Worklog for Blueapples


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A bit of a restart(Posted 2008-09-20)
I have started working on what was originally called "Cobalt" again, or anyway I've realized that I am working on something so similar they might as well be the same thing. This time around it is called IntersticeMud and I have some really specific goals as far as functionality and interface go that I didn't have before, hopefully those will help drive me towards actually getting this thing working.

To increase accessibility of the project, the language I'm using for scripts is a bit more mainstream and no longer LISP based (although I still like the idea of "no syntax", but that's for a different discussion, I realize most people don't "get it"). So anyway, right now I'm working with a module I've used in the past, MicroC, which has worked very well for me so far.

I have got the database up and running, using SQLite for now, but it's all based on brucey's DB modules so if I need to switch to MySQL, etc. it's simply a matter of changing the driver string and fixing up the SQL statements (all in a block of constants at the top, thank you). The client obviously needs a cache database, and that will probably always be SQLite even if the server needs to change at some point.

Right now I am looking at the networking code. At first I wanted to use something like GNet just to keep my own work to a minimum, but I realized I was fighting the rest of the design I already had in place - if I have objects that know how to serialize themselves to a database and get themselves back out, they should just know how to send themselves across the wire too. So, I'm working on a basic message-level protocol, something very simple, and will use that to enable the objects to send messages to their clones on other nodes. Should work pretty well and with a lot *less* code oddly enough than if I was trying to use GNet objects to shoehorn the data in there. Also, only 32 slots? Really? That just doesn't seem like enough for what I'm doing.

So there you have it. I wonder if I'll even actually put up a screen shot or demo of the stuff I work on here... we'll see...

7/7(Posted 2008-07-07)
Okay so this is what I've been working on - a Visual Basic clone for BlitzMax. I know, I know, it's crazy, but I really miss the days of simple VB6 and it's IDE that just did two things - provide a GUI editor and a way to edit code.

Basically I have a component framework that currently uses MaxGUI but has the option to be ripped out and replaced with wxMax without any changes needed to application code written to use the components. Form descriptions are stored in FRM files that are compatible with VB6's output format (for the most part), with code provided in bmx files with matching names. For instance, say you have a form called frmMain with a button called cmdSayHello. To get the obligatory hello message to pop up, all you would need to write in the code is this (the incbin and type declaration will actually be generated automatically):

Incbin "frmMain.frm"

Type TfrmMain Extends VMForm

  Method cmdSayHello_Click(Event:TEvent)
    Notify "Hello world!"


Everything else - creation of the window, event handling, everything is taken care of for you. The FRM file itself might look like this, but remember in the final system you'll be using a GUI editor to create windows:

Begin VMForm frmMain
  Caption = "Hello"
  ClientHeight = 150
  ClientWidth = 20
  ClientTop = 100
  ClientLeft = 100
  Begin VMCommandButton cmdSayHello
    Left = 10
    Top = 10
    Width = 100
    Height = 30
    Caption = "Say Hello"

Finally a project file tells the framework to load this form automatically (again this file is generated for you when you create a new project):

Name = "Hello World"

All of this is currently working, what is left to me now is to port my form editor over to BlitzMax and create the project management functions. Then I'll have something to show!

Ah I forgot to mention originally that this will be all integrated into Cobalt. You will optionally be able to provide functionality in the form of Cobalt scripts instead of BlitzMax code. I should also clarify that when you do use BlitzMax code to create the app logic and compile it - all extra files are Incbin'd (including binary packages for images, etc.) so that there is still a single EXE / .app for the entire application. If you use Cobalt there will be a mess of files, probably packaged in a ZIP so you will have two files (a stub EXE file and a ZIP of the Cobalt code / FRM resources).

6/26(Posted 2007-06-26)
Got a bit more done on the console control. I think I'm spending too much time on it, but it's the easiest way to add a GUI to Cobalt at the moment without having to hook up events, etc. The GUI system I have in place is a bit complicated, but it has to be in order to support the kind of networked stuff I'm trying to do.

It'd be easier if I could just use Print/Input, but those would obviously block network I/O. Can't have that. It'd be very nice if BMax supported threading, but that isn't a discussion I want to get into right now.

