Listbox icon size?

BlitzMax Forums/MaxGUI Module/Listbox icon size?

JoshK(Posted 2011) [#1]
My icon strip is made of 64x64 icons. The listbox adjusts to the size, but displays the icons at 16x16. Can anyone tell me where this is controlled, so I can modify it? Is this a problem with icon strips, or with the win32 listbox gadget?

JoshK(Posted 2011) [#2]
I tried changing this code in win32.maxgui, to no avail:
	Method SetIconStrip(iconstrip:TIconStrip)
		Local imagelist
		If Not iconstrip Then
			_icons = TWindowsIconStrip.CreateBlank()
			_icons = TWindowsIconStrip(iconstrip)
		If _icons Then imagelist = _icons._imagelist
'Changed this line:
		'SendMessageW _hwnd,LVM_SETIMAGELIST,LVSIL_SMALL,imagelist
'To this:
		SendMessageW _hwnd,LVM_SETIMAGELIST,LVSIL_NORMAL,imagelist
		If Not iconstrip Then
			_icons = Null

Grisu(Posted 2011) [#3]
It should be no problem to use bigger icons in listboxes under windows. See left listbox inside the screenshot:

Just make sure your icon file is set up correctly.

Example code:

Can you post a simple example code?


Last edited 2011

JoshK(Posted 2011) [#4]
I forgot that I imported my own "special" listbox gadget into my project, with drag and drop functionality. Apparently, it was so good I didn't even realize it wasn't the native Windows GUI! XD

JoshK(Posted 2011) [#5]
It works fine now, nevermind me: