Worklog for D4NM4N


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End of year things.(Posted 2007-12-19)
Thought id start a worklog, but cant think of anything to write. So i will waffle for a while in the hope i can think of something worthwhile.

Finding it increasingly difficult to work as i would like to (got me a full time job) development here at D-Grafix has slowed considerably. However i can still connect via SSH/VNC to my home PC which is useful when there is nothing to do ;)

Current (active) projects on the go at this time:

T.Ed - 6.5 has just got released. It is still kind of pseudo beta after having its guts ripped out and a new gui transplant. It all appears to be working well so far. T.Ed is still in active development and i have recently tested the b3d export with minib3d(vertex alpha) and have loaded a b3d terrain in irrlicht (havent figured out the v.alpha yet tho). I will also be adding some bmax EPR reader source as well at some point.

D-Mapper - Still not had the time to re-visit this project. Im so disenchanted and fed up with windows lately (especially after upgrading to the vista bombshell - a compatability test neccesity) After having seen how well things work on linux which ive been using as a primary system for 2 years now, so i have not returned to doing much in the way of new windows dev.

Jetpac 3D - Now undergoing a feasibility study of how worthwhile this project would be for porting to BMAX + Minib3d or irrlicht.b3d. I will start work on this again either when my irrlicht skills are good enough or when SI's minib3d collisions are b3d enough to handle it. (whichever comes first, probably the latter)

(Unnammed) Shootemup - This is my current fiddle. The purpose of which is to improve my bmax and irrlicht.core skills/knowlage. I may release a very basic limited version of this as open source for the community and hopefully will develop into a finished polished game that can be sold.

Thats all i can think of at the mo.

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