Worklog for ziggy

BLIde solutions like in Visual Studio

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RC1 available(Posted 2008-03-02)
Just to mention that.
More info here:

Manel Ibáñez ||| BLIde comunity ||| BLIde official Web Site ||| BLIde manual in PDF If you're using BLIde as your regular IDE for BlitzMax, please consider getting the BLIde Plus! version to support development. Visit my BLIde development Blog! and get the Open Source Sound3D module for minib3d

Dual 2 Core 2.8 (Windows 7) with ATI Mobility Radeon 4650 on a nice new Vaio :D

Just finishing documentation!!(Posted 2008-02-28)
Yes, that's it. I've finally managed to solve most of the bugs in the latest BETA version (there's still a flickering bug on dual monitors setup, when debuging a full screen game). Now I'm focussing on documentation. There's a first version of the updated documentation, not finished yet, with 70 pages of html text, fully indexed, searchable etc. I supose the complete version will have about 100 pages of documentation. The solutions area is not yet documented, but it'll be done soon. So the first RC1 version is almost done, and it'll be public.
I'm thinkg how to limit the solutions size for non BLIde plus users.

Manel Ibáñez ||| BLIde comunity ||| BLIde official Web Site ||| BLIde manual in PDF If you're using BLIde as your regular IDE for BlitzMax, please consider getting the BLIde Plus! version to support development. Visit my BLIde development Blog! and get the Open Source Sound3D module for minib3d

Dual 2 Core 2.8 (Windows 7) with ATI Mobility Radeon 4650 on a nice new Vaio :D

Well a new patch, hope the last one(Posted 2008-02-19)
Well, the RC1 was anounced for this week, but it will not see the light yet, as I'm finishing some documentation and fixing a last-hour bug (nothing realy important).
There's a new patch (0.9.42-a) for the beta testers available to download, but since previous patch, the bug report have been drastiacally reduced (only one known bug pending to be solved, hoooray!)

I really love that the My namespace now includes all the resources linked in a type-subtype structure that emulates the folder structure where the objects where originally embeded when they where incbined. I'm very happy on how this is working.

Manel Ibáñez

Manel Ibáñez ||| BLIde comunity ||| BLIde official Web Site ||| BLIde manual in PDF If you're using BLIde as your regular IDE for BlitzMax, please consider getting the BLIde Plus! version to support development. Visit my BLIde development Blog! and get the Open Source Sound3D module for minib3d

Dual 2 Core 2.8 (Windows 7) with ATI Mobility Radeon 4650 on a nice new Vaio :D

Second patch(Posted 2008-02-06)
It seems that the second patch for the beta version is a lot more stable than the previous versions. There are still 3 issues pending to be fixed, but everything is starting to look better than ever before... I'm so glad to see the direction everything is getting. So next week we'll start the RC1 release, and if everything is still this stable with the pending fixes on it, I'll release the official version.

IMPORTANT:Next official version 0.9.51 will not support Windows versions previous to Windows 2000.

Manel Ibáñez ||| BLIde comunity ||| BLIde official Web Site ||| BLIde manual in PDF If you're using BLIde as your regular IDE for BlitzMax, please consider getting the BLIde Plus! version to support development. Visit my BLIde development Blog! and get the Open Source Sound3D module for minib3d

Dual 2 Core 2.8 (Windows 7) with ATI Mobility Radeon 4650 on a nice new Vaio :D

Beta testing process(Posted 2008-01-28)
Just a little update,
A lot of minor bugs and issues have been collected and reported, and we're starting the beta-testing for a new patch. Everything is really starting to shape, there are still some issues with module solutions but, everything is almost ready to go.

