Worklog for Ginger Tea

Puzzle game

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Initial idea(Posted 2011-07-14)
I was posting something about 2D waypoints in 3D space and how a true 2D waypoint is behind the scenes the same as one displayed in 3D and was going to post about those follow the line robots. Especially those that understand one colour over an other and follow the red line in hospitals to get to where you want to be.

I had an idea for a puzzle game, robots or whatever that follow a coloured route, if the route can change colour in parts, then it will not go forwards and will either 180 on itself or if it was at a junction untill the colour changed blocking off a route, it would then go the next way.

Part pipeworks, part chips challenge, the rest I've no idea.

spread the word not the disc

if i broke both of my hands i wouldnt be able to wsad + mouse but i could dual thumb stick through the cast and pain killers ;)