZ (2012) |
Help drawing a custom gadget | SLotman | 6 | Derron (2012) |
Detecting a Mouse drag | TAS | 6 | TAS (2012) |
TreeView bold text | col | 1 | col (2012) |
Cocoa ListBox can't have iconstrip? | JoshK | 6 | jsp (2012) |
Overriding Window.ClientHeight() ... Windows | col | 6 | jsp (2012) |
Enable\Disable Multiselect Listbox | BLaBZ | 8 | jsp (2012) |
Would native gadget painting interest anyone? | skn3 | 9 | skn3 (2012) |
Printing | matibee | 3 | matibee (2012) |
Textbox Cursor Position | BLaBZ | 3 | col (2012) |
html script errors | Twinprogrammer | 1 | Twinprogrammer (2012) |
Taskbar height? | Leon Drake | 7 | TAS (2012) |
using WINDOW_ACCEPT files for drag and drop? | Captain Wicker (crazy hillbilly) | 3 | rs22 (2012) |
Event Close with Button? | Captain Wicker (crazy hillbilly) | 7 | rs22 (2012) |
GUI designer for the Mac? | Captain Wicker (crazy hillbilly) | 4 | Captain Wicker (crazy hillbilly) (2012) |
How to detect maximize button press in a window | codermax | 3 | codermax (2012) |
MaxGUI event hook usage - need help! | codermax | 6 | TaskMaster (2012) |
Need help about this | MacSven | 2 | skn3 (2012) |
MaxGUI Basics | Twinprogrammer | 4 | Twinprogrammer (2012) |
cocoaext.mod/tabbarview.mod/tabbarview.bmx | MacSven | 1 | MacSven (2012) |
close event on Windows shutdown/logoff | Andres | 2 | jsp (2012) |
MaxGUI Enhancement Pack or something? | SebHoll | 37 | degac (2012) |
GadgetFilter with Minus Key not working | shinkiro1 | 6 | jsp (2012) |
takis_GUI | Takis76 | 3 | Takis76 (2012) |
Changing the order of canvases | Nate the Great | 6 | skn3 (2012) |
MaxGUI Segmentation fault in CreateCanvas | Scaremonger | 11 | Scaremonger (2012) |
MaxGUI help. (i'm clueless) | Captain Wicker (crazy hillbilly) | 8 | Captain Wicker (crazy hillbilly) (2012) |
Fullscreen GUI apps on OSX Lion? | JoshK | 7 | JoshK (2012) |
Mac can't use Return or Enter for menu shortcut? | JoshK | 2 | DrDeath (2012) |
Does Maxgui draw a panel twice after setshape? | Abomination | 9 | skn3 (2012) |
AppTitle = "Test" | Neochrome | 3 | Neochrome (2012) |
Ignoring child gadgets | col | 5 | Abomination (2012) |
Combine images and text in an editor. | Abomination | 3 | Abomination (2012) |
[GUI BUILDER] Logic Gui Professional Version 5.5 | jsp | 4 | jsp (2012) |
GadgetDisabled | Jur | 3 | Jur (2012) |
Win7 App looks old | shinkiro1 | 12 | col (2012) |
tree view and key events, double click | Jur | 9 | shinkiro1 (2012) |
Tabber Background Color | Eternal Crisis | 4 | JoshK (2012) |
MFC Feature Pack | JoshK | 1 | JoshK (2012) |
.NET-style toolbars | JoshK | 1 | JoshK (2012) |
Square buttons on Windows? | JoshK | 3 | Captain Wicker (crazy hillbilly) (2012) |
Fonts Question about Listbox in MaxGUI | Takis76 | 3 | Takis76 (2012) |
Canvas doesn't redraw after resizing | Burl | 2 | matibee (2012) |
IfsoGUI is very nice and I am looking for skins. | Takis76 | 29 | Takis76 (2012) |
Change icon bmax in Confirm | mongia2 | 3 | matibee (2012) |
[Mac] Combobox Icons aren't working | NoOdle | 6 | NoOdle (2012) |
set HtmlView slider bar value? | daaan | 5 | jsp (2012) |
[Mac] Overlay Scrollbars | shinkiro1 | 2 | shinkiro1 (2012) |
TextField(s) | matibee | 7 | jsp (2012) |
ProGUI V1.13! User Interface Library | PrincieD | 21 | SystemError51 (2012) |
Best Practice for Handling Multiple Windows | Jayjay | 5 | jsp (2012) |
Maxgui Maxide CE problem I forgot solution... | ima747 | 1 | ima747 (2012) |
RequestFont and FontStyle | NoverMax | 3 | NoverMax (2012) |
Graphical glichtes - Manifest file required? | Grisu | 7 | Richard Betson (2012) |
MaxGUI property editor | JoshK | 47 | matibee (2012) |
Side on tab view | matibee | 12 | matibee (2012) |
ViewListBox | MacSven | 2 | Grisu (2012) |
How to set alignment in TextArea? | Ratchet | 2 | col (2012) |
Button size and position on OSX | JoshK | 3 | DrDeath (2012) |
Where are the event constants? | JoshK | 4 | col (2012) |
multiple canvas crash randomly? maxgui directx dx | skn3 | 1 | skn3 (2012) |
Toolbar toggle button.. | matibee | 3 | matibee (2012) |
Cloning Textarea | Eternal Crisis | 2 | Grisu (2012) |
Is Splitter not event hook friendly? | MikeHart | 5 | MikeHart (2012) |
Deteching same tab selected | Eternal Crisis | 2 | Eternal Crisis (2012) |
How to save TextArea text preserving formatting? | Alessandro | 2 | shinkiro1 (2012) |
Get menu hotkey? | JoshK | 1 | JoshK (2012) |
Changing the window name in the command Notify | Marco A G Pinto | 3 | Marco A G Pinto (2012) |
WindowEx - handles toolbars, menus, and icons | JoshK | 3 | JoshK (2012) |
Only three mouse buttons? | Gabriel | 8 | Impi (2012) |
How many hooks can/should you use? | NoOdle | 7 | JoshK (2012) |
Audio Visualisation - How to make it look fancier? | Grisu | 4 | Kryzon (2011) |
Listbox icon size? | JoshK | 5 | JoshK (2011) |
Gui newbie :) | col | 7 | col (2011) |
in need of some GUI suggestions. | Jesse | 13 | Jesse (2011) |
win/mac custom cursor/pointer module | skn3 | 1 | skn3 (2011) |
Icon Size of Toolbar Items (Windows) | shinkiro1 | 2 | jsp (2011) |
TextWidth for MaxGUI | Rozek | 8 | Paul "Taiphoz" (2011) |
HTML5 in MaxGUI | Chapman7 | 2 | ima747 (2011) |
Icon toolbar size question... | * | 5 | * (2011) |
get label text width/height | skn3 | 12 | skn3 (2011) |
Store tons of small pixmaps in ram for later use? | Grisu | 6 | skn3 (2011) |
Help, anyone know how to solve notify() event bug? | skn3 | 6 | skn3 (2011) |
temporarily prevent any gadget painting? | skn3 | 7 | skn3 (2011) |
win32: disable/enable gadget repainting | skn3 | 1 | skn3 (2011) |
maxgui suprised me today (EVENT_MOUSEUP on slider) | skn3 | 1 | skn3 (2011) |
CocoaExt Compiling Problem | DrDeath | 4 | DrDeath (2011) |
Gadgets in standard BlitzMax programs? | MoriartyL | 4 | Midimaster (2011) |
MaxGUI and DirectX9 | Kittomer | 2 | col (2011) |
Issues with German Umlauts and SetGadgetText?! | Grisu | 7 | Grisu (2011) |
Tweak for slider/scrollbar step amount for arrows | skn3 | 1 | skn3 (2011) |
Textarea and windowsize | MacSven | 2 | MacSven (2011) |
Tweak for proper combobox event handling | skn3 | 2 | Impi (2011) |
Multiselect treeview? | JoshK | 2 | skn3 (2011) |
Strange Z-Ordering and Parenting effects | - - | 8 | jsp (2011) |
Createpanel() pop-up title | Richard Betson | 4 | Richard Betson (2011) |
Simple Construct (GUI Builder) | shinkiro1 | 17 | shinkiro1 (2011) |
Canvas not rendering on app start on Windows | dooz | 8 | dooz (2011) |
Issues with garbled graphics when using DrawText | dooz | 5 | dooz (2011) |
How to fire maxgui hooks during long operation? | skn3 | 7 | Htbaa (2011) |
MaxGUI is a miracle | JoshK | 11 | hub (2011) |
Ctrl+Wheel scroll for Text Areas | Chapman7 | 1 | Chapman7 (2011) |
How to use activategadget() on a scrollpanel? | Grisu | 2 | jsp (2011) |
Need someone who knows a lot about BlitzMax | Chapman7 | 13 | Chapman7 (2011) |
Compiling old MAX GUI code on Windows 7 | thalamus | 1 | thalamus (2011) |
[Mac OSX] Textarea shortcuts not working | shinkiro1 | 3 | shinkiro1 (2011) |
Get the gadget at a point on the screen? (Mac) | JoshK | 4 | JoshK (2011) |
ToolBar on Mac no visible "Selected State" | Midimaster | 1 | Midimaster (2011) |
FLTK doesn't run under Linux | Matt Merkulov | 3 | Matt Merkulov (2011) |
[GUI BUILDER] Logic Gui Professional Version 5.4 | jsp | 2 | jsp (2011) |
Problems of FLTK | Matt Merkulov | 3 | AdamRedwoods (2011) |
D3DERR: Unable to lock render target surface | Rozek | 4 | Chaduke (2011) |
SLIDER_SCROLLBAR detection of 'scroll buttons' | remz | 9 | jsp (2011) |
wont run | freedo | 14 | H&K (2011) |
MaxGUI problems. | Paul "Taiphoz" | 9 | Blitzer101 (2011) |
