Worklog for Rozek


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bugfix update, examples(Posted 2007-06-02)

it's hard these days to find spare time for work on BlitzLua - however, I've now another release ready (containing a few bugfixes and an initial set of examples - more to come)

Kind regards,

Andreas Rozek

Icons for MacOS X(Posted 2007-05-27)
Not much has happened during the last few days (too much other work)

However, there is now a new BlitzLua executable for MacOS X which uses the Lua logo rather than that of BlitzMax. This allows to distinguish between Lua scripts running under BlitzLua and "real" BlitzMax programs.

The respective .icns file is also available separately:

Kind regards,

Andreas Rozek

bug-fix release(Posted 2007-05-18)
A new release is on the server.

It primarily fixes a bug, where BlitzMax NULL objects (which might result from a failed create or load operation) get passed to Lua as a NULL userdata (which is useless and difficult to check under Lua) rather than as NIL (which is the proper Lua way)

Additionally, you may now loadImage and loadAnimImage - I simply "forgot" to implement them (sorry)

Kind regards,

Andreas Rozek

minor update, official announcement on 2007-05-17)
Another minor update has just been released - it's again just the documentation which has been extended.

Additionally, both the (still inofficial) axe.lua package and BlitzLua are now listed on (axe.lua is a "Code Wrapper", BlitzLua a "GUI Toolkit")

Kind regards,

Andreas Rozek

minor update of BlitzLua pre-alpha 1(Posted 2007-05-16)
A minor update has just been released. Apart from a file which was missing before (LuaIcon.o), the package now contains a few additional files (mainly Lua logo graphics) and a slightly modified documentation.

EDIT: today, there has been another update, which now includes documentation for the additional Lua functions that are also part of the package.

If you plan to compile the BlitzLua executable under Windows (or run the examples on any platform), you should download the actual version - otherwise, you don't really need it

Kind regards,

Andreas Rozek

BlitzLua pre-alpha 1 released(Posted 2007-05-14)
The author has just published the first pre-alpha version of "BlitzLua", a Lua interface for many BlitzMax and MaxGUI modules (see the internal documentation for a complete list).

With BlitzLua, it is possible to run Lua scripts which have full access to graphical user interfaces, 2D and 3D graphics, sound and networking - under Windows, Linux and MacOS X. BlitzLua uses the author's version of the axe.lua module.

You may use the module to evaluate Lua scripts within your own BlitzMax application or use a precompiled executable to run stand-alone Lua scripts.

BlitzLua comes in three "flavours": a "function interface", an "object interface" and an "objective interface" - the "function interface" has been implemented and is fully usable, the remaining interfaces should come within the next two weeks.


The package should currently be considered as "pre-alpha": it has only roughly been tested, and this will not change until the "objective interface" has been fully implemented.

Package Download and Installation

The full source code is available at

After downloading the ZIP archive you should create a new folder "lua.mod" within the BlitzMax module folder (i.e. <blitzmax-installation-folder>/mod/lua.mod/) and unpack the archive into that directory.

If not already done, you should also download and install the author's (inofficial) version of axe.lua (see link above) - the "official" version (which comes with BlitzMax) is not sufficient!

After unpacking, please "Build Modules" and "Document Modules" from within your BlitzMax IDE. Afterwards, the module and its documentation are available.

Stand-alone Executable

The stand-alone executable (which is also called BlitzLua) is available at

- Windows:
- MacOS X:
- Linux:

The module documentation also contains some information about the BlitzLua executable.

Please send any questions and bug reports to the author.

Kind regards,

Andreas Rozek