Worklog for HappyCat

Worklog 1

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SQLite 3 Wrapper(Posted 2005-06-30)

Here's a .decls and wrapper functions for SQLite 3. Doesn't support everything 'cos a lot of it requires callbacks which Blitz3D and BlitzPlus can't do. But it does enough to get data in and out of the database.

SQLite3 available from:

The zip file includes:

SQLite3 - the wrapper functions
SQLite3 - a small demo of how to use the wrapper functions

Change History:

v1.1, 1 July 2005
- In wrapper renamed DatabaseInAutoCommitMode to AutoCommitIsOn and added BeginTransaction, CommitTransaction and RollbackTransaction. Handling transactions yourself with these three new functions can massively improve the speed of inserting and updating data.

v1.0, 30 June 2005
- Initial release.

Gun Wing