EmitEventHook Bug | Scienthsine | 3 | jsp (2011) |
How to make non rectangular windows | -Phoenix- | 6 | Midimaster (2011) |
Multi status fields | Zeke | 4 | Zeke (2011) |
Slider update when drag | Hezkore | 2 | Hezkore (2011) |
Set ListBox slider position? | Tachyon | 3 | Tachyon (2011) |
Can't create menu item in app title menu? | JoshK | 2 | DrDeath (2011) |
[BUG] Right-click treeview | Zeke | 1 | Zeke (2011) |
HTML view on Mac? | JoshK | 2 | skidracer (2011) |
ScrollPanel not showing scroll bars when asked | Shagwana | 2 | Grisu (2011) |
LoadBar?! | BLaBZ | 3 | Grisu (2011) |
Get a TreeViewNode text? | Grisu | 9 | Grisu (2011) |
is there an error in the help file | Blue Steel | 4 | Blue Steel (2011) |
Re: clipboard module | markcw | 2 | markcw (2011) |
Fire "empty" event to prevent freezing? | Htbaa | 14 | Htbaa (2011) |
Add tooltip to treeviewnode? | Grisu | 1 | Grisu (2011) |
Is Win2K supported by MAXGUI? | Grisu | 5 | Grisu (2011) |
Select Treeview node | Hezkore | 5 | Grisu (2011) |
Force window on top | Hezkore | 4 | Hezkore (2011) |
Change tabs | Hezkore | 3 | Hezkore (2011) |
SetGadgetColor - Can't restore color of panels? | Grisu | 5 | Grisu (2011) |
Mouse location on the desktop | Shagwana | 7 | Angus (2011) |
Fixing the KEY_ENTER behavior for text fields | JoshK | 8 | skidracer (2011) |
Move treeview nodes in the hierarchy | JoshK | 1 | JoshK (2011) |
Flawless TextArea Undo | JoshK | 16 | ziggy (2011) |
MacOS X - Textfield and SetGadgetSensitivity (locked) | degac | 1 | degac (2011) |
Intermittent error | Oddball | 8 | d-bug (2011) |
MaxGUI extra gadgets | degac | 13 | ima747 (2011) |
Making important windows like notify, confirm? | BlitzProg | 6 | BlitzProg (2011) |
Canvas draw speed | blackwater | 4 | ziggy (2011) |
Native Browser Window | Dezzo | 5 | Dezzo (2010) |
Mouse positioning a canvas in real-time? | Richard Betson | 7 | Richard Betson (2010) |
How do put Football picture Over FryGUI? | Hotshot2005 | 2 | Volker (2010) |
Handle windows font scale? | ima747 | 13 | John G (2010) |
GetGadgetAtPosition | JoshK | 3 | JoshK (2010) |
Mouse events and event source | blackwater | 7 | jsp (2010) |
Nweb question - compiling with MaxGUI | blackwater | 14 | GaryV (2010) |
Threaded MaxGUI | Hezkore | 7 | xlsior (2010) |
GadgetPaint while window resize? | Richard Betson | 4 | Richard Betson (2010) |
Progress Bar Evolution | degac | 5 | Grisu (2010) |
What's wrong inside this code ! | hub | 3 | hub (2010) |
Alt modifier in hotkey causes beep? | JoshK | 1 | JoshK (2010) |
Cross-platform draggable treeview+checkboxes+icons | JoshK | 1 | JoshK (2010) |
Cross-platform get gadget at position | JoshK | 1 | JoshK (2010) |
MaxGUI suggested changes/upgrade | degac | 1 | degac (2010) |
Only change Tooltip of a listbox item? | Grisu | 3 | Grisu (2010) |
Drawing on multiple Canvases messes up Graphics | shinkiro1 | 6 | Richard Betson (2010) |
MaxGUI build but still can't interface maxgui.driv | mrniceguy | 4 | mrniceguy (2010) |
The "Main" menu in OS X - How to use it? | Murilo | 14 | jhans0n (2010) |
GUI programmer advertisement | Czar Flavius | 2 | jsp (2010) |
SetGadgetFilter doesn't work on textfields | GfK | 10 | jsp (2010) |
just a textarea bug inside my code/ | hub | 4 | jsp (2010) |
Setting a label to the size of the text inside it | Farflame | 2 | Pülikum (2010) |
Listboxes - STILL no columns?! | GfK | 10 | degac (2010) |
Setgraphicsdriver DX7 fast DX9 slow. | Richard Betson | 1 | Richard Betson (2010) |
Incredible Bmx Feature (Really) | beanage | 5 | Czar Flavius (2010) |
MapEngine (MacOS X only) | MacSven | 6 | MacSven (2010) |
getting the tgadget from the graphics window | Nate the Great | 3 | Nate the Great (2010) |
Using a text area gadget to create a simple editor | TomToad | 5 | Dabhand (2010) |
Incbin HTML for HtmlView possible? | Difference | 2 | ima747 (2010) |
problem linking a a mac Tiger program | Jesse | 3 | Jesse (2010) |
Loading external files directly into my app? | Rex | 6 | degac (2010) |
How do I know what type is returned from a command | Farflame | 3 | Farflame (2010) |
MaxGUI only working in debug mode | Pierrou | 8 | Pierrou (2010) |
Many GadgetPaint Events when resize window. | Zeke | 4 | sebas76 (2010) |
How to speed up redraw of gagdet when resizing... | sebas76 | 3 | sebas76 (2010) |
..SelectedGadgetItems use..how? | Naughty Alien | 4 | CASO (2010) |
..how to set window with sliders.. | Naughty Alien | 4 | jsp (2010) |
Professional Grid Gadget | FBEpyon | 3 | FBEpyon (2010) |
[X]-button on tab to close it? | Crovean | 3 | jsp (2010) |
Tool Window in Taskbar | xmlspy | 3 | jsp (2010) |
"Fixed" mouseup event | overmeeren | 3 | overmeeren (2010) |
OpenGL canvas bigger than screen windows? | ima747 | 8 | Kryzon (2010) |
Strangest error/bug | Sanctus | 3 | Sanctus (2010) |
[GUI Builder] Logic Gui Professional 5.3 is out | jsp | 3 | Grisu (2010) |
module based MaxGUI Property Grid | Wiebo | 6 | Blitzplotter (2010) |
MouseX and Y to Canvas?! | BLaBZ | 3 | explosive (2010) |
SetGadgetColor() - restore to original state? | wmaass | 3 | Wiebo (2010) |
EVENT_WINDOWACCEPT x/y? | ima747 | 1 | ima747 (2010) |
Windows as childs into a window ( MDI? ) | ShadowTurtle | 5 | ShadowTurtle (2010) |
Loading Terminal font | freshmeat | 9 | freshmeat (2010) |
SetGadgetTextColor in Window Statusbar | Chalky | 2 | jsp (2010) |
Decent MaxGUI for Mac? | DrDeath | 16 | Corum (2010) |
Always on top | Volker | 3 | Volker (2010) |
MaxGui - SetGadgetColor - MacOS | degac | 3 | degac (2010) |
Mac: menus don't hide when window does | ima747 | 4 | DrDeath (2010) |
MaxGUI 1.41 Released | SebHoll | 16 | MacSven (2010) |
..How to return gadget r,g,b color value.. | Naughty Alien | 11 | markcw (2010) |
Label on toolbar bug? | Ghost Dancer | 5 | Ghost Dancer (2010) |
MaxGUI strange idea... | degac | 1 | degac (2010) |
SetTextAlignment for label - test 1 | degac | 11 | degac (2010) |
Odd behavior of splitter in threaded build | JoshK | 4 | jsp (2010) |
CreateWindow Memory Leak | Rixarn | 4 | Rixarn (2010) |
canvas refresh and menu item selection problem | Jesse | 1 | Jesse (2010) |
Threaded Canvas Drawing | AngryPenguin | 5 | ima747 (2010) |
Dragging between gadgets | Ghost Dancer | 1 | Ghost Dancer (2010) |
SetGadgetGroup | JoshK | 6 | Ghost Dancer (2010) |
Controlling tab cycling | JoshK | 2 | jsp (2010) |
Custom gadget layout | JoshK | 3 | JoshK (2010) |
How to draw a canvas on all tabs of a tabber? | jondecker76 | 5 | jondecker76 (2010) |
DrawText on Canvas without Antialiasing | Chalky | 9 | Chalky (2010) |
TreeView bug | JoshK | 1 | JoshK (2010) |
Enter key and list box | JoshK | 3 | JoshK (2010) |
Custom Mouse Pointer | Ghost Dancer | 3 | Ghost Dancer (2010) |
MaxGUI roadmap | skidracer | 63 | jsp (2010) |
Communication between MaxGUI and HTML (Flash) doc | Shifty Geezer | 7 | markcw (2010) |
Window has no minimize button? | jondecker76 | 6 | jondecker76 (2010) |
Freeing gadgets question | ima747 | 6 | SebHoll (2010) |
Unable to AddTreeViewNode | BLaBZ | 3 | BLaBZ (2010) |
Detect minimize window event? | Grisu | 3 | jsp (2010) |
MaxGUI 1.40 Released | SebHoll | 15 | jsp (2010) |
"Wake up" a minimzed window from taskbar? | Grisu | 3 | Grisu (2010) |
Menus not working in Linux... | jondecker76 | 3 | jondecker76 (2010) |
Copy and paste | Czar Flavius | 15 | Ghost Dancer (2010) |
Button Pixmaps | Ghost Dancer | 16 | Ghost Dancer (2010) |
Detect when splitter moved | rs22 | 5 | rs22 (2010) |
Multiple monitor Graphicmodes | MacSven | 1 | MacSven (2010) |
FreeTreeviewNode() ??????????????? | Pipes | 3 | Pipes (2010) |