Manel Ibáñez ||| BLIde comunity ||| BLIde official Web Site ||| BLIde manual in PDF If you're using BLIde as your regular IDE for BlitzMax, please consider getting the BLIde Plus! version to support development. Visit my BLIde development Blog! and get the Open Source Sound3D module for minib3d

Dual 2 Core 2.8 (Windows 7) with ATI Mobility Radeon 4650 on a nice new Vaio :D

Beta process started!(Posted 2008-01-08)
Just to mention the Beta Process for this new BLIde version has started. If you want to become a beta-tester send me an email (email in profile).
For more info see:

Manel Ibáñez ||| BLIde comunity ||| BLIde official Web Site ||| BLIde manual in PDF If you're using BLIde as your regular IDE for BlitzMax, please consider getting the BLIde Plus! version to support development. Visit my BLIde development Blog! and get the Open Source Sound3D module for minib3d

Dual 2 Core 2.8 (Windows 7) with ATI Mobility Radeon 4650 on a nice new Vaio :D

Finaly GUI bug solved(Posted 2008-01-06)
Finally I got an answer from the divelements guys, and I have the BLIde GUI bug solved. It was a bug on this third party library, but I'm glad I fixed it before the beta has been out.
Next version will also have a new toolbar organization, much more close to the Visual Studio 2005 one.
Beta testing will start next week, so still looking for interested users.

I've also found a strange issue with the BlitzMax compiler. That is, if a file X has a private type, and this bmx file is IMPORTED to another bmx file that has also a private type with the same name, the compiler tells duplicate type definition... that's weird, and that has forced me to internally use GUIDs to name the base class for each My namespace, and make the My a not-instanced global. That fixed it, but it is not as clean and elegant as I would like.

Manel Ibáñez ||| BLIde comunity ||| BLIde official Web Site ||| BLIde manual in PDF If you're using BLIde as your regular IDE for BlitzMax, please consider getting the BLIde Plus! version to support development. Visit my BLIde development Blog! and get the Open Source Sound3D module for minib3d

Dual 2 Core 2.8 (Windows 7) with ATI Mobility Radeon 4650 on a nice new Vaio :D

Another delay...(Posted 2007-12-27)
Yesterday I finished most of the pending parts of all the solution explorer, Static managed imports, missing references, moduleinfo and module keyword for managed modules, framework creation for imports, modules and main bmx files, etc. There's only the new solution dialog pending, wich may see the light before january. The problem is that I'm now getting a z-order issue with the GUI library used by BLIde. I've sent a bug report to the Divelements guys (the GUI library makers) but I'm not getting any response (hollydays?) So I can't tell any time estimation for the next beta release.
Anyway, still looking for beta testers.

Manel Ibáñez ||| BLIde comunity ||| BLIde official Web Site ||| BLIde manual in PDF If you're using BLIde as your regular IDE for BlitzMax, please consider getting the BLIde Plus! version to support development. Visit my BLIde development Blog! and get the Open Source Sound3D module for minib3d

Dual 2 Core 2.8 (Windows 7) with ATI Mobility Radeon 4650 on a nice new Vaio :D

the story continues(Posted 2007-12-19)
There are still some areas that need a little more of work to be ready for beta testing for the next BLIde version.
I hope I'll have them finished soon, but there were issues with missing references and static imports.

the pending areas are:
-New Solution dialog (should be done in less than an hour as all the API is ready)
-New static imports in the managed program properties window (That is, you can add or remove non-module imports to a speciffic managed program)
-Automatically find missing static references on includes, imports and incbins
-ModuleInfo and ModuleKeyword for managed modules
-Disable the framework creation for managed modules (modules doesn't have a framework keyword)

It sounds more than it really is, all the underlaying API has been finished, so it is time to make this little 'touch' and start the closed beta phase.
I'm really pleased to see how the MY namespace works. More info to come soon.
Also, BLIde solutions will not have .BLIde extension any more, them will be called BLS
BLIde projects will be also compatible with next BLIde versions, for users that prefer not managed project management. Also non managed files will be allowed in a BLIde solution but those files will not appear in the solution manager (they will appear in the dependencies project tree, and in the local shortcuts tree).

I would also like to re-arrange all the toolbars to make them much more standard, I'm not sure if this is something I'll make for the next release, or I'll wait a little more...
Also, I'm implementing a dialog to select a different BlitzMax compiler folder, just for users using the official BlitzMax version, and a beta one.

I will provide more info soon. Still looking for beta-testers.

