Canvas buttons, not working!

BlitzMax Forums/MaxGUI Module/Canvas buttons, not working!

Nigel Brown(Posted 2006) [#1]
My application attaches a canvas to the main window and then adds buttons, listbox... to the canvas. On the PC all works well the buttons appear ontop of the canvas and I get an image the background of my window.

When I rune the same program under MacOS I get the nice image on my window but no buttons or listbox? If I don't create the canvas and attach the buttons to the window itself all is well. But the look and feel is not how I want it!

Is this a BUG under MacOS? Or can you just not attach buttons and other widgets to canvas's under OSX?

Dreamora(Posted 2006) [#2]
You can not attach any gadgets to a canvas.
Only Windows and Panels are valid containers

It is only working under windows because the creation order defines the initial depth sorting order as well but it is not suggested to draw gadget over a graphic context.

Nigel Brown(Posted 2006) [#3]
If this is true BlitzMAX is not cross platform? And I will have to re-write the whole project from scratch on the Mac using C!

Dremora if this is really true why do all the create gadgets that I have tried never return an error, always create but never plot?

Dreamora(Posted 2006) [#4]
It is cross plattform.
It is just not supported at the moment to use OS gadgets within Canvas.

For event handling reasons I wouldn't do it as well because the events a canvas throws will be "blocked" by the button if it is in front of the canvas.

What do you actually try to achieve?
Because depending on what you want to achieve, I would suggest using HighGUI for fullscreen graphics (UI can't go fullscreen with graphic context, only maximized window)

Nigel Brown(Posted 2006) [#5]
The button is attached to the canvas. I wonder if I am not making my point clearly enough here. I am not sure if anyone has fully comprehended the problem?


Framework		brl.blitz

	Import		brl.standardio
	Import		brl.retro
	Import		brl.eventqueue
	Import		brl.filesystem
	Import		brl.timer
	Import		brl.system
	Import		brl.jpgloader


	Import		brl.d3d7max2d
	Import		brl.win32maxgui
	Import		pub.win32

	Import		brl.glmax2d
	Import		brl.cocoamaxgui
	Import		pub.macos


	Import		brl.glmax2d
	Import		brl.fltkmaxgui

Const WINDOW_WIDTH:Int	= 640
Const WINDOW_HEIGHT:Int	= 480

Const MENU_EXIT:Int		= 104
Const MENU_ABOUT:Int	= 105

Global main_window:Tgadget
Global canvas:TGadget
Global backgrnd:TImage

Global filemenu:TGadget
Global aboutmenu:TGadget

If ( Initalise() )

	While WaitEvent()

		Select EventID()
				Select EventData()

					Case MENU_EXIT
					Case MENU_ABOUT
						Notify(  AppTitle + " ©2006", False )
				End Select
				If EventSource() = main_window Then Finalise()
		End Select


Function MyHook:Object( iId:Int, tData:Object, tContext:Object )

	Local event:TEvent=TEvent(tData)
	If event = Null Return Null
	Select event.source

		Case main_window

		Case canvas
			Select Event.ID

					SetGraphics CanvasGraphics(canvas)
					DrawImage backgrnd,0,0
					Return Null

	End Select	
	Return tData
End Function


Function Initalise:Int()

?Win32	SetGraphicsDriver D3D7Max2DDriver()
?MacOS	SetGraphicsDriver GLMax2DDriver()
?Linux	SetGraphicsDriver GLMax2DDriver()

	backgrnd = LoadImage("resources\background.jpg",FILTEREDIMAGE )

	' Create window and menu.
	CreateFurniture( AppTitle, WINDOW_WIDTH, WINDOW_HEIGHT )

	Return True

End Function

Function Finalise()


End Function

Function CreateFurniture( title:String, width:Int, height:Int )
	Local listbox:TGadget

	' Create a centered window with client size WINDOW_WIDTH,WINDOW_HEIGHT
	Local wx:Int=(GadgetWidth(Desktop())-WINDOW_WIDTH)/2
	Local wy:Int=(GadgetHeight(Desktop())-WINDOW_HEIGHT)/2
	SetGadgetLayout(canvas, 1, 0, 1, 0 )
	' Add buttons for canvas	
	CreateButton( "Update", ClientWidth(canvas)-80,ClientHeight(canvas)-58,70,24,canvas,BUTTON_CANCEL )	

	filemenu	=	CreateMenu("&File",		0,WindowMenu(main_window))
					CreateMenu("E&xit",		MENU_EXIT, filemenu, KEY_Q, MODIFIER_COMMAND )

	aboutmenu	=	CreateMenu("Help",		0, WindowMenu(main_window))
					CreateMenu("&About",	MENU_ABOUT, aboutmenu)


	AddHook EmitEventHook, MyHook

End Function

Kurator(Posted 2006) [#6]
If you only want to show a Backgroundpic, then use an Panel instead of a canvas

From BM-Help: (A Panel is a general purpose gadget that can be used to group other gadgets, it has background color and pixmap properties and can optionally produce the following mouse and key events when the PANEL_ACTIVE style is selected)

SetPanelPixmap( Panel:TGadget,pixmap:TPixmap,flags=PANELPIXMAP_TILE)

Dreamora(Posted 2006) [#7]
Nigel: I fully understand but you do not fully understand as it seems. You can only attach gadgets to Windows and Panels. Not to anything else (ok Tabbers as well but for those, panels are normally used as tab-page containers).

With MaxGUI without modifications, you can't have gadgets over canvas. You can have gadgets next to canvas, thats no problem.

If you want to have GUI within the canvas, I suggest using HighGUI.
Or if you insist on using "OS Gadgets" (linux actually does not have any, just a few different ui libraries), you will have to write your own gadget handling code into the source files to do so because gadgets above graphic contexts is something that is normally not done for good reasons. (for example: how do you actually want to fire the correct events if a button is over a canvas? because the canvas should have full mouse event handling ... but your button is breaking that if the mouse if over the button)