Worklog for Dreamora


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Revived(Posted 2007-07-09)
So, after months of beeing dead, the old framework is beeing revived and redesigned from ground up.

Reason for that is that I want to start to integrate a component based AI system but as AI is dependant on "world information", I'm currently planning to make it a module to Kamaya.

Kamaya is a 2D Game Framework with layer support, entity support, a simplified collision system with collision callback support and optimized usage of the layers to give much more performance (the default collision if used correctly, is lightning fast).

The system will use Universal Map Editor ( files as general map files but will feature an optimation functionality, that will generate additional data used for path find and other things.
Other features like warps etc will base on predefined data values that the user can set within UME and should drastically simplify the process of designing interactive maps.

The whole design is based around OO with callbacks and internal object - object communcation that works transparently to the user and hopefully will make the framework powerfull and easy to use at the same time.


The UME loading and handling system is nearly ported over to a structure that I can work with and that allows me to introduce the features desired for kamaya (optmized collision system basing on Max2Ds, some additional layer features to make it easier to work with them as well as some special layer types).

The new features will be used through a world editor that allows easy setup of all elements that the game supports.
This especially will include an entity editor to design interactable objects and simply place them in the world without much extra coding.
Right now I'm thinking about the possibility of adding scripting capabilities through LUA or another well known scripting language to allow interaction coding without the need of recompiling every time again.

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