SetGadgetLayout | Angus | 1 | Angus (2010) |
Logic Gui Professional Version 5.2 released | jsp | 14 | jsp (2010) |
..why o why..what im doing wrong here?.. | Naughty Alien | 3 | Naughty Alien (2010) |
TextField max length | GfK | 11 | GfK (2010) |
Gadgets in statusbar | Ghost Dancer | 6 | Ghost Dancer (2010) |
MaxGUI - wot no docs?! | GfK | 4 | Htbaa (2010) |
TGuiFont to TImageFont | Ghost Dancer | 3 | Ghost Dancer (2010) |
Odd Pixmap better than TImage boost | Snarty | 5 | Snarty (2010) |
Currently Active Window | William Drescher | 3 | SebHoll (2010) |
SecureIt MaxGUI link broken? | Kryzon | 3 | Kryzon (2010) |
uniform sampler2d 512512image[100] | beanage | 1 | puki (2010) |
Panel with a raised border? (locked) | JoshK | 1 | JoshK (2010) |
Possible Default Scrollbar Size Implementation | Ked | 1 | Ked (2010) |
MaxGUI 1.39 Released | SebHoll | 22 | skn3 (2010) |
Splitter annoyances | JoshK | 7 | jsp (2010) |
Scrollpanel example? | JoshK | 3 | JoshK (2010) |
Get instantaneous slider value? | Who was John Galt? | 2 | SebHoll (2010) |
Buttons on Windows | John G | 2 | SebHoll (2010) |
how to manage user events in event que | ima747 | 6 | Rozek (2010) |
MaxGui Labels block interaction | AdamRedwoods | 2 | ima747 (2010) |
Popup Menu Hot-Keys are blocking other gadgets | LordChaos | 4 | Ghost Dancer (2010) |
GLShareContexts() issue | ima747 | 6 | ima747 (2010) |
Help with system beep on listbox | ima747 | 12 | ima747 (2010) |
Always have list active without focus ring? | ima747 | 12 | d-bug (2010) |
EVENT_GADGETACTIVATE? | ima747 | 3 | ima747 (2010) |
Window shifting up on Windows | ima747 | 8 | SebHoll (2010) |
AddTreeViewNode, extra parameter missing. | Zeke | 4 | SebHoll (2010) |
Get system highlight color? | ima747 | 10 | ima747 (2010) |
behavior with a listbox | Pax | 4 | SebHoll (2010) |
GADGETLOSTFOCUS and blitzmax 1.38+Maxgui 1.38 | Filax | 4 | Filax (2010) |
Treeview Label edit | Zeke | 2 | SebHoll (2010) |
[OSX] Wierd canvas positioning | Beaker | 10 | SebHoll (2010) |
Detect if mouse is over a treeview node? | Snixx | 2 | SebHoll (2010) |
set the color of a slider? splitter? or window? | Snixx | 5 | SebHoll (2010) |
Live scrolling? | ima747 | 5 | ima747 (2010) |
Zooming into a canvas | Snixx | 2 | jsp (2010) |
LoadImageFont under MacOS X | Rozek | 2 | Rozek (2010) |
Properly canvas attach to bottom of window | ima747 | 10 | ima747 (2010) |
Editing listbox entries in place.. | matibee | 5 | matibee (2010) |
OSX: Stack warning and freezes with two threads | explosive | 5 | Rozek (2010) |
Install 1.38 + maxGUI Mac PPC | ima747 | 13 | John G (2010) |
Fullscreen MaxGUI windows | grable | 17 | Filax (2010) |
windows HideGadget(window) | ima747 | 5 | ima747 (2010) |
1.38 multiple windows, multiple canvases | ima747 | 5 | ima747 (2010) |
BlitzMax + Word Document Editor (via activex?) | ShadowTurtle | 1 | ShadowTurtle (2010) |
Image is drawn once only - strange | Rozek | 2 | Rozek (2010) |
Mal/Behav-016 | Czar Flavius | 7 | xlsior (2010) |
I want dockable windows | JoshK | 14 | _Skully (2010) |
How is somebody supposed to get MaxGUI to work? | Reda Borchardt | 19 | SebHoll (2010) |
Tree View | Czar Flavius | 2 | Czar Flavius (2010) |
Launch executable | VicToMeyeZR | 6 | VicToMeyeZR (2010) |
EVENT_MOUSEUP not firing (is this a bug?) | skn3 | 2 | skn3 (2010) |
CreateLabel | VicToMeyeZR | 5 | VicToMeyeZR (2010) |
Mouse down + ctrl event on unfocused canvas? | skn3 | 3 | skn3 (2010) |
Can I resize the Main Window through code after... | Amon | 2 | Amon (2010) |
Save/Load Window | BLaBZ | 4 | Crovean (2010) |
Issue with two CreateCanvas calls (locked) | matibee | 1 | matibee (2010) |
GadgetPrint Help | William Drescher | 2 | skidracer (2010) |
More than 1 splitter? | Crovean | 2 | SebHoll (2010) |
Latest addidition of THelpPanel ? | Crovean | 1 | Crovean (2010) |
Loading Local Font File as a GUI Font | William Drescher | 7 | skidracer (2010) |
SetGadgetFilter issue | BLaBZ | 4 | d-bug (2010) |
Duplicate identifiers | Crovean | 8 | Crovean (2010) |
Tabbers Index | BLaBZ | 3 | SebHoll (2010) |
highgui3 (locked) | Cruis.In | 1 | Cruis.In (2010) |
Auto resizeable textarea inside tabber | Htbaa | 7 | Htbaa (2010) |
not using waitevent | Nate the Great | 4 | JoshK (2010) |
MaxGUI noob after nice graphical buttons? | Arowx | 8 | Arowx (2010) |
Windows transparency from pixmap | JoshK | 9 | Arowx (2010) |
MaxGUI 101 - Creating transparent buttons? | jonwalker | 3 | Arowx (2010) |
MaxGUI v1.36 Released | SebHoll | 15 | SebHoll (2010) |
SetTextAreaTabs() Units | SebHoll | 4 | Mark Tiffany (2010) |
Gadget resize CHANGED? | Taron | 7 | Taron (2010) |
SetMaxWindowSize - with maximize window button? | Grisu | 2 | SebHoll (2010) |
Createwindow with minimize and close button only? | Grisu | 6 | GfK (2010) |
MaxGUI & MaxIDE 1.35 Released (locked) | SebHoll | 6 | SebHoll (2009) |
[Gui Builder] Logic Gui Professional is out now | jsp | 21 | jsp (2009) |
OSX: Mousewheel Event not fired (locked) | maverick69 | 1 | maverick69 (2009) |
MaxGUI 101 - EVENT_MOUSEMOVE not firing? | jonwalker | 3 | jonwalker (2009) |
Mouse Speed While Mouse Stationary | Spacechimp | 4 | jsp (2009) |
Make a dialog window | _JIM | 8 | jsp (2009) |
MaxGUI - TreeView - Need to know ID-node | degac | 3 | degac (2009) |
Mixed GUI / Non GUI APP | matibee | 7 | matibee (2009) |
What's the best way to handle tabbed images? | sswift | 6 | skidracer (2009) |
Audio stopped while playing the game (locked) | Keith Gilbert | 1 | Keith Gilbert (2009) |
Proposed Multi Column List Box API | SebHoll | 19 | Ked (2009) |
Icons needed | JoshK | 10 | Matthew Smith (2009) |
Numerical TextField | Oddball | 4 | sebas76 (2009) |
I think I trashed my vid mem with two canvases | matibee | 3 | matibee (2009) |
Win32 Hidden feature (Drag&Drop) | klepto2 | 4 | Zakk (2009) |
Is it possible to cut and paste images in BlitzMax | sswift | 4 | jsp (2009) |
MaxGUI v1.34 Released | SebHoll | 51 | Grisu (2009) |
Why do my gadgets redraw slowly? | sswift | 11 | SebHoll (2009) |
Problem with ListBox and multiple selections (locked) | ima747 | 1 | ima747 (2009) |
Need Help With Maths (locked) | Steve The Rock | 1 | Steve The Rock (2009) |
menu events | CloseToPerfect | 4 | SebHoll (2009) |
Windows 7 / Vista icon sets? | JoshK | 1 | JoshK (2009) |
Control-key pressed / 2nd MouseKey on MacBook | explosive | 4 | DrDeath (2009) |
Possible way to make menu colors | JoshK | 2 | theHand (2009) |
Menu icons cut off. | rs22 | 7 | JoshK (2009) |
GadgetHIdden() returns 8 when hidden? | JoshK | 2 | klepto2 (2009) |
Canvas pixel offset? | JoshK | 1 | JoshK (2009) |
CreateLanguage() Example | SebHoll | 10 | degac (2009) |
MaxGUI - Localization mod question | degac | 4 | degac (2009) |
OOP GUI code | Robb | 4 | Galaxy613 (2009) |
Built-In Quit Menu Item | John G | 4 | jsp (2009) |
Gadget undo/redo commands | JoshK | 10 | JoshK (2009) |
windows calendar gadget | r | 1 | r (2009) |
Create bold TextLabel with default GUI font? | Grisu | 3 | Grisu (2009) |
Why wouldn't I want to process events with a hook? | sswift | 3 | sswift (2009) |
Disabling Alt Key menus (locked) | VPellen | 1 | VPellen (2009) |
MaxGUI v1.33 RC1 is here! | SebHoll | 30 | SebHoll (2009) |
Codearea proxy gadget | JoshK | 1 | JoshK (2009) |
Win32 - Pixmap & buttons | degac | 2 | jsp (2009) |
Resizing buttons...please help! | degac | 3 | degac (2009) |
HTTPView, Javascript and Cross platform question! | Scaremonger | 4 | Scaremonger (2009) |
System Defaults on MaxGUI Gadgets | Ked | 1 | Ked (2009) |
window on top of any other | BlitzProg | 2 | r (2009) |
