[Solved] Menu Shortcut

BlitzMax Forums/MaxGUI Module/[Solved] Menu Shortcut

MOBii(Posted 2014) [#1]

Import maxgui.Drivers
Import brl.EventQueue

Global Wello:TGadget = CreateWindow("ERROR", 100, 100, 500, 300)

Global Menu:TGadget = CreateMenu("&Menu", 0, WindowMenu(Wello))
CreateMenu("Num&0", 1, Menu, KEY_NUM0, MODIFIER_COMMAND)
CreateMenu("Num&1", 2, Menu, KEY_NUM1, MODIFIER_COMMAND)

		Select EventData()
			Case 1 SetStatusText(Wello, "KEY_NUM0")
			Case 2 SetStatusText(Wello, "KEY_NUM1")
		End Select
When I build KEY_NUM0 become KEY_NUM1 and KEY_NUM1 become KEY_NUM2

What I do wrong?

Henri(Posted 2014) [#2]
It is an error in a way MaxGUI is generating the string seen in a menu hotkey:
m$="Num "+(keycode+1-KEY_NUM0)
Maybe it shows correctly in some localizations, but not here (Scandinavian).


MOBii(Posted 2014) [#3]
So no fix for this then?

Henri(Posted 2014) [#4]
You could modify MaxGUI source (win32maxguiex.bmx in Windows) ,take out the +1 and Rebuild all modules (requires MinGW, search forum for installation instructions). Are you in Windows enviroment ?


MOBii(Posted 2014) [#5]

Henri(Posted 2014) [#6]
SOLUTION 1: (Tutorial for Windows, but same could be applied to others)

Step 1.

Open file win32maxguiex.bmx from MaxIDE editor's rightside panel. It's under +Projects / +Modules Source / +maxgui.mod / +win32maxguiex / win32maxguiex.bmx

Modify this file a bit by adding a new method under TWindowsMenu type called...
Method SetHotkeyText(pText$)
	_shortcut = "~t"+pText
...and save changes.

Step 2.

Next open file gadget.bmx which is found under +Projects / +Modules Source / +maxgui.mod / +maxgui.mod / gadget.bmx

Modify this file a bit by adding a new method under TGadget (preferrably after SetText method) called..
Method SetHotkeyText(text$)
End Method
...and save changes

Step 3. Make sure you have MinGW setup correctly.

Step 4. From MaxIDE menu select Program / Build Modules.


Import maxgui.Drivers
Import brl.EventQueue

Global Wello:TGadget = CreateWindow("ERROR", 100, 100, 500, 300)

Global Menu:TGadget = CreateMenu("&Menu", 0, WindowMenu(Wello))

Local item1:tgadget = CreateMenu("Num&0", 1, Menu, KEY_NUM0, MODIFIER_COMMAND)
Local item2:tgadget = CreateMenu("Num&1", 2, Menu, KEY_NUM1, MODIFIER_COMMAND)

item1.SetHotkeyText("My custom menu shortcut1")
item2.SetHotkeyText("My custom menu shortcut2")


		Select EventData()
			Case 1 SetStatusText(Wello, "KEY_NUM0")
			Case 2 SetStatusText(Wello, "KEY_NUM1")
		End Select

MOBii(Posted 2014) [#7]
Thank thee Henri your a true genius.

What does TGadget gadget.bmx do?
	Method SetHotkeyText(text$)
	End Method
I erase this and it still works!

I see the advantage to study all the maxgui .bmx files

Henri(Posted 2014) [#8]
You probably didn't Build modules again after deleting. The method is only there to expose the method in TWindowsMenu type to user so that it's accessible through tgadget object which is what CreateMenu function returns.
