How do I disable maximize without disabling min?

BlitzMax Forums/MaxGUI Module/How do I disable maximize without disabling min?

sswift(Posted 2008) [#1]
On all platforms, not just Windows.

I tried setmaxwindowsize but it doesn't do anything. I've seen a code snippet to do this in Windows, but the whole point of using Max is that it's cross platform.

How could they not notice SetMaxWindowSize doesn't do anything?

And who makes a windowed app in this day and age which has no minimize button? Not wanting a window to be resizeable doesn't mean you don't want to be able to hide it!

Also, it bears mentioning that I wouldn't even be bothering with making an app that you can't maximize if they'd fixed a bug reported a year ago where apps that have panels will crash on displays running at greater than 1920x1200.

SebHoll(Posted 2008) [#2]
I've committed a load of fixes for you to the MaxGUI SVN. See your bug report threads for more info.

Thought I'd answer a few of these questions while I was here...

How could they not notice SetMaxWindowSize doesn't do anything?

I implemeneted SetMaxWindowSize() in MaxGUI.Win32MaxGUIEx, MaxGUI.CocoaMaxGUI and MaxGUI.FLTKMaxGUI, but I must have forgot to add it to the old MaxGUI.Win32MaxGUI. Sorry.

And who makes a windowed app in this day and age which has no minimize button? Not wanting a window to be resizeable doesn't mean you don't want to be able to hide it!

I agree, but this is because of code compatability with BlitzPlus. If we start changing the behavior of WINDOW_RESIZABLE, no doubt a lot of people are gonna get angry very quickly.

Also, it bears mentioning that I wouldn't even be bothering with making an app that you can't maximize if they'd fixed a bug reported a year ago where apps that have panels will crash on displays running at greater than 1920x1200.

Is it still a problem when importing MaxGUI.Drivers instead of MaxGUI.Win32MaxGUI? This may be something wrong with Max2D but I can't say for certain as the highest res display I own is 1920x1200, so I can't replicate this bug.

Brucey(Posted 2008) [#3]
If we start changing the behavior of WINDOW_RESIZABLE...

Add a new flag?

SebHoll(Posted 2008) [#4]
Not sure that would be too nice either... It would have to be something like WINDOW_REMOVEMAXIMIZE. Mind you, I'm rubbish with coming up with names.

I think sswift's right... Ideally, WINDOW_RESIZABLE should simply make a window, err, resizable and perhaps a WINDOW_MAXIMIZABLE should allow a window to be maximized.

Brucey(Posted 2008) [#5]
Well... no... :-p

But your issue here is that WINDOW_RESIZABLE is a one-catch-all flag...

In wxMax (yeah, yeah... anyway! :-) , there are these flags : wxRESIZE_BORDER, wxMINIMIZE_BOX, wxMAXIMIZE_BOX, etc.... which give you *FULL* control over what you get up there in the corner.

.. just trying to be helpful :-)

SebHoll(Posted 2008) [#6]
Precisely - that's just what we could do with having... :-( Sniff, sniff. MaxGUI's 'simplicity' is biting its own tail once again...

Edit: Sorry for snapping. I've had one of those long busy days.

Brucey(Posted 2008) [#7]

No worries.
I think you are doing a pretty good job with MaxGUI, all things considered.

Chin up, and all that ;-)