Drag & Drop files? | Grisu | 8 | Scaremonger (2009) |
OpenGl & max2D in GUI App | matibee | 8 | matibee (2009) |
Save text from a Textarea line-by-line?! | Grisu | 5 | Grisu (2009) |
MaxGUI Users: Am I OK to proceed? | SebHoll | 15 | Mark Tiffany (2009) |
Should GadgetHidden() be recursive? | SebHoll | 18 | SebHoll (2009) |
MaxGUI improvements | degac | 11 | degac (2009) |
TextField Focus Loss (locked) | Thareh | 1 | Thareh (2009) |
Trouble installing BlitzMax | julianbury | 5 | SebHoll (2009) |
AppTitle | sswift | 4 | Ked (2009) |
I need another Mac test... | sswift | 23 | Brucey (2009) |
Code area gadget? | JoshK | 12 | _Skully (2009) |
Reducing font size for Mac OS version? | Ryan Burnside | 1 | Ryan Burnside (2009) |
MaxGUI web browser | JoshK | 22 | _Skully (2009) |
Set UserAgent string for HTMLViewer? | Blueapples | 1 | Blueapples (2009) |
Font rendering on Mac vs PC | sswift | 4 | sswift (2009) |
How to EVENT_WINDOWCLOSE | Ryan Burnside | 6 | Ryan Burnside (2009) |
Should creating a window be this messy? | Ryan Burnside | 5 | SebHoll (2009) |
Best way to link items from a list box to objects? | Ryan Burnside | 3 | Ryan Burnside (2009) |
Treeviewnode | MacSven | 7 | MacSven (2009) |
Can a Mac user run this and post a screenshot? | sswift | 37 | markcw (2009) |
Why aren't my trackbar controls responsive? | sswift | 10 | sswift (2009) |
RFC: GUIGraphicsDriver | UByte | 7 | EOF (2009) |
Next gadget when tab key is pressed? | JoshK | 3 | JoshK (2009) |
TreeView help | DaY | 1 | DaY (2009) |
Leadwerks engine rendering into MaxGUI canvas | Reda Borchardt | 2 | Jason W. (2009) |
Unfinished slider panel gadget | JoshK | 3 | SebHoll (2009) |
MaxGUI not compiling here | Chroma | 16 | Chroma (2009) |
Treeview and SetGadgetExtra | MacSven | 3 | MacSven (2009) |
Setgadgettext(Label,Text, Flag)? | Grisu | 4 | Grisu (2009) |
Changed combobox behavior | JoshK | 1 | JoshK (2009) |
GUI Helper functions... | _Skully | 6 | _Skully (2009) |
Color edit proxy gadget | JoshK | 4 | Zeke (2009) |
Editable combobox behavior | JoshK | 1 | JoshK (2009) |
Path edit gadget | JoshK | 1 | JoshK (2009) |
Spinner proxy gadget...advanced number editor | JoshK | 8 | JoshK (2009) |
MaxGUI - GetVersion command | degac | 4 | Htbaa (2009) |
Window always on top (Win32/Mac/Linux)? | Grisu | 1 | Grisu (2009) |
Calendar Gadget (WIP) | degac | 18 | degac (2009) |
mac os x - CreateToolBar | degac | 3 | SebHoll (2009) |
A couple of questions about MaxGUI... | Alessandro | 7 | Alessandro (2009) |
ListBox with Larger Fonts ? (locked) | John G | 1 | John G (2009) |
Window gadget choices | Queller | 4 | SebHoll (2009) |
Menu colors | JoshK | 1 | JoshK (2009) |
Canvas - Error Sound on Keypress on MacOS | René | 4 | dinos (2009) |
Resizing ails | DrDeath | 9 | DrDeath (2009) |
Want to create an interactive website | jasonmiceli | 7 | Brucey (2009) |
No way to get desktop hertz? | QuickSilva | 9 | skidracer (2009) |
panel visible ? | hub | 3 | hub (2009) |
Creating a BMax default style window with MaxGUI? | QuickSilva | 5 | QuickSilva (2009) |
Using a single window in two blitzmax apps? | Damien Sturdy | 1 | Damien Sturdy (2009) |
toolbar+gadgetitem_toggle | degac | 9 | degac (2009) |
[MAXGUIEX] Panel with scrollbar? | Grisu | 5 | rs22 (2009) |
Tgadget not found - MacOS | Lex | 8 | Brucey (2009) |
Proxy gadget error (locked) | JoshK | 1 | JoshK (2009) |
Combobox height | JoshK | 2 | JoshK (2009) |
Active panel with a label | JoshK | 4 | JoshK (2009) |
How to close window. | Keith Gilbert | 4 | jsp (2009) |
Grid | JoshK | 4 | plash (2009) |
Toolbar Icons? | Sanctus | 3 | d-bug (2009) |
FryGUI minimize window icon | wmaass | 1 | wmaass (2009) |
Listboxes with checkboxes? | JoshK | 3 | Pharmhaus (2009) |
MaxGUI Updates Discussion Thread | SebHoll | 67 | degac (2009) |
FreeGadget causes Unhandled Exception | USNavyFish | 22 | Brucey (2009) |
maxgui canvas refresh rate. | hub | 7 | hub (2009) |
Russian ASCII codepage. | void | 5 | Brucey (2009) |
[Gui Builder] Logic Gui Version 4.0 is released | jsp | 42 | jsp (2009) |
[MacOS] Createmenu in new Window | explosive | 2 | degac (2009) |
Return in TextField | _JIM | 3 | _JIM (2009) |
Doesnt SendMessageA work anymore with MaxGUI? | maverick69 | 5 | SebHoll (2009) |
ack no class compile error | Raph | 4 | pls (2009) |
MaxGUI and Reflection | SebHoll | 4 | jsp (2009) |
Hightlight a textarea? | Sanctus | 5 | slenkar (2009) |
GetGraphics:TGraphics() function | Kistjes | 7 | kfprimm (2009) |
Putting letters where I want in the text field. | Ryan Burnside | 4 | Ryan Burnside (2009) |
The MaxGUI SVN Advice Thread | SebHoll | 20 | Grisu (2009) |
win32button.cpp Compile Error | SebHoll | 4 | Grisu (2009) |
GadgetIcon | MacSven | 2 | Brucey (2009) |
detect when minimized? | slenkar | 3 | slenkar (2009) |
Splitter Gadget Not Available | kenshin | 7 | kenshin (2009) |
move textarea? | slenkar | 5 | slenkar (2009) |
Textarea detect cursor movement | slenkar | 9 | slenkar (2009) |
Multiple Window/Canvas crash | kenshin | 3 | kenshin (2009) |
Changing window styles at runtime possible? | QuickSilva | 4 | QuickSilva (2009) |
Using MaxGUI for dynamic text based games? | Ryan Burnside | 15 | plash (2009) |
rich text experiments in win32maxguiex | skidracer | 6 | plash (2009) |
This is becoming downright irritating | Pineapple | 16 | dmaz (2009) |
Grid? | Arowx | 12 | Brucey (2009) |
Delta timing with MaxGUI | QuickSilva | 8 | Arowx (2009) |
Blitzmax GUI App aborts restart | zambani | 1 | zambani (2009) |
Trouble centering a panel in a window | 1goto1 | 7 | jsp (2009) |
Combination GUI / Console app? | xlsior | 3 | xlsior (2009) |
Deselect treeview node (locked) | _JIM | 1 | _JIM (2009) |
Mouse release? | Sanctus | 4 | SebHoll (2009) |
Unable to build MaxGUI.Win32MaxGUI in Windows 7 | Ked | 9 | byo (2009) |
Multiple Windows | Jayjay | 4 | SebHoll (2009) |
Um... Where is my Trackbar? | thalamus | 5 | jsp (2009) |
MaxGUI W/ tm.sqlite... | splaq | 1 | splaq (2009) |
Directory list and treeview | Filax | 8 | Lane (2009) |
colored treeview text? | slenkar | 3 | slenkar (2009) |
Tiles from a larger image? | Jayjay | 8 | SebHoll (2009) |
Open File Gadgets? | Jayjay | 5 | Jayjay (2009) |
Detecting a key press. | Ryan Burnside | 3 | Ryan Burnside (2009) |
Is MaxGUI v1.30 totally borked? | Oddball | 6 | Oddball (2009) |
Problem with Textarea | maverick69 | 3 | maverick69 (2009) |
canvas & menu & animation not cooperating. | Jesse | 3 | Jesse (2009) |
[MAXGUIEX] ComboBox with icons possible? | Grisu | 3 | Grisu (2009) |
Mouse positioning bug? | sswift | 5 | Otus (2008) |
How do I disable maximize without disabling min? | sswift | 7 | Brucey (2008) |
Window and Static Icons | William Drescher | 7 | Yan (2008) |
[MAXGUIEx] Tray icon code not working? | Grisu | 3 | Grisu (2008) |
icon view in multi-column textbox | xlsior | 5 | xlsior (2008) |
MaxGUI mod not Listed under Modules in IDE | xlsior | 10 | xlsior (2008) |
Question about a GUI library | Trader3564 | 18 | GaryV (2008) |
[MAXGUI] Minimizing to system tray | Triforce Guardian | 6 | Grisu (2008) |
Pointer Problems | William Drescher | 6 | Brucey (2008) |
New Modul for MacOS X | MacSven | 1 | MacSven (2008) |
Screen Mode Switcher MacOS X | MacSven | 2 | MacSven (2008) |
Which would be the best approach for this... | Arowx | 2 | jsp (2008) |
Multiple Monitors and MacOS X | MacSven | 1 | MacSven (2008) |
Change Label text/background color | zambani | 9 | zambani (2008) |
MaxGUI help files and installation instructions | Lane | 6 | SebHoll (2008) |
KeyDown & KeyHit | thalamus | 5 | thalamus (2008) |
