Worklog for ImaginaryHuman

New Game Engine

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Back to the short term(Posted 2010-03-07)
I am going to start creating small games.

There, I said it.

You have no idea how long it has taken me to get to this decision. The process of me arriving at this decision has gone through several stages, roughly as follows...

1) Consider making small hardcoded specifically-written games, not much code reusability, quick and dirty. Seems like a good idea, but the idea of having to start from scratch each time is off-putting.

2) Consider writing a game engine first which will let you create games later. There will be lots of code-reuse and everything can be very modular and expandable. The problem is, you have to then consider every game you want to make up-front and you don't get any gratification until way down the road. Seems like a lot of work, but maybe it would be worth it in the long term to eventually create games much more efficiently. If only it wouldn't take so long to make it.

3) Expand on this idea and why not go whole hog and create a cool new game development platform with lots of WYSIWYG editors and an amazing engine that takes the state of the art to a whole new level. Yeah, this would let us create really amazing games ... eventually. Oh yeah, that's going to take a really, really long time to create. So I can probably maybe never hope to make a game with it. Hmm.

4) Maybe I should ditch games then and just focus on making a game platform. I'll let other people create the games with it, yah, that sounds noble. Then I can focus on making it a cool editor and it'll be so much fun. Except, there isn't such a market for an editor except among developers, who are far fewer than people playing and paying for games. Darn it. That won't work. And it's still going to take a long time to create it, I just don't have the time to do all that hard work and not get anything back for a few years.

5) Scrap it all. I can't do a big project. I need some gratification NOW. I haven't programmed anything in weeks because I'm paralyzed by the immensity of the project. All those great ideas are just going to take too long. I need to get down to basics. I still want to make games but I want them to be finished sooner, but in some way I still want to work toward a game editor/graphics application thing in the long term.

6) Okay so I can make games and I can gradually develop a reusable engine over the course of time, rather than try to make the engine first, but what about all the pressure to be financially independent, successful, renowned, and competitive with all the demands that other companies are placing on each other. I can't stand all this competition and requirement to be super amazing just to be slightly better than the `best so far`, and only temporarily. All this compliance is dull and boring. I just want to do my own thing.

So that's about where I stand right now. I will focus on making small games, and by small I mean like a month or two to complete all by myself. I will have lots of short term goals, by the week mainly. I won't allow each game to be too big or the scope too large. Each game will contribute some small part to an overall game editor/engine which will develop over the very long term as a *second priority*. Gradually each game will help future games to be developed more quickly and to re-use some parts. Between games I will integrate code from the previous game into the overall `engine`. Gradually I will build one small part of the editor at a time, not all at once. The small games won't require me to have fancy editors anyway.

This will allow me to explore the many many ideas that I have, to try out new things, to experiment, to go off on a truly `indie developer` tangent of taking big risks, doing something very unique, innovative and different, and rebelling against the mainstream. I will be able to be *true to myself*. I will be able to explore creative possibilities more freely and won't have to worry foremost about it being profitable or even that many other people would like it. Then we'll see where we go from there.

This new direction is in part also inspired by a couple of other things. It occured to me that the BlitzMax community game framework competitions, in which I have participated twice, have been much more productive than anything I've tried to do outside of it. Focussing on small games and short deadlines has forced me to make progress, to learn more about game design, and to learn from my mistakes much more quickly. And yet the community framework continues to evolve and develop *in the long term* as a result of contributions from these small games. I feel this is a practical and achievable approach. It doesn't get ahead of itself and it doesn't expect us to come up with super amazing engines up-front. The development of the small projects is interesting and fun and allows for creative experimentation and quick results. It's a model I feel drawn to mirror. Yes it would be *so nice* to have an amazing game editor up-front to develop all my games in, but that just isn't going to happen.

Also an idea that I had recently which I posted about on the forums was to put together a website to sell small games or games from other developers, as a kind of game `portal`, which would dedicate some or all of its proceeds towards the development of an Arm-CPU-supporting version of BlitzMax, and/or iPhone/iPod/iPad support. This sort of transformed into the idea of just using existing games to support `the cause` rather than expect new people to come up with new projects. But even then the idea has fizzled out into another good idea that isn't going to be practically implemented. The will to do it and the time to achieve it are just not there. Ring any bells?

But the one good part of the idea, which I liked and will carry forward, is to have a website where small games are sold. It's just that, at least for now, they'll be only the small games that I create. I hope to build up a fairly large catalog of small games and sell them for some low price using some kind of forward-thinking business model. If this at all has anything to do with contributing toward future Blitz developments, remains to be seen, and is too much for me to take on by myself. But overall I like the idea of a portal for small low-cost games.

So this is where things are heading now. And the first game I want to make is something that I came up with by myself that has pretty much nothing to do with trying to match up to what is popular or what is already out there. It's going off on a tangent of creative experimentation. And that's what feels satisfying.

Also I am going to put less emphasis on game development being `the only thing I do`, to free up time to do other artistic things, which I think for me will be more satisfying. I'd like to get into music more, singing, graphics, my programming book, and also other artistic outlets.

Stay tuned for game #1 coming to a theater near you very soon.

Check out my Game Development Blog -ImaginaryHuman-

Programming a Language(Posted 2010-01-30)
My recent efforts have been mostly toward designing a new programming language system. I have come to realize that trying to write the kind of games I want to make entirely in BlitzMax code is too time consuming, boring and tedious. My ideas for games are just too time-consuming to practically implement. Trying to test new ideas or just play with adjustments is much too long-winded to do in an 'edit-the-code, re-compile-the-code, start-executing-from-the-beginning, get-to-where-you-might-see-the-new-idea, repeat' kind of approach. So I have been thinking a lot about the future of programming and what would be a more efficient system. NO programming would be a start ;-)

I am now focussing on the development and refinement of a multi-level programming language system. The system will run on my `virtual machine` which a multithreaded script execution system. It differs from other approaches in some significant ways.

Most if not all programming languages have you write the program at a higher level and then convert the program into machine code, or something interpretable, which is often very difficult and time consuming. I propose to do things the other way around. Let's start with the machine code.

