HTMLView Error

BlitzMax Forums/MaxGUI Module/HTMLView Error

andre72(Posted 2007) [#1]

I use a HTMLView gadget to display some text:
Global HTMLView1:TGadget = CreateHTMLView:TGadget(272, 16, 577, 445, MakeMods:TGadget, Null)
HtmlViewRun:String(HTMLView1:TGadget, "document.write('<html><head><script language=\'Javascript1.2\'><!--function printpage() {window.print();}//--></script></head><body>Visit</body></html>');")

However, when I send
HtmlViewRun:String(HTMLView1:TGadget, "javascript:printpage()")
I get an error for ...

Using the print command of the context menu works fine.
When I exclude the printpage function from the document and send window.print() instead nothing happens ...

Maybe somebody knows the error?



SebHoll(Posted 2007) [#2]
What OS are you on, and which versions of BlitzMax and the MaxGUI drivers do you have?

grable(Posted 2007) [#3]
Hmm.. the issue seems to be with window.print.
As replacing it with an alert works fine..

edit: im testing this with IE6
edit2: oh, and the error you get is probably because of the <!-- and --> comments (removing them gets rid of the error atleast)

andre72(Posted 2007) [#4]
I start with BM 1.26 and just update to 1.28 under Windows XP / IE 6 ...
Grable is right, deleting <!-- and --> removes the error but didn't make it woking.
Also I tested alert('Test') and agree that it works fine.

However I need to print and no alert :-)

grable(Posted 2007) [#5]
I looked over the source for the htmlview, and found out that you can do GadgetPrint(htmlview), havent seen that one before =)

andre72(Posted 2007) [#6]
Thanks grable it works fine with GadgetPrint.
As you can't do any page settings with window.print too it doesn't depend what of both to use...