ScrollPanel problem

BlitzMax Forums/MaxGUI Module/ScrollPanel problem

Vignoli(Posted 2015) [#1]

I've a problem with ScrollPanel gadget. I can't see it's childs appear, but i can change its color.

This is a part of my code :
zoneChat = CreatePanel( cWidth - 256, Int(cHeight / 4), 256, Int(cHeight / 4), window )
titleChat = CreateLabel( "Messagerie instantanée", 0, 0, ClientWidth(zoneChat), 25, zoneChat, LABEL_LEFT | LABEL_FRAME )
SetGadgetTextColor( titleChat, 0, 0, 0 )
SetPanelColor( titleChat, 200, 200, 200 )
Const MaxChats = 16 + 1
Local gadgetCheckboxChat[MaxChats]
Local gadgetColorChat[MaxChats]
Local gadgetTextChat[MaxChats]
Local ChatR[MaxChats]
Local ChatG[MaxChats]
Local ChatB[MaxChats]
Local ChatCount = 1
ChatR[0] = 0
ChatG[0] = 255
ChatB[0] = 0
scrollChat = CreateScrollPanel( 0, 25, ClientWidth(zoneChat), ClientHeight(zoneChat) - (25 + 25), zoneChat, SCROLLPANEL_SUNKEN )
SetPanelColor( scrollChat, 255, 255, 255 )
gadgetCheckboxChat[0] = CreateButton( "", 0, 0, 25, 25, scrollChat, BUTTON_CHECKBOX )
gadgetColorChat[0] = CreatePanel( 25, 0, 50, 25, scrollChat)
SetPanelColor( gadgetColorChat[0], ChatR[0], ChatG[0], ChatB[0] )
gadgetTextChat[0] = CreateLabel( "Commun", 100, 0, ClientWidth(scrollChat) - 100, 25, scrollChat )
FitScrollPanelClient( scrollChat, SCROLLPANEL_SIZETOKIDS )
ScrollScrollPanel( scrollChat, SCROLLPANEL_LEFT, SCROLLPANEL_TOP )
addChat = CreateButton( "Ajout Tchat", 0, ClientHeight(zoneChat) - 25, 128, 25, zoneChat )
deleteChat = CreateButton( "Suppr TChat", 128, ClientHeight(zoneChat) - 25, 128, 25, zoneChat )

Henri(Posted 2015) [#2]

It's hard to tell the exact nature of your problem. Could you create a runable example ?


Vignoli(Posted 2015) [#3]

Import MaxGui.Drivers
Import MaxGUI.ProxyGadgets

dWidth = ClientWidth(Desktop())
dHeight = ClientHeight(Desktop())

' === Création de la fenetre de départ ===
window = CreateWindow( "Test Window", 0, 0, dWidth, dHeight, Null, WINDOW_TITLEBAR | WINDOW_MENU )

cWidth = ClientWidth(window)
cHeight = ClientHeight(window)

' === Création des gadgets de la fenêtre ===
zoneEvt = CreatePanel( cWidth - 256, 0, 256, Int(cHeight / 4), window )
titleEvt = CreateLabel( "Évènements", 0, 0, ClientWidth(zoneEvt), 25, zoneEvt, LABEL_LEFT | LABEL_FRAME )
SetGadgetTextColor( titleEvt, 0, 0, 0 )
SetPanelColor( titleEvt, 200, 200, 200 )
gadgetEvt = CreateTextArea( 0, 25, ClientWidth(zoneEvt), ClientHeight(zoneEvt) - 25, zoneEvt, TEXTAREA_WORDWRAP | TEXTAREA_READONLY )
SetGadgetTextColor( gadgetEvt, 0, 0, 0 )
SetGadgetColor( gadgetEvt, 255, 255, 255 )
SetTextAreaText( gadgetEvt, "Coucou" + Chr(13) )

zoneChat = CreatePanel( cWidth - 256, Int(cHeight / 4), 256, Int(cHeight / 4), window )
titleChat = CreateLabel( "Messagerie instantanée", 0, 0, ClientWidth(zoneChat), 25, zoneChat, LABEL_LEFT | LABEL_FRAME )
SetGadgetTextColor( titleChat, 0, 0, 0 )
SetPanelColor( titleChat, 200, 200, 200 )
Const MaxChats = 16 + 1
Local gadgetCheckboxChat[MaxChats]
Local gadgetColorChat[MaxChats]
Local gadgetTextChat[MaxChats]
Local ChatR[MaxChats]
Local ChatG[MaxChats]
Local ChatB[MaxChats]
Local ChatCount = 1
ChatR[0] = 0
ChatG[0] = 255
ChatB[0] = 0
scrollChat = CreateScrollPanel( 0, 25, ClientWidth(zoneChat), ClientHeight(zoneChat) - (25 + 25), zoneChat, SCROLLPANEL_SUNKEN )
SetPanelColor( scrollChat, 255, 255, 255 )
gadgetCheckboxChat[0] = CreateButton( "", 0, 0, 25, 25, scrollChat, BUTTON_CHECKBOX )
gadgetColorChat[0] = CreatePanel( 25, 0, 50, 25, scrollChat)
SetPanelColor( gadgetColorChat[0], ChatR[0], ChatG[0], ChatB[0] )
gadgetTextChat[0] = CreateLabel( "Commun", 100, 0, ClientWidth(scrollChat) - 100, 25, scrollChat )
FitScrollPanelClient( scrollChat, SCROLLPANEL_SIZETOKIDS )
ScrollScrollPanel( scrollChat, SCROLLPANEL_LEFT, SCROLLPANEL_TOP )
addChat = CreateButton( "Ajout Tchat", 0, ClientHeight(zoneChat) - 25, 128, 25, zoneChat )
deleteChat = CreateButton( "Suppr TChat", 128, ClientHeight(zoneChat) - 25, 128, 25, zoneChat )


	ev = WaitEvent()
	Select ev
			es = EventSource()
			Select es
				Case window



Henri(Posted 2015) [#4]
I betting that the heart of the problem is that you are not defining variable type as 'tgadget' . This means that Blitzmax assumes they are 'int's . Try using 'Superstrict' statement at the start of your file and correct every compiler error to see if it corrects the problem. If you press 'F1' on top of e.g. CreateWindow()-function ,you'll see it is returning 'TGadget'. Also array that is holding TGadget objects should be defined as


Vignoli(Posted 2015) [#5]
Hi Henri,

I've done this but i've still the same problem. (note than the scrollpanel is a :TScrollPanel)

Just tested it on my Mac, it works fine.
It should be a problem with Windows 7 x64 Pro.

Henri(Posted 2015) [#6]
Try this:


Vignoli(Posted 2015) [#7]
Thanks a lot, it works now.

Henri(Posted 2015) [#8]
No problem:-)

Superstrict might seem tedious at first because everything must be declared, but it greatly improves the readibility of code and makes debugging easier.