All programs are always stored in, created in, edited in and kept executable in a low-level machine-code-like format which runs directly on the virtual machine without any further modification. The machine code format I've chosen is similar to the machine codes running on CPU's, ie a simple sequence of `opcode, data`. The opcodes can do really simple things, e.g add two numbers together, move some data to memory, etc, OR it could be a really high-level library of functionality for a game engine, GUI system, or whatever. The important thing is that the virtual machine can directly run the `program` without having to do any interpretation or compilation - not even needing to interpret what the opcode means. I have this part working already, albeit needing to flesh out the language/libraries a bit more.

Then there begins a process of deliberately doing what we'd call `reverse engineering`. Usually in reverse engineering it is difficult to result in a program that directly matches the original sourcecode, for many reasons. Among them are a) there were optimization steps which intermixed and rearranged and re-coded various instructions, b) things like label names, function names, variable names etc may not be a part of the final program, c) there could have been significant steps necessary to convert the sourcecode into a program and the program might not contain the original structural representation of the original.

All of these obstacles can be completely overcome by not losing all of this information in the first place. On top of the `virtual machine code` I will implement a language somewhat similar to assembly language. Many of you know that there is usually very little that gets lost in the conversion from assembler to machine code - it's pretty much a 1-for-1 instruction mapping. Apart from any optimizations that might be applied at assembly-time, you could mostly reverse engineer from machine-code to assembler and it would look quite similar to the original, except perhaps for label names and any references to macros.

So what I plan to do is have an exact 100% 1-for-1 mapping between the machine language and the assembly language. In effect, the assembly language is then simply a `visualization of` the machine code. ie opcode/data xyz turns into a a specific instruction with specific parameters. At this level there isn't going to be any fancy structure. I might add variable names and labels and store them somewhere in the machine code, I'm not sure yet.

Also stored will be any information about the use of macros. Macros in a language like assembly (or any language) are really nice. Basically you define a piece of code which will be inserted in place of a reference to that piece of code. Usually the replacement is made by inserting the full code in place of the reference at assembly time. What I'll do is make the macro a simple `gosub`-style subroutine call. It will be possible to mix high-level and low-level commands together in macros or any part of the program, creating any amount of hierarchical structure. Higher-level vs lower-level commands then basically flattens out into a single level, where the high/low complexity is left up to the virtual machine to perform either simple or complicated operations behind the scenes.

Whereas higher level commands can accomplish more processing with less overhead, I plan also to have multiple `levels` to the language. Let's say, the assembly level, and maybe 2 or more levels above that, like having multiple languages on top of each other. The important thing will be that commands at a higher level can `break down` into macros comprising lower-level commands. The higher level commands therefore are either macro references or references to a single machine-level command, which either can execute a single piece of code as one command or which can `decompose` into a lower-level representation of the same functionality - which is editable per instance. In a sense, you can then `customize` the functionality. So if you want to start out on a higher level with a command like `open a screen`, you could say ok, I want to customize what that does, so it breaks down into an `open a screen` macro written at a lower level.

The important part of all this is that every command and every level always maintains/stores all of the information it needs to *simultaneously* keep the code of every level plus the machine code representation, all hard-wired together. As you add a higher level command, the lower levels are automatically programmed and the appropriate machine code commands are automatically inserted into the machine code. It's like self-modifying code `as you type`. Therefore the code can be executed immediately, and therefore it leads to the highly desirable scenario of editing `live` programs as they run. This completely removes the separation between `development` and `use`, which I believe is a much more productive and natural solution.

Compilation and interpretation are never needed because the machine code is being written at the same time as the higher level structure. There is never any `optimization` at any level because this would rearrange the direct mapping of commands, and most true optimization will be performed behind the scenes in the virtual machine's code. There is never an intermixing of lower level commands derived from higher ones. The whole multi-level structure is kept constantly intact at all times, including all of the macro layering. In the end, higher level programs are then simply direct `visualizations of` machine code programs. The machine-code program can then be distributed/sent over a network and reconstructed into exactly the same higher-level representations on the other end. We start with machine code and reverse-engineer it to represent it as a higher language. This is the complete opposite of the `write the higher level then convert it to machine code` paradigm.

Multiple visualizers are also possible, since you can represent the lower level in whatever high-level way you like. Also I believe that the IDE itself has to be `a part of the language`, because everything is really One unified system. The IDE has to provide language structuring functionality in order to `manage` the reverse translation/mapping from machine code. So if you wanted to start representing machine code instruction sequences as something high-level-ish like `if x=y and z=p+1 then r=12+(18-y)`, the IDE itself would be responsible for managing the structural mapping that allows this to directly map to machine code. The code is then just a way to `display` what the machine code is doing. This might lead to some small limitations in the syntax rules allowed at higher levels, but nothing too major.

Since I want to get this `game/graphics editor` up and running as soon as possible, I am now putting a hold on adding library functionality, and am focussing instead on solidifying the `level 1` assembly language instructions. Once that's in place I will either start on a simple program editor/IDE or start working on a `level 2` language. Ultimately I do believe that a programming language is just another aspect of `getting the computer to do stuff`, just as is operating a GUI or using a game interface. So eventually the expression of a machine code program would be representable as all of these things, just as is usually the case with traditional software.

On a totally different note, I am also slightly distracted right now with some fresh ideas about lossless compression. One feature I want in my editor is a home-grown lossless video/animation compression format, also for images and maybe other data. Compression is one of my side interests that I've dabbled in before with reasonable but not groundbreaking results. But I've got the `compression bug` again so I'm dabbling with that right now.

Sorry about the length of this post, writing it out helps me to solidify the ideas. :-)

Check out my Game Development Blog -ImaginaryHuman-

Future Programming(Posted 2010-01-23)
Ok so now I am thinking about making a simple IDE to start with for the handling of a simple script language. This would be the next step for the project. So today I have been researching languages, particularly script languages, including ARexx. I also looked into visual programming interfaces.

