Worklog for splinux

Worklog 1

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Latest version now available(Posted 2006-07-02)
Download it at ; it contains: isometric engine source code, a simple test source code, the test executable.

Update(Posted 2006-06-22)
I recently added multiple layers to the iso map code. After fixing some bugs, I will release it here.

Source(Posted 2006-06-09)
This is the bitmap font class i used:
Type TFont
	' Characters' images
	Field chars:TImage[]
	' Average width of characters
	Field avgWidth:Double
	' Height of characters
	Field height:Int
	' First and last characters' ASCII code
	Field init:Int, finish:Int
	' I think these functions require no explaination
	Function create:TFont(src:String, init:Int = 32, finish:Int = 127)
		Local path:String = ExtractDir(src)
		src = StripDir(src)
		Local i:Int, avgW:Double, f:TFont = New TFont
		If finish > 256 Or finish < init Or init < 0 Return Null
		src = StripSlash(src)
		f.chars = f.chars[..finish + 1]
		For i = init To finish
			If LoadImage("incbin::" + path + "/" + src + "/" + src + "." + i + ".png") f.chars[i] = LoadImage("incbin::" + path  + "/" + src + "/" + src + "." + i + ".png")
		f.init = init
		f.finish = finish
		f.height = ImageHeight(f.chars[init])
		For i = init To finish
			If avgW = 0 avgW = ImageWidth(f.chars[i]) Else avgW = (avgW + ImageWidth(f.chars[i]))/2
		f.avgWidth = avgW
		Return f
	Function free:Int(f:TFont)
		f = Null
		Return True
	Method getWidth:Int(txt:String)
		Local i:Int, width:Int
		Local char:Int, lenght:Int = txt.Length
		For i = 1 To lenght
			char = Asc(Mid(txt, i, 1))
			width = width + ImageWidth(Self.chars[char])
		Return width
	Method draw:Int(x:Int, y:Int, txt:String, cx:Int = 0, cy:Int = 0)
		Local width = Self.getWidth(txt)
		If cx x = x - Int(width/2)
		If cy y = y - Int(Self.height/2)
		Local i:Int, image:TImage, lenght:Int = txt.Length
		For i = 1 To lenght
			image = Self.chars[Asc(Mid(txt, i, 1))]
			DrawImage(image, x, y)
			x = x + ImageWidth(image)
		Return width

This is the player's class i used in the example code:
Type TPlayer
	' Health points
	Field hpts:Int
	' Points, money
	Field pts:Int
	' Shield
	Field shield:Int
	Field wpn:TWeapon
	Field obj:TList
	Field name:String
	Field img:TImage
	Field frm:Int
	Field frames:Int
	Field _tmr:Double
	Field _dtime:Double
	Function create:TPlayer(nm:String, image:TImage, frms:Int, health:Int, shd:Int, points:Int)
		Local p:TPlayer = New TPlayer
		p.hpts = health
		p.pts = points
		p.shield = shd = nm
		p.img = image
		p.frm = 0
		p.frames = frms
		p.obj = New TList
		p._tmr = MilliSecs()
		p._dtime = 200
		Return p
	Function free:Int(p:TPlayer)
		p = Null
		Return True
	Method update:Int(cur_x Var, cur_y Var)
		RunHooks(HOOK_WITH, cur_tile)
		If KeyHit(KEY_ENTER) Or KeyHit(KEY_SPACE) RunHooks(HOOK_CLICK, cur_tile)
		If (KeyDown(KEY_UP) And (Self._tmr < MilliSecs() - Self._dtime))
			cur_y :- 1
			If cur_y < 1 cur_y = 1
			Self._tmr = MilliSecs()
			RunHooks(HOOK_LEAVE, cur_tile)
			RunHooks(HOOK_ENTER, gMap.getTile(cur_x, cur_y))
		ElseIf (KeyDown(KEY_RIGHT) And (Self._tmr < MilliSecs() - Self._dtime))
			cur_x :+ 1
			If cur_x > gMap.cols cur_x = gMap.cols
			Self._tmr = MilliSecs()
			RunHooks(HOOK_LEAVE, cur_tile)
			RunHooks(HOOK_ENTER, gMap.getTile(cur_x, cur_y))
		ElseIf (KeyDown(KEY_DOWN) And (Self._tmr < MilliSecs() - Self._dtime))
			cur_y :+ 1
			If cur_y > gMap.rows cur_y = gMap.rows
			Self._tmr = MilliSecs()
			RunHooks(HOOK_LEAVE, cur_tile)
			RunHooks(HOOK_ENTER, gMap.getTile(cur_x, cur_y))
		ElseIf (KeyDown(KEY_LEFT) And (Self._tmr < MilliSecs() - Self._dtime))
			cur_x :- 1
			If cur_x < 1 cur_x = 1
			Self._tmr = MilliSecs()
			RunHooks(HOOK_LEAVE, cur_tile)
			RunHooks(HOOK_ENTER, gMap.getTile(cur_x, cur_y))

