Worklog for markrosten

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Racing Destruction Set - progress @ 1st September 2002(Posted 2002-09-01)
- RDS remake progress update.

Hey folks. Time for a quick progress update on my remake of RDS.

I've been busy working on the menu system for several weeks now. Instead of using simple 2d menus (like I did in my Bruce Lee remake) I opted for a fully 3d approach. All of the menu items displayed are 3d objects (quads, cubes, spheres, etc.) so I can use all the lovely alpha transparency effects like fading options in and out. This has meant that it's taking much longer than usual to code the different options screens required, but it'll be worth it in the end.

I'm just about to start work on the vehicle selection screen. Once that is done I can leave the menu system for now (only a couple of disabled options are left to do) so I can get back to work on the game engine again.

I'm intending to rip out the physics and car control code I'm currently using and start from scratch. I bought a nice (and in-depth) game physics development book a few weeks ago so that should hopefully give me what I need to make the cars crashing and bouncing around like crazy :). This phsyics and control code is the most important as far as I am concerned as I want the game to play similar to the original, enhancing it where I can.

I've added some pictures to show you some of the latest screenshots added to my website.

To view more screenshots and be kept more up to date on my progress, go the my RDS remake website here:


- The track selection screen with the playlist controls visible

- The track selection screen with the 3d track preview visible

- A more up to date screenshot of the track designer in action

Bruce Lee - a remake for the PC (finished)
Racing Destruction Set - a remake for the PC (work in progress)

Racing Destruction Set - progress @ 5th July 2002(Posted 2002-07-06)
Just a brief progress update on my Racing Destruction Set remake...

First, a couple of screenshots:

- Both player cars finishing a jump

- a shot of the Track Designer

Coding has been going on now, slowly but surely, for 2 months now. I'm pretty happy with my progress so far mainly as I don't get as much time as I'd like to work on this (Real Life (tm) including working full time get in the way ).

What's done:

Track Designer.
I'm very happy with the designer. It has the same feel of the original but with some more added functionality to make life easier. The track validation is much better and it tells you exactly what type of problem there might be as well as showing you where the problem lies. The track piece display in 3d works well and I've just added a 3d preview to show the full track, allbeit from above view at the moment.

Basic vehicle movement and collisions.
Both player cars move around the track, jumping with gravity and without falling off the track. The track has a hidden collision wall all around the designed track which stops the player from leaving the track. The basic collision between player and track and hidden walls works well, so far.

Simulated 'track lanes' (or slots).
I am using a hidden waypoint system which is calcuated for the track depending on which way around the track the players can go. Each track piece's waypoints are divided into 3 'lanes' allowing me to work out the closest waypoint to the player and the closest waypoint in front of the player. I use this information to subtly 'steer' the player toward the closest lane. How much this steers needs tweaking but the basic system works nicely.

That's about it for now. If you want up-to-date information, including development screenshots and news, go my RDS website here:
Racing Destruction Set - a remake for the PC

Mark Rosten

Bruce Lee - a remake for the PC (finished)
Racing Destruction Set - a remake for the PC (work in progress)

Racing Destruction Set(Posted 2002-06-01)
I've recently started work on a Blitz 3d remake of the classic Commodore 64 game 'Racing Destruction Set'.

My version should contain at least ALL the features of the original game. I'm not sure on additions to the game yet, I have some ideas but I don't want to change the gameplay from the original too much.

For more up-to-date information you can visit my RDS website here:
Racing Destruction Set - a remake for the PC


Bruce Lee - a remake for the PC (finished)
Racing Destruction Set - a remake for the PC (work in progress)

The future of Bruce Lee(Posted 2001-11-16)
Hi folks.

Thought I'd an an entry to this great little system Mark has set up :)

I haven't been Blitz'ing much recently (been busy playing Dark Age of Camelot), but I still read and post on the boards.

I was going to create a new level editor for Bruce Lee so you could make brand new levels, but I'm going to have to scrap that for the time being.

I'm afraid the small time I am getting using my computer at the moment is taken up playing Dark Age of Camelot (damned addictive game!) so any Blitz work is on the back burner until I can get motivated again.

So the future of my Bruce Lee remake is on hold, for now.

Mark Rosten

Bruce Lee - a remake for the PC (finished)
Racing Destruction Set - a remake for the PC (work in progress)