Worklog for Kuri

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Chaos(Posted 2003-06-13)
OK well it's no longer dead - YAY!!!
but we're making it simpler. We've got the main character remodelled - 4 days instead of 4 weeks to model, texture and animate. And we're now working on the environment. The feel we're going for is more of a 2D style game in 3D. Hopefully it wil work ;)

new character model to show the style - he's still based on the old CM Akira:


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ICQ 75403718
MSN tracilane@...

Chaos Moon(Posted 2003-04-25)


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ICQ 75403718
MSN tracilane@...

Chaos moon(Posted 2002-11-24)
well it's still going slow, but it's progressing, that's the main thing :)

we've built a combat environment, the characters are being animated and we've started on the mechanics of the combat system i.e. the number crunching. We're also working on the interface. So we should have some screenshots sometime this millenia :)


Mojomagic Homepage

ICQ 75403718
MSN tracilane@...

Chaos Moon update(Posted 2002-11-14)
well we've finished the characters at last and updated the website with some shots of the character models and some concept stuff. If you want to see, then go to ChaosMoon and click the chaos moon button and then the artwork button to see - yes you've guessed it the artwork :)

for all those that can't be bothered with that, here's the links to the three main character model shots (though there is more info about the game and some concepts on the main site :) )


we're now starting work on the environment and the combat system. Slowly but surely we're getting there :)


Mojomagic Homepage

ICQ 75403718
MSN tracilane@...

Chaos Moon(Posted 2002-10-10)

well we've been toying with the idea of completely dropping chaos moon due to the sheer volume of artwork needed. It's astronomical, trying to create the sort of game that takes a team several years to produce, but it is something I really wanted to do.

So we've decided to press on and work on a demo level and take it from there. The demo level should have most of the game mechanics in, and then it's a case of adding the rest as completed.

two of the three characters for the demo level has been modelled and the third has been concepted. The monsters have been concepted, and a general idea of the environment. It's going to be a while though before anything concrete is available to show.

Unfortunately it's just the nature of the beast with an RPG. It takes too long. But we'll get there eventually


Mojomagic Homepage

ICQ 75403718
MSN tracilane@...

Still wrestling with the story :P(Posted 2002-09-03)
well it's getting there, it's finally reaching the stage of being a nice epic RPG style plot without the many many holes it started out with.

Done a lot of planning, and pieces of test code just trying things out - different cameras, perfecting the sneaking, and various things to implement in the game.

Hopefully sooooooon I'll be able to get underway on the game proper. The idea is to produce a demo level initially from the early part of the game, but not the very beginning (which includes unusual aspects of gameplay), that includes the more regular game play aspects of an RPG and then to build it up layer by layer until we have working a demo. At this point it should then just be a case of adding levels etc. as necessary (a major artwork task on its own) and adding the more unique aspects of gameplay.

But first the combat system, the dungeons, the scripting for monsters and npcs, scripting for cut scenes...... etc. etc.

Why oh why did I start on an RPG? Madness I tell you madness!!!!


Mojomagic Homepage

ICQ 75403718
MSN tracilane@...

Chaos Moon(Posted 2002-08-25)
No I haven't given up (yet though I'm beginning to feel like it :P). We're working on the story at the moment due to lack of time for artwork etc. It's sooooo hard, getting everything working and giving away the right amount of information at the right time. Anyway, I think we're finally getting there, but the actual coding etc. is still sort of on hold.

RPG's are way too much work


Mojomagic Homepage

ICQ 75403718
MSN tracilane@...

Chaos Moon(Posted 2002-06-26)
Yes, well um... not done a lot recently. I've been playing final fantasy X. Anyhooo I'm getting back to it now. Suffice it to say that the game is getting a makeover, and the main character is being redesigned again. We weren't happy with the last one, it just didn't work. Also we're trying out the .b3d format so this will be a boned character (if we can get it all working)

Hence there won't be any more to see for a few weeks yet (will this game ever get done !!!)


