Worklog for Aussie

3D Snake

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Day 6 & 7, Project finished(Posted 2012-12-22)
Found a font i was happy with.

Decided to go with a scoreboard type setup for displaying the score & high score.

Made some images for the title screen & displaying information.

Decided not to add any sound fx & music to this version of the game, it would take up way to much time for this version.

This version was about me finishing a project by doing something i could get done in a relatively short period of time.

The next version will be more complected & have a different spin on the game.

I will have to create a simple world editor first so that will be the next project i work on when i get the chance.

Day 5(Posted 2012-12-09)
Made some small ferns.

Made some rocks.

Finished the arena.

Made a model for the snake & textures.

Made a new pickup.

Decided to go with a nighttime feel.

Day 4(Posted 2012-12-07)
Today I managed to get back into it again & thought I would make an Arena for the play area. I decided to go with a forest theme & make the boundaries of the play area fallen trees. The outsides of the play area will be tree ferns, small ferns, rocks & moss.

So far I have managed to make some low poly tree ferns & the arena. I am pretty happy with the way they have turned out.

All models have been made with Blender.

Tree fern

The Arena
Aena with tree ferns added

Arena in Blitz3d

End of day 3(Posted 2012-11-30)
Think i am done for the day.

Added a simple high score recording system.

Added a start screen with a simple menu.

Added a fade out fade, fade in effect between the start screen & the game.

Changed the colour of the pickups.

Changed the arena floor & colour.

Changed the colour of the snake & changed the head segment of the snake.

Removed the collisions from the first segment of the snake, had a couple of problems with it. It's not needed with the first few body parts anyway.

Intro & 3rd day(Posted 2012-11-30)
I have been using Blitz3d now for 4 years & this will be my second full finished project when it is done. Due to work & life I don’t get much of a chance to get stuck right in & code often. The problem with that for me is that it becomes a very slow learning process from having to go back over what I have been doing in the past & trying to figure out what I did to get something to work. The other problem I find is that I will start making headway with something then not get back to it sometimes for 6 months, can’t figure out what I have done (because I haven’t commented my code) & put it in the to hard basket.

I had the thought the other day at just trying a 3d version of the old Snake game, something small, then adding my own spin on it when I get the simple part of it working nicely.

I will keep posting up the code until the simple part is done then upload some images as it progresses. Hope others get something out of the code. :)

Here it is as it stands.
I have the snake movement to where I am happy with it & the segments being added correctly with the tail being added to the end of the body. Thanks to Midimaster & gradualcheetah.
I have a scoring system, pickups & an arena with collisions working correctly.