It's slow going but I think I'm starting to get there. I wish I'd had more time in the past few weeks to work on it, but you can only do so much. Hopefully I can get a working example put together in a little while.

Mac(Posted 2007-06-25)
I recently purchased a MacBook, so I'll be evaluating if I want to go cross platform with this code base. I actually was pretty sure I wanted to transition this project to a different language, but on further reflection that seems like a bit of a waste.

I will start looking at it for Mac this evening and in the next few weeks. It would be really cool to get this stuff running so I have something to show off, and to help prove that BMax isn't just for games.

GUI/interpreter/DB partly hooked up(Posted 2007-06-06)
I finally got a bit more time to work on Cobalt last night.

I decided to use Brucy's SQLite database module, the interpreter is my own LISP-like creation, and the GUI is based on Noel's OO GUI wrapper for MaxGUI:

The GUI and interpreter are now partly connected to each other. That is, I can now create and save lists to the database through the GUI by entering commands, then get them back out of the DB file after restarting the system.

In the previously cited thread I have a bit of code for a nicer console than what I was using (an output TextArea with a separate TextField for input). I really like this, but it does need a bit more work.

I have a peer network based on BNetEx running, however it doesn't have any actual synchronization stuff in it yet. It's basically just a peer-to-peer message passing library at the moment, I'll be layering the DB synchronization on top of this as a next step.

Things to work on(Posted 2007-04-23)
A few things I want to work on:

Create an ActiveVB API Viewer plugin for BlitzMax:

Look in to creating a console widget for BlitzMax:

A console widget would be really cool. I really like how they use this kind of widget in some Linux tools, sometimes it's just the best (or easiest) way to do interaction.

I've got an idea for a writer's program; two main parts: journaling help a writer do the "300 words a day" thing, and versioned story editing.

Also this interactive programming thing. I've been playing with SecondLife lately, it's inspired me and at the same time maybe toned me down. I mean, they already did it right? The difference is in the storage system, language syntax, platform, and focus. So what I'm doing is totally different, but at the same time in sort of the same spirit as their LSL stuff. I really dislike a few of their decisions (it's a procedural language in a 3D world, what?), but it seems like a good system.

Database(Posted 2007-04-19)
If I do the integrated database stuff in any aspect, it probably won't be through Cheetah after all. I like the look of Brucey's modules so I think I will use that, probably with the SQLite engine.

Interpreter only maybe?(Posted 2007-04-19)
Okay, on further reflection, I'm not sure that this is how I'm going to do this. I am still working on the interpreter stuff, but otherwise, I'm just not sure. The idea of actually using a unified development environment is nice but I'm not sure if I would really use it.

I think the problem is that I just need to actually come up with a use for this idea. Then I'd have the inspiration to actually create it.

Anyway, as far as the interpreter goes, I've got this working:
(bind 'Name' (input 'Enter your name:'))
(if Name
  (print 'Hello, ' Name))

Really not too hard. Hopefully it will be useful at some point.

A bit about this(Posted 2007-04-06)
Basically Cobalt is a work environment that uses game based technology to sync objects to and from a home machine.

This project is meant to satisfy or at least research the many frustrations I have with current work models that force a user to come up with a third party solution or, worse, manually sync work between multiple workstations (multiple desktops, laptop, pdas, etc).

The goal of this stuff I'm doing is to make an environment where the changes you make are just there on the other machine by the time you get back to it. If you have an internet connection, all changes are streamed to the remote machine while you work. If you're offline while working, the changes are streamed to the remote machine when a connection is available.

The first part of this is a database system. I'm using a simple model based on Cheetah DB for now that stores:

ObjectID - C,5
Data - M

The ObjectID is used to refer to this object, Data contains a compact binary representation of the data for the object.

To sync objects together, I am planning on using GNet by extending it's TGNetObject and TGNetHost classes. My extended TGNetHost will recover an object from the database if it already exists, and save objects back to the database periodically to save user's work.

I'm leaving out a lot of the details because I haven't finished designing the whole thing yet.

One huge part of it will be a dynamic scripting language that runs on top of all this to make it all transparent to the user. I'll get into that later.