GadgetFilter with Minus Key not working

BlitzMax Forums/MaxGUI Module/GadgetFilter with Minus Key not working

shinkiro1(Posted 2012) [#1]
I have a GadgetFilter that should only allow numbers and the '-' (minus) key to be input into a textfield. Everything works, except that I can't input '-'.

Here is the Filter function:
Function NumberFilter:Int(event:TEvent,context:Object)
	If ( >= 48) And ( <= 57)
		Return 1
	ElseIf ( = KEY_BACKSPACE) Or ( = KEY_DELETE) Or ( = KEY_LEFT) Or ( = KEY_RIGHT) Or ( = KEY_TAB) Or ( = KEY_ENTER) Or ( = KEY_MINUS)
		Return 1
	Return 0
End Function

I'm on OSX 10.7 btw.

Last edited 2012

matibee(Posted 2012) [#2]
Without looking or testing.. are you sure KEY_MINUS is the same as the ascii character code (45).

shinkiro1(Posted 2012) [#3]
Yes, I tried it with 45 as well.

jsp(Posted 2012) [#4]
Try this
Function TextField1_Filter:Int( event:TEvent,context:Object )
	DebugLog "TextField TextField1 filtering text input: "+Chr("="+Event.Data+","+Event.Mods
	Select Event.ID
	        If Event.Data = 45 Then Return True
	        If Event.Data = 45 Then Return True
	        If Event.Data => KEY_0 And Event.Data <= KEY_9 Then Return True
	End Select
	Return False
End Function

shinkiro1(Posted 2012) [#5]
Pressing minus outputs this:
symbol from link;191,0

Also, when pressing Y it recognizes it as X. I've a german keyboard layout, that means it recognizes it as english?

Last edited 2012

jsp(Posted 2012) [#6]
Aren't those codes not keyboard scancode related?
For example there is no KEY_PLUS because it sits together with another key, which is then language dependent.