Finally, the map and the tiles' classes:
Type TMap
	' The tiles
	Field tiles:TTile[]
	Field cols:Int, rows:Int
	' Animated tiles timer and its increment
	Field _tmr:Double
	Field _dtime:Double
	Function  load:TMap(source:String)
		Local path:String = ExtractDir(source)
		Local m:TMap = New TMap
		Local file:TStream = OpenFile(source)
		Local line:String
		Local close_bracket:Int, semicolon:Int, t:TTile, space:Int, cmd:String, first:String, arg0:String, arg1:String, arg2:String, rest:String, into:Int, as:Int, load_id:Int
		Local tile_img:TImage[0], tile_img_info:String[0, 4]
		m._dtime = 180
		' Now, I parse the map file and execute its directives
			line = Lower(Trim(ReadLine(file)))
			first = line[0..1]
			If first = "$"
				space = line.Find(" ")
				cmd = Trim(line[])
				If cmd = "tiles"
					rest = Trim(line[space + 1..])					
					semicolon = rest.Find(";")
					arg0 = Trim(rest[0..semicolon])
					tile_img = New TImage[Int(arg0)]
					tile_img_info = New String[Int(arg0), 4]
				ElseIf cmd = "load"
					If tile_img.length = 0 RuntimeError("Directive `$tiles` not before tile loading!~n")
					rest = Trim(line[space + 1..])
					into = rest.Find(" into ")
					as = rest.Find(" as ")
					semicolon = rest.Find(";")
					arg0 = Trim(rest[0..into])
					arg1 = Trim(rest[into +])
					arg2 = Trim(rest[as + 4..semicolon])
					If arg0.Contains("::")
						Local dCol0:Int = arg0.Find("::")
						Local dCol1:Int = arg0.Find("::", dCol0 + 1)
						Local dCol2:Int = arg0.Find("::", dCol1 + 1)
						Local temp_fn:String = Trim(arg0[..dCol0])
						Local temp_f:String = Trim(arg0[dCol0 + 2..dCol1])
						Local temp_w:String = Trim(arg0[dCol1 + 2..dCol2])
						Local temp_h:String = Trim(arg0[dCol2 + 2..])
						If Not LoadAnimImage("incbin::" + path + "/" + temp_fn, Int(temp_w), Int(temp_h), 0, Int(temp_f)) RuntimeError("Tile animated image `" + temp_fn + "` Not found!~n")
						tile_img[load_id] = LoadAnimImage("incbin::" + path + "/" + temp_fn, Int(temp_w), Int(temp_h), 0, Int(temp_f))
						tile_img_info[load_id, 2] = "1"
						tile_img_info[load_id, 3] = temp_f
						If Not LoadImage("incbin::" + path + "/" + arg0) RuntimeError("Tile image `" + arg1 + "` Not found!~n")
						tile_img[load_id] = LoadImage("incbin::" + path + "/" + arg0)
