Worklog for Kozmi

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QoolEdit V1.0 ( World Editor ) in the works!!!(Posted 2003-11-13)
Hi All...

I just wanted to take the time to drop everyone a little message that Im' currently working on a new World Builder using CSG Geometry primitives. The QoolEdit world builder is being patterned after the Quake 2 editor called Qoole v2.50

It's still in it's early stages at this moment, But alot of work is going to be put into this world editor for the Blitz community here. The world builder ofcourse (unlike the original Qoole editor) will be able to have true color textures and will be able to export to the .b3d & .X file formats. Im' currently working hard on making a very simple GUI that will be easy to pick up on with minimum documentation to be able to get started real quick on building your Blitz3D worlds! Also this World Editor is going to be free to the Blitz3D community as I Believe that everyone here and exspecially the Blitz3D programming language deserves to have a free world building tool available for it without having to shell out big bucks to get one to be able to build your Blitz3D game enviroments!
Im' always open to suggestions and such on future improvments and additions that will make this world editor more useful for the Blitz3D community.. So please dont heisitate on sharing your ideas as this is going to be a tool available to you for your development needs.. I will be posting a link soon for the upcoming demo version of QoolEdit v1.0

P.S. A many thanks goes out to Mark Sibly & the Blitz community for all that they have to offer others in there ever going work on developing games with Blitz3D & BlitzPlus. Thank's a million guys, And I hope you appreciate the work Im' going to put into this for everybody here... Im' sure that everyone will be happy when it's finished though..

Best Regards,