Mojomagic Homepage

ICQ 75403718
MSN tracilane@...

Chaos Moon(Posted 2002-06-01)
New character model - Yay!!!


Mojomagic Homepage

ICQ 75403718
MSN tracilane@...

Chaos Moon(Posted 2002-05-19)
Yet another delay. This time it's only coding so the artwork will continue. I have to do jury service for the next couple of weeks, so I'm not going to have a lot of time to do any coding. Hopefully though, when I get back to it I'll have some nice new artwork to play with :)


Mojomagic Homepage

ICQ 75403718
MSN tracilane@...

Chaos Moon(Posted 2002-05-14)
Yay I've got my PC back :):):):):)

back to work on Chaos Moon. I have finished fleshing out the story line and have the next bit of the environment in. The main character Tai, is being remodelled at the moment, he's now going to be called um.... well we're still working on that :)


Mojomagic Homepage

ICQ 75403718
MSN tracilane@...

Chaos Moon(Posted 2002-05-03)
There is currently a delay on chaos moon due to the fact that my PC has had to go back to the company that built it to have the motherboard changed. There is some problem with the CMOS battery - it keeps going flat. It's going to be a couple of weeks before I get it back and can again start on the coding :(

Two weeks without coding :(

Oh well I've always got some games to play.....


Mojomagic Homepage

ICQ 75403718
MSN tracilane@...

Chaos Moon Editor(Posted 2002-04-19)
I've started on the editor and have adapted the Mantica one for my purposes. Progress is a bit slow as I don't like writing editors and am easily distracted :) But I am getting there.


Mojomagic Homepage

ICQ 75403718
MSN tracilane@...

Chaos Moon(Posted 2002-04-15)
Well it's coming on slowly. We now have the first part of the first environment. Due to the way it's being textured it's taking a long time to generate each level, which needs working on. I'm also working on the editor for object and npc placing, using the bones of the Mantica editor. It's still quite a way off anything playable, as I still need to write the whole combat system, the editor and scripting stuff (geez there's more than I thought :) ). Anyway, once that's done, development should speed up as it will mainly be a case of adding levels etc. as they're done.

Here's a couple of screenshots of the level as it stands

this is at 800 x 600 resolution with 512 x 512 textures, the game will also be able to run in 640 x 480 res with 256 x 256 textures for lower spec machines, but this does look a bit blurry and more like a psone game.


Mojomagic Homepage

ICQ 75403718
MSN tracilane@...

Chaos Moon(Posted 2002-04-04)
Well Mantica has come to a resounding halt at the moment for several reasons not least of which is the fact that my artist is way to busy. We've also decided to wait and see what Blitz Max has to offer as far as speed and model formats are concerned, the current formats just weren't up to the sort of game we wanted to produce.

In the meantime, myself and another artist have started work on a less ambitious project. It is called Chaos Moon and although still an RPG is going to be simpler, more Nintendo in style. The characters will be jointed 3ds and the levels small to reduce loading time. Below is a screenshot of the main character


Mojomagic Homepage

ICQ 75403718
MSN tracilane@...

mantica update(Posted 2002-03-19)
The editor is progressing well. We are still not sure if this is how we will finally do the levels, due possible slowdown of a lot of entities in a level. However, we are going to try out several options before finalising it.

Here are a couple of screenshots of the editor as it's progressing

as you can see it still has a long way to go, the blocks shown are only test blocks not a finished environment.

Hopefully the editor will be fully functional in a few weeks.


Mojomagic Homepage

ICQ 75403718
MSN tracilane@...

Mantica(Posted 2002-03-05)
Editor is coming along fine now, slowly but surely for the levels. The character model is undergoing some fine tuning but is also coming along fine :) It's all very slow but coming together.


Mojomagic Homepage

ICQ 75403718
MSN tracilane@...