Worklog for Darkuni

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Dino Eggs PC(Posted 2002-09-13)
For those that didn't realize it, we are porting the great 8-Bit game DINO EGGS (Apple ][ and C64) to the PC via Blitz Basic.

Currently, there are no screenshots available, but suffice to say, its looking fantastic. Some of the graphics in the game were used in creating the official site:

We're considerably along in the game - almost alpha (i.e. all the play elements in place). We've got just a few more graphic elements to do before we release screenshots. There will be a private beta session, then we'll release 1.0.

The game is being produced in conjunction with the original programmer to make it the best possible port.

More as we know it!

Shane R. Monroe
"Silence begets silence; when I speak with my money, I usually can drum up a conversation." - S.Monroe
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