
BlitzMax Forums/MaxGUI Module/toolbar+gadgetitem_toggle

degac(Posted 2009) [#1]
Import maxgui.drivers
Local window:TGadget=CreateWindow("My Window",50,50,480,240)
Local toolbar:TGadget=CreateToolBar("icons.PNG",0,0,0,0,window)
ModifyGadgetItem toolbar,0,"FIRST",GADGETITEM_TOGGLE,0,"First...."
'please note INDEX=0, ICON=0 ---> it should be the same or Not?
While WaitEvent()
	Select EventID()
			If EventSource()=toolbar 
				Print "ToolBar GadgetAction~nEventData()="+EventData()
	End Select

With MODIFYGADGETITEM I set the FIRST icon to be 'switchable': when the user press the icon this one should change its own aspect in another one (the parameter ICON I suppose...).
Well, someone can explain me why I click on the first icon this one changes in the SECOND icon-pixmap?
How it works exactly?


Grisu(Posted 2009) [#2]
I don't quite understand what you would like to do. :(

If you want to change the icon displayed for a certain toolbar icon via clicking, you can use "ModifyGadgetItem" for this.
In this case you have to create an iconstrip with all icons in one file and simply set the according "ModifyGadgetItem" icon flag.

jsp(Posted 2009) [#3]
With MODIFYGADGETITEM I set the FIRST icon to be 'switchable': when the user press the icon this one should change its own aspect in another one (the parameter ICON I suppose...).

Don't know what you mean by 'parameter' ICON

Well, someone can explain me why I click on the first icon this one changes in the SECOND icon-pixmap?

That is how it works.
Every gadgetitem defined as GADGETITEM_TOGGLE will use the next icon in sequence of the iconstrip.
If you want the icon in question just looking selected like an on/off switch you need to put the same icon twice in the strip.

Grisu(Posted 2009) [#4]
In addition: The iconindex inside the strip starts with 0...endofstrip-1!

degac(Posted 2009) [#5]

I don't quite understand what you would like to do. :(

Ok, my bad...sorry!

Every gadgetitem defined as GADGETITEM_TOGGLE will use the next icon in sequence of the iconstrip.
If you want the icon in question just looking selected like an on/off switch you need to put the same icon twice in the strip.

Thanks for the clarification

Don't know what you mean by 'parameter' ICON

I was reffering to this

ModifyGadgetItem( gadget:TGadget,index,text$,flags=0,icon=-1,tip$="",extra:Object=Null )

Thank you very much for your explanations. Now it seems all more clear...
At last I managed to obtain my result

Here the small source code
Import maxgui.drivers
Local window:TGadget=CreateWindow("My Window",50,50,480,240)
Local toolbar:TGadget=CreateToolBar("icons2.PNG",0,0,0,0,window)
SetToolBarTips toolbar,["New","Open","Close","Save","","Cut","Copy","Paste","Find","","Build","Build","Build And Run","Run","Step","Step In","Step Out","Stop","","Home","Back","Forward"]
RemoveGadgetItem toolbar,12
ModifyGadgetItem toolbar,11,"Debug Mode",GADGETITEM_TOGGLE,11,"Debug mode"
While WaitEvent()
	Select EventID()
			If EventSource()=toolbar 
				Print "ToolBar GadgetAction~nEventData()="+EventData()
	End Select

To be honest, make everything 'double' (icons and tooltips) and removing an item is quite 'strange', but it works...

Question: Is there a way to build 'manually' a toolbar (I mean: add every single item (icon+tooltip)...) from start without using CreateToolBar? CreateToolBar requires a pixmap: loading a dummy pixmap to remove it after, is not very intelligent...I know that the way CreateToolBar is implemented is because it's the common way to use a toolbar - nothing to say about this - and it's logic and useful.

jsp(Posted 2009) [#6]
Question: Is there a way to build 'manually' a toolbar (I mean: add every single item (icon+tooltip)...) from start without using CreateToolBar?

See below how I do it in Logic Gui. I do it more or less all in single steps, thus I have a better control over it.
The user is able to click it's own iconstrip together in the gui and the sequence is not that important any more.
Nevertheless one need to keep in mind that a toggle icon requires the next icon in order, this is something we can't control from outside.

