Worklog for Blitzplotter

Worklog 1

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Finished Product(Posted 2009-03-14)
Finished the application, a demo of which is available here:

Blitz3D & JV-ODE for 3D physics fun, BMax for finishing projects. VStudio, a necessary evil & less fun.

B3D has led to BMax(Posted 2006-06-13)
However, I was close to giving up on my project.... but Grey Alien's game framework persuaded me to get the full version of BMax.

Apps coming along nicely, very close to just adding the 'polish' that every good app needs. My polish may take some 6 motnhs or so yey....

Blitz3D & JV-ODE for 3D physics fun, BMax for finishing projects. VStudio, a necessary evil & less fun.

A return to the Drawing Board...(Posted 2006-03-17)
Spent a while hanging together some code without any real'design' as such. I am so amazed by the capabilities of B3D I have to start again from scratch.

My 'hiccup' seemed to be attempting to develop a program using multiple 3d entities without any attention to the frames-per-second. After reading numerous Blitz Research entries, came to the conclusion that starting from scratch (whlist montoring the demands on the CPU) was necessary.

I have only just started plodding through the Blitz 3D manual to gain a full appreciation of the capabilities of B3d.

So far, I've discovered that the following snippet of code, as long as I keep stop_choke at around above 200, will keep my CPU activity below 10%. This was my major problem on my last 'hacked' together code. Just goes to show that time spent on design is time well spent.

In anticipation of the re-development of my application, my hours spent sleeping seem to be diminishing.....

If you press Ctrl+alt+Delete and bring up your CPU's performance you will develop an understanding of the demands 6 entities can place your CPU/graphics card dependant on the stop_choke value....

Well,progress has been slow.... Work & Social life hampering progress. However my goal is creeping ever closer....

Blitz3D & JV-ODE for 3D physics fun, BMax for finishing projects. VStudio, a necessary evil & less fun.