There is something about current visual programming that turns me off and I don't seem to be the only person who feels that way. Looking at a `program` which presents its syntax visually with boxes and interconnecting wires, makes no sense at all. What does it mean? It's more like an attempt to make a program look like a bunch of hardware with cables plugged in all over the place. Why on earth would taking software back towards the hardware help us?

I have to say honestly I have been dumbfounded looking at these things trying to understand even the most basic idea of what it means or how it works. I look and I read little words or `ports` attached to these boxes with wires going all over the place and it just looks like a big horrible mess. That it requires some kind of explaination makes it terrible for learning or for beginners, or indeed for non-programmers whom it's supposed to help in the first place.

After some further reading I can get a better sense of the concept of `data flow programming` and `visual instruments` etc but it's just too cryptic at first. And once you start to get bigger structures with things feeding back into other things it's really hard to understand what the flow is going to be like or what's going to happen in different circumstances. Argh!

That's not to say visual programming is totally a bad idea, but I'm not sure it's been done right yet. But one thing I do know is that entirely text-based programming is not right either. All the little rules that require you to get the syntax right and do stuff which the IDE should be doing automatically makes it a long and arduous process. Honestly, big coding projects are a turn-off. A better IDE helps of course, but an entirely `type the program yourself` approach is too longwinded.

So I'm looking into an alternative approach, some kind of hybrid of text and visuals perhaps. But moreso, I think that `script programming` should be more integrated into the application environment, whereby creating stuff is more of an experience and less of a separate task. It should all just flow along as you need it, and the computer should be generating the algorithms for you. There is a lot that we can get the computer to do which would make the whole experience much less painful.

I think overall I have to think of `programming` as just an aspect of a single unified experience rather than something that leads to the experience. I still have quite a bit of work to do on this before the concept will solidify enough to make some code, but it's getting there. I would like for the computer to do more of the work, to speak my own language, rather than me having to conform to its picky little fancies.

Ok, so enough ranting for now, back to it.

Check out my Game Development Blog -ImaginaryHuman-

Pixels(Posted 2010-01-19)
Hey. So it's 2010.

Last year I learned a lot about game development, particularly by participating in the Blitz community framework competition twice. Working on a small short-term project really helps you to focus on a goal. It really helps to learn how to say NO to the 15 million ideas and distractions that pop up.

Projects NEVER get finished unless they have limits placed on them. Being finished means the project comes to a boundary and stops. But stopping is unnatural and hinders creativity! But if you don't apply limits, you'll be swimming in an endless ocean of possibilities forever. Argh!

But it's fun to do so, for a while, and sometimes you MUST to do in order to be open enough to receive new inspiration. Too much time spent being `open` does not get a project finished, but too much time spent being `closed` makes a project lifeless. It's one of those balancing acts. With that in mind, I am setting forth in 2010 with renewed `efficiency of vision`, focus and determination.

I now have a clearer vision of what I am aiming for, which really is a merger of all the things I've been working on. I want to focus more time on the application-development side of things, to create an environment in which to work and to only later use that environment to create games or whatever.

I realized that writing even a small game from scratch can be quite a chore. Having to do everything in what is essentially a text editor is totally impractical for any larger project. And then having to recompile and start execution from the beginning to get to where you want, just to be able to test it, is just no fun. I NEED the system I'm creating in order to create that system.

What this means is getting out of the `I'll write more back-end functionality that I'll pull together later` mode, and into the `get the system working asap` mode. Once the system is working and I can work `in` the system to start doing stuff, I can be much more productive, and probably feel more satisfied that I'm getting results.

I'm pretty happy with my multithreaded script execution system. It probably needs some rounding out and a bit more testing but it works - it's quite a complicated piece of code so I don't really want to mess with it any more. I need to now flesh out some more useful `language` functionality and think about how to create a basic `script editor` that runs within the system.

This probably depends on a couple of other things which need to be in place to some degree. The first of those is a funky spacial partitioning/organizing system which will be used to organize most of the system objects and resources as well help with collision detection and stuff - a kind of scene graph sorta thing. I have a clear design now for how it will work. The other thing is some kind of graphical output needed in order to display the components of a script editor.

Making a system which runs from a script engine is kind of like setting up an operating system in a way. You start out with this basic little `dos` interface/shell/command-line thingy just barely able to create a really basic script editor/compiler, and then you build upon it, and gradually amazing things take shape.

The nice thing will be that almost all of the rest of the system (other than back-end functionality/language libraries) can be written in the script language itself. That should save a huge amount of time because the language will be quite high-level, requiring not very many instructions to do useful things. And then my escape from lower-level programming will be a step closer. :-)

During a phase of re-clarification recently I have been drifting around a bit, slightly caught in that phase of `coming up with a name for it`. I figured I'd check out possible future domain names. Finding something that sounds good and that is available is VERY difficult. It's nuts, in fact.

Some of the sites you find hidden behind otherwise highly-interesting domain names are such a waste and makes the search only more frustrating as I'm sure some of you know. But I have come up with a few possibilities. For now I am going with a secret working title just to get out of the infinite loop of exploration and will decide on a name much later down the line.

I'm quite excited now to continue with this project and to take it to the next level. I have a tonne of cool ideas that I want to get to. Stay tuned.

Check out my Game Development Blog -ImaginaryHuman-

2D Effects(Posted 2009-11-15)
Okay so the past couple of weeks have taken me off on a different tangent. I find for some reason that after I finish a certain milestone, ie get something working at the current level, then I need time to step away from it and get ready for the next stage. Once I got the compound vector shapes working (yay) I found myself stepping back to change direction again - to reevaluate where things stand given recent progress.

Although on the one hand it would be quite impressive to be able to stick to a single project or to have it all planned out and foreseen right from the start, I just find that things kind of take on a life of their own and `the unexpected` comes along to say hey, did you consider this? And then based on this new possibility you find yourself going off in a direction you never thought of before. Which can be a very good thing, and indeed although it might not be rational or expected, it can be a very intuitive process of discovery.