	Local Window1:TGadget = CreateWindow:TGadget("Window1",433,72,217,161,Logic_Gui:TGadget,WINDOW_TITLEBAR|WINDOW_RESIZABLE |WINDOW_STATUS |WINDOW_CLIENTCOORDS )
		Local Window1_Icons:TPixmap = LoadPixmap:TPixmap( "Window.png" )
		Local Window1_Strip:TIconStrip = LoadIconStrip:TIconStrip( Window1_Icons:TPixmap )
		Local Window1_Toolbar:TGadget = CreateToolBar( "",0,0,0,0, Window1:TGadget )
			SetGadgetIconStrip( Window1_Toolbar:TGadget , Window1_Strip:TIconStrip )
			AddGadgetItem( Window1_Toolbar:TGadget , "" , GADGETITEM_NORMAL , 8 , "First" , Null )
			AddGadgetItem( Window1_Toolbar:TGadget , "" , GADGETITEM_NORMAL , 6 , "Second" , Null )
			AddGadgetItem( Window1_Toolbar:TGadget , "" , GADGETITEM_NORMAL , 1 , "Third" , Null )
			AddGadgetItem( Window1_Toolbar:TGadget , "" , GADGETITEM_NORMAL , 0 , "Fourth" , Null )
			AddGadgetItem( Window1_Toolbar:TGadget , "" , GADGETITEM_NORMAL , 12 , "Last" , Null )

degac(Posted 2009) [#7]
ok, thanks.

I'm quite dumb today...I didn't realize I can pass a null URL parameter for the pixmap and assign after with loadpixmap/SetGadgetIconStrip...

Thank you again

jsp(Posted 2009) [#8]
No problem, it's everything else than obvious.

degac(Posted 2009) [#9]
After some tests under Linux I've found a bug with RemoveGadgetItem: this force me to create a toolbar 'icon by icon', so I managed these 2 functions, maybe someone can found them useful

Import MaxGui.Drivers
Global window:TGadget=CreateWindow("My Window",50,50,480,240,,WINDOW_TITLEBAR|WINDOW_cENTER)
Global toolbar:tgadget=MakeToolBar(window,"icons_test.png")
'there are only 4 icon displayed in the toolbar, while the iconstrip have 6 items!!
Local tb1:Int[]=[0,1,2,4]
Local tb2:String[]=["One","Two","Activate","Activate"]
Local tb3:Int[]=[2,3]' these indeces refer to the tb1 index (item 2 and item 3)


While WaitEvent()
	Select EventID()
			If EventSource()=toolbar 
				Print "ToolBar GadgetAction~nEventData()="+EventData()
	End Select
bbdoc: This function returns a toolbar attached to the window @win using the image @url
about: The funcion prepares an empty toolbar with a pixmap (@url)
returns: a toolbar gadget
End Rem
Function MakeToolBar:tgadget(win:tgadget,url$="")
	If url="" Return Null
	Local Window1_Icons:TPixmap = LoadPixmap:TPixmap( url)
	Local Window1_Strip:TIconStrip = LoadIconStrip:TIconStrip( Window1_Icons:TPixmap )
	If window1_strip=Null 	Return Null
	Local Window1_Toolbar:TGadget = CreateToolBar( "",0,0,0,0, win)
	SetGadgetIconStrip( Window1_Toolbar, Window1_Strip:TIconStrip )
	Return window1_toolbar
End Function

bbdoc: this function adds to a toolbar the icons, the tooptips and what icons are 'tooglable' or not
about: @tb is the toolbar already created by the function MakeToolBar
       @index is an array (INT) of the pixmap indeces that will be used into the toolbar
	 @test is an array of STRING for the icon tips
	 @toggle is an array that contains what items are togglable
	 ie: ToolbarItems(tb,[0,1,2,3],["New","Load","Save","Active"],[3])

End Rem
Function ToolbarItems(tb:tgadget=Null,index:Int[],text$[],TOgGLE:Int[]=Null)
	If tb=Null Return
	If index=Null Return
	If text=Null Return
	If text.length<index.length text=text[..index.length]
	For cc=0 Until index.length
		If toggle
			For Local c1:Int=0 Until toggle.length
				If toggle[c1]=cc 
				End If
		End If
		AddGadgetItem tb,"",GSTATE,index[cc],text[cc]
End Function