label backgrounds | dmaz | 3 | dmaz (2008) |
Listbox - Detect A Single Right Mouse Click?! | Grisu | 2 | SebHoll (2008) |
Desktop Icons? | Miss Blitz | 6 | TheSkyIsUp (2008) |
Splitter gadget | slenkar | 6 | slenkar (2008) |
Canvas as child of tabber | slenkar | 4 | slenkar (2008) |
mouse events?? | slenkar | 4 | slenkar (2008) |
Listbox - Detect a left/right mouse button click? | Grisu | 2 | jsp (2008) |
Textarea update | zambani | 12 | zambani (2008) |
multi-languge support? | slenkar | 8 | Brucey (2008) |
vertical blank & flip(1) within window... | Taron | 4 | Taron (2008) |
set font for drawtext on canvas... | Taron | 4 | Taron (2008) |
Label Events | Figbash | 2 | SebHoll (2008) |
Maxgui does not work - why? | gekkonier | 7 | Drackbolt (2008) |
EVENT_MOUSEWHEEL - weird values | maverick69 | 5 | maverick69 (2008) |
User renaming treeview node | JoshK | 5 | klepto2 (2008) |
Timer Event Priority | maverick69 | 4 | maverick69 (2008) |
Massive multiple-canvas performance hit | SpaceAce | 13 | SpaceAce (2008) |
ModifyTreeViewNode() doesn't work? | Htbaa | 1 | Htbaa (2008) |
Drawing gadgets infront of canvas? | maverick69 | 7 | Brucey (2008) |
EventSourceHandle changed by timer?! | Taron | 14 | Taron (2008) |
Problems with Tabber | lodger | 2 | SebHoll (2008) |
close GUI and go fullscreen? | slenkar | 4 | skidracer (2008) |
Borderless window option available? | QuickSilva | 3 | QuickSilva (2008) |
I can't compile anything... | Tiger | 3 | Tiger (2008) |
Null Max2dDriver | TwoCorin517 | 10 | TwoCorin517 (2008) |
ClientWidth help from other OS's | Ked | 30 | jsp (2008) |
treeview problem... | danielos | 10 | danielos (2008) |
EVENT_KEYDOWN | Brainbox | 5 | Brainbox (2008) |
Addgadgetitem, issue with setting no listboxicon. (locked) | Grisu | 1 | Grisu (2008) |
Swapping Window Parents | USNavyFish | 5 | jsp (2008) |
HTMLViewGo and update | MacSven | 7 | MacSven (2008) |
Line Numbers? | gweedo767 | 4 | degac (2008) |
Textarea without scrollbars | plash | 10 | Grisu (2008) |
FormatTextAreaText Color Bug ? | danvari | 7 | danvari (2008) |
FileListBox proxy gadget | Blueapples | 2 | Space_guy (2008) |
Very tiny bug (?) in latest SVN IDE | QuickSilva | 3 | QuickSilva (2008) |
Text areas and text fields stuff | JoshK | 3 | SebHoll (2008) |
Another spinner gadget | JoshK | 3 | degac (2008) |
Wow | Ked | 9 | Grisu (2008) |
CreateHyperLink suggested changes | degac | 6 | degac (2008) |
MessageBoxA? | William Drescher | 4 | jsp (2008) |
MaxGUI Assari tutorial | delusan | 6 | Chalky (2008) |
MaxGui gadgettext alignment? | Sir_LANs-a-lot | 3 | Sir_LANs-a-lot (2008) |
Can tabbers use icons? | JoshK | 2 | degac (2008) |
TextArea problem.. | Dabhand | 5 | Dabhand (2008) |
RequestFile$ window appears under main program | T-Light | 8 | T-Light (2008) |
Unselectable Listbox or Similar | TwoCorin517 | 2 | TwoCorin517 (2008) |
New Dialog! | Ked | 8 | Ked (2008) |
AddGadgetItem Flag GADGETITEM_TOGGLES dosnt Work | Riva | 3 | Riva (2008) |
SetSliderRange -100 to 100 | Raph | 5 | Raph (2008) |
Self-contained find dialog | JoshK | 3 | danielos (2008) |
RequestColor open 2 Times | Riva | 3 | Riva (2008) |
Your techniques for MaxGUI | USNavyFish | 15 | USNavyFish (2008) |
WINDOW_CHILD windows without blue title bar | Fabian. | 13 | Dabhand (2008) |
tabber and text area blues | Dabhand | 11 | SebHoll (2008) |
Anchor one window to another? | USNavyFish | 11 | Ked (2008) |
Canvas-Based Gadgets | Ked | 6 | CS_TBL (2008) |
HTMLView: What browsers being used? | Garrett | 4 | Garrett (2008) |
Sliderthing.bmx example? | Pete Carter | 7 | Pete Carter (2008) |
Compiling GUI on Mac OSX Problems | Redspark | 9 | Redspark (2008) |
window to the top | zambani | 4 | zambani (2008) |
Listbox with multiple selections? | Firstdeathmaker | 5 | Ziltch (2008) |
Multi column list box with sort | Ghost Dancer | 11 | Ghost Dancer (2008) |
Cursor location - in pixels - in textarea | Koriolis | 5 | SebHoll (2008) |
Transparency | JoshK | 1 | JoshK (2008) |
Calling Windows System Sounds? | Sir_LANs-a-lot | 3 | Sir_LANs-a-lot (2008) |
Multi column list box error | Ghost Dancer | 3 | Ghost Dancer (2008) |
PANELPIXMAP_FIT2 | Brucey | 3 | Brucey (2008) |
extended desktop positioning | PantsOn | 3 | PantsOn (2008) |
Full Screen Support? | freshmeat | 6 | Brucey (2008) |
SetProxy() | degac | 5 | degac (2008) |
Scintilla Module? | Ked | 14 | xlsior (2008) |
Keydown Values | duquette | 11 | Yan (2008) |
Mouse and keys not returning value | duquette | 5 | rs22 (2008) |
Howto: MaxGUI minimize without resize | Eikon | 5 | SebHoll (2008) |
Better Look | TwoCorin517 | 6 | KimoTech (2008) |
Get Treeview Node Icon? | Chalky | 6 | Chalky (2008) |
Child Windows? | William Drescher | 4 | William Drescher (2008) |
Textfields can't have spaces? | JoshK | 8 | GaryV (2008) |
[OSX] Adding items to applicationmenu | d-bug | 1 | d-bug (2008) |
SetSliderRange - Maximum value? | jp22 | 5 | jp22 (2008) |
Gridview / multicolum listview still anticipated | Difference | 2 | Mark Tiffany (2008) |
Still no coloured buttons with new MaxGUI.Drivers | jp22 | 5 | Mark Tiffany (2008) |
Hyperlink gadget that kind of works | JoshK | 4 | Ked (2008) |
TEXTFIELD_READONLY | JoshK | 1 | JoshK (2008) |
Treeview gadgets don't work? | Ked | 3 | Ked (2008) |
Even simpler way to manage menu events | JoshK | 1 | JoshK (2008) |
Ticked toggle menu item (checkmark?) | iprice | 3 | iprice (2008) |
Multiple instances of a type | rod54 | 3 | rod54 (2008) |
RequestFile() doesn't disable the window? | JoshK | 4 | JoshK (2008) |
MaxGUI overrides custom mouse pointers? | JoshK | 1 | JoshK (2008) |
Getting Max GUI | markcw | 3 | markcw (2008) |
Menu/canvas problem | iprice | 10 | iprice (2008) |
Hook Unhook? | Baystep Productions | 5 | Baystep Productions (2008) |
Still no colored gadgets? | plash | 6 | slenkar (2008) |
SetGraphics() creates a paint event | JoshK | 1 | JoshK (2008) |
Canvas redraw event hook freezing window (locked) | AlexO | 1 | AlexO (2008) |
Disappointed... | Otus | 11 | slenkar (2008) |
Webkit error on PPC Mac | GA | 5 | Tricky (2008) |
Can somebody help me on this | Tricky | 9 | Tricky (2008) |
Noob question. Create menus on current window | iprice | 3 | iprice (2008) |
Proxygadget codebase is missing 3 lines of code :) (locked) | Space_guy | 1 | Space_guy (2008) |
Events, hooks | Who was John Galt? | 7 | SebHoll (2008) |
MaxGUI docs? | Who was John Galt? | 3 | Who was John Galt? (2008) |
Editable combobox's and the enter key | plash | 13 | SebHoll (2008) |
Self-contained About window | JoshK | 3 | rs22 (2008) |
Icon Listbox | William Drescher | 7 | Grisu (2008) |
Detect a "change" inside a textarea? | Grisu | 4 | Grisu (2008) |
treeview - more then one icon and more text | Tempus | 7 | Tempus (2008) |
No parent/Group for Canvas | Bobysait | 4 | SebHoll (2008) |
GadgetExtra() / SetGadgetExtra() | SebHoll | 4 | Bobysait (2008) |
Default System Theme Fonts (Windows) | SebHoll | 4 | Mark Tiffany (2008) |
can MAXgui be used for a game??? | slenkar | 11 | jsp (2008) |
Scrolling on a canvas | Brainbox | 7 | Brainbox (2008) |
App Not Responding | chimaera | 3 | chimaera (2008) |
Logic Gui 3.1 Released | jsp | 7 | jsp (2008) |
Possible to Implement? | Ked | 3 | CS_TBL (2008) |
Desktop Size? | LeeFbx | 5 | LeeFbx (2008) |
BCS maxgui.maxgui | plash | 1 | plash (2008) |
Capturing the Desktop | LeeFbx | 4 | LeeFbx (2008) |
MaxGUI Updates & Enhancements (locked) | SebHoll | 21 | SebHoll (2008) |
Context Menu | William Drescher | 4 | William Drescher (2008) |
MaxGUI on an existing hWnd. | itsdanreed | 2 | itsdanreed (2008) |