Justifications aside, I've been dabbling with ideas surrounding a 2D destructible landscape game. I think I've talked about this kind of game before. It's where you view a slice of ground from the side and can manipulate it by adding, removing and altering individual `land pixels`. Some people call that `destructible`, as opposed to not being able to change the environment, and works on a per-pixel level rather than per-tile.

This kind of engine brings with it a number of unique problems, the main ones being how to generate interesting landscapes, how to store multi-screen environments and draw them efficiently, and how to deal with things like falling particles and physics. It's not your typical tilemap engine. I've been giving all this a lot of thought.

I've played the demo version of Atomic Cannon quite a bit, and I would say it's probably the forerunner of these kind of game engines (not that I'm making another tank game). It supports any resolution you throw at it and runs at a reasonable (but not fast) speed. I played it on my HDTV at 1920x1080 and it looks pretty nice. It's not really designed for such high resolutions but it does work, and suggests to me that a really high-res game would look gorgeous if designed with that in mind from the start.

So I dabbled with a quick adjustment to my earlier landscape scrolling system just to see how much graphics can be thrown around at 1080p, and it performed better than expected - and much better than Atomic Cannon. I was surprised to be able to draw about 5 or 6 full-screen scrolling landscapes at 60hz on my lowly ATI X1600 (about 2 billion texels/second). This means a) lots of parallax is very feasible, and b) lots of graphic effects are possible.

So this got me thinking a lot about the rendering of the environment, given present day technologies. HDTV's and big-screen monitors are more popular than ever, which really calls for a very high-resolution game - which immediately increases the impact of all of the other issues. High resolution means more memory requirements, more rendering speed, and the need for a trans-resolution environment generator. All of this is doable. Given the availability of usually 1-2 gigabytes of main memory on most modern computers, a reasonably large environment is possible.

I've also been trying to find ways to do things like more advanced lighting, shadows, bumpmaps, reflections/refractions, heat distortion, screen warping, 2d radiosity, and other cool effects in realtime - but without shaders. Although I have a nice thick book about GLSL shaders and it's all very modern and cool, some part of me still likes to find ways to do things within the confines of older technologies - simpler methods that work on a wider range of computers. I don't want the game to be something you can only play if you have a top of the line PC, or that only shows its full features on such a machine. Indeed, OpenGL 1.3 seems to have most if not all of the features I would need to pull this off, and I could probably do some fallbacks to 1.1.

So, the game/engine is aiming toward being quite flexible, scriptable, and to include in-game editor(s). With the major absence of multi-player options for people using the same computer, it will include a wealth of multi-player capabilities both local and networked. It will support realtime play and fast-paced action. I don't want to give too much away about the game itself because I think it's going to be quite unique and something that hasn't been seen before.

Check out my Game Development Blog -ImaginaryHuman-

Quick update(Posted 2009-11-02)
Hi folks. Just a quick update.

Am still delving into procedural generation and also design of my new procedural puzzle game. Meanwhile on the coding front I have been integrating some vectorgraphics routines and higher-level compound objects into my game engine. Here is a quick shot of a single object composed from 10 cubic bezier curves, calculated and rendered in realtime with antialiasing and transparency. There's a few minor little details to sort out with the antialiasing but it looks pretty decent for motion game graphics.

The colored square is just there as part of my aspect-ratio correction system which I used to test for correct proportions and positioning, etc. My game world is centered at 0,0 in the middle of the screen so it just helps me to see where I am (it's not a vector object).

As you can see any overlapping parts of the vector object are inverted to produce holes - fairly normal inversion behavior for now. I might figure out how to make the holes solid in future when I delve into constructive solid geometry operations.

This shot is just to show that I now have a working system of single vector objects which can be composed from multiple individual straight lines, large batches of precalculated points, and various orders of bezier curve (up to 65536 points per curve - although anything more than like 10 or 20 control points per bezier is more cpu intensive and not very useful - except maybe for easy spirals). These three vertex generators combine to create a contour of renderable triangles. After a little bit of stencil buffer magic, hey presto, a rendered vector object in a single function call. :-)

Now to build upon this, add things like gradients and texture coordinate generators, and then to build an `editor` of some kind so that I can actually start creating some game content :-D

Check out my Game Development Blog -ImaginaryHuman-

Procedural Generation(Posted 2009-10-12)
Almost 3 months since my last post here! You might be interested in my other blog: where I've posted a couple of things more recently.

Here I thought I'd talk about procedural content generation. But first, news that I'm working on a puzzle game right now. It's one of several games that are kind of on the go in parallel. It's mostly a time-management game with lots of multitasking and a somewhat urgent `action-puzzle' theme. Something loosely along the lines of casual games like Cake Mania, Airport Mania and the many other time management games, but approached in quite a different way. And by that I absolutely do not mean `with a twist`. ;-) I think it will be very different.

My goal initially was to design a bunch of levels and objects but then I started thinking about user-generated content. See the post on my wordpress blog about creativity in games. Although I have spiritual/philosophical aspirations behind my reasoning, there is something to be said for make a game bigger by getting the user involved in creating it, as an ongoing process, and where creating stuff IS the game. So I figured I would do a game featuring user-generated content.

Then it also occurred to me that it would still require quite a lot of time and effort on my part to create useful content to begin with, to have something to base the game on. So then I started thinking about procedurally generated content, or user-mediated content ie where the user makes very easy/simple decisions from a variety of `procedural` possibilities. Games like Spore do this by letting you easily create stuff (user-created) but also combined with procedural (computer-generated) content handled behind the scenes.

So now it's turning into a procedurally-generated, user-customized action puzzle game. I have been having trouble getting my head around how this will work exactly, and still have some designing to do to anchor the ideas into a practical and workable solution.