					tile_img_info[load_id, 0] = arg1
					tile_img_info[load_id, 1] = arg2
					load_id :+ 1
				ElseIf cmd = "mapx"
					rest = Trim(line[space + 1..])					
					semicolon = rest.Find(";")
					arg0 = Trim(rest[0..semicolon])
					m.cols = Int(arg0)
					m.tiles = m.tiles[..(m.rows + 1)*(m.cols + 1)]
					'Print "$maxp " + arg0 + ";"
				ElseIf cmd = "mapy"
					rest = Trim(line[space + 1..])					
					semicolon = rest.Find(";")
					arg0 = Trim(rest[0..semicolon])
					m.rows = Int(arg0)
					m.tiles = m.tiles[..(m.rows + 1)*(m.cols + 1)]
			ElseIf first = "["
				t = New TTile
				close_bracket = line.Find("]")
				rest = Trim(line[1..close_bracket])
				semicolon = rest.Find(";")
				arg0 = Trim(rest[0..semicolon])
				arg1 = Trim(rest[semicolon + 1..])
				t.x = Int(arg0)
				t.y = Int(arg1)
				semicolon = line.Find(";", close_bracket + 1)
				arg2 = Trim(line[close_bracket + 1..semicolon])
				t.tileName = arg2
				For Local i:Int = 0 To tile_img_info.length/tile_img_info.dimensions()[1] - 1
					If tile_img_info[i, 0] = arg2
						t.tileType = tile_img_info[i, 1]
						t.anim = Int(tile_img_info[i, 2])
						t.frm = 0
						t.frames = Int(tile_img_info[i, 3])
						If t.frames = 0 t.frames = 1
						t.img = tile_img[i]
				m.tiles[m.cols*(t.y - 1) + t.x] = t
			If Eof(file) Exit
		Return m
	' Draw tiles
	Method refresh:Int(center_x:Int = 1, center_y:Int = 1, center_z = 0)
		Local t:TTile
		For Local i:Int = 1 To Self.cols
			For Local j:Int = 1 To Self.rows
				t = Self.getTile(i, j)
				If t = Null Exit
				If t = Self.getTile(center_x, center_y)
					SetColor 250, 75, 150
					SetColor 255, 255, 255
				Local use_x:Int = (t.y - t.x + center_y - center_x)*CONST_TILES_HW + GraphicsWidth()/2 - CONST_TILES_HW
				Local use_y:Int = (t.y + t.x - center_y - center_x)*CONST_TILES_HW/2 - ImageHeight(t.img) + GraphicsHeight()/2 - CONST_TILES_HW/2 + center_z
				If t.anim
					DrawImage(t.img, use_x, use_y, t.frm)
					If Self._tmr + Self._dtime < MilliSecs() t.frm :+ 1
					If t.frm >= t.frames t.frm = 0
					DrawImage(t.img, use_x, use_y)
		If Self._tmr + Self._dtime < MilliSecs() Self._tmr = MilliSecs()
		Return True
	' Returns a specified tile
	Method getTile:TTile(gx:Int, gy:Int)
		Return Self.tiles[Self.rows*(gx - 1) + gy]