Manel Ibáñez ||| BLIde comunity ||| BLIde official Web Site ||| BLIde manual in PDF If you're using BLIde as your regular IDE for BlitzMax, please consider getting the BLIde Plus! version to support development. Visit my BLIde development Blog! and get the Open Source Sound3D module for minib3d

Dual 2 Core 2.8 (Windows 7) with ATI Mobility Radeon 4650 on a nice new Vaio :D

Broken references(Posted 2007-12-04)
Working with the solution explorer has been wonderful and it has provided some interesting side-effects on the BLIde solution mechanism. The first one, is that BLIde can detect now missing references to uninstalled modules (and remove them if needed). We're now working in the imports structure, as I want to provide a way to diferenciate properly imports and includes in the solution explorer. Also the New Solution wizard is almost ready to go.

I'm also wondering if BLIde wolutions will still have the .BLIde extension. Files will be backwards compatible with older BLIde versions (as always), but using non-managed functionality over managed solutions could cause the solution to become 'corrupted', and the only way I see to avoid this is to diferenciate the file formats.

I'm impressed of how the internal API goes. It is using a new internal parser to make all 'reflection-like' changes in the BMX manager file and, honestly, it is the fastest parser I've ever done. I'm more than happy to see where I'm getting. Not to mention the My namespace of the BLIde solutions with all its wonderful resource shortcuts and the like.

Still looking for beta testers. Betatesting will begin in one week.

I'm looking for people with this profiles:

* XP 32 bits users, not familiar to Visual Studio .net IDEs
* XP 32 bits users, medium / advanced Visual Basic .net 2005 developer
* Vista 32 bits users
* Vista 64 bits users

Other profiles could also be included in the beta testing phase. I will provide speciffic instructions on what it needs to be tested. It would be great to get feedback during the beta testing phase (instead of waiting for the official release to provide feedback :D )

Manel Ibáñez ||| BLIde comunity ||| BLIde official Web Site ||| BLIde manual in PDF If you're using BLIde as your regular IDE for BlitzMax, please consider getting the BLIde Plus! version to support development. Visit my BLIde development Blog! and get the Open Source Sound3D module for minib3d

Dual 2 Core 2.8 (Windows 7) with ATI Mobility Radeon 4650 on a nice new Vaio :D

Program properties window(Posted 2007-11-27)
I'm finishing the program properties window, that will let you costumize all the My namespace, the imports order, the externally included programs, the framework and the import (modules) sentences. this part will work very well in conjunction to FA. Also a comment section for the BMX manager files is ready to go. The BETA is ready to be public very very soon :D

Manel Ibáñez ||| BLIde comunity ||| BLIde official Web Site ||| BLIde manual in PDF If you're using BLIde as your regular IDE for BlitzMax, please consider getting the BLIde Plus! version to support development. Visit my BLIde development Blog! and get the Open Source Sound3D module for minib3d

Dual 2 Core 2.8 (Windows 7) with ATI Mobility Radeon 4650 on a nice new Vaio :D

Almost done(Posted 2007-11-16)
Yes, the solutions engine for BLIde is almost done. for those who doesn't know what is a 'soluition' it is a project that handles includes, imports, incbins and all kind of 'link' between the files of a project automatically, using a graphical interface. It is very usefull and have A LOT of advantages. Those who have used the Visual Studio IDE will know very well what I'm talking about.

The solutions engine for BLIde is 90% done, and has the following features:

-Add / Remove / Create file (and automatically creates the apropiate include or incbin command in the apropiate file)
-Move / Rename files and folders
-Create / delete folders
-Drag and drop files
-"My" namespace (yes, it has some Visual Basic .net features :D)
-Handle includes and imports separatelly and in a consistent way

The most important of all:
It will be free for small solutions. Obviously owners of a BLIde Plus license will have no size restriction on their solutions, so another reason to get a Plus! license.

I'm also updating and improving all the BLIde documentation, it is being a bit of a nightmare. I would love to write it in Spanish!

More info to come soon.

Manel Ibáñez ||| BLIde comunity ||| BLIde official Web Site ||| BLIde manual in PDF If you're using BLIde as your regular IDE for BlitzMax, please consider getting the BLIde Plus! version to support development. Visit my BLIde development Blog! and get the Open Source Sound3D module for minib3d

Dual 2 Core 2.8 (Windows 7) with ATI Mobility Radeon 4650 on a nice new Vaio :D