I can see how procedurally generating stuff will initially be quite difficult - so much to consider in terms of all the possible things it could potentially generate, some of which may not be desirable or playable. But once that is in place, and if I can do it well, it will mean being able to generate game elements, characters, levels, and larger environments very very quickly and with huge variety. I hope also to be able to design it so that I can control the difficulty level using a variety of factors like complexity, time-needed, number of objects involved, ways of solving it, etc. Then eventually the initial game will be just a matter of designing a `graph` of adjustments to these parameters which produces the overall path through the game. Also the cool thing then is you can adjust the graph in-game to change the progression of difficulty, e.g. play lots of easy levels, jump straight to harder levels, etc

I also hope to combine easy-to-configure-and-use `templates` and level/object-creation tools, which will make it much easier to create `meaningful` content rather than just random stuff. Lots of work still to do in designing the whole system and how it'll work. But I pretty much have a good idea so far of how the puzzle aspect and main gameplay will work. Leaving the door open for future unexpected ideas and changes, though ;-)

I'm also shooting initially for setting the game in the future, and being very comedy focussed/light-hearted/exaggerated. There is a reason why `funny` contains the word `fun`. :-D

Check out my Game Development Blog -ImaginaryHuman-

Anti-Aliased Bezier Shapes(Posted 2009-07-22)
I've been working on creating filled bezier curves. It's a three-step process - calculate points along the beziers, convert the beziers into triangles, and render.

There are some good references on the web about this kind of thing, some quite technical, but I did manage to implement a technique that I am very pleased with.

Hey presto - filled, transparent, fully antialiased (and soon to be filled with textures and real-time gradients) cubic bezier objects (Note, this is not a scaled-down image, this is the original output):

Running on a single CPU core at 2GHz (e.g. Intel Core 2 Duo single-threaded - will run in multiple threads via my scripting system), the calculation of the curves takes about 1 millisecond for around 400 curves. Each curve in this test is made of 50 triangles. That turns into about 20,000 triangles per frame, or 1.2 million per second.

The curves are calculated entirely in real-time and can be constantly animated. Calculation of their positions and shape is not very intensive, in fact I can calculate about 50-60,000 curves per frame at 60fps - about 3 million per second - around 75 million bezier calculations per second. Not bad :-)

Rendering is done with OpenGL 1.1 (and no extensions) in BlitzMax, and is therefore hardware accelerated. I tested on a fairly average mid-range ATI X1600, and on an ATI Radeon 2400 Pro - both around the 2 billion texels/second range - nowhere near the 80+billion of the high end cards. It runs about the same speed on both. Rendering the image takes about 15 times as long as calculating the curves, so it's quite dependent on video card performance and fill-rate.

In terms of antialiasing, every object is fully antialiased in realtime. There are different types of antialiasing out there. For example, full screen antialiasing would work, and comes in a few flavors based on the number of levels of color gradient that can be used to smooth edges. e.g. 2xFSAA gives you only one other in-between color with which to smooth the edge. 4x gives you 4, 8x gives you 8, 16x gives you 16. So the 16xFSAA really is only like using a 4-bit color palette to antialiase the edges. You'd need 256xFSAA for 24-bit color, which would mean 65536 samples per pixel!

Then there is also supersampling. You could draw the image very very large, like 4 times larger, and then grab it, and then draw it scaled down with texture filtering. This would to some degree smooth the edges, but at 4-times larger that translates to only 4 possible shades with which to represent an edge, plus needing lots of rendering throughput.

There are some other funky methods like using the accumulation buffer, whereby you move the camera by a sub-pixel amount several times, each time rendering and accumulating the entire buffer. Kinda slow. You could also grab the rendered backbuffer and draw it 4 times at half-pixel offsets in a 2x2 grid with alpha blending set to 25%. That would work, but again requires extra grabbing and rendering.

One of the problems with some of these methods is also that if you jitter an existing image to antialiase it, you can only go based off the previously rendered pixels, with no real knowledge of sub-pixel accuracy, so it ends up not really looking as smooth as it should.

The method I settled on is object-based antialiasing, or simply, the line and polygon antialiasing built into OpenGL, which is based entirely on pixel coverage at sub-pixel accuracy. This sub-pixel accuracy translates to floating-point levels of coverage - ie `this polygon covers this pixel by 0.523423%`, which in turn becomes full 24-bit-color antialiased edge pixels. And it looks great! And it's fast!

Here is a magnified shot with no anti-aliasing at all:

And here is much the same shot with perfect antialiasing:

And here you can see how it deals effortlessly with sub-pixel accuracy. You can draw your bezier shapes to any float/double coordinates and it'll represent correctly in terms of antialiased edges and corners. Here is a real close-up of the antialiasing of a shape, showing how even very slight curvature can translate into many many pixels of antialiasing, not just a limited range:

There is a slight issue right now of the corner pixels sometimes going black, as you can see above, but it's an easy fix.

And, finally, a smaller bezier object up-close, so you can see that the antialiasing works fine with overlapping objects.

My next step is to turn this into more library functions for my engine, to get texturing up and running, to implement a variety of realtime gradients, to figure out how to do other blend modes besides alpha-blending at the same time as antialiasing, and to start putting together an editor :-) - then.... to build a game :-D

Check out my Game Development Blog -ImaginaryHuman-

Update(Posted 2009-07-12)
I have been recently doing a lot of work in the area of curves - generating them and drawing them. It's an interesting area and not one that I've explored much before - partly because I sort of had a thing against vector graphics as being limiting and not very hands-on. But I'm changing my mind. I can see that they are very useful in the area of resolution independence, being able to create very high resolution graphics based on the same data used to scale down to lower-res screens. In this era of very large displays, vector graphics are a good option for overcoming the challenge of `how to draw high-res graphics and not take forever doing it`.

I came up with an algorithm based on the one first published by De Casteljau, as demonstrated in animated fashion at the wikipedia page on bezier curves. I modified the basic implementation a bit to keep track of the absolute coordinates more efficiently (since it uses a lot of relative distances), and this led to a much simpler-looking approach.

This in turn made it more obvious how I could code a generic routine, able to handle any number of control points in a single curve. So I got that up and running - it works well, about 1.4 times slower than a hard-coded routine for cubic beziers, for example, but it can handle any number of control points. I tested it with 50 - interesting, but a LOT more computation required. I am not sure really what the benefits are of having lots of control points for a single curve section - maybe to more easily create spirals or loops, but for most things cubic beziers are plenty good enough and much faster to calculate (although half as fast as quadratic beziers). Despite being able to hard-code 5 or 6 control point beziers, which I have, I don't think I'm going to bother going beyond 4-point cubic beziers.