Type TTile
	Field x:Int, y:Int
	Field img:TImage
	' The tile image file name
	Field tileName:String
	' This tell me if the player can walk/jump/swim or not on this tile
	Field tileType:String
	' Current frame
	Field frm:Int
	' Number of frames
	Field frames:Int
	' Is it animated?
	Field anim:Int

If you want to better understand the code, please contact me at kledge.sp @ gmail . com. you can download the complete source code + all images here.

Here an example(Posted 2006-06-05)
Here you can download an example of my work: it's a map of 10x10 tiles, you can move around using arrow keys.

I also implemented hooks as:
- functions with hook id HOOK_WITH, these ones are called when the player is on a specific tile;
- functions with hook is HOOK_CLICK, these ones are called when the player is on a specific tile and press <ENTER> or <SPACE>;
- functions with hook id HOOK_ENTER/LEAVE, these ones are called just on entering/leaving a specific tile;

In this little demo you can test events on tile 2,3 (with event), on tile 4,7 (enter event), on tile 5,8 (click event) and on tile 6,9 (leave event).

I will put the source code online soon.

If you're interested in the project, send an email at stefano @t spigler d.t net.

PS: There was an error - problem solved ;P

v1.9(Posted 2006-02-16)
Version 1.9 released.
Fixed minor bug for webcam selection.

The link is the same.

Example(Posted 2006-02-04)
Pre-compiled lib example using MaxGui, for those who would like to try without compiling it.

Download it at: Linux Webcam example

v1.5(Posted 2006-02-02)
New version 1.5 released with resolution switching allowed and better pointer passing for image acquisition.

To download go:

Update(Posted 2006-02-01)
A few minutes after the v1.0 release i resolved the 640x480 resolution problem!!!

Soon i'll make avaiable the update throught the same link as the previous one.

1st release(Posted 2006-02-01)
I'm happy to say that the first version of the BlitzMax Linux Webcam Module is released.

You can download it from:

Update(Posted 2006-01-31)
The best resolution for a webcam(in computer vision apps, where the computing speed of the frames is very important) is 320x240, and for that resolution the module is good enough, but i think the users would like to select the resolution they want to have, so i'll try to solve that problem.

However, i think i'll not release it this evening, i'll release it tomorrow(this is the last problem i have to resolve before distribute the module).

Update(Posted 2006-01-31)
My webcam supports 320x240 and 640x480, so i can test different resolutions.

I've implemented resolution selection, but it actually only works with 320x240.

I mean: with 320x240 there is only the famous line on the top, while with 640x480 there is that line too, but images are mosly as they were in BGR format, and sometimes they go back to RGB, so i can't just switch them.
The problem is similar to one of the firsts i got, but resolving it in the same way i did make terribly slow the program, and with 320x240 there are problems, so i've discarded that solution.

Update(Posted 2006-01-31)
As said, the secondary problems and functions are very easy to program.

Keep ready, because i think this evening or maybe tomorrow i'll release it(if i don't find other problems).

Update(Posted 2006-01-31)
Now the code is cleaner and the lib is based on a type, the TWebCam.

I only have to program some simple secondary options and i'll release the first version of it.

I think i'll try to resolve the "raw pixels line" later, for the next versions.

Update(Posted 2006-01-31)
I have a c file, imported by the library.
If the library is included into another file, it gives me error because imports have to go on the top of the file.

The final decision is this:
if anyone will want to use this library, he will have to write his code within the template file(which is the library file).
I suggest making backups of the template file, for further usage.

Update(Posted 2006-01-31)
Due to some limitations to modules, my lib won't be a BMax module.

However it will be includable into BMax programs.

I'm thinking about programming a camera type, to make an abstraction of the device, which would work with all Video4Linux compatible webcam drivers.

Update(Posted 2006-01-31)
Now the only real problem is the line of raw pixels on the top.

I have to transform it into a module too, and to make the change resolution function.

Update(Posted 2006-01-30)
The blue screens are solved, but there still are some lines of pizels on the top sometimes.

To resolve it i would slow down the module. I have to find a better solution.

Update(Posted 2006-01-30)

Now it seems to be very fast. :)

The only problem is that to do this i've needed to leave some syncs, and so some frames every tot. have blue instead of red and there is a bad line on the top of the images.

I need to solve it, and i have some ideas. Maybe using the image display time to sync with camera.

Update(Posted 2006-01-30)
I've just programmed the update function.

Now it's possible to view from the camera continuosly, only with a problem: it's too slow!.

I need to improve the update function, so to fast up the acquiring process.

Update(Posted 2006-01-30)
Actually there are only a c file and bmax file, and they aren't programmed as bmax modules.

However some minutes ago i've programmed another part of the module: is now possible to acquire an image, save it into a pixmap and display it.

I'll program "set resolution", "update picture", "set hue, color and brightness" later.

Maybe in a few days it could be completed!

Work start(Posted 2006-01-29)
Today i've decided to start this BMax's module.
With the Stuart Morgan's help i've resolved many problems.

Now the module is almost ready to be published.

Into a few days i'll make it usable.

I'm plannning to add windows support too to this module, and maybe Mac OS too.

To do this i'll maybe use previously maden code readapting it to my module to be multi-platform.

PS: before use other people's code i'll send emails to the owners.
I won't "stole" it. :)