ack no class compile error

BlitzMax Forums/MaxGUI Module/ack no class compile error

Raph(Posted 2008) [#1]
Anyone ever seen this? I usually don't do stuff on the Mac, and this one is new on me. Downloaded latest from SVN, have done fresh installs of Max itself several times, etc.

Import maxgui.drivers

results in this:

Building untitled1
2008-08-29 19:57:23.847 untitled1.debug[65140:717] ack no class
2008-08-29 19:57:23.848 untitled1.debug[65140:717] ack no class

Process complete

Floyd(Posted 2008) [#2]
I don't know what it means, but it looks very odd.

[65140:717] indicates the 717th character of line 65140 in the source code. Can that be right?

Who was John Galt?(Posted 2008) [#3]
'Ack no' is common Scottish parlance, I believe. Any of the BRL team from those parts?

pls(Posted 2009) [#4]
I had the same. It was "Safari adblock" plugin that was broken (any input manager that is buggy can create this effect, in my case it was "Safari adblock").

Users that stunble upon the "ack no class" problem should either upgrade to the latest version (fixed the input manager bug!) or remove the plugin.

Upgrade is here:

To remove just erase the plugin file from "/Library/input managers"...

That's it...