I've also been led to question whether to use double-precision floating point. I know that I'd like to be able to really zoom into vector art deeply and still see good precision in tiny graphical details, which I think will be a problem for single-precision floats. In the tests I've done so far, doubles seem to be in most cases exactly the same speed to use as floats - at least as far as calculating beziers and drawing them with vertex arrays is concerned. That's promising! I also put together a fixed-point version, using unsigned integers with 16:16 precision - about a 16% speedup. Whether that's really worth pursuing is questionable.

What I will be doing in the days to come is writing additional versions of all of my OpenGL `basic drawing` functions, to use Doubles and Fixed Point as well as the standard float versions. It's a fairly simple task but a bit laborious since it means also updating my script system's library of functionality. I also probably will add extra vertex array support for triangle strips/quad strips - I'll need them to implement proper antialiasing and things like thicker lines, stroking of lines, and wrapping text to curves etc.

I think I'm probably going to have to put together a simple vectorgraphics editor. Inkscape is my inspiration - it's a pretty nice program, fairly well laid out. I don't think I'll have as many features or as fancy a GUI but just something that works well enough to use. Then I'll use it to generate graphics for my game.

I'm looking to create a short-term christmas theme'd game which would include a basic game engine and fun graphics. Then later on I would expand on the game engine and create new graphics with a whole different theme. This way I can use the christmas game as a test-bed for getting the basic stuff up and running, and also provide opportunity to test the game dynamics. It doesn't matter if it doesn't sell that great to begin with but I am hoping it'll lead to something more popular.

Back to the coding side of things, I also have to figure out how to draw smoother sharp-angled curves, without just piling on lots more segments across the whole line. There are algorithms for dynamic segment adjustment, based on the angle between each section of the curve, and the potential length of that section. Basically as the curve gets tighter or takes a sharper bend it should be generated with more short segments, while more gradual curves should use fewer, longer segments.

One of the approaches I'm thinking to take in general, is to calculate an array of curve-segment coordinates, and then pass that array to glDrawArrays to draw all of the segments at once. I also am looking to store such geometry into display lists. I have found a way to turn bezier shapes into solid filled shapes on the fly using the stencil buffer, which is great. But it doesn't store the triangle data - it just draws it. One thing I need to figure out still is how to tesselate a filled bezier shape and store the triangle data in memory for later use.

One thing I plan to do to maximize use of curve data, is to be able to calculate it and draw in separate or combined stages. So you'll be able to just calculate curve points, calculate and draw, calculate and store for later drawing, and draw from stored calculations. Plus somewhere in there will be the tesselating and storing triangles for later rendering. Then beyond that I have to plan out how to either draw on top of graphics or draw to graphics buffers, later to use compositing (drawing of textures) to render them. Filled bezier shapes will be fillable with anything from other bezier curves to other bezier shapes, textures, gradients, even whole games, etc. Lots to do.

Check out my Game Development Blog -ImaginaryHuman-

Camera's at the ready(Posted 2009-06-13)
I've been putting together a camera object this past week and it's pretty much done now and integrated into the script language. Resolution independence is in there, as is adjustment based on a `design-time` resolution/aspect, and configurable physical screen measurement aspect. So aspect ratio correction is in place to deal with non-proportional screen modes, proportional ones, and the difference between the mode that the graphics were designed in and the mode being used. This lets me design graphics in a resolution independent from how they will be displayed, so that I can be sure of consistency. I can control the size on-screen and perhaps even keep the graphics at a fixed physical size regardless of monitor size or resolution.

In order to be resolution independent, or at least as part of the sytem (because it really permeates through a lot of the graphics stuff), I use a coordinate system that isn't based on pixels. You can decide whether the width or height will be locked to a total of 1.0 units, and then the other dimension is adjusted when doing aspect correction etc. So the coordinates by default have the camera centered at 0,0 in the middle of the screen, top and bottom for example might be -0.5 and +0.5, then the left and right would be whatever to keep proportion (that is if the viewport/camera covers the whole screen). I suppose the center could be in the top or bottom left corner if that is more intuitive - I will have to implement an `origin`. I was thinking of going with percentages and having the screen be `100% height`, and then defining graphics positions as percentages, but I think the 0..1 range is okay, keeps it simple and uses more of the floating point accuracy. I don't want the float numbers to get too big that they lose their accuracy on `large` levels. I am keeping in mind, however, super-large levels based on local coordinate systems inside bounding volumes.

Later, a part of resolution independence will pertain to how to generate graphics. Making stuff look good at any resolution is tricky. Instead of pre drawing or pre rendering graphics at a specific resolution, there are a couple of solutions - either render them at a very high resolution and scale them down in the game, or build the objects as vectorgraphics and either scale in realtime or generate a set of graphics based on the run-time resolution. This at least may let the edges of parts of objects remain accurate and pixel-smooth, leaving only the textures with a scaling problem. I will probably go with the latter as it offers more possibilities. Any kind of texture or pre-drawn pattern is always an issue with resolution independence so I suppose I will just use high resolution textures and scale as needed. I also plan to use lots of splines based on my original subdivision cubic beziers, which are able to emulate various other types of splines.

Resolution independence lets you run in ANY screen mode from something small like 640x480 up to massive like 8192x4096 or whatever, which is cool. With so many people now owning big screens it calls for a change in game design - instead of just scaling everything up to fit the screen, I will offer a mode of play where you get a bigger play area and the game objects remain at a given `actual` size - like dots per inch or something. The game objects only need to be big enough to be a good visible size, so why not have a really huge play area visible? :-) A game character doesn't need to be 10 inches tall if 2 inches is enough. Of course, this also supports all widescreens and all aspect ratios ... so that calls for designing the kind of games which can adapt their play area size dynamically. I think this will lend itself well to fast moving games where you need to be aware of the nearby environment as soon as possible.

