Logic Gui 3.0 Released

BlitzMax Forums/MaxGUI Module/Logic Gui 3.0 Released

jsp(Posted 2008) [#1]
Logic Gui Version 3.0 is released

Those who don't know Logic Gui yet, it's an easy to use, feature rich visual Gui Designer and source code creator. There is a free and a full version available (including help)!

Did you ever spent too much time in trying to find the right size and position of your gadgets?
What was the correct parent connection or how could you implement a second language...
All this and a lot more can be done with Logic Gui and it is just fun instead of a boring job.

Main new features in version 3.0:

- Compatible to the new BlitzMax (since 1.26) document structure (editable)
- Direct print out of your source code
- New WorkSpace with tabber for more information in the same space
- Direct access to the source code of selected items
- Sorted Gadget tree in the Event Editor
- SmartButton editor and BlitzMax module for easy, flexible and powerful image buttons (source of module included!)
- F1 Syntax help and full help from within the Event Editor
- Direct access of gadget events and files from within the Event Editor
- Distance control and calculation
- And a lot more...

All you do in Logic Gui is designing your form while advanced tools are helping you. Beginners can look at the code to learn, advanced users can make use of the layer system, the xml module or the multi language support, creative users may like the new SmartButton module which gives endless possibilities. Logic Gui can keep the form intact until you finished your design or even your program and creates all the needed source for all the chosen options.

Forum discussion of SmartButtons: here
Forum discussion of version 2.0: here
Forum discussion of version 1.0: here

Logic Gui Home Page: http://jsp.LogicZone.de and Forum for latest News, Tutorials...

Barbapapa(Posted 2008) [#2]
Hi Jens, this is very cool. I never did a GUI App, but with your Tool I managed to do a very quick Front-End.

A few things cam to my mind though, do you want me to post them here, in your forum or per email?

jsp(Posted 2008) [#3]
All methods are ok i think.
If you have a feature request or found a bug the forum is a good place to keep things together and others can look up also at a later time. For something you may not know yet if it's of interest just send me an email and we can sort it out.
Choose what you think fits best...

Barbapapa(Posted 2008) [#4]
ok, cool.

Here the question: I thought I could stay in Logic Gui to handle the GUI and the coding, at least simple tasks. What I wanted to do actually was to have my GUI build, and then change the variables of the textfields, so that they can react with calculations. What I had to do, was to create the source and then edit the code. That wouldn't be too bad but when I had to do some changes it started getting complicated. When I added some new sliders and more things were really getting messy. Maybe I am a bit spoiled from the modern RAD's, but it would be cool to be able to stay in ONE environment. For now I simply did a copy&paste from Logic GUI to my BMax-code.

Also I had several instant crashes, without any error message, simply an action and good-bye. Mainly when trying to add an event with the Edit Event tab. Would it be possible to actually edit the whole code in this window? This would really be great.

jsp(Posted 2008) [#5]
That should work.
I coded myself the SmartButton Editor this way in Logic Gui without the help of any external IDE just to check if it all runs as expected. And as you can see there, all the textfields, combos and listboxes changing all the time, depending on what the user has chosen. Without looking at the code i can only assume that may be the position of doing changes are not optimal.

Check out this topic in the Logic Gui Forum “Structure of Logic Gui Source Code” and if it does not help send me an email with your gui and i will have an look.
Nevertheless Logic Gui should not replace your favorite IDE.
Concerning the crash, which Event tab do you mean? You can reach the available events from the Properties Editor or from the WorkSpace. The one reachable from the WorkSpace uses heavily the new reflection stuff, but i didn't had any problems during my tests.
Anybody else having problems here? I just tried several times enabling/disabling events i can't reproduce it here. Would be nice if you could be more specific? Is it a certain gadget, situation or so.

EDIT Tony posted an example in the forum i could reproduce, looks like i introduced an error with last build 315, that's also the reason i didn't saw that error before, will check.

Barbapapa(Posted 2008) [#6]
I'll try to reproduce it, I had several crashes when working with the editing function, but I used it the wrong way, using it the correct way didn't produce any crashes.

What would I like to do? First being able to add variables (Local/Global) in the Textfield of the Gadget through the Logic interface and thus also in the head part of the source, just like the Gadget Name. Being able to add my own code somewhere, so I don't have to jump between the ide and Logic, so I can change the GUI without headaches. Is this possible?
I don't mind saving the resulting source and compiling it with a ide, although there already is the great run command. Would it be a big step to have a bit more comfort?

jsp(Posted 2008) [#7]
Found the bug and fixed it!

And yes sure it is possible to add your own code. There are several places:
1.Before the gadget creation code – useful for your imports, includes, variables
2.After the gadget creation code to initialize your gadgets via your own code
3.Inside the event queue for your own OnEvent calls
4.After the Logic Gui code for your own functions
5.Special location – When you want a certain code always run e.g. when a button is pressed it can be located in the FunctionCode/Button_GadgetAction.bmx file and will be inserted in every function call.

To insert your own code got to: Properties/Application/Files...

When you click on run all the code is collected and compiled. What else do you need? Any good ideas to enhance the program are welcome!

Barbapapa(Posted 2008) [#8]
Ahh see, I didn't see this, just immediately starting and quickly doing a GUI around my functions ;) I thought I could add the code inside the Logic source, but I guess this way it's easier to keep things apart.

Could you also tell me how to add a variable as gadget-text? so I have something like this..
SetGadgetText( EndResult:TGadget,String(_endResult)[..5])

And thanks for your direct bug fix, I'll try it in depth tomorrow (or today ;) )

jsp(Posted 2008) [#9]
Please check your mail, i explained some options in more detail, because there are a lot of different ways you could do that...

Barbapapa(Posted 2008) [#10]
yes, I received it. I hadn't thought at first that Logic Gui had such a depth of functionality. Really great. A must have for every blitzer.

Thank you for your superb support!

jsp(Posted 2008) [#11]
I have created two flash tutorials, both showing different things and both made a bit different (still experimenting...).
The first one shows the creation of a simple form using basic tools.
The second explains the usage of layers and some more advanced tools.

You can download them here:



jsp(Posted 2008) [#12]
I have created a new tutorial showing tabber, splitter and ScrollPanel and how you could handle them. It explains also the 'Save – Selected' and 'Open – Insert' to build your own sets of gadgets for later use.

Download here:
Third! (Tabber Splitter ScrollPanel)

Dreamora(Posted 2008) [#13]
cool, very interesting.
thank you :)

tonyg(Posted 2008) [#14]
LogicZone users might want to check this if using the latest (1.16) MaxGUI :