Is it possible to | itsdanreed | 4 | itsdanreed (2008) |
New MaxGUI Menu Behaviour | Chalky | 5 | SebHoll (2008) |
blitzmax interface builder | z80jim | 5 | MacSven (2008) |
How can I identify a textfield just selected? | Abomination | 5 | Abomination (2008) |
Event hooks a couple of questions | peltazoid | 4 | peltazoid (2008) |
Stop application from suspending | Ked | 7 | Ked (2008) |
Get the size of a font used in a specific gadget | Queller | 1 | Queller (2008) |
SmartButtons | jsp | 3 | jsp (2008) |
Turning off gadget borders | Queller | 4 | grable (2008) |
MaxIDE Community Edition (locked) | skidracer | 117 | Mark Tiffany (2008) |
GTK + Canvas: How to??? (locked) | danvari | 1 | danvari (2008) |
Include icons on bmax program ? | sebas76 | 3 | sebas76 (2008) |
Drag & Drop files on windows | Cronos | 19 | Cronos (2008) |
MaxGUI Requests | JoshK | 17 | degac (2008) |
XP Style work without having to import anything? | JoshK | 2 | Mark Tiffany (2008) |
Few MaxIDE Tweaks Available Through SVN | SebHoll | 13 | Grisu (2008) |
Syntax loading and highlighting | William Drescher | 5 | William Drescher (2008) |
Can tabber items be disabled or display icons? | JoshK | 3 | JoshK (2008) |
GUIEditor for Testing | MacSven | 8 | MacSven (2008) |
Build Modules | tonyg | 6 | tonyg (2008) |
Cocamaxgui conflicted? | tonyg | 3 | tonyg (2008) |
Manifest Files | Ked | 4 | grable (2008) |
treeview example | Gord | 3 | Gord (2008) |
Logic Gui 3.0 Released | jsp | 14 | tonyg (2008) |
Application Halting | Thareh | 3 | Thareh (2008) |
HtmlViewGo() | degac | 1 | degac (2008) |
miniB3D floating windows and event | MaximilianPs | 3 | MaximilianPs (2008) |
GadgetState() (locked) | JoshK | 1 | JoshK (2008) |
Tooltips flickering over canvases | dan_upright | 6 | JoshK (2008) |
Good program icons here | JoshK | 4 | Ziltch (2008) |
Mouse Wheel when over panel | Keith Gilbert | 5 | Keith Gilbert (2008) |
standard spinner gadget | dmaz | 5 | JoshK (2008) |
Attaching objects to tabbers and updating. | Ryan Burnside | 5 | Ryan Burnside (2008) |
Window size by application | MacSven | 4 | SebHoll (2008) |
GSI example (locked) | JoshK | 1 | JoshK (2008) |
EVENT_GADGETPAINT prevents update? | remz | 3 | SebHoll (2008) |
Ctrl modifier for menus makes key stick | JoshK | 3 | Dreamora (2008) |
axe.win32maxgui version 28 released | skidracer | 73 | xlsior (2008) |
First Project | Gord | 3 | Gord (2008) |
how to check ctrl+another key | hub | 5 | JoshK (2008) |
ComboBox item width | Ghost Dancer | 6 | Ghost Dancer (2008) |
Gadget background Color | TAS | 4 | Blueapples (2008) |
How to create greyed out submenus? | T-Light | 11 | Bobysait (2008) |
SelectedGadgetItemText | plash | 2 | Bobysait (2008) |
TextFieldText to TextFieldText to button | MaximilianPs | 3 | jsp (2008) |
Can't sync maxgui modules | Kepu | 7 | Kepu (2008) |
Can someone tell me what is wrong with this code? | JoJo | 3 | JoJo (2008) |
Disable "CTRL-C" for certain textareas? | Grisu | 5 | Grisu (2008) |
Resetting many combo boxes | Nokiaman | 4 | Nokiaman (2008) |
Overwriting on Listboxes | TwoCorin517 | 7 | Dreamora (2008) |
HtmlViewRun returns nothing | fredborg | 5 | fredborg (2008) |
new MaxGui.Drivers module | skidracer | 20 | Dreamora (2008) |
glade -> maxgui -> event callbacks | Chris C | 2 | Blueapples (2008) |
Resize window Selection Rectangle? | Leon Drake | 7 | tonyg (2008) |
Hiding Menus | ponyboy | 5 | ponyboy (2008) |
Moving window glitchy | Retimer | 6 | Retimer (2008) |
HTMLView - how to get source | maverick69 | 2 | skidracer (2008) |
HTMLView Cache | MacSven | 2 | MacSven (2008) |
Treeview Expand/Collapse Nodes | ponyboy | 4 | ponyboy (2008) |
Select EventSource() for Panels ? | SpaceTime | 6 | MacSven (2008) |
Center a window in BMax | AD | 3 | plash (2007) |
HTMLView integration | Blueapples | 9 | Blueapples (2007) |
EVENT_MOUSEUP ... Canvas | Bobysait | 6 | Bobysait (2007) |
Playsound when button pressed not released? | CopperCircle | 6 | CopperCircle (2007) |
Can someone please help fixing a listbox bug? | Grisu | 18 | Grisu (2007) |
document maxgui addon | Bobysait | 3 | Bobysait (2007) |
Window Skinning? | Ked | 6 | xlsior (2007) |
Using Printer? | FBEpyon | 3 | DavidDC (2007) |
maxGUI game without tearing possible? | James | 10 | James (2007) |
HTMLView Error | andre72 | 6 | andre72 (2007) |
Show a window again that is minimized in taskbar? | Grisu | 3 | Grisu (2007) |
nicely designed in XP classic theme | PantsOn | 4 | PantsOn (2007) |
[MAXGUI] Table Gadget | Scaremonger | 38 | Scaremonger (2007) |
Freeing an IconStrip | DavidDC | 5 | DavidDC (2007) |
EVENT_MOUSEMOVE / EventX() conflict with keyboard? | remz | 4 | CS_TBL (2007) |
Runtime removing menu and status bar(Hiding) | LAB[au] | 9 | remz (2007) |
TreeView Free Behaviour | Brucey | 5 | DavidDC (2007) |
canvas creating events? | PantsOn | 3 | PantsOn (2007) |
Word selection in MaxIDE | remz | 2 | remz (2007) |
Slidy Sliders - help please (skid?) | Mark Tiffany | 6 | Mark Tiffany (2007) |
Image Width/Height? | CopperCircle | 3 | CopperCircle (2007) |
Canvas Refresh when resizing a window | alain | 7 | TaskMaster (2007) |
Attach a hotkeyevent to a Window? | JoshK | 1 | JoshK (2007) |
Need Help! | kochOn | 1 | kochOn (2007) |
Saving canvas image? | Retimer | 5 | Retimer (2007) |
Error on building | Bobysait | 4 | Bobysait (2007) |
Textarea save or load file | hub | 3 | hub (2007) |
Logic Gui 2.0 Released | jsp | 46 | jsp (2007) |
GTKMaxGUI does not work | danvari | 3 | Brucey (2007) |
Gui and non English languages | Moraldi | 17 | Grisu (2007) |
Sorting Multicolumn Listview | andre72 | 3 | andre72 (2007) |
TextAreaUndo mod | JoshK | 3 | JoshK (2007) |
Some bugs that I can't figure out (locked) | Pineapple | 1 | Pineapple (2007) |
best way of updating a progbar | PantsOn | 6 | Rimmsy (2007) |
brl.cocoamaxgui release 134 up | skidracer | 2 | SebHoll (2007) |
News on MaxGUI | Grisu | 20 | Scaremonger (2007) |
Find TGadget if I know only the hWnd of | andre72 | 2 | Dreamora (2007) |
set text for no editable combobox | hub | 4 | grable (2007) |
Treeview : determine node index | hub | 3 | hub (2007) |
Determine previous and next node | hub | 4 | hub (2007) |
Combobox dropdown height | JoshK | 8 | DavidDC (2007) |
Add an event to a listview | andre72 | 4 | Ziltch (2007) |
glCube.bmx Unhandled Memory Exception | sblank | 2 | sblank (2007) |
Compiling cocoa.macos.m under Leopard | DavidDC | 4 | SebHoll (2007) |
Gui and non English languages (locked) | Moraldi | 1 | Moraldi (2007) |
Stupid question about treeviewnode | hub | 9 | jsp (2007) |
mouse position inside canvas | hub | 6 | hub (2007) |
set canvas fps inside a window | hub | 4 | ImaginaryHuman (2007) |
HTMLView target? | DougUK | 4 | DougUK (2007) |
Listbox gadget | Moraldi | 15 | Kev (2007) |
MaxGUI documentation | Moraldi | 12 | Moraldi (2007) |
Textfield GadgetAction | matty47 | 2 | DavidDC (2007) |
Panel Hiding | Thareh | 2 | Thareh (2007) |
Frozen Window | splinux | 3 | splinux (2007) |
Win32 desktop resolution? | Vilu | 5 | Vilu (2007) |
Question on Events and Types | Saxon1974 | 10 | Saxon1974 (2007) |
show requestfile window as modal | hub | 2 | hub (2007) |
Issue inheriting TGadget properties | Saxon1974 | 9 | Saxon1974 (2007) |
Event Hook Questions | peltazoid | 4 | jsp (2007) |
Have you ever seen this Done in MaxGUI | Boulderdash | 18 | Smokey (2007) |
Get Mouse Pointer location ? | Boulderdash | 3 | Boulderdash (2007) |
Have you ever seen this 2 Animated APP Icon? | Boulderdash | 13 | Boulderdash (2007) |
refresh canvas problem | hub | 4 | DavidDC (2007) |
