Worklog for Henri


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Row/column spanning in sizer(Posted 2014-05-20)
Wondered if this is possible in Grid-/Flexsizer as someone wrote a patch about 6 years ago to enable this, but I think it is only incorporated in Bagsizer. So, trying a Bagsizer instead.


P.S. In previous post I mentioned about type and sense then I've learned then it's supposed to work that way. You are meant to import the codegen generated file into your main app. Hmm..

Nuts and bolts(Posted 2014-05-09)
Getting the hang of it. Managed to create a GUI template with wxFormBuilder and then use Brucey's Codegen to convert project file to Blitzmax file. It seems wxApp-type needs to be added manually, but after that everything works ! Oh yeah !

Had to do some research about sizers, but now I think they are godsend;-).

Well, next stop is to learn some best practise on creating program structure/flow codewise.


Initial(Posted 2014-04-28)
Well, after much pondering I finally got into right mindset to try wxMax out. I have a classical GUI-project, which currently is halfway through, but got convinced that if done in wxMax would benefit me in the future when implementing new features. At least I'll give it a shot :-)

So first, off to download from github and do a "build modules". Luckily I already had the correct MinGW setup so no hassle there.