I am also planning to do display orientation, whereby you can rotate the screen by 90/180/270 degrees. The entire game will then play as normal but just at a different angle - so you'd turn your widescreen monitor on its side to get a `tall screen` display, great for certian types of games such as vertical shootemups. I realized the rotation can easily and more reliably be achieved by simply rotating the modelview matrix rather than messing up the frustum settings for the projection matrix. So it should be easy to both implement and to animate transitions between orientations. I'm not sure if my first game will use this feature, though because it's meant to be a sideways shootemup. Maybe a bonus level? Or a different mode of play? :-D Or maybe this feature will wait for a future game.

Just a few final things to tweak about the camera and then onto the next part. I have started to see the need for developing the script language further, which means figuring out how I'm going to store and access `variables`, and also how to set a real Global from inside the scope of the script - some kind of doorway to the outside. I also need to sort out returned values - when a function comes back with a returned value it stores it in an empty parameter slot after the opcode instruction. The question now is how to move that value to some other location, to store it in a variable, etc. And then I also need to do language stuff like loops and ifs etc.

Finally, I sometimes have a dream at night where I see a game. There are usually some aspects of it that go back and forth between looking like it's on a screen and looking like it's a real 3D environment. Last night I had one of these, showing a very simple game quite similar to missile command. Some of the features I saw, which I was apparently studying during the dream, have both parallels and new inspiration for my shootemup. So much so in fact that I may possibly put together the exact game that I saw as an early `test` game for my engine. The graphics were extremely minimal - only 2 colors, only dots and lines, but it showed the gameplay in a good light. It gave me some new ideas for my game's animation, since it was doing things I've never seen before :-D Ahhh dreams.

Check out my Game Development Blog -ImaginaryHuman-

Full steam ahead(Posted 2009-06-08)
Having recently got the thread pool working again, and now having fleshed it out a bit with some useful commands, I'm about at the point where I can add a new timing system. Probably some variation of fixed rate logic as mentioned before.

However, before I do that, the exciting thing now is that I integrated the main thread into the thread pool. This means that now the main thread is executing a script program just like all the other threads, and successfuly can now run a program to open an OpenGL display and use it :-) And what that in turn means is, the whole `main program` is now script based from this point onwards!

Of course there is still much to write in terms of the script language, function libraries, etc, but the main flexible core of the system - the program that pulls it all together and `uses` the engine, is now in script form. Developing a `game` from this point on means expanding the main script and other scripts to make use of new libraries of functionality.

I'm debating what to do next. I have to get the Camera system working, to support all the cool display features, but it depends partly on the graphics system which still needs a revision. Also the fixed rate logic system and other timing stuff - timing of script execution etc, needs to be done but again is partly dependent on the graphics system. So I think I'm going to have to start working on the graphics part of the engine again, including the camera.

I don't think the camera part will take too long, I have some older code I can modify and add some features to. I then have a library of general-purpose drawing functions using OpenGL, I'm guessing I will make that fully available in scripts but I also have a bunch of features that need t be added. Did I mention there is already full support in scripts for the full OpenGL 1.1 API, and later versions to come? :-D

Beside the engine I got a bit distracted yesterday researching about the Sonic The Hedgehog games, which were very cool in their day and still are (at least the original 1,2,3 and the CD one - all the 2D ones). Seeing it in action again on youtube and in a tech demo of a high-resolution remake that's underway, I'm inspired to want to make a really fast 2D platformer. But for now I am focussing on the task at hand - to get the engine developed and to get a good shootemup game under my belt.

Check out my Game Development Blog -ImaginaryHuman-

Executing, again(Posted 2009-06-06)
In the past few days I threw together a re-written thread-pool script execution engine, and it is now working. :-) Of course I could re-use much of the code from the old system so I didn't have to write too much. I kept the script programs the same and just changed the thread pool and execution system.

It seems I could do about 460 threads on Windows Vista, not that I'd want to. I probably won't need more than like 16 or something. Basically right now I create all the threads and they immediately execute a little program which puts the thread in a waiting state until signalled to continue. So then the `scheduler`, whatever that will be, will come along and insert the appropriate program to be executed, and trigger the thread to resume. Programs are always ended with the same `done` instruction which puts the thread on dormant again and frees it up for new work.

One program per thread. No multiplexing. No trying to juggle timeslices or process priorities. Nice and simple and much much cleaner than the old system, and no sign of any crashing, which is always a good thing. I still have to pass an object into each function so that it can properly increment the program counters and access instruction parameters, which I was hoping to avoid, but no problem - I was able to make the calling of instructions faster due to not being tied into the mess of virtual processes. So I think it's faster overall. Haven't tested it yet.

What I have to do now is figure out how I'm going to do the game timing. There have been lots of good discussions about fixed rate logic and all that so I will review those and choose a suitable system. Essentially what I'm thinking of, is a fixed-rate timing system that kind of acts as a simple task scheduler, where instead of directly calling a piece of logic code to be executed it will pass it to the threadpool to work on. So I have to consider how to tell if the thread is finished and get things synchronized.

I have thought before about how to do timing, in various ways, and different approaches have their benefits. As usual there is no perfect system. Lots of things to consider - cpu speed, gpu performance, time taken to flip the display, user input responsiveness, animation, physics stability/determinism, networking, different refresh rates, tweening or delta, etc. But I gotta remind myself - all together now ... "keep it simple"! :-)

Check out my Game Development Blog -ImaginaryHuman-

Focus(Posted 2009-06-02)
Hey folks.

For a while I was getting into writing a programming book. It's coming along and will continue into the future. There are still lots of parts to write, but right now it's temporarily on hold. Not like `officially` on hold, just that I'm doing other things. I need the variety.

I recently switched gears to participate in the first BlitzMax community framework competition. I spent about 3 weeks in a time-crunch mode trying to get code written and working. I was trying to achieve a very large fractally-generated destructible landscape, spooled from main memory, with scorched-tanks-like gameplay. Well, the generating worked but the scrolling and spooling system was a bit tricky to get working right. Eventually my super-efficient technique did not work 100% right all of the time, so I had to opt for a more brute-force method eventually to make it not have visual errors, as a quick bandaid. It's something for me to come back to and fix at a later date. It's along the lines of some of the kind of games I want to create.

I managed to get four different types of landscape to generate - flatlands, foothills, mountains and cliffs, with three different rendering modes - flat shades, gradient-filled and textured. Also four layers of parallax, all custom generated (except sky), and two of which are dynamically spooled landscapes. Sorry about the totally crap last-second title screen and name, but here's a shot showing almost everything that was implemented in the 3-week time frame (minus 2 tanks and naff shot firing):

So anyway, eventually it looked like it might've been heading towards being a fun game, but the `game` part of it didn't quite emerge. In fact it was not really playable at all. But it did serve as an interesting experiment and a cool landscape generator. And I won third prize in spite of there being no real `game` to play! ;-)

But what was really important for me was the effect that this timecrunch had on how I look at game development. I will go on record now to state that time limits, short and long term goals, and the simplification that these can instill, can be very valuable. I really don't like time limits at all, but when you are `forced` to really examine what is important, what has to get chopped, what can be added in future as an expansion, and how to *get results* sooner, it really can speed along progress in `actually creating a game`. This is all part of learning to be a better game developer. With the competition I surprised myself with how much I could get done on a more specific project, and inspired me with what I am capable of doing.

As prior readership of my other worklogs will tell you, I can get into a lot of detail and some very abstract ideas and philosophies. These are great, and there is a place for them in the creative design aspects of a game. But this alone isn't enough to get results. At some point it has to be condensed into a solidified form.

I can come up with SO many ideas that to implement them would take a very long time. And yet that is what I was essentially trying to do - developing a game engine, where I am trying to think about all the possible games you would want to create with it, and all the possible other uses of it, and all the things you'd want to know about being able to do ahead of time. That can really end up being a pile of abstract concepts with not much to show for it.

What the competition taught me is that these ideas are great but at some point you have to `get real`, in the sense of being practical, bringing the ideas into a physical form, prioritizing what you can `actually do` in a given timeframe, and looking at feasibility of what can be achieved or what is necessary. This is a good thing. The `pressure` of making a short term goal, like `I will try to get the display system written before the end of the week` has a lot of beneficial influence in shaping what you actually create and the choices you make. Of course, you don't want so much pressure that you chop out too much :-)

So, recently I've been working on coding again, towards a simpler, sleeker engine, which will really be targetted only at games to begin with. I won't be thinking too much about the kind of features you'd see in a graphics application, or multimedia stuff, or advanced networking, or a big-time graphics engine. Instead I am focussing on producing a simpler engine with a good solid core of features, with readiness to be expanded in future as other games unfold from it, and as needed, rather than `just in case`. There is a LOT to be said for writing code which is more specific than generic, although neither approach is the best and both need to balance each other. I figure that future games will dictate which features need to be added along the way, to expand and `grow` the engine over time rather than to do it all up-front. Turning it into a generic `creative environment` or `operating environment` or `graphics application` will come much later on the roadmap.

I've rewritten my display system and just have to redo the camera part of it now. I am making sure the major and minor features are all in place on this part because I can't easily change it later. Features include dealing with the projection matrix, handling *full* resolution independence, aspect ratio correction/adjustment, screen orientation, zooming, flipping, rotating, stretching, panning, positioning/aiming, animation and 3D stuff etc.

I also just realized, with a little help, that my `VirtualCPU` virtual machine script multitasking engine is going to need a bit of a rewrite. It was written before BlitzMax had real threads, and although I've now made it work with threads the architecture doesn't make as much sense. I am going to get rid of much of the scheduler and replace it with a simpler fixe-rate-logic timing system. I will get entirely rid of virtual `processes` and will find other ways to do multiple copies of programs. I won't be doing any multiplexing, and instead will focus on a one-script-per-thread model using a simpler thread pool. It will also allow me to dynamically allocate extra threads to running short tasks in parallel, where a single program can issue a section of code to be run by many threads at once and then come back to a single thread of execution. Sort of like virtual threads I guess, but optimized towards many thread splits/joins happening frequently as needed. So like if a piece of code suddenly needs to do a little loop in parallel it can quickly get other threads to work on it.

It will be much simpler, faster, less complicated and more reliable, and actually more capable in some areas. I've already designed the new architecture, now I just have to code it. Again it will be more aimed initially towards `games only` rather than a miriad of other possibilities. Part of the reason for this portion being rewritten is also because the current system is a bit crash-prone at times and I'm not sure why - it's gotten too complicated to manage or to trust. Lessons learned. The new system will be more solid and easier to expand later.

If there's one thing I can say now from experience, it's that you can't just dream about ideas and possibilities and designs. It REALLY helps to attach your ideas to a single limited project, with an achievable goal, and confine the code to only what is needed by that project, leaving extra bells and whistles for later implementation as needed. It just doesn't pay to spent a lot of time fleshing out an engine with stuff that would be nice for some people to maybe use but maybe not. Unless you are writing a game engine that you plan for other people to actually use to write their own games, it really isn't worth making it so all-inclusive. You can still have all-inclusive ideals and inspirations and designs in terms of media and game content and style etc, but program code really is just program code - just sit down and write what needs to be written rather than what you think you should write. You can let it be `limited` while still leaving room for future expansion. For example, I am writing a bitmap system based on separate channels instead of interleaved RGBA data. But I am not writing every piece of channel-processing code right now, I am just putting the basic framework of channels in place and only the code I need for this one game right now. This lets me expand in future if it's called for. My focus now is on seeing results sooner and with less effort.

So, you can hope to see a faster rate of progress from me over the coming months. My first major goal is to create a side-scrolling shootemup. My main focus is going to be on having fun, and narrowing my focus to concentrate on this game. It will be inspired from the likes of Defender, Datastorm, Deluxe Galaga, and some others, but with a quite original take on the environments, enemies, structure and story.

Check out my Game Development Blog -ImaginaryHuman-