MaxGUI Upgrade | skidracer | 69 | Scaremonger (2007) |
Expand All TreeView nodes? | DavidDC | 15 | DavidDC (2007) |
WindowMenu refresh on a canvas | Kistjes | 12 | Kistjes (2007) |
Guiwrap | Blueapples | 3 | Blueapples (2007) |
Splash screen example? | Grisu | 4 | Filax (2007) |
Cross Platform Cut / Paste | TeraBit | 5 | Raph (2007) |
Possible decl windows as type | Smokey | 5 | Smokey (2007) |
Reduce my Pixmaps | KillerHunter | 5 | Dreamora (2007) |
Request : User doc | tonyg | 21 | tonyg (2007) |
Progressbar Styles? | xlsior | 4 | xlsior (2007) |
ClearType Support | xlsior | 1 | xlsior (2007) |
Don't ask me again | JoshK | 7 | xlsior (2007) |
Vista Look? | coffeedotbean | 17 | Grisu (2007) |
MP3 Player | Glenn Dodd | 13 | Dirk Krause (2007) |
[MAXGUI] Treeview Refresh | Scaremonger | 2 | Scaremonger (2007) |
Is there a way to retrieve a gadget's color? | SpaceAce | 3 | tonyg (2007) |
AddTextAreaText and focus | Raph | 1 | Raph (2007) |
any word on win32maxgui beta? | dmaz | 1 | dmaz (2007) |
Gadget focus with TAB ? | Filax | 3 | Filax (2007) |
Center a windows under another | Filax | 3 | Filax (2007) |
text area context menu? possible | coffeedotbean | 8 | coffeedotbean (2007) |
MaxGui Event Wrapper | Scaremonger | 3 | Scaremonger (2007) |
Canvas performance? | Mr. Write Errors Man | 8 | Mr. Write Errors Man (2007) |
HTMLView performance? | Mr. Write Errors Man | 7 | Mr. Write Errors Man (2007) |
Trying to find the proper gadget for the job. | Ryan Burnside | 5 | kfprimm (2007) |
Transparent BG in text area | SculptureOfSoul | 4 | SculptureOfSoul (2007) |
Can you change a listbox font? | DavidDC | 1 | DavidDC (2007) |
Getting Enter key keypress on a TextField gadget | * | 4 | Perturbatio (2007) |
glBindTexture | Jesse | 1 | Jesse (2007) |
Icon Strip Transparency? | Gabriel | 5 | Gabriel (2007) |
How long have canvas mouse events been broken? | skidracer | 14 | Azathoth (2007) |
Listbox Help | moravcik | 4 | moravcik (2007) |
Fake Spinner en float ? | Filax | 5 | CS_TBL (2007) |
Finding the RGB values of a field. | Ryan Burnside | 3 | Brucey (2007) |
TProcess to slow? | MacSven | 6 | MacSven (2007) |
Need help with simple "push_button" | Ryan Burnside | 3 | Ryan Burnside (2007) |
IDE template? | JaviCervera | 4 | CASO (2007) |
Combo/List Box in menu bar?? | FBEpyon | 2 | jsp (2007) |
create an event in internal queue | Kev | 3 | Kev (2007) |
GraphicsWidth(), Height() only returns | JoshK | 4 | skidracer (2007) |
MessageBox | Moraldi | 3 | Moraldi (2007) |
Latest win32maxgui beta | skidracer | 80 | Stu_ovine (2007) |
Get item in multicolumn listbox? | Raph | 8 | Raph (2007) |
Maxgui: Default font? | Grisu | 4 | rs22 (2007) |
SetToolbarIcons? | Grisu | 2 | MrCredo (2007) |
image jumping canvases | gameshastra | 4 | skidracer (2007) |
Console Gadgets? | Blueapples | 5 | Blueapples (2007) |
Question? | Amon | 3 | SebHoll (2007) |
Creating Custom Mouse Pointers | gameshastra | 29 | gameshastra (2007) |
Multiple Canvases | gameshastra | 7 | computercoder (2007) |
Logic Gui 1.0 Released! | jsp | 62 | Stu_ovine (2007) |
Slider&TextField | degac | 4 | jsp (2007) |
Force Windows Theme. | Thareh | 11 | ziggy (2007) |
"chunks" of memory in direct win api calls ?? | skn3 | 4 | Gabriel (2007) |
Force GUI refresh | Blueapples | 6 | TaskMaster (2007) |
Canvas fill the whole window? | Curtastic | 8 | Foolish (2007) |
Timer memory leak? | DavidDC | 3 | DavidDC (2007) |
System dependent DrawText error | bubbz | 3 | bubbz (2007) |
Treeview: Problem with expanding the items | mikelandzelo | 8 | Gabriel (2007) |
Canvas simultaneous keypresses | impixi | 7 | LAB[au] (2007) |
Draw to Canvas or Direct-X window | Boulderdash | 4 | Ziltch (2007) |
windowaccept, multiple files in one eventtext() | CS_TBL | 2 | LAB[au] (2007) |
Grid/Table/Multicolum listbox gadget ETA? | Difference | 13 | * (2007) |
Excel listboxes? | * | 1 | * (2007) |
Unicode characters in maxGUI | Robb | 4 | Brucey (2007) |
Here's a handy superflexible spinnergadget! | CS_TBL | 6 | LAB[au] (2007) |
Progress bar in the statusbar? | JoshK | 1 | JoshK (2007) |
TreeViewNodes - Hide/Show/Enable/Disable ? | Gabriel | 1 | Gabriel (2007) |
HiddenGadget Flag | Grisu | 2 | SebHoll (2007) |
Foldable Menus? | MRaven | 2 | Dreamora (2007) |
FormatTextAreaText - Poss bug/odd behavior | peltazoid | 2 | peltazoid (2007) |
Text input options in MaxGUI | XE800 | 2 | jsp (2007) |
settextareacolor - how to change some texts color | peltazoid | 5 | peltazoid (2007) |
Complicated app architecture | JoshK | 3 | FlameDuck (2007) |
MaxGUI/BlitzPlus differences? | Dabz | 6 | Dabz (2007) |
Capture window contents? | Raph | 6 | pls (2007) |
SelectTextAreaText - Cursor on the left Side? | FOODy | 1 | FOODy (2007) |
textareafont with blitz.fon | CS_TBL | 3 | CS_TBL (2007) |
HTMLViewRun (Again) | SebHoll | 4 | jsp (2007) |
MacOS X metal brushed | MacSven | 1 | MacSven (2007) |
TextArea to RTF ? | Yan | 4 | Grisu (2007) |
gtk database string grid | Chris C | 2 | Brucey (2007) |
Getting informations from a treeview | mikelandzelo | 3 | mikelandzelo (2007) |
MaxGUI install | Moraldi | 3 | Moraldi (2007) |
Tear off menu | LAB[au] | 7 | LAB[au] (2007) |
Radio without auto-uncheck | MrCredo | 7 | sswift (2007) |
gtk grid/table close ish | Chris C | 1 | Chris C (2007) |
Canvas Redraw - Menus/Requesters | EOF | 3 | EOF (2007) |
Bring a Gadget to the Top (Z Order) | CASO | 2 | EOF (2007) |
Mac CMD-Q | wildboar | 3 | Diordna (2007) |
Mulitple Canvases in a Window? | DavidDC | 3 | DavidDC (2007) |
Missing function? HtmlViewEventURL() | #Reaper | 5 | #Reaper (2007) |
Menu Question: How to create a seperator? | maverick69 | 3 | maverick69 (2007) |
SetPointer under Linux fails it | Scienthsine | 1 | Scienthsine (2007) |
Is this code line necessary? | DavidDC | 6 | Chris C (2007) |
Window with Superbitmap... | MacSven | 9 | tonyg (2007) |
combobox : select using an item text | hub | 3 | hub (2007) |
Living Gadgets | Fetze | 3 | Jake L. (2007) |
Adding new events? | Nigel Brown | 7 | Nigel Brown (2007) |
EVENT_MENUACTION should return the event source | JoshK | 10 | Fabian. (2007) |
TextArea scollbars | Nigel Brown | 4 | Grisu (2007) |
Is it possible to reset pixmap assigned to panel? | Broker | 9 | SebHoll (2007) |
Sorting a listbox | Pete Rigz | 2 | CASO (2007) |
GUI seems to freeze the application in some cases. | Ibmurai | 4 | Ibmurai (2007) |
SetGadgetHotKey | Brucey | 3 | grable (2007) |
Textarea tab widths "broken" | Mark Tiffany | 8 | Mark Tiffany (2007) |
Menu "resource" generator | grable | 2 | grable (2007) |
Tooltip for button? | Grisu | 7 | Grisu (2007) |
BRL, why does brl.maxgui import brl.eventqueue? | Fabian. | 11 | skidracer (2007) |
browser gadget to texture (early days) | Chris C | 1 | Chris C (2007) |
Need a hot fix for a bug. :/ | Grisu | 4 | Grisu (2007) |
Request : Text Area Format background colors | Brucey | 4 | Nigel Brown (2007) |
Resizable panels/canvases/whatever? | MadCat13 | 4 | MadCat13 (2007) |
Remove Disabled Vertical Scrollbar on HTMLView | SebHoll | 1 | SebHoll (2007) |
gadgets slow to appear | Boulderdash | 3 | jsp (2007) |
Why does CreateToolbar have position parameters? | Gabriel | 2 | Grisu (2007) |
HTMLView Save Image As... | TomToad | 1 | TomToad (2007) |
IGlass Studio | SofaKng | 2 | Sin of Nature (2007) |
htmlview try to connect ? | hub | 1 | hub (2007) |
SetButtonPixmap() ? | Gabriel | 4 | fredborg (2007) |
SyntaxArea (please test) | klepto2 | 8 | Grisu (2007) |
MaxGUI flash | Raz | 6 | grable (2007) |
Win32MaxGui 1.32 is out! | Grisu | 2 | Mark Tiffany (2007) |
Moving a vertical slider with the mouse wheel | DavidDC | 2 | DavidDC (2007) |
Read memory usage directly from taskmanager? (locked) | Grisu | 1 | Grisu (2007) |
No full screen support for MaxGUI? | AlexZ | 2 | grable (2007) |
Find the parent of a gadget | doswelk | 2 | WendellM (2007) |
Not all events fired for a canvas or Panel(linux) | klepto2 | 1 | klepto2 (2007) |
Button highlighting? | JoshK | 2 | EOF (2007) |
Standard WinXP toolbar icons? | JoshK | 4 | Amon (2007) |
Disable a toolbar button | JoshK | 2 | jsp (2007) |
Create a minimize button without resizing ? | Filax | 8 | Xerra (2007) |
Save textarea formatting? | JoshK | 2 | Grisu (2007) |
dev.win32maxgui beta test | skidracer | 23 | Grisu (2007) |
Transparent images on a Window | CASO | 6 | CASO (2007) |
latest cocoa maxgui | skidracer | 4 | Brucey (2007) |
HTMLViewRun() with Javascript Function | SebHoll | 2 | SebHoll (2006) |
ComboBox Item widths | Cousins422 | 2 | Cousins422 (2006) |
Rebar gadgets? anyone added them | Kev | 1 | Kev (2006) |
Repainting while resizing | dooz | 5 | SebHoll (2006) |
Single select drop-down lists | dooz | 3 | dooz (2006) |
WinAPI HIMAGELIST to BMX IconStrip | Kev | 2 | Kev (2006) |
How can i use tab page | patmaba | 3 | patmaba (2006) |
MaxGUI Feature Requests | fredborg | 31 | SculptureOfSoul (2006) |
EVENT_MOUSEMOVE in textarea? | SculptureOfSoul | 6 | SculptureOfSoul (2006) |
2 add. functions for the textarea control(win32) | klepto2 | 1 | klepto2 (2006) |
MaxGUI EventExtra and ListBox example | Markus Rauch | 1 | Markus Rauch (2006) |
Window transparency without titlebar transparency? | ryanmsmith | 7 | Dreamora (2006) |
SetGadgetLayout need s FIXED flag | Scott Shaver | 8 | Markus Rauch (2006) |
ClientWidth under Windows | hamZta | 2 | jsp (2006) |
What does SetPanelPixmap do ( and *when* ) ? | Gabriel | 5 | Gabriel (2006) |
Calendar | xlsior | 6 | skidracer (2006) |
codearea control | dmaz | 24 | dmaz (2006) |
Slider bigstep | Curtastic | 6 | Curtastic (2006) |
Keydown vs. GUI | CASO | 3 | Nigel Brown (2006) |
If i get MAXGui.. | plash | 6 | plash (2006) |
Stripped-down Window Class | JoshK | 4 | Damien Sturdy (2006) |
resizing windows | D2006 | 2 | CASO (2006) |
Adding Gadgets to Toolbar | FBEpyon | 1 | FBEpyon (2006) |
SetGraphicsDriver & canvas error into my code | hub | 8 | hub (2006) |
Need Function GadgetItemTip$ | Grisu | 3 | Grisu (2006) |
Drawing a splitter with GDI? | JoshK | 9 | Brendane (2006) |
Keeping Gadgets Together when maximizing/resizing | Boulderdash | 3 | Boulderdash (2006) |
Change a wmaximized window's restore size | JoshK | 3 | JoshK (2006) |
SetGadgetShape and Canvas objects | Scott Shaver | 3 | Scott Shaver (2006) |
Closing a window | CASO | 5 | jsp (2006) |
What is it with MaxGUI? | SebHoll | 18 | Picklesworth (2006) |
Balloon Tips | ChristianK | 2 | ChristianK (2006) |
linux bugs | Nigel Brown | 7 | Brucey (2006) |
codearea question | dmaz | 3 | dmaz (2006) |
How to get textWidth and textHeight with MaxGui? | Alessandro | 6 | Alessandro (2006) |
Capturing GUI Events | Xerra | 5 | Xerra (2006) |
Weird menu behaviour when close to canvas | Armitage 1982 | 5 | Armitage 1982 (2006) |
Now it's time for a BLITZGUI codearchive | wedoe | 8 | Booticus (2006) |
Is there a waitevent for gadget redraw | D4NM4N | 3 | Grisu (2006) |
This is driving me potty | D4NM4N | 2 | Dreamora (2006) |
MaxGUI Problem | ckob | 7 | dmaz (2006) |
why would a gouped window close the app | D4NM4N | 6 | D4NM4N (2006) |
MAX GUI is great value | Boulderdash | 10 | * (2006) |
Text on a panel? | Nigel Brown | 7 | CS_TBL (2006) |
field not updating | D4NM4N | 10 | D4NM4N (2006) |
whats wrong with this | D4NM4N | 5 | D4NM4N (2006) |
Background color of gadgets | ChristianK | 2 | Brucey (2006) |
Anyone got a good form designer | D4NM4N | 3 | Booticus (2006) |
treeviewnode | ckob | 5 | ckob (2006) |
Syntax checking a field | D4NM4N | 6 | Brucey (2006) |
SetToolbaritem? | Grisu | 3 | Grisu (2006) |
Refresh a TreeView? | Gabriel | 16 | Defoc8 (2006) |
Setting Tabber Height? | Gabriel | 3 | Gabriel (2006) |
Alternative Windows GUI's? | Gabriel | 8 | Gabriel (2006) |
Edit Control plays IDE | TeraBit | 3 | grable (2006) |
Selecting Text in a Text Field? | Gabriel | 3 | Gabriel (2006) |
3D rotation in canvas possible? | Grisu | 10 | Grisu (2006) |
Slider value in realtime | Curtastic | 3 | Curtastic (2006) |
Canvas buttons, not working! | Nigel Brown | 7 | Dreamora (2006) |
Where can I find GUIde??? | Sanctus | 4 | Wiebo (2006) |
Opengl Tutorials | Sanctus | 1 | Sanctus (2006) |
Autofocus a subwindow? | Grisu | 3 | Grisu (2006) |
Preventing the ALT key from triggering menus... | Damien Sturdy | 22 | Damien Sturdy (2006) |
fontsize? | ckob | 3 | ckob (2006) |
HtmlView and Open in a new window | Filax | 3 | Filax (2006) |
SetGraphicsDriver() during runtime? | Grisu | 6 | Yan (2006) |
Custom Text Edit Control | TeraBit | 12 | TeraBit (2006) |
Start a window in maximized mode | Sanctus | 7 | JoshK (2006) |
Treeview problem | Sanctus | 2 | SebHoll (2006) |
Canvas Focus | TeraBit | 4 | TeraBit (2006) |
MaxGui - Missing Borders... | Garrett | 8 | Garrett (2006) |
Images on Buttons? | Garrett | 6 | Garrett (2006) |
MaxGui fails in Parallels Desktop on Mac OS X | Winni | 10 | Hotcakes (2006) |
ProblemWithRequesterFunctionsEntering a modal loop | Fabian. | 6 | Fabian. (2006) |
Turn a TextArea into A password | Leon Drake | 2 | Leon Drake (2006) |
Window Minimized and Menus are Disabled | Garrett | 2 | Grisu (2006) |
change window color without panel | Leon Drake | 7 | JoshK (2006) |
CONST value from STRING? (locked) | Tachyon | 1 | Tachyon (2006) |
Create a sub menu ? | Filax | 3 | Filax (2006) |
Slider without arrows? | Grisu | 4 | Grisu (2006) |
Why doesn't this work? | TeraBit | 6 | TeraBit (2006) |
Special Push Button needed | Grisu | 10 | Grisu (2006) |
Use Scintilla with MaxGUI | seyhajin | 4 | seyhajin (2006) |
How do I run the GUI? | TLM | 6 | TLM (2006) |
[Maxgui] Prevent Screencapturing? | Grisu | 13 | Barnabius (2006) |
yay! | CS_TBL | 15 | Grey Alien (2006) |
MaxGUI pre-game graphics chooser to test | WendellM | 12 | WendellM (2006) |
Making a browser help | Curtastic | 1 | Curtastic (2006) |
MDI Window possible ? | sigi | 5 | SebHoll (2006) |
Creating functions for Undo and Redo? | Garrett | 2 | tonyg (2006) |
Mouse enter / leave | ziggy | 5 | ziggy (2006) |
Cocoa: Keep a window on top? | SebHoll | 2 | LeisureSuitLurie (2006) |
how can I make menu separators? | ziggy | 3 | SebHoll (2006) |
GUI Framework? | thalamus | 7 | D4NM4N (2006) |
mousehit? | D4NM4N | 5 | D4NM4N (2006) |
Is this windows style possible? | JoshK | 14 | JoshK (2006) |
object resizing | ziggy | 5 | Grisu (2006) |
Modal dialogs | ziggy | 8 | SebHoll (2006) |
Condensed menu creation functions | JoshK | 2 | TomToad (2006) |
Soft/ragged edged window | LeisureSuitLurie | 6 | LeisureSuitLurie (2006) |
Events | ziggy | 6 | Dreamora (2006) |
Mouse on gadget | ziggy | 9 | Dreamora (2006) |
Toolbar bug (locked) | JoshK | 1 | JoshK (2006) |
Sow on a maxgui canvas | Chris C | 6 | Chris C (2006) |
max (none gtk) glade interface loader | Chris C | 1 | Chris C (2006) |
List Box Drag items and edit item text example.WIN | Ziltch | 1 | Ziltch (2006) |
Problem with eventX() | Smokey | 6 | Smokey (2006) |
Icon issue as well | gellyware | 5 | Grey Alien (2006) |
How to set the same hot key for only two gadgets | Fabian. | 2 | Fabian. (2006) |
EventSource and Event_MenuAction ? | Gabriel | 2 | Fabian. (2006) |
MaxGUI Forms Editor | Jake L. | 9 | LeisureSuitLurie (2006) |
3Impact in a MAxGui window? | Nikko | 4 | Gabriel (2006) |