Desktop Icons?

BlitzMax Forums/MaxGUI Module/Desktop Icons?

Miss Blitz(Posted 2008) [#1]
Is there any way for me to use SetGadgetPixmap()
To change my game's Desktop icon? Or, Is there a way to assign a desktop icon using Windres?
(if that's a new word to anyone reading, you can find out more about Windres here:

I'm using Windows XP, if that's useful at all.

Thanks so much!
Miss Blitz

SebHoll(Posted 2008) [#2]
Is there any way for me to use SetGadgetPixmap()
To change my game's Desktop icon? Or, Is there a way to assign a desktop icon using Windres?
(if that's a new word to anyone reading, you can find out more about Windres here:

Yep, that guide describes how to make an object resource file for your icons, that you can then import (as you would with any other module) into BlitzMax.

The only problem is that, at the moment, BlitzMax only allows you to import 1 object file in a single EXE, and if you are using the new MaxGUI.Win32MaxGUIEx module, then this is already importing an object file to give you the XP button theming...

As such, if you want to import your own icon object file, you will have to build modules with the line:

Import "xpmanifest.o"
...commented out of BlitzMax\mod\maxgui.mod\win32maxguiex.mod\win32maxguiex.bmx.

I made a similar tutorial last summer, which allows you to have an icon *AND* the new XP/Vista themes...

Seb's XP Manifest/Icon Tutorial

Miss Blitz(Posted 2008) [#3]
Ah! THere it goes... the icon works! in all it's forms!
(The one my sister made for me works, the one I was
using for experimentation may have had some graphics
depth issues, she thinks.)

Well, I expect to be loading the fruit of all this tinkering
up in the showcase very soon, now. Thanks so much!

TheSkyIsUp(Posted 2008) [#4]
Is there a way to do this with Blitz3D?

tonyg(Posted 2008) [#5]
Yes but you might have more joy posting or searching the B3D forums.
How do i change the icon at the top of the page?
Title Bar Icon...

and there's many more.

TheSkyIsUp(Posted 2008) [#6]
Alright thanks.