Worklog for FredMe

Worklog 1

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17/11/05 Starting by a website ...(Posted 2005-11-17)
I' m creating a Website for the Engine :

That's all.

Fredswork Website

16\11\05 The first release will come ...(Posted 2005-11-16)

I'm enjoyed to announce the first béta release of
an FPS engine called GrimWar Engine.

It 's totally enfinished but it's alrealdy operative.
My friend and me have been working on it since
the beginning of September. I'm coding the engine
and my friend test it and he is making graphics
and a game which will come later.

For the moment the engine and the documentations
are written in French, I am currently translating them.

Some features supported :


->DirectX format,
->Each map have a definition file for setting
world properties.
->Maps got three other files for placing dynamic
particule effects, objects, sprites, lightings,
fields of sprites ...


->DirectX format
->Indepent file definition for setting
properties like the collision radius,
the object effect on the player, if
it's pickeable, animated by script,
if the object can float or be moved
or climbed ...

->Definition file for setting the animation and the
colors of the light, the animation frames ...

Particule Effects;
Weapons (of course !);

The rest of the description will come soon ...
Please email-me if you are interrested by